I 1 W- (lytfttftfV T MPS 1 4 .A i iir'mmmm 4r - SENT TO AUSTRALIA nau.1 iLruictiiiiNiiiv irunn Under PUFFED WHEAT and QUAKER PUFFED RICE AS MILLIONS DO!, 0 Ordtr frm r grttr May barrister has been aopointed Canadian Hlnh Commissioner to Aus tralia. It was announced last night by Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. Similar com mUsloners to other Dominions will be appointed In line with, the policy of co-ordinating Empire war ef fort. K.C prominent Halifax' often maxe you many aouars. 1 . . m ncia mi n rm:iiii inr iii'imiiiL'. r Pull Size Mattress; Cotton filled Single Kcd Posts From w . . mm www vcarly new China Cabinet M sion oak w th larce class door, glass side pnnci . . i it. nnn aa 11 l I' ll.iivil w m m it r bnon MATTRESSES Single Hod 4Mattrcss Size 39x72, from Vtf.wv - $5.00 $2.00 Wankcts 100 nor cent mire wool SgS.Sizc $5.00 K. C. Atkins Crosscut ft ft ...n mrt aCJMW mw w RESPONDING i TO APPEAL i Poppy Day to Be Kecoinhed on as Active Scale as Ever The annual Poppy Tag Day Is be- lne held here tomorrow and there Is already evidence that the appeal will come home wun more inan usual meaning to citizens. Re- qucts for poppies and wreaths have come from distant points bearing out the contention that the sufferers of the last war will not be forgotten In the present crisis. In the city windows are being suitably decorated. The Canadian Legion window le already the subject of much favorable comment. It It not entered in the window dressing competition but Is merely, although very sincerely, a tribute from the veterans to the memories of their comrades who have passed on. From Queen Charlotte Islands cornea a special request by Lewis G. tiHder nn ex-eenrice man. who takes with him this evening on the Prince John a supply of popples. which he plans to dispose of at j Massett and in the vicinity. With, his wife's assistance, this veteran' plans to malfe his contribution to his less fortunate comrades. J Pnrfhrc nt noonles are re-' quested to keep their popples until! November 11 and wear them on Re membrance Day. Mrs, William CruicKshank Is chairman of the work committee of the local Red Cross Society which is getting Its wartime work now under way. Library Table-Light 7.00 o,k Wcstinghouse Radio 11 tubes in tiMcta $27.50 condition w Toledo Scale Capacity 20 lbs. The right scale for grocery or butcher shop. Inspected 193!) v ' Battery Radio-Suitable g for car or boat v Lawson Piano In good g5 condition Spanish Guitar In 7,50 good condition The Book House Books for Children- 5.00 Set of G rm daitt kiwi LOCAL NEWS NOTES Give generously for your poppy this year. Capt. C Claxton of . Vancouver, superintendent of pilots, after a brief visit here on official duties, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night jon his return south. Let every citizen wear a poppy and every auto carry a windshield poppy. Sonja's Dance, Friday Nov. 3, Oddfellow's Hall. 9 pjn. Refreshments, drawing of tickets. Admission 50c soldiers 25c. (256) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Hex rtowling Club, Limited All persons having claims against the above Company are requested to file same, duly verified, with .the undersigned, on or before the fifteenth instant. Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this Third day of November, AD. 1939. W. O. FULTON Smith Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. (259) Classes In First Aid Are Started Annex Stove k Oil Burning Cabinet Heater ... 1 . k . A i t 1 I s Uuakor oil buminir caoinei neaier is 01 im- i.il- '- ' IIIIIIllIU Studio Lounge ifo out to form double bed with compartment un- The very thing to use with an electric range for the winter when more heat is required Qfl v.vv ft ft for your kitchen. Like new tJJtf 8-Piece Dining Room Suite Buffet, square table ami 6 chairs with 30.00 upholstered seats v Oak Tables We have several round tables in light oak and mission oak. All have extra leaves. $500 From BED SPRINGS Single Bed Spring Sizes 2 ft.xG ft. 8fU6ft.,39in.x72 2.00 in. From Coil Spring Size 4 ft x 72 in.. In good condition. 8450 At . Books Part 1 -and Part 2. Home Physician and Guide To Health. Like new, $3.50 set The New Teachers' and Pupils' SSEfr. 5.00 Elio's Furniture THIUI) AVENUE Phone GHEEN 916 Princ.Q Rupert For prompt and courteous Phone 13 Taxi. tf. Dance, Moose Hall, Armistice Eve, Friday November 10. 