I.OD.E Faith To Prevail Over Dictatorship Today, u tn the day of Herod faith may overcome the power of I Hall dictators ald MIm Winnie Camer- j 2:30. oa who Mnducted morning service I CVPROC Is ibe Ideal nuterul for wills and ceilings. Just cossiJcr these features: FIREPROOF Protects life and property all the time. PERMANENT Will not crack, warp, shrink or swelL t INVISIBLE JOINTS No ugly scams or unnecessary panel strips. EASY TO CLEAN Smooth, dust-free surfaces. VARIETY IN DECORATION any type you prefer, and you can change It is often as you please. Only GYPROC has all these features. Insist on the genuine identify it by the Green Stripe on the edge of every board. GYPROC is available in every dry, town and village in Canada. See your local dealer in Lumber and Builders Supplies, or mail the coupon below for free booklet. HYPROP FIRE PROOF WALL BOARD Itcaic tend me jour new GYPROC HOOK. Addrtti our netrtit brinth. Kin StrrtttnJ S. Gtj. C A I O A I T, WINNIf 10. Do You Know? SUNIiAY FULL COUIlSK CIIICKKN DINNKIt At The Knox Hotel 50c All White Help Phone 71 lue Vhncuuver. Thun. a.m. .Pm... Gypsum. Lime and AIlxHne' CamaJa. Comqda, . lmtttd ANC0UV.It, , win TOIOHtO. MOMTtlAJ COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 558 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. 8teamera Lcavi i-ilnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.N.S. CATALA F.VEKV TUES' T.SA CAItUENA FRIDAY, Ik .OA mm I1AV. l!5ft n m. I"' Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Purchase Tickets at Office If Convenient. Please further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From RANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 5is 22. Friday. Dancing 10:30 to in First Presbyterian Church ye-! Mm. J. E. Mathleson and dauh-terday In the absence of the pastor, ter. Miss Irma Mathleson. sailed Rev IL O. Funston. Spiritual revo-1 Saturday evening on tbe Prince union, a, nwirn to tne lalth of the.RuDert for a trin to Vancouver. wrfi-amen. was suggested by the younji speaker a toe keynote of I students of Margaret McCaffery rllM) Wl OF THANKS ratifying; world ill. In the evenlngland Jean McLean I there there wa wai a a mu4al muial service Im la which .KUhluf LUrv Chapter "a:ilC 111) car tiie Senior and Junior choir Joined under the leadership of Mr. E. J. whcj donate bbuw -rat urnue oiirpnera. i ne cnurcn was Wednesday, Hall. 7:45 p.m. "Recital. Catholic 142) Mis Erma Iiussantch, who has hfiAn nxulnn n lit ln4a In or awuieo in esneelally deeoraU-d wHh seasonaHKthlkan returns tn th Htv D' '"ration Day flowers. L th. r,t. pi,,.wf. a,,,- day afternoon. In W. H. Tobey. C. N. R. divisional luperlntendent, returned to the elty on Saturday night's train from a trip over the line as far as Jaspes on official business. Mrs. W". C. Stone, who has been paying a visit with Mr. and Mrs 'W R Robertson, will sail to I morrow afternoon aboard the Ca tala on her return to her home In Merritt. - Mrs. W.H. Falrbairn and daugh ter ot Queen Charlotte City, who arrived In the city Friday from a trip to Vancouver, sailed Saturday night by the Prince Charles on their return to their home on the Islands. Dr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Morrison 1 returned to the city on the Prince ' Rupert Saturday evening from a trip to Stewart, Dr. Morrison hav-ting been there on official business 'la his capacity as inspector of I schools. I Mrs. Peter Black, although still confined to bed with her leg In a cast