D TOE DAILY MOTS PAGE FOUR Direct Importers of: FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE Hotel and Restaurant White and Green Band Vitrified Ware Various Sizes of Glasses for Beer Parlors Kitzegukla Boy Died Last Week Perry Lazarus" BASEMENT STORE Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Russell, Aeed Six, Passed Away Last Night opened and closed the service with Clinton. So she braved the worst Whifflets From The Waterfront V - -- ' Movement of halibut vessels out nf thic nn rt on their first trips of ' the season to Area No. 2 will com mence tomorrow when vessels win names commencing the last quarter of the alphabet will start moving out. So far only two local hnatn have cot awav the Takla and Sea Maid, destined for Area) which has been here for the post few days, left today W. M. Cameron of the staff of the Pacific Biological Station. Nanalmo. is at present on McCllnton Creek In Massett Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands, supervising the counting of the seaward migrating pink sal mon fry which have resulted from the spawning run of 1938. During the spring a relatively large num- ' whole service was In the native ber will be marked by the removal language- jOf both pelvic fins in order to trace j The procession was led by the their return as adults. During the local brass band which played a time from last autumn until the number of marches, both outside present the spawning1 beds have , the church and at the graveside. , been examined periodically and es- At the graveside a short service tlmates made of the losses wrucn was held by Rev. B. Black who occurred In the various stages of committed the body to rest in the Incubation and early fry migration. 7 . earth. A beautiful display of flow- The findings In this connection will KITZEGUKLA. waron -"- m adorned the to of tne caskct rve as a basis for allocation of the ry Russell, six year old son of Mr- mc,uded JocaI and outslde of approximately ninety per and Mrs. L. Russel. passed away fr,enda ccnt wnich Is known to take place In the Hazelton HaqUal. after a brothers naTC MoTe the fry reach water. brief Illness last Tuesday and he body was orougnt nome on uic attcnd c steamfr Rupert afternoon train. On Saturday a community funer- al service was held In the Salvation Army Hall under the leader- TROT THE TROTTERS ship of Captain J. H. Johnson.. ktraTFORD. Ont.. March 29: i u tufi oponsorcu vy uaic r uimic; i an(j Stewart whence she will re-congregation: "There Is a Home." of stratfor4. operators of harness- turn here tomorrow evening south-and "There Is a Better World They racing tracks in western Ontario ' retsel brought in a Say." with Bert Russell, the boy's nave organized a circuit for 13 f airbed iut of passengers. uncie. at uie uigaji. uuiuvi uc weeks racing, starting May zu at service the school girls sang "Safe New Hamburg. In the Arms of Jesus" with Mrs.j W. D. Wesley conducting them. An MAL GjRL BRAVED STORM addres3 was delivered by Peter THESSALON. Ont.. March 29: Mark on "Jesus at the Tomb of CP His Majesty's mall must go and Chief James Weget through, believes 19-year-old Klppy Capt H. E. Nedden. arrived In port on time at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and will o'clock this afternoon saU for at 4 Anyox COMPARISONS ODOROUS STAFORD. Ont.. March 29 CP Tamed from Its firth to sup from a saucer with the family cat. a skunk now growing up and re- xtnrm in sears, a 32-mlle eale toltumlns to tvne Is pivlns a IViu.nl prayer. Rev. Bishop Black of the cover her 21.mlle route. Sne ar- township farmer some concern. He United Church also led in prayer rived home late at night leading wants to persuade the animal to In the English. Otherwise the her horse which became frightened, move out, without personalities. Plenty of HOT WATER for Easy Washdays with an ELECTRIC WATER HEATER It's fun to just turn on the tap and have piping hot water for washing, for the dishes and for every other household need. That's what you'll be able to do all summer long if you install an Electric Water Heater in your home. It's an inexpensive convenience you should no longer do without. Make only a small down-payment. The balance on comfortable easy terms. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED ONE DOWN, TWO TO CO FOR QUINTS Football has attracted two new players In the form of Marie and Emllie Dionne. The two little girls have entered into the sport of the game and above we see Emllie down after a "heavy" tackle from Marie. Therea no sign of a fumble, but perhaps the referee should look Into the matter of that extra ball Young Actress Is Near Death Delia Box ard Has Skull Fractured Screamed HOLLYWOOD. March 29: (CP); The dark-haired Juvenile screen Sign Work of all Descriptions Estimates Furnished Free Phone BLUE 751 PROPHESIES I FULFILLED By Attacker When She Palestine Was Forecast in Itible Thousands ot Years A(o actress, ueua uogara. agea seven-. Evangelist John E. Dames. teen, is near death. Her skull was. gDeaklra at the Pentecostal Tab transformation had taken place. Jews were returning In steady streams to the land and buildings of magnificent types were going up everywhere. New cUes were j being formed and the land of waste was now astoundlne the whole world with its beautiful orange groves and other luscious fruits, producing 25,000,000 cases -Government Lienor Act- !in the year 1938. (8km 27) Ezeklel stated: "Tills land that Notice or Application tor Conwnt To wa desolate Is become like the Notlc U hereby given that on the uitutn ui aen, ana tne waste ioui day of Aprti next, the under- and desolate and ruined cities are tigned tnumtu o apply to the Uquor become fenced '"icca and ana nro are lnhaWtH lnUablled Oontroi IVmrd for canwmt to transfer . of Br Licence No. 4433, Issued In re- About a half a million Jews were upect of premlwn being part of a back on their land building known a Savoy Hotel, situate I at Fnun street, upon the ianu se-i The prophecy found In Isaiah scribed as lota No. 13 and 14, Block that "Every ' valley ' shall be De CX cxalt-33, Section 1, Uip 923. Prtnce Bpert and , , ... Lnd riiiftmuon Wrict. in th, ProT-d every mounUin and hill inc of Britwi Columbia, from Alex- be made low; and the crooked ander James Prudhonune to Oar! Wll- shall 803,1 ht DC mtri maCIC iti-ninfe tralght and j .l. the Ham ZarrlU of Prtnr Runert. HrltUh Columbia, the transferee. rough places plain," was fulfilled Dated at Prince Rupert. B. a this when Oeneral Allenby's army of 8th day of March jooo oTpaN drove the Turks out carl william zarilli cstlne in 1917. In order that his Applicant and Transferee. army cou,d ad?ance up ffnm th(. - south towards qtHrrd to jwy Uu amount of their bictt7teane to me forth with. 'NORMAN A. WATT. OrfKial AdmlnlMrstor. PrliK- Rureet- D C. OalUA tine 2Ula cUy ot March A. O. 1939, their objective. ix tiik M im.M: oi iir ot itHiriii Jerusalem, It was essential to bring 0,P,IUA jthe waters from the Nile through I,. m.i, ',i...iu.,.,i....!a 12-lnch pipe along with them as Act" they advanced and, ln order to And do SO. Arnht ur mtnvx1 in , riav .,ll(,iujm WVJ ii iiir .uglier ui i.ime i me ."i.,i a . , Horohe.-. peieawi Icvc dovn the hills and , fill up the take notice that by order of nisi valleys, laying the Dine line ln a Honor. W Z. FlHher, the 27th day of i straight Course "e toward l'wara lhi "18 rnnlLil capital March. A. D. 1939. I wsa appointed K'Y. Admin iMrMor of the euw of N!ck v,v- "(-tainc ire roaa oi aa- worobec. oevmted. and psrties nav-ance In addition, doing away with 'tag claim, again am nld esUte are,tne oId " croolced t'"URCU Datn, pains whlch wiucn W(lUnd wouna 'hereby rrqulrvd to furjilsh mum, prop- criy verified to me ut or before tbe uuiiu ine nius. a.y or Apm. a. d. iww. and an Ur)on flrrlvflI nv ,h. ntjL)tlrt, nf parttM Itvdrtjtttl to the estate are re the city the "Lion and the young Lion," for Hritaln and her col onies were represented In that army corps, they sent squadroni of aeroplanes to fly low over the i city without dropping any bombs or firing a shot, the effect was almost Instantaneous and a fear en. tered the hearts I the defenders j -the Turks, who hastily forsook, their stronghold. It was remarkable that the cHe-( bration of this victory was pro-, irjhesled In Isaiah and the import-' ante of It was to be announced) ,to the world. The prophet aald: - All v. Inhabitant of the World' and dwellers on the earth see yej when ne lutein up an tiwu 'the monutalns: and when he blow-1 jeth a trumpet. hear ye " ThU was ; literally fulfilled to 1W3 when the 'ancient