, t li PAGE TiTO iras dailt xkws SUMMER SHOES In All Their Latest Colours And Styles Wedge Heels, Dutch Bay, Box Heels and Flange Heels in oMnbinataoB colors . hs brews and white, wine and while and green and white and multi colors. The Snappiest Shoes on. the Market-Up From F $1.95 A1LY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Gnd Shrw ADVERTISING EATES Pitrififd agTerU&g. per ird. per TivrTinn Local readers, per line, per icsertten New Department TeiephDe AiTcrtivinj and ClrtalaUon. Telephone Member of Audit Barran cf OreBlattans DAILY EDITION 1 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA P Wished ETery Aftnara, Except Sec day. by Prmre Rspert Daily Xtwx Limited. Tldrt! ATfime . H. r. PVUUES iUnattrg-Ittor Maedzy. Jane 19 1939. JS2 i WHAT TO WANT . . After;, we have wanted something a kmg time am. eventuaBy get it we find we do not want it very badly. Women f oaght tooth and nail for the right to vote and e . agreed that they were right in their contentions. Yet when they got the right to vote it was found that in a general way they voted the same way as men-Just before women obtained the right to vote in ada the people voted for a prohibition taw. An old party heeler who always was against prohibition remarked : Prohibition has eorae for good See what a huge majority they got and from this time on women will vote and they will be aD for prohibition.' Were they? They were not! It was women who voted for beer parlors jast as as their men. They help to form pubHc opinion much the same as men and they are neither better nor worse than persons of the opposite sex. In the development of democracy we find many evils, TOAT DUNNING SAID , Hon. Charles Dunning was recently made a Doctor of Laws at McGiH University. At the time he accepted the honor he addressed the graduating students and an interesting paragraph from his speech follows: "For the past few generations we have tended to take for granted the blessings of democratic government and of our institutions of ordered liberty and of our unique! .system, of self-government." j A BAD GOVERNMENT ! There are people who look upon the present government of Canada as a bad government. That is because some newspapers and some public men speak of it that way. Hon. C. D. Howe, the man who built the local" elevator, is a member of that government and, like Mr., Dun- nine, he too was made a Doctor of Laws only it was by erumeni, uiey siiuum ucar in uunu tnau iv is a guvenniienL freely elected by the people He also pointed out that the so-called bad governments in democratic countries main- tain for the people of those countries the highest standard of living in the world today. He might have said that the 1 mement democracies lost their liberties to dictators the standard of living began to drop. ( S PO RT' W00DERS0N CALIFORNIA LOSES OUT IS WINNER English Miler Uxr Por Shm WaihiarUa Ga CUe Eaa I Priarciaa laritatwn Care. rliiKh Sceood la lfciecie Cbarie Fensle Bring Pint j Kvhi Cli4c TENDERS WANTED I PRINCETOK Jane IS "CP" ! POUOHKEEPSIE Charies Fnuie von the Princcloa Jan If: CZ--C Wooderson. Encash, flash wn antaatea twelve and expected to break she record. fa- tcssH. Wiuha-r'.on ed bad its the last sjnarter. than a ten nil ishsng Afth aad last Woodernan j third cwr-1 rhad bee leadnag atU he waa . rint-s was arsr-nth and pot aft hat atriae. The w- uer s W i torn minnles. eie- ( sonn.ux rosiroxrn j Owtnc ne tM fter. the, opening pasae of tne Datanaton Day Cap fnftaaB arrtea. vnlek Vet to haw brni alayed itHirdaf M- noao and tut tTrnint. aere pa- paned. IEOVMONGCE GOUTS NORWICH, aactond Jane 17: CPt A widBi w discovered at the Norfolk Mane Festival, aeeard-mr to the j wires He is Robert , Caanar. 