263) POPPY TAO DAY, Saturday, No vember 4 th. Henrv Smilte. local barrister, isi" Mrs. C. E. NEW AGENT WELCOMED Banquet And Reception For James Glllett Held At Port Simpson . Tuesday Night In honor of the new Indian Agent, James Glllett, a banquet and reception was held on Tuesday night OI rorl mere a uunpson, Demg hi ,iv,. ,v, the D-ir,,... Tr. sailing tonight on "J-iat attendance fully represents ise for a brief trip to Vancouver. . communit; ic wut u- Then followed a nrotrram of . , . ..music and speeches. R. L. McKlnley sailed last A night The official i on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. trip to Vancouver. Mrs. H. L. Landry sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a visit In Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty sailed last night on the Prince Rupert to spend the winter In Call- . f omla. On Wednesday evening a meet-; ing was held in St Peter's Hall, Seal Honor the dead and help the liv-Cove. for the purpose of Inaugurat-; Ing Buy a Poppy. ririen tn besin the course next Wed-' L, M. Assemlssen lias taken over !.. .r,ninr r T Nnrrlnrton Is the former Rex Bowling Alley in receiving enrolment?. lip Vvih"nr ninrk atid rr ronton 'the renovated premises within the next few days under the name .of Maxie's Bowling Alley Dr. and Mrs. D. T. R. McColl and two children arrived in tha city on the Prince John this momlne from Oueen Charlotte Cltv. where thev 'have been located for the past couple of years, and will leave by Wis evenings tram ror Ottawa. They are leaving Queen Charlotte City to locate In the East. NOTICE TO SHIPOWNERSAXD-SHIPPING AGENTS Entrance to the Port of Prince Rupert Intimation to Ship Owners and Agents Shipowners and Shipping Agents 'are advised that as a general rule, , they should time the arrival of their vessels at the port for daylight. Delays will be avoided by giving immediate notice to the! Chief Examining Officer, Prince Rupert, of the expected dates of arrival of their vessels, with particulars of appearance and tonnage, etc. The particulars necessary , should be given on Form XI, a up-i ply of which can be obtained from the Chief Examining Officer, Prince Rupert. B.C. This will facilitate the recogniUon of vessels by the Examining Officers and allow speedy allocation of berths. Early Intimation of the proposed departure of vessels should likewise be given to the Collector of Nation al Revenue (Customs Division. Signed. Lieutenant-Commander J. R. ELFERT. R.C.N.R Chief Examining Officer, Prince Rupert, B.C. Announcements Ml advertisement to thla column will be charged tor a tall month at 35c a word. Scotch and Canadian Dance, Metropole Hall, November 8. Anglican Bazaar. November 9. Valhalla Dance, Nov. 10. t Eagles' Bridge November 15. Presbyterian Bazaar, Not. 16. Vaudeville, Dance, Moose Hall. November 17. St. Peter's Church bazaar Nov. 23. Country Fair November 21 St. Andrew's Dance, Nov. 30. R. E. Eyolfson CHIROPRACTOR rhone BLACK 316 210 Eifhth Avenue West welcome 'jo Mr. Oil- ilett was delivered by Chief Coun-Iclllor Thomas Oosnell and other , speakers of the evening were Mr. Mrs. C. R, Biggart sailed i, j i last,ainft ,nut n.iti,- a t night on the Prince Rupert for a.Morrimn fehn miri nn hphif' nt trip to Seattle. the reception committee. John 'Sankey. who was heard on behalf Mrs. J. M. Morrison sailed lastjof community, and Rev. T. C. Colwell. I The musical program Included selections by the Port Simpson Concert Band and a piano solo by Miss Fen-ell. S. CHILD'S l"Ae THRU Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Both well and Gerald Nlcoll Morrville. Alberta: E. M. tyurphy, Seattle; Q. Reld and, J. A. Barn well. Victoria: C. D. Nixon. Prince PORT SIMPSON, November 3:: Rupert: Mrs. Helen M. Bulger, Prince Rupert; E. G. Thurlow, Topley: J. J. Nichols. Edmonton: W. P. Campbell, Vancouver; Mrs. J. E. Close, Ketchikan; A. Robertson. Massett; Dr. and Mrs. D. T. R. McColl and two childf eh and Miss Lillian McCormlck, Queen Wesley was master of Starr sailed last night! MtnA, charlotte Clt Alffed Abra on the Prince Rupert for Seattle &Urted , ham Massett where she will be Joined ater by of games whlch refresnments . , , Mr. oiarr. i usuai, w.cjr m simWjre served I COLDS Believe misery toect -without "doiin17. Use swUt-Actlng VICKS VAPORUI Next Time You Ask For Stove Polish Say "JET1 'FOR HOT STOVES At All B.C. Stores m O 9 The Rexafl Drug Store GIRLS and BOYS PRIZE CONTEST Fifteen Wonderful Prizes Given Away 8 For Girls 7 For Boys Nominations for Entry Open Wednesday November 1st and Close Sunday November 12th Voting Starts Monday November 13th Rules Governing This Contest May Be Obtained at Our Store Boys and Girls Make Sure Your Name is on the Contestant's List Prizes Are Now On Display in Our Windows Ormes Lid. "Jhe Pioneer Druqg tats , The Retail Store Phones; 81 St 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Ilolidays from 12 noon till 2 pjn. 7 p-m. till 9 p.m. 6000001KC000001XOOOOOOOOOOOCKH 0OOOOOOOOO0O000000099 mmmmmttBaSSImmmmtf BBjBfBHBaWlBKKHBBBillMiBfVi The LATEST New "Typemaster" Personal Writing Machines. Select the model you want nowf Complete details on request. No obligation From $39.50 t0 $100.00 THE LATEST "EUKOPE OF TODAY" Full color map of Europe November 1st With Inset of Maginot-Slegfrled Lines. Keep up-to-date with this new map. Only .... 25c September 1st map clearing at 10c Only a few left) if A t m at