DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We lUre a Large Assortment oX the Latest Desictu in ENGAGEMENT RINGS. WEDDING RINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or. we W make to order, any design that yon prefer. Id Hut or any other piece of jewelry. We bate in stork rings from HZM to SltM.M. We Inrite Your Inspection. FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist TERRACE Cyril Large, organiser for technocracy, addressed a gathering In the OddfeUoW Hall Thursday sight. The attendance was satisfactory aJtbOBgh the hall was sr. so means full The address fallowed much the same Unes as tit deHTered in Prince Rupert Lear-ing the hall at the end of the lee-tare, people were heard to remark: "PoBen is right why wait two yean for it " At the coram: winners' month: TSil Amazing Nctu meeting some changes were in the curfew law. Children swans tny boy or gwt anoer sixteen for the future and the tins when the young people aiast go hosae Q In future be atee o clock Instead of S M. except for the twa month cotncJdfcag wish the school vacation. Jtny and August, when ther say stay oat an til ten. POSSIBLY XOIST REYJAYTKL Jane 1 'CP' 19: 'CP' Motor -ercle with Vjnd-speakers attached to sidecars are the latest effort by Durban poues - solve ;rsf';c prcblems OVERWAITEA LTD. CASH or C.O.D. Phone gu Strawberries For Preserving Finest qoiLiy ar::nng Wednesday. o- qj Per crate Oi.7u Granulated Sugar- np . Lynn VaBey Peaches-1 An 19 Ha.- Per tt 14 C Swansdown Cake 0"0 Aylmer Eartlett Pears i n nonr-Per pkt p- in ADC Walnuts-Fresh pie- -f Qp jUzr Cut Wax Beans 0? AtJlr es. Per lb 2 2DC McCotr, PEANUT BUTER 20-ex tin 23c 40-ox. Un 39c UbVyw TOMATO JUICE ltOL tin Free DeliTery on Orders SXM and Oxer 4 A oc Butter-First" grad. "Jg q No. 1 Hothouse Tama- A Itw toes "IW lb. JeDo Assorted flarora -f Qp Lettuce Large and jrn 3 pkta. AUL- firm. Per V-d "t- Quaker Puffed Wheal jQj JV Cantcloupe 25(J ' KrnC trhipt Salad QQn CoWcn PJre Bananas 4 4 Dressing-Pint 41,C p Jar Quart jar he Whifflets From The Waterfront J Haabutter Mae West Tord In After Breakdosta Sorkeye Fishing About To Start First Bis Tourist Day of Season. Ha ring broken dors off Banks Island with a burned oat bearing voile on her way to the ftohir; banks the local hahbut boat Ma West. Cast. O. J. Hansen, was towed back into port by th- Prince Raped Fishermen's Co-operatie packer Axarite. Capt. Sans Srudal arrrring Satarday night The Mae West is ha ring the neeeary rt-pairs nude before another start foe the ftahtag ground. Sahaon canning in this district will get under way at the first of next week with the opening of Ashing with sockeye nets on Son-day erestag. The canneries which wiB operate are sew in readiness, baring nrettj well cnapieted preparatory work daring the past few weeks. Northland Transportation steamer Kerth Coast arrived in rrt at 5:SS Soodsy morning Iron Ketchikan and. after discharging a large quantity of BtQd cared fish hi tierces for triiswhlomtnt rrer CanadiaB National Railways, sailed at II M a-m. for Seattle. Tnald Jenkins arrived ha th-dtr on the Prince Robert this mornteg from Vaneoerer to join th? steamer Prince John as porter. The Prince George is new nearing eooBtetien of anneal ore nasi at the local dry dock. With three large coastal Been n port th'a was the first big soar-is, taerning of the season at Prince Rapert sobm fire honored or so persons being fcn town. The Prince Robert Capt H. E. NeddrnJ irrired at " 3S frost Yancoarrer nd sailed at 1 aa. for Alaska The Princess Loosse. Capt S. K Gray, arrtred at S o'clock from the -Mth and saBM at M IS ara for Skarway and other northern ' - At X 3 n- Prknre "eor-' Cant Jame Watt arrirM 'rtra Alaska and sailed at 3 o'eJoec hi' afierrvwn lor Yancasmr. The "rfn-e Rcherf h--i 35 nuewrrt 'f Nrd. three dfcesnaarklnc here. The Prince Isvr had 197 pas-ners