flat of Jodah was lifted up" or raised to the top of the mast on the old tower of David In Jerusalem and the ram's horn was blown before a great crowd. Most wonderfully nad prophecies been recently ful filled, stated Evangelist Darns. ; for. at a cost of five hundred mil- I lion dollars, great pipe lines from I the oil wet is of Iraq to Haifa and Tripoli, over eleven hundred miles in length, with a capacity of four hundred million tons of petroleum oil. were being laid and officially I opened In January 1931. Nine thousand men were employed for I eighteen months on what la known as the moat costly single work ever constructed in the world. The prophecy was liter illy fulfilled therefore as the pipe containing the precious all lay buried In the sands, as described by Moses, and also at the port of Haifa, at the 'terminal of the pipe line, this foot-shaped piece of tend allotted to the tribe of Asher. The oil was transferred to the tankers await ing to distribute the same to the' various Dorts of Europe. Truly Ashrr "dipped his foot In oil " REAL OLD-TIMERS OUELPH. Ont. March : CP , I Provincial police enforcement of ; the law all pistols and revolvers : must be registered has brought to , public view here a short side-ham mer weapon wiutom a trigger-guard, dated 18M. and an ancient Enacting Today What double-barrelled horse -pistol with !nint-!ock apparently, fractured oy an at- ernaele last night, revealed to a o lacker who struck her with a piece congregation of over eighty people of timber and fled when she tome astonishing facts concerning g screamed. Palestine and its resuscitation af-,5 WANTS HOME SAFETY" ter a period of many generations. 1 He declared the fulfilment of pro-!$ RENFREW. Ont.. March 39: CP scHptu.'S phfcy, ,UUd n the fallen on his icy verandah -Having wlth ,uch amaxins precision should o rteps. breaking two ribs, and slipped , th. uhol. lhlv,, M . o o a- 1 vfrA 1 . Wednesdar Mir i LAST TIMES TOXIMif z Miows, 7 CO and ;?., Gary Cooper In COMING Till RS in. SHIRLEY TliMNi; i "Just Around The turner' rim Jones I'atniJT In "Safety In Num!wr m "The Cowboy And The Lady" with meiii.i: ninuov Tatty Kelly. Walter rfnn (At 7:31 and 9 , ALSO Sportlicht, Cartoon, THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Kcd Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Puke4 by the onl; it's carmine company with e C the year round pt;ro3 H Prtncs Rupert Try Dar.f N-w r" oooooooooouoooooooooooooooooooooooooocsoc COMMODORE CAFE Newly Renovated. New Staff, j lmnroved Services. I 1 r k down stairs, bruising hip and head. pdaUy u,e agnostics and atheists. J K"1. mansjer. has Just returned from VsnrouTfr ml"j U ,ai. i. uuggan. a mrmoer oi wie in-, More than 300 vr T,fflll 2 2 durtrtel Accident PmTntlon As-, th pr0phel. w?e , graphlc g soeistlon. says what he wantr Hw ,ture of exwtly what uklnj 2 lr a "home accident prevention as- place ln pm He Mld: g oclation." .-mey ,hal, bu,d lhe WMlM 0 they shall raise up the former de-ig George Hills PAINTING and DECORATING solatlons. and they shall repair the g waste cities, the desolations of jo many generations." jg Since Great Britain was given.? the mandate over the land too make It a national home for the'o best staff obtainable. New Tool .k. New Eserjllilnr, I p l l! I Minute iute Special Illiic RHiIkiii Hccf. Especially Imported for This Cafe I Nothing Here Hut the Rest. Try Our Special j Sunday Dinners S THE CAR A RET Has been converted into an tin to date dlnlnr room lth sprrUI 0 provision for afternoon leas. Cards provided free. Isdifi mf J meet their friends In this room without oblliation Downtown Headquarters ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc would a fate urtcif ntark Dlamnnds? Matt K ? Crystal Diamonds ? s Hut tivev onlv Kilt'": King Coal Diamonds w t flttht For they sparkle in 'lie A Ton Will Come to You H Von Phone up 632 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA KVCKY TUES- T.S.S. CAHDF.NA FKHAT DAY, 1:30 p.ni. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday sJ II Convenient, I'lease Purchase TUkets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tlcrets From a IV VI'IV'M AM I, a 1 l. PhOnC 8 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily NJ that the people of the whole district are doing the bob