as a result of a recent Injury, has been able to leave the Prince Rupert General Hospital for her home at the Central Hotel and Is j making as satisfactory progress to' wards recovery as can be expected. The Misses Edna Beaven and ! Elsie and Eileen Gale, who arrived In the city earlier In the week from the Islands aboard the seine-boat Beatrice 11.. sailed Saturday 'night by the Prince Charles for Port Clements enroute back to Queen Charlotte City. "Build B. C. Payrolls i Health Ifif "I am always confident that the health of my family is safeguarded when we use milk from the vacuum sealed can that contains Pacific Milk." Mrs. H. B. with these words in her letter hits the nail on the head, for the vacuum seal preserves the milk In all its purity PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 35c word. Eagle's Straight Bridge June 21. United Tea Mrs. Armour's June Sons of Norway Mid-Summer Dance June 23 Oddfellows' Hall. Ketchikan Baseball Dance, Moose Hall. June 23. 24, Joint Sunday School Picnic June Band Parent's Strawberry Tea, Mrs. Husoy, June 29. C.N.R.A. July 1. Hall. Excursion to Terrace Catholic Bazaar. October 11, 12. "Crescent Canadian Shows" Big ger and Better. . Dance every Thursday, East End mi T&Z DAHT KETfS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Ketchikan Baseball Dance, Moose Lutheran Strawberry Shortcake tea and homecooklng sale, P. Le-and's, 447 flth. Ave. E., Wednesday, Jun 21, 2 to 10 pm. U43 John Williams, liquor vendor at Atlln, was a passenger aboard Hie Princess. Charlotte Saturday afternoon going through to Vancouver for a month's vacation trip. The fire department was called out at 8:30 last evening because of a fire In the basement of the residence ot Ounnar Clavring, 217 First Street. It was put out before any damage of consequence was done. . T. M. Burns, Inspector of customs, and his assistant, 0 E." Nor- rls, were here aboard the. Princes Charlotte Saturday afternoon going through to Vancouver after a trip to Tulsequah on official business William Cruickshank sails, this ifternoon on the Prince George for Victoria to attend a Masonic Grand Lode convention. He will return via Jasper Park where he wiu represent tne local ciud at a Central J E. McCrea, Billmor; Gus El- ancniu. somerset, Man. .. MnfPrt hi- Mr nd Mrs w Knost iR. Love at whose home a reception George McKeruie citv; Sain for invited guests was later held. Clng. Porcher Island; J. Haugseth, mj-. and Mrs. Mumford sailed on 'eattle. the Princess Louise for Dawson. Per lb. Prince Rupert J. G. MUlichamp. Mr. and Mrs. tchnston. N. S. Ammett. Dr. IL dottier. Art Rolie. M. Babar. W. Txvendahl, F. Batchen, M. Bad-Inovlch and A. NIelson, city; Mr. ind Mrs. E. Campbell, Carlisle; Mr. and Mrs. W. Wood, Saskatoon. Alt LovendahL Vancouver. JONES FAMILY MARKET Phone 957 POT ROAST BEEF Per lb. SHORT RIBS Per lb. BONELESS STEW BEEF 1 ios. ROUND STEAK Per lb. RUMP ROAST of BEEP : Per lb. RIB STEAKS 2 lbs. GOOD CORNED BEEP Per lb. GOOD BEEF DRIPPINO VEAL SHOULDER VEAL 4 lbs. LEG Of VEAL 6 lbs. STEW VEAL 3 lbs. rORK PICKLE PORK Per lb. AYRSHIRE BACON Per lb Phone i)it TUES miK T1IURS. Specials BEEF 10c 25 c 20c 20c 35c 8c 5c 50c $1.00 25c 10c 25c and has a wide circle of friends. V? 8 attended the local schools and ouver: v.r n B, J. t McMlllen. mmi Victoria. . 