and aim disembarked three re. There were 79 aasvsttrs on h Prince George tneiadteg three 'or here. A'ter an tvne -tore Tor-rlar a trio to Kittetaat. Mr. and Mrs. C. V Ettt and 8. D. Johnston retomed to port yesterday on Mr. irs nrwer cree f" trip was n the nabire of a fishing expedition for Mr. and Mrs. Esit: whi Mr JfiVn rl--- K Kt tn ennneetkon with he adjnatiaettt of a fire tnsaxance :- m oq the recently burned home of Radoiph Brasn, a wefi known fanner. Southbound feHowiBg her first oyage f the season in the Alaska toerirt serrlce. CP R tea. r er Princess Charlotte. Capt. WU- RCA "PORTETTE" Qives You Music Just pick it up and take it ivith you ... Tunc it in and Aay it anywhere ONLY $39.95 COMPLETE Wherever You Qo ! No Extorna! Wiros . . . Nothing to Connect . . . Completely Self-Powered! Ttii tmlr rrmariitle pxM, pTfl 1 n rsdio caimnit uhtrttrr j t. y9 tained. lrfn srart rf srjdi y al-ty, . . . S. Vnuntij htkt . . . caiy U r.rry at a srerkea lt or picoie lapr. Tke -Pwtett." h tttrw isely eered in tae ae. sraAaM. drplcsa Iotciie cloth. 7" U t,oe it in . . ni PRESTO . . . h ITAXM e aad hear tku aautwal radi Uitj. McRAE BROS. LTD. rsx. DAILY xrxs ham Palmer, ni In tort from' 3:3 to 5:30 Saturday afternoon. The Tessei had on board 191 pa-sengers of whom four dtsenvbarkrd here. Most of the passeaters were roand trip tourist j With a fair a of passengers, j Union steamer CataU, CapC James i Findtay. arrived in port at IS o'clock last Bighr from Yaaeearer and waypoifits and sailed at md-nicht fee Stewart and Aayax whence she will retain here tomorrow moraine southbound. il LOCALS Miss Nette Lawrence sailed Sat ardaf night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver and VV teria. Miss Helen Stamp-Yteeent of the Cty HaB staff sailed Saturday af temooQ by the Princess Charlotte for a baKday trip to VaacoaTcr. Mrs. Ann J. Mknel of Adelaide Aastratta, was among round trip toorict passesgers to Alaska who were here aboard the Princess Louise this raoramg going north Mrs. J. E. Boddif. who has been n a trip to VancooTer and Victoria, returned to the city from the sooth a the Princess LouUe that memiBg. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Upsttt r' fe tn in the dir. sailed by the Prince Rupert Satsrday night on their return to Yaneavrer. Col and Mrs. J W. NichoKs sailed thasj af teraean on the Prince George for a trip to YancotjTrr and Victoria and elsewhere la the sooth Miss Irene Ytn of Vaneoarer who has been paying a tUU with Mr. and Mrs H P. Wearmouth W Storday ereateg by th? Prinee Rooert en her return to her home in YaneeaTer. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Oarrett re amed to the cKy on the CataU last night from a trip sooth. Mr Garrett was in training recently with the loSad. Battery at E&qul-malt Mho Kale McKay of Borden Street Sehow H taistoc this a Iter --on on the Prinee Grwre to spend the sammer yacatloei la VanconTn and Victoria. G A. MeNkhoB. general pasvm-eer atent for. Canadiaa Natiaeal Pslhrars. Vaneoarrer. was here -hrrt th- Prinee Robert this raorntac enhsc throoth to make the reond trip to Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. OSof Hanson arrlT-ed at Smtthers on Satardays train the former coming from Chicago where he has been on business since the prorogation of ParHa-i ment and the latter from Kam- loops where she has been rlsiUng, wtth her daughter. Mrs. Don Suth-, erland. They met at Jasper Mr Hanson wiU be arririn, in the city from Smithers on tomorrow nigh" train MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladles and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phone GREEN Ml :n FRASER ST. Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Beiner Block Pbone 234 Lieut Commander F U Ha iaieMfcrenee officer of the Roya. Canadian Nary from Esquima '. after a brief rUtt here on otftcu: duUe. saned by the Pnnr-u Charlotte Saturday afternoon rm his return smth. Rct and Mrs W. J. Seiner and family left the Queen CstartoUe Islands on the Prinee Charles to day tor Vaaeewrer Mr. Seiner who has been United Chareh mh stonary In Skidegate Intot tar th past few years, has been transferred to a new post la the sevth Mr and Mrs. V R Paaten and MKs e Satrer of Par's, mace, ar rired In the city on Satordey !'- rbn tmm the East and failed this sftemooa on the Prior RAhert to not 8Hk. Wrsnteil assd Ketchikan On thr retain fhe wto make a trto to Haaelton M nroceed snotb rta the Queen Charlotte Islands. John Gamer for sspwtyUkg Uovar to Indian, was fined $59. with option of thirty days Imprisonment, in city pohce eoort this morning. Joshua Price and Matthew Hut. Indians, for drunken ness. were each fined IS with fiv? days' option. bare to sea HOLIDAYS Try SANG AX KIVEK HOLIDAY CAMP Thb Year Situated on the Finest 5ea Beach In Canada Apply to MRS. DUNN. Massctt, Queen Charlotte It Lands, for Fall Particulars i DAY and NIGHT i Phone i 13 Taxi PAT MAZZIE Off. Port Office. 4th St. $ I Richmond Mortimer wtfl sail to ! morrow afternoon on the Catala' for Bella Bella where he is to be married Saturday afternoon to Miss Elizabeth Auen of Nakusp who has been teaching school at, the coast point. Pottowtng the; marriage, the couple win proceed' to Victoria for a honeymoon, returning to Prince Rapert later to! make their home. FItc thousand Prtoov Rap't people read the Daily News v pays to let them know what yaa i TOMOHT TCLS. 4. WED. A Great Adventure Story And Great Entertainment For You! rater the sdrrnturoai Old West with a man and c' who share its perils and Its triamahs who steal from the very Jaws of death a lore ahich Is as ra .t in Its flaming clorj as the West itself TOR PROPER ENJOnULVT SEE IT FROM THE START FEATURE AT 7:11 and 9:41 SHOWS NIGHTLY At ?:H L JH EXTRA Colored Cartoon "ALWAYS KICKING" mm BARBARA JOEL Stanwyck McCrea with Akim Tamiroff Robert Preston Lynne Overman Brian Donlevy SS Cecil B. DeMille Boys Scouts Make Ready For Annual Camping The esrttUT ' tii Plrat Prince Rupert Troop of Moy flrosjta. eoat-Msting of-oatrol leaders and se. mds wtth Scoutmaster RaWt Yor-hanrh in the -h!r van in I Motrin at the week -end to make arrsvnae-menU for aruettses at the forth -Taint ann ual ramp at Oral Bag. Porcher Island where ten days wfll be spent Por the parpaow af Use caar the tmop has iiiossU J Use 'fir Hinoopotajnas PatrssL" fame ten lw of the Prinee Ra-ert Trooo led by ncesjUMster Ter-vrHi had lhr fnal hike of the a-n SituMir this taking the form of a rlimb of Mmtnt Morse CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Pbone SI For Rest Household Coal MRS. C E. ItLAt K Phones II 19 P.O. Bos FIJ Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Vln Hate More CenU Hate you tried our CASH COUPON SYSTEM? You re. reive dishes, sdterware and TaloaMe premiums suitable for cift- Why not start now at no extra cost to you? Opposite f '-tnadlar. Legion ibacay J.r4 s 1ey Kft eafls :.) rreosed the haib r tng by mid -after Mrs Peter L.' eyentng - th T-a trip to Vanco .,1' NEW ROYAL H0TE1 J atoreth ? A HOME IWtT rtOM HOMr Rates l H t S Knnmt H S; rti PrtsK Rj. rhon rl r '1 Rot IK THE SEAL QUALITY Si GOLD SEAL Fancy Red x PINK SEAL Finest Pink Sa Packed by the only safssw rannlnt company llh sn s3 tbe year round parrc-l 10 Prince Rapert SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! eaKflZ it OCEAH FALLS i POWELL BIVEB Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every S.VTTRDAY, 7:00 p.m. Trains leaye Prince) Rupert for the Eaag Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.nv AIR-CONDITIONED J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldr. SL,fcfcl'IiVe LyU For fares, etc, call or write City Ticket Office. SIS 3rd Are V-rf-J Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE (S7