PAQI TWO "Vanity Maid" FOOTWEAR For real classy styles and durability these shoes are unbeatable in their price field. Priced from $4.45To$5.50 Family shoe The Home of It takes Time to make Coal It takes Time to mine Coal Now's the time to buy Bulkley Valley Coal Coal Coal Coal Foothills Nanaimo-Wellington Bulkley Valley f!aSSk Sl.fZ7i?i tAfitvrv T&efi' I ::sMtra4 f Philpott Evitt Mens and Youngs Men's Fancy Worsted TROUSERS Tailored By "Northwestern" Colors Blues, Blacks, Browns Waist Sizes 30 to 11 $C-00 Bryant Company Limited Phone 297 532, 3rd. Ave. store ltD. Good Shoes coaI that s,Tes yu more hMt and less waste. Our siecial coaIs eivc you more heat for your moner- Just phone 651 f 652 and we ad vise yon wnich coal Is best Sllited for Yftirr (nrnirr , . rn b or heater. & Co. Ltd. W. P.O. Box 622 RUSSIA RUTHLESS Russia is proving herself to be Just as ruthless as Germany. She has already taken control of Ksthonia. Latvia and Uthuania besides gobbling up half of Poland and now she is bringing pressure to bear upon Finland to reduce that country also to a state of vassalage. Yel Fofelgn Minister .Molotnff wonders why the democratic nations continue the fight. He says there U nothing- to fight about and thinks Britain and France are lookin; for excuses to continue the war. If Great Britain and France withdrew now Russia and Germany would probably proceed to divide up the other Scandinavian countries, making themselves so strong that the other countries would have to bow their necks to the will of the tyrants. PRINCE RUPERTS AIR BASE Within a very short time we should expect to hear from Ottawa that the contract has been let for the first stage of the air base at Seal Cove in this city. It will be a big job and will help to make that end of the city lively. Evidently it is the purpose of the government to so strengthen ; the defences of Prince Rupert 1 that it will be a place of refuge for the Empire or friendly na- j tions in the north Pacific Ocean. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFK Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. a E. BLACK CHIMNEYS Furnaces and Stove Pipes Cleaned Steen's Limited Phone 5 Bob's Beauty Parlor Next to Q. Sc S. Grocery Phone 31S CUssfED FOR SALE NEW American stamps for sale, ones and threes. Dally News, (tf) FOR SALE Whole chimney sweeping outfit, complete. Apply Zum-khr at hospital. t.f. FOR SALE 5-room house, two bedrooms, good location. Price $850. Phone Red 751. (258) FOR SALE Piano, radio, china cabinet, twin beds, fug 6x9, dressers, other articles. Phone Black 230 or talM126 9th Ave. E. (258) BOARD AND ROOM FIRST class room and board residence, close in, reasonable rates. Phone Black 965. (258) FOR SALE BY TENDER LOGGINO Outfit on Porcher Island; 1 Seattle Donkey Engine 10 by 12, 73 Horsepower Boiler on float carrying 160 lb. steam, Lines and Blocks and other logging equipment, 2 bunk house 18 by 20 and 18 by 30, accomodate 10 men, Iron beds, 1 cook house 26 by 40, 1 large heater, 1 cook stove, 1 cordwood heater, 1 meat house 14 by 14, 1 small house, 1 blacksmith shop, 1 Sky line 1600 feet, in good shape, carriage and guy lines, 1 gasbdat 32 feet, 16 horsepower engine. Thomas Mc-Meekln. (259 1 PERSONAL CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT EXAMINATION for Clerks an nounced. Open to all. Appllca tlons to reach Ottawa by November 30th, 1939. Our advice has helped hundreds obtain Civil Service positions as Clerks, Postmen, Customs Examiners, etc. Free Booklet on request. M. C. C. .Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In 1 Canada. No Agents, .TBI DMLT.mnfl ' , ..... frlslajr, November s TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourt! 8, D. JobMtoo Oo.) Vancouver Gig Missouri. .11 Vs. Bralome. 10.60. Cariboo Quartz, 2.14. Dentonla. .01 4. Falrvlew. .01 Oold Belt, .23. Medley Mascot. .45. Minto. .01,. i Noble Five, .02?,. . Pacific Nickel. .14. Pend Oreille, 2.50. Pioneer. 2.15. Privateer. .88. Reno. .81. Salmon Gold, .03. Sheep Creek, 1.10. Cariboo Hudson, .04. Oils A. P. Con.. .20. 1 Cahnont. .41. C. & E.. 2J5. Freehold. .02ft. Home. 2.75. ! Royal Canadian. 51. Okflta. 1.23. Mercury. .06. Prairie Hoyaltlc. 22. , Toronto Aldermac. .46. Beattie. 1.10. Central Pat.. 2.35. Cons. Smelters 50 00. f-East Malartlc. 3.00. Francoeur. .42. i. Gods Lake, .58. 1 Hardrock, 1.18. Int Nickel. 49.00. Kerr Addison. 1.90. Little Long Lac. 3.10. MeLeod Cockshutt. 2 05. I Madsen Red Lake. .47. McKentle Red Lake. t.22. l Moneta. .91. 1 Noranda. 77.50. I Pickle Crow. 4.30. Preston East Dome. 1.86. San Antonio. 1.75. 1 Sherrltt OorrWi. 1.31. Stadaeona. is.. Uchl. .85. Bouscadlllac. .04. Moshcr. .12. Oklend, .15. Smelters Goldj .OHi. Dominion Bridge. 42.00 NEW YORK AIlls Chalmers, 41 j. American Can. 106i. American Ca and Foundry. 37 American Locomotive. 251 ,j. American Smelting. 53. American T. and T.. 163i. Anaconda. 324. Baldwin Locomotive. 19,. j Bethlehem Steel. 88I4. Borg Warner, ,26 1. Caterpillar Tractor. 56 is. Dupont. 1798. I Oeneral Electric. 41. j General Motors. 54?i. Ooodyear Tire and Rubber. .27. Inland Steel, 89. International Nickel, 40i. Kennecott Copper, 39i. National Biscuit. 23. New York Central, 2l,. North American Aviation. 28 1,. Pennsylvania, 24s,. Public Service of N. J.. 40i. J Radio Corporation. 5'i. Republic Steel. 26. Sears Roebuck, 84i. I Socony Vacuum Oil, 13?,. Standard Oil of California, 27' i Standard 01 lof New Jersey, 483, United Fruit. 85V United States Rubber. 41t,. I United States Steel, 74,. United Church Young People The United Church Young Peop-' le's Society held their opening meeting last evening to elect of-1 fleers for the coming year. Several items . nf KiirlnA ...a .4 1 , -. ww.aivM writ Ul3VU33(ru andlt was decided that the meetings would be held every Monday evening. The officers elected were as follows: PresidentNed Tobey. , Vice-President Paul Chauncy. Secretary-isabele Connery. 1 The meeting was brought to a !lose with a short prayer. In presenting hte report for the I 1C39 season. W. F. Btone. chairman; lof the Gyro supervised playgrounds .committee, told the ehab at 1UJ luncheon Wednesday that It had; .been the most popular seoMn on the playgrounds. The registrations for the season had totalled 415 as compared with 34S In the year previous while the total attendance at all parks had been 1SX14 this year a. against 8.499 In 1938. Most of the credit for ioereaied attendance on the playgrounds was given In the committee report to the Instructor. Neil Rmt. and hit assistants Kitty Cameron. Jean Cameron. Jean Krause. France Roberton. Oeraldine Cade. Betty Davey and Bert O'Neill. The Interest had also been sustained by a program of diversified special events most of which were on a competitive basts. Considerable reclamation work! had been carried out durlne the Tear, thus enlargttg the pKvine area of the park, much eredlt in this regard being due the earetaker Sam Rodin. The Mors- Creek awimmlnst resort had proven of much value and had been very nooutar, the com-Imlttee recommending that it be Included In all future playground work and further imprbvemenu made each year. Playground work in 1939. the fin- I rnrmul- tl . t..- vita 11 9 luucren jar ed with the quickness with which it relieves Asthma and Hay Fever, preventing MUIF needless eufferW. You limply inhale the fames. Your HMrf Dn. m Am. " ' ww w 1 nam ix. m. AJo faaiubU la dctntt form. iigrurop uq l.ywiw Co UUMMM4 lM Turwilo, Cauda mmt I aiuvimv I I ttlAMSMI! I K7TU I CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Transatlantic Trans-Pacific Ihawks win i first game I Defeated Detroit Red Wings Three To Two Last Night In Opener of National Hockey League CHICAGO. Nov. 3: CP)-Chlefo niov Haute. vh brouaht uD the frear last season, tot off to a better start by defeatmf Detroit Red Wings 3 to 3 In the pentn game lail nlghl of the NatkwWl Ita-key League. Fifteen th.!unin1 fans saw an exciting contest. Within the last minute of play. Cully D.ih! strom netted the wlnntnt ouni.r for the Black Hawks Georpp A! H . Miiih Vf 1 r t scored the two other wals for t in rlge while Sd Howe and Ce il P .1 Ion ware the arorers for TVtrn' At the end of the second peri -d th-count was 2 to 1 for Chicago Tomorrow nfrht the aeason will open at far ai Toronto In ewerne-i with the Mapk Leafs .a hime to Boston Bruin. On Sunday nltht Chlrafo Dlwk Hawks will plav the Canadians in Montreal and the New York Ranters will play at Detroit GOOD YEAR ON GROUNDS Almost Double Number of Children Attended Gyro Resorts This Summer To Vancouver Via Ocean Falls and Way Porta BJ5. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct 8.S. "PRINCESS LOUISE" October 27th 83. "PRINCESS NORAH" November 6th, 16th, 27th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1939 to Feb. 28th 1940 42 Q it HO Final Return LimitMarch 31st 1940 VOO1"" Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from w k COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. A ROUND the wotld mtn kindle Gnnt'i witli the unqwitificd tppcovil of the vetcrto smoltf with hit chtrlihtd pipe. Unlvtrully, men uVt Gnnt'i (or Itinltd. Grant's LIQUEUR SCOTCH WHISKY 2G 2-3 oz. 7AKE J7 rhl advcftiiemcnt is not published ot diiplaycd Control Board or by the Govt rnment of Br sh ,1 anrlal statement showed, had cost the Gyro Club $1491.29. Another report prrsented to the Gyro Club at Wednesday's meeting was from a special committee war activities which recommended, mat the club engage in the work of providing recreational facilities for various military and naval units 3rrtoned at and In the vicinity of Prince Rupert A permanent com mittee consisting of W H Tobey.i Frank Dlbb and D O Borland Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Kepj for Wef ks In Refrigerator m Canadian Fish Prince Rupert MacKenzie's Furniture BARRY.MORi: CARPCTS and HARDINC. 16 Carpet 9x10',. From C Caret. Dxl2 18 Carpets- 4 9"x 9. From 1 1 Carpets- -4' 6"x 7' 6". From Carpet Throw RufFrom Phone 775 COAL Grahi Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones SI and 851 H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Uldf. Mr Jll jAv S3-75 UmtiHoMMr fti Mfktit tilt it qxtar Scott , ron CXAATFD delegated to have this feature A committee - ; U Btone. W. M 1 on, It. Bulger and ir HfziTvw appointed to ko r ti holdln a Gyro . ti'rai and the end of . ' A iruet f Wed - program, preside ' ' irPr?ciA W. M. WatU tl Crocker, offkrr i-X lit wat local searrhllgtv & Cold Storage Hrlthh OolnW JIJN tun $110 . ..riff 327 THIRD NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Ratei J 1.00 P Cold I Wit 50 Room Hot & Prince B-j, Fresh Local Raw and Pastcurlzcu VALENTINDAIUY pnnNE 657