1 'ioward Halltn. city; H. M. Coure - - - ?laxtcn; T. Wood. Smlthers; Mr ind Mrs. H. Shobbrook. Detroit; Miss F. M. Youn and Miss E. M. Young, New Westminster: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Paalen and Miss E. Sulzer, Paris. Royal i O Boyd, Juneau: O. JostaL Seat-j "!e; F. Wezek; M. Sorensen and F. Brown, city; Eng Sun, Claxton; Nick Zeller. St Walburg. Sask.; ?. R, McKenzie. N. B. Symundsen, and M Rumley, Edmonton; M. Bodovinac. city. Savoy ' J Auckland. D. McLaughlin, Joe NEW VISIBLE COOKING An Exceptionally Durable 3-Coat Enamelware While with Red Trim Every Piece Has a Pyrex Glass Cover Come in and See Them on Display 'NYLON' Fishing Leaders Stronger Than Gut Uniform Elastic No Sheen Will straighten When Dry Will Not Split or Fray Will Not Become Sleazy We Have All Sizes KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver replay of - - last --- - weeks draw. - - The am ni.u - rjw . . TAtitTHttT Here's a red treat ! "Enjoy the ISM I genuine peppermint flavor rdBp 1 DOUBLEMINT GUM jB Gyro international convention. Mrs. I npol NlirCP Crulckshank win leave by Friday Vl.ai ilUlOC night's train to Join him at Jasper ... mm , m Park Wedded loday Hotel Arrivals i Mi Millicent Osborne Beeomet Bride of Leonard Mumfonl at Morning Ceremony is a graduate of Prince Rupert Gen- TAG DAi SUCCESS eral Hospital training school for Returns from tne Rose Day tag-nurses. The groom has not been fclng- of Hil! Sixty Chapter. Imperial here so long but Is equally popular. . Order Daughters of the Empire, Sa- ALPHA WINS TITLE Saturday saw the close of the football season at High School when ! Alpha and Beta Juniors met In the ! turday afternoon lor child welfare work were quite satisfactory. The amount realized was $95, the same as last year. Miss Nancy Dawes was among the taggers. WIN'S SCHOLARSHIP num. wtnitru oauuoerK. u. J. a milpt hut lntprpsuner weaains n. r-rin , .-. warsen ana A. liadJand,' Prince tviv- ni.tri nt 8:30 this momine at . nr -nr n nv.m v,i. -4 v.. ' " naix uui, in wie laner pan oi tnc . - umui ut tuu -j, . , . . , . tupert R. Valpy and Lloyd Dudo- the rectory when Miss Millicent Os- second half pj to show awarded a $100 Klwanls Club ard, Inverness: J. O. Gorman, bome Rjfrt daughter of Mrs. E. O. superiority. After extra time was scholarship for proficle'nef In flrsl ity. James E. Morgan, WIsUria: Osborne, became the bride of Leon- played Alpha emerged victor by year University studies at Victoria imuuijit, ""mi arn nan fv Mumiom. ine caunie t. The bride has made her home In Prince Rupert since early girlhood liuir 1UI13 LCI aiA. College tn Victoria. B.C. FURNITURE CO. t L BARGAINS IN USED FURNITURE Dresser At $9.00 1 Zenith Copper Wash-ihg Machin! In excellent C17 CZft cond'n G Kitchen Chairs eV...$1.00 Bridge Lamp Heavy ST... 33.50 Delco ator At ... up Remy Gener- 8.00 3 Sewing Machines From, C7 ffA 1 Royal Vaccum Cleaner 2.50 5 Large Size Carpets From, 700 Phone Black 324 3rd. Ave. NEXT DOOR TO B.C. CLOTHIERS I NEW AND BETTER COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Saunon Fleet Following the Investigations- of the Fisheries Research Station, the Company has Just completed extensive changes and Improvements In Ice storage and Ice delivery methods. Ice for the boats wilt all be old Ice. thoroughly cured or aged at new low temperatures. It will be delivered Into the held, even in- the hottest weather, as cold a the steragt room. Fishermen are Invited to Inspect the new system. Better Ice than ever before, at no increase in cost, means economy S to the boat and Improved quality In fish delivery. I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia