é Not Ww . if hat we wish but E Na oews —— . Wal it. ”..-Merti C ei —— ms : o I od N oe 7 eee eeeree Erte eC S a ~~ ll 66 a iS a t! ne 1 ee | wee i News ( las 2, WAITING FOR | sif ied A d | 7 t S. | . M. { or | [ : SESE rears HERE ARE or C Inse omsaome Manager of Pp | BER mere: Waindeitaes NO “D eumeiels fag oriand Canal puailbaplaastaaadaaateaetes EAD ; ine al Sh omer —~—e ONES” HE and of Sir D ort) painhotmsrtncomseeeey SRE— Pro onald Mann’ a soli: perties on G nn’s F a lacier Creek r aid i} . ° : ~ser eee cae, td ss Vancouver, Feb 13 F $j mor McLeod Gurré 3.—Mr. Neil or Rent 1 — és Portland mate manager ¢ th 10 ant ana 3 ‘ OF whe AS Al gon.t ea To way, with er Short Line Rail- : 3 Agnes Two rooms as THE LADIES. art, is in té adquarters at Stew- | "ne | ply H. § ree cnoes ae ab ara Wallace's Mr. Neilso1 f chinideks ywwhn for the purp " apts block eee . llace apartments. Ap a NS ison, of the Gus : i with § ose of! one ic : Many Popular Ladi FOR RENT cacual ister ante Tailoring Cot uar- the owner of th ir Donald Mann,| Sa ' wanes Attended th of Prince »; Oa ek 313. aged ad te i on display at ‘ npeny, has charge of th rater He « also One tot b : e e F OR SAI . ie lates y at our store et oe ie latter's *} cash : d re Afternoon i unction; st oak aera chair, full si SPRIN t models in LADII g: vee riies in that di Pow ae rave Live | rew’s Church n St. An- mie Soe, airs, ete.; half p = bed, SPRING SUITS, fr ‘ xs an devel at district. oe a Hall. | > ce. Box|g he is tak , from which B elopment of eee dooes 7 3t aking orders olt ¢ the I Two lots, t Und | delivery rders for early Gi and Jumbo propert sen % cash, } er . | : y. s art) ilacier oe operties cash, ba Ladies’ Raced auspices of th Insu mae oan your ah NET oa made _ to cate i I a reek has been : on| One lot, } ia e} : as re a ‘ ‘ er all yrose- cash 1 iChurch of $ ry of the Angelic rance fit guarante nd a perfect $)co winter. Bott Prose=| One tot, bl R f St. Andre an| trees fr ‘ anteed. Prices nsiderable t 1 have a cast t, block upert, an enjoys rew in Prince | OUR Com er ermneomeermmerans rom $27.50 to $5 oe Ae and will pr onnage blocked aaa after ijoyable se se} panies are This o $50 ¢ probab out| One, lot aftern serv ttleme noted f This is a suit | Iv enter I oon tea t ice of | Insu: nts. We wri ‘or prompt and s is a rare . |ping list er the sth cash, bal. ¢ lohaheh: hall ook place in the rance. nyse Senek hashes known seer art to get the ; : opportunity aerial with the building ae One it: dice) The f é yesterday after and Insurance Co. wa style of suit ’ a i tram ana of an cash, ba k unction took y afternoon ant, made to y you plant an concentre Tw soci OK . . . | o your meé . from the e itrator » lots, I i | society cony %k the form of + and at the s neasure - ie ore | cash « y co Pes a 1@ Sé . railwé is ns »t ‘ eisinaeoe ersazione and a large § Wanted / riadeta same price as the F iy track. The ve to the| One lot, . 