21 ir. ironaooser .plays tb rtolir. SOFTBALL TOMGirr 3$ Lipretti TV AtropolH Grott rv Three T irho oe tot ate ATense w Lowtat or WANTED the freedom which it guarantees; much as we do the ris- wanted cw for soda fountain ing of the sun in the morning. Each succeeding genera- and lunch. Da?e confectionery. tion is only dimly conscious of the progress made by prev-' n3) ious generations. The Canadian of today starts life with wanted woman cook. Apply all the advantages material, moral and spiritual which rcrfax- Fort st James Hotel, Ftsrt have been won by all who have gone before. He naturallvT; st James. m) therefore, tends to take for granted all the hard-won at- " p Rp VT tainments of the past We can only hope to continue to t-UK KbiNT hold our grogress and to build even better for the future furnished Apartment in van-bv cultivatinir an understanding of the value and realitv a"er for rent July and Aug- - " . . - - -. - . .. CW.h.WJhw - l dishes, etc. Suitable for three adults only. For further particulars apply Box 14 Dally Nea-s. tf. FOR RENT Two rooms and bath, reliable people only. 411 7th At- enue West tl FURNISHED modern apartmenU.1 Phone Red 444. 142ii Dalhousie University. In the course of an address to the CONNECTIONS WANTED Alumni Association of that university he said that, if his listeners considered the government at Ottawa a bad gov- lJX porters seek connections with i. ix. i i.j t.- : :j ;i : Canadian producers or manufacturers. Samples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, principally tlsh products, and terms solicited. The Colonial Fisheries, Limited, Benjlwah House, Wln-neba. Cold Coast, British West Africa. tf. JTW Jasttataaa aile Salsrttar nsantf snisnil uni? h.at me stolen OHWiffeaB n$ second ud Raten Rtaer here Satanany Archie San Roavanl third. Sydnej k rcv nose reread at Baseball Scores S.TURO-lT SCORES Ataerkaa Lea pre Detroit Ne Tort 1. CltTflapd at Bdton OliaMED X PadndeipM. 1 St. Loans X Vasainston 4. atiosat leacae New York 7 St Loads i, Broakrjm S ducago a Barton 1. Cincinnati X. SUNDAY scours National League BaatcB e-i. Cincinnati 12- !iw York 4. St, Loots t Braot-tni -l Ctakaa 1-9. Pnfla4algtitT-Patani baader. postponed. Amekaa Leafae Detrr4t S, New York &. Oreland 4-3 Baaton S-i Chirac ft-4. Ptuladelntna 5-9 St Loui Waiiunftan. rain. SPORT CHAT Most Wessniey any tender not necessarily ae- pure tbeir cepted. Farther detail at Contort raeeta. tz MeCaffery Ltd. '14!i partly as a result of people wanting something they have , FOR SA L never had before' not knowing what it was like. Until thev trrrtK sqcabbxx 1 i " 1 imji fvt One! A Oaaatry Prty exeeUe rceUnt U. Ijtfas J eam.6 agree an no definite sbqt to UtH ntnaMrtiim and bar- tng availed the matt of Us detib- .tnttset. Mr. Maa torsad an ad-snaiHUinrn baa the Bseanben of thai ova partf. sewal of whom were green to aaateataad that thetr UniaMiu aicht be ended If a ooaBOon vet farmed. The nr attBlsux ias Psast- Marittrc and Treasure T.IRQ- Mean . Yort. Mhawatc tar Saaaary and Deeetop- -K. O Casta WW Mnaaer Jar Drfaaw-Ca4 O. A. for Ooaameree: H. B Cnftect. 'We Am- jssst ' .Uinsser far Sonnty New Department I The fcatare of the admtnhtratsgr) 1 Is the creation of a new department. ttiat 9f Snpaty. ahsrh st to be to 'chart of (he fanner Trtanwtr. Mr I Casey Three Ministers w there-fare be concerned wMh defence Mr. Street. Mr. Casey and Mr Fair-bairn, afl ex-whites. la his first declaration of poney the new Piisne Minister pit daed Anstraaa to tnpport Cast Britain A rtew ?nt Midaanda football ar The nwrern- iejfiie is behaX spans arid by Peter- ' be the deJn, of buroueh Itnhid FwatbaM Ctea. KH-'A,MUmlu xa tandnrda of life lerint TTnawdi n Whaxch and "" f hiflwencc in the Kin s Lpaa are expeeted ta Job. ptie I "Bat.- be proceeded "I piirsVaj 11H 1 tn n"T a defence of Awstraha vhseh oepenes on ttrman sea poer as na much as men- In fact, WOinen are the same kind of people TENDERS WANTED for extavattan WeyeJr race the chefs of canny'1 5t refnsi&c an-oper sathemJ to wre-l""00 I coniaeQ omnscr o tsassal ifbjhu far the The Britiab coaBtries of the world c asaat stand or fal toaether A as- g trana's prteary mrxmatbiwues are g A bxkey ftoed reekiets driTtnc Padfie. and I took to the day & near Malvern, asasan idrrittni . fll be a eoneert of Pa- 2 reeent hard lark at the tracks may Pers inratrtns inereased U- g S to it. So wet ind the growth of . socialist arisukracv Oak Piano Sf to - l'ZTZ rSXS which is no more like what Karl Marx planned than chalk is like cheese. McCaifery 1) FOR SALE Household goods including Plana Singer Sewinc Machine. 2 single beds. 1 doub bed complete. McCtary Range. Prices reasonable. Everything most be sold before Friday Phone Black 992. Admtistns is an nmstmenL in THiblie affiir? and enjoytng high states in AiutraHa. ELIO'S Fifth Anniversary SALE Great Savings in Home Furniture Chesterfield Suites, Bedroom Suite. Dinette Saites. Enttrprke Ranr.es, Linoleums. Floor CaTeriag. A train iter Carpets. Bagrage, Wheel Goods. Pianos. Folding Carriers. Bays Wagaas. Tricycles, Etc, Etc All Prices Marked Down U the liaut Hay N ow Save Money ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Attune Phaaa Green Jlfc THE CONSOLIDATED MINING &. SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA .Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium rbasphates, SulphsU af Ammonia. S a per phosphates, Complete Fertilisers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Cold. Silrcr. Lead. Zinc, Cadmium. Bismuth. Antimony 1heMonun$AflerTakin$ Grteris Ltte Over ROMANCE OF RAIL Hcnttb and Saasat wusamsj Ffttk San. r ate ha. jaaertonMr and Joel McCrea. m a character. tsv EuMtttr rmBHKn w m Mailer for GUil ArtaUon. Use Ulnsster for V rasroatrn he portrayed sa harpecs, toaafartlnc hesesiik: Tneir tamanee b ranfu as ttM a. yle alio dr:;w eaUona flabrrt PrMtot naaosaaae yawns Affairs Sir -Union rati fie" Is Epic Tale Of UrCfeas rtval. AU r- Vitmtixt. CoaaractMMi Of I'irU Amerkan a rody Umea;. Bna trrr fissUir TranMwnUnenUl Railway Lyisne OTerasan a XaaySOeaaa MjLoay 'Sarffc. AHtaaWi. pec and pioneer r d! Mansaar Jar Ifct sMMtnt ntW- . . . ,7 a ssafper. 1 Z1 ,4" erwl ' - - :Tra.r.t sm lisassacr AmnUea Qrst tranconUseatal JZTZ!1 ranroad. 4s th. featnta oftartec 1 I on Use screen of It CasHai ! tar Tde and Os t Baseball Staild.nct I J St Lacvoa I MtBkfte Hr jiSerriee Ssr VsosPressdesst of The leafue stand. .? Xatiaal LratM Wetts Farao." are Canrinwatt en-otarred. '.St. Lank ... Ukm SUavyck ss a dailoc, fiery.. Nr York vara -hearted ghi of the vest, the Brooklyn Mknsssers mfit FaftJoate-J. A. TJ-T-ZL- ZZZZLZ . t, Pertaas , . ,Vct f. nt. first fisaaaeer and fHrautre at Plttarart .Nyj fTlllff -h. end of Iraafe- She k Boston u7. t Se ta1ttinf western Ph&deipfala P A U McBrlde Soah AnstraJtat Irish tobaaara. bauhnc UnAa.su on New Ynrfc the warnath or ontpf In high- Boston powered ranaanee Her rwnantir Cleveland satersat is a bras and reakieas Dttltatt tsowMe shaatac. Jots MsCroa. vhn'CMaaan has been usiannd by the Waah- Prislid;iwna ifKtna romiumnt tr helo keep WnMnatan order aaaac the naht at war St Lewis v were dbiliusioned by the Russian experiment, many PIANo9. d. bn-. n- ShThS I people wanted Socialism. Now they find that the one terfsew suites. End Table. Book- ihePactfk - '9 country teat tnea ir got siae-tracKea on ine way. ine 'ui9- spartamen who base hard wk T0 a,r toter Wr Menkes an- dictatorship Of the proletariat did not allow enough for CyfoBfr-.PoBbte SecBd of anaUnt; at Deat Enttand. wre nonw3 totentton of the te- human nature. Once the small rtoud of socialist leaders ATtf Weaito- 2,'2S J! irnf the rin nf anvpmmpnt thPV bTcwl it i wpII tlspv hlinfr - - a flab welfhttrr x f0" t.DnMrtl SUlM o o io o 6 o . 9 : o o 0 li o o o o o o o o o o o o i to lo o o o o . is o ! s o o o o o o g o a o o o o 0 o 0 o o :t Aaseriran Lrats MacKenzie's Furniture 1 ClILSTIKntU) SIITXS-Cbwpd wtth Ta; Cavri-Dotskin. C-vasrresV and Catwi-Nev See thwaa at tm stern. Prised Terms Can Be Arraated rhne Tt$ 4 S ft It. Sun Goggles Protect Your Eyes 15c to $1 BATHING CAPS New Styles And Shades 10c to 50c OrmesLtd. "Jim Pionetr Dmqgfats The Retail St ere rhanes: II I Open Daily trtra I aJa. tfil II so. Sundays and Ilslidiys fraa IX nsn till X 1 pin. till 9 OOOOCHJOOOOOOWOAOtyoOCKWOOOOOOO a moo ooooooooooeooooooooooot70oovwoooooococecoeooci B S I i PJ- j pjn. I VELVET ICE CREAM HAS MANY VARIETIES Canes Lemon, Raspberry, Vanilla. ChacoUU and Strawbcrrf Dixie Cups TutU FraitU and VaaiUa Cream Lunch and Candy Freeie Bars TanHU, Cherry CuUri TutU Fruitli and Maple Walaat Dominion Dairy Phone II fifth Avenue East and MtBtM