19 We will d of Prit the best known | 7: Le | meme loaee -wear. Mr. Neil n silver, lead and ‘ea are| can, “bel ‘ con ‘ince Ruper adies |, er aemermsrmes aves on Frid aa son $| Mr. Curr ana gold, wo lots ( uct our ishatl ey ot attended. aie ANTED—A. ge eer H. ¢. day morning. baa i Curran was forme | % cast moe ‘ e | guests in ai ar made from th | oie’ cor. 3rd. ee as Apply Mr . S$. Wallace Co., Ltd K arge of the North St nerly inj "c lot, ‘block ; : 7 : aid of the c 1e Circle. . ve. and Hays rs. | ” é Kootenay s Star, an East} cash, ‘bal. jand the gather 1e church funds, | TW° As SE ladntsolle ilver -lead pr 4A8t) Two lots . cessful for! Spe proved a tite | Peter saat can have board Ba Pi by Sir D cee aah $50 cash, bal. | lie *m of after suc- ly P.. ~ormnfortable oard in Scote rich 7; ; ona t Two | ; ' ti tainment. f afternoon enter- ply P.-0. 27. bie ‘home; plano. Heim , ld paid over $50 ad and| y30 Cain, bal : r-|c P > ividends 0,000 ash, bal e co. LEANING, pressing and at FEN S. ; in| Two lots Sa | 5 — nas, | nd dres | | 75 « rc " }, Cut to the bon Chay, Porcher, $20 “Beemer Mrs. ¢ HUNTER Best ——<——— as, 1 a og ‘ e prices a eae on st mez oR ot, blo , iii \lines at Wallace’ prices on many WANTED —} sit eal in town at Sav cash, bal ais 1 ‘ ace’s big ‘ . range, Restaura H Savoy I ginning Fr g sale ige, also nt outnt, orse y-| g Friday this week , be- for about bedding ‘and. ches especially | shoers COAL | FO Ea eRe s week. ot 9-tf BARS 300 CRD Eten. Carriage Repairi CLAIM ACTION | dkscrirens R SALE Atte ag cans: 2 ox 108 G ng | ieee Far la us on B¢ = OIC | tend Auction Sale t : EMBROIDERY ind ‘pa eneral Work /Graham selene ui | 1 land at Lake ; T ‘ : onight ave. E. ain sewing ‘oal L ppc : Mee tt | thn volved ands | FOR R Mowi i 33 ath! _ in Le ne | Store, cor ENT. T 2 S ' The ae” Case Adjourned UD eet ae 2-37 | FRASER AND SEVE ere isa H o foreig . O10 t the woman's juce House NTH te eb ; : es i a Is Is lwith havi igners charg to #20 Ww nan’s magazine and STREET 1e Supreme C x ng ve larger eekly. ety Make P ent me G ae a treet YOUR OPPORTUNI | se A an venison in their 1 l See an on ce mney deisitred hone 59 Red 2 there is pen vere at pres- | appeare : s0S- House ddress ‘ _ Give rete laffecting ending ¢ ‘ | TY jthe magistrate 1d today before| ‘°** Venuoast me. 347, Pen Manager, c ; ting some 22,000 , lawsuit were adjo. rate, but their case uver, B, | der street IMPE al area and the st acres of} Jer ition of irned pending pre CS | Gomer meer RIAL MACHIN 00, the land 1} sum of $220 emi hH Ku | | further evidence due-| | Rit Lerman ENGINEERS WORKS ‘ sland rhe ‘ eing on. Graham gier, i rine cara e. usiness : AND ( v lanadian D ee P q Health EB eo t ae Chances / H. R.*Love, Pr MACHINISTS o.. Ltd., has filed ¢ velop- hone 317 Maiirice y ylaw Case. snd saiiulcealelcainciaeii te ica Up-to-Date E op., Prinee Rupert of claim at Ve ed a state ee charg Couture, Ww MARRY ee ee Price quipment W rt} $113,000 clai ancouver for en ih j) ene ged with contr ho was to DADE The Ideal Introduct ices Right. Engi : ork andion” see aimed as balance : Ph K ithe City Heaitt itravention of ana Faliabiae Strictly private Club leads and Gen ingine Work econd payn en ice due one 150 l to thes eaith bylaw in reg ‘ Bn ae cea the ee ake class @ eral Repairin amount of thir ss and full e@ . ers condition of regard| ‘* , Dox 1776, Vancou Address Shop, Hays © oe coal cl lird payment ea nsu | ler cabins ¢ : his three leck ouver, B. ( Agents for imperi Cove. ! claims The Gre if on 36 é COpit lbeen &@ n Fraser stree peices Phone B rial Gasoline Mo Collieries cou iraham Island i | give t, has — lu tore. inte ay fpaes n until Mondé 1a ecaoetornermne e259 - P.O rst nat r claim that tt jin a sewer. iday to put Lost d F era me . O. Box 957 carry ‘i d company is tr eA Mar an ° ——— ; througt y is trying to , enantio | und ena = els igh the sale > A “New Le —— so _|claims to the ale ,of the| Pp : Lot of Le os | NS | : 1em at $ j | cee Wallade’s of Ladies Se a t Meets OF NORWAY when they akties 10 an acre Cc Employer 8s. year, |LOST—One diamond ae En 2nd bs sth Sund $4.50 per purchased them i aa t Sd corner of 8 amon¢ sleeve r Bo eR Reat. an 1davs ¢ ~ yer acre,ant ‘ ; at! *olicies ieee. ois ck a aaa rates earn te pe min Carpenters” Tall." All/lands at acreand seek to have] es Wri ee ue aindowke-tor: Bbin | at Peles Siete ory cougar Cen. | ans are welcome Allilands at the 1 possession eas Mack Realt ei ‘lal prices 3 some 0 ra. tf Rae re J , lower price & | Wallace's s during big sale oamermssytntrtntytateneeaneeaeeneranerned | At i oa y surance . Seri eee —TH Attend Aue “—- COMPAS 2t + E— Auction § le | t For Sale Westho ‘ : ale tonight. | + Ime Lumb nor 0 1 . | —~ 0 OF ¢ Ef FOR SALE—% sae ere € ey Co. telephone 32 ats and launche Lick: ool } The regul » | POR SALES $ Collie pe saurre | ho $20 green. Davi es J ‘ ; Ape er weekly danc 3, city. ps. Apply Drexel] D— use. . Davis boat PONY EX PRESS : rson night Gr : eu a ntyre Hall O Se ions night. Gray’ all to- L | Ba ana Real Est Ee ray s Orch | _ $8.50 P | LAN aeage, Storage and I a ° estra er To: - sAND PURC i Ro at akatae C te Brokers Off 3 e |. ete of Dissolution of Part n, Delivered cet URCHASE NOTICES Seventh A a ’ . i= riting nh s chose ¢ s ! S ale ene 4 your money will | i a history ve his memoir his|of endeavor ct e another line sah boro band eevee Sinclair of| 08 Hand District pistes [AL sheer : e of Canada, ' 8 arise . OV f 1 @ gether to ake arlotte stric ; cheerfully refunded ' 5 dream Th inada, That adit irises and every y oe the need a moe enemy has vi rs shoot victoria notice that “Jelands. ss guecn| ‘ i time : ere will ps as a} position ybody in : | ye known ¢ aused them} ia atmie fa C., oceups TOE McGrego i iy a oe ae he a ver be a} work aan sro toad ba oh Vatoera 1 as the Three M oe le othe ada m broker, Tati | Dressmaking and ® pairing al " , Ss oO! : C , ov | anybody's 7 . 8 ou ae ands base the } , " == i will not Be Sir Wilfrid 1 lop of} does ihe oh ; frid turns in Sod enahAgen. aed ares quarters. a a post planted @ fol-| Cleaning & Press'ns Work Done > dee . eurior’ re ores ¢ ‘ ighter ’ igh ss » southwest c amile s« abc SEE ( ey the current eply concerned jerrands with equ: ind the larger} lil er from Lethbr pressure ink \, then a Corner’ of Lary from | soo HOPE try. If 1 polities of th with|}good skill. ¢ qual good will and ike he might } ridge, looks} south 10 the nani forty chainn’ Masset | ' 533 8th Ave o- > s . ‘ ‘ ¥ t . 5 we ¢ KS ence We 0 soundar : btm } ie Nh cs : lives to be oe SOuns he was to be mily the other sieht 4 got out hi ea Dayid less, chante ane ‘hundeed. chain Has EAT | \ tharles Thu as old as sec lother di s little s +] east t e north 18, MO att WINDOW $ quite as kee 4 upper he will . sare Bete vast ” n putting all his| tm r day and made e sling the| pont othe beach, ninety “chats nore oF | et as keen on C ee argume §;stab ¢ P a pr Tate aha tiete ong t | i | S pias the war a ae anada’s affai ve|lumber, and ac nent on planed} midr at hitting eating etty gaod| les. forty acres” containing. six | Second Hand Story oe 3 oan & C has shown Pheu of C ucberieaal a boss cary oe himself rif.—Toronto 8t el in the ALFI tere A ‘ rie s an arpenter . Star PRE i ‘ Sixth St om Wilfrid will nself to be, ’ When the o hy ’ = . Dated Noy FRED M GREGOR. All kinds of © 7 y td. view of pol always take tl Sir|the stricken f pposition look | The reason | Pap’ pea tb.’ ceorge Young, Agent Goods Bou we! } f politics 1e active | it ken field of § s over/ed for is that we'r +45, 1944, : ' F) 1abit it has b it has a si if September 2 | or room t ere crowd F. M CROS! ‘ 233 . ec’ slg Oo od Ss 9 i ceena hone ei SRESESTES ED: BEStER ERE — Block If anytl rere §|F9 fell Ber { grief for ba [spring stock ni handle the big Skeena Land District or ; jae na} = e33833 harder ¢ 1ing, Sir Wilfr ness for a sigh of thankf se) That's the ei ww fast arri ©) Take ni Charlotte pisirias of | = if = oe ae SEH der and mor ilfrid work mw the good ; rankful-| at Wi cause of tl riving, | of Saanich, that Malcoln Ww Quseg my e = SS ESESEES: seit position than | e variously in Baa ee left. Wh th soldiers who| allace’s. 16 big sale | followin apply for Cecupation thre Young eo me - - | a § ie ; ¢ )- t . © oy ta r | ¢ ollo or A r . , . >= ee | prime minister did when he wi m am comes bacl ier George Gra. | a} lowing Geseribe ain to lease the y 2 b oe 2 ithe old dé ster of Canad: asjanyway. If k or not-he w WIRE E southeast ong at @ post pl pre \ Scri = ees aya of power et dey. In jit loses | the government wing XTENSION wast of the orner, | being aplanted at the or @ and th ina eabinet he Byes mem-|as a ee reputation it nt one Now T Lot 1650, thence the south’ bo Lor 1bb4, . 1e hi ‘ iis : ich of s earns ei at tat abiO chan 1 bour Pri lly News : ihe BE pa , ae belon Saar with @ ma eit hort sports w ho, | Peace River Oot Into the boutidary’ to" ithence “south alan bountary rince upert Lodge, 1.0.02. ; ‘ t W ‘ ojafr . y of : ’ ount ol 1680 the southeast c yng the sal fast divisio as ah | aid of fifty cana | ry. | dary , thence » St corner . a sion . aird ¢ one 1: : y, were ; } to the west al r of said No. 63 | ope nated tn labor which ane} oD position side none man on the Rd Special to Dail iene “south og igo eles boun.- Meet t revent § en| ment ones f the dmo aily Ney je orth bound 1e Said dou! 49, : an | , Sir W : it (0s8es govern- nton, F : vs. | east to tt ary of L poundary t ; Wilfridlinstead of ‘ is two blac i e ae jadian governm ms 15.—The Can thenes” north to the. corner 0 of Peat 4 8b3 | All Every Tuesday Evening me, Ss is nov ent's teleg ’ men¢ oo}, thence eas northwest Bi? members ¢ f tl j {he outh Renfrew, |the Vv completed te egraph line 2 Soe, containin to the point of 6 of city ¢ . ‘ ait : o | Se Peace Riy » Dunvegan, , mor or less ng 61x hondred (200) ay are I’ od " er extens Bi on) MALCOLM WRIG 00) the pBA0D | Dated 6 HON RIGHT YOUNC , pops ret, 4 series SOURS, Agent ec ' : ' ont, ec, 15, 1914, 4. DOUGLAS N.Y W, G BARRIE, os om eos