IJIlC ini! irwiiiiHiwii porUnt Nation In TTAWA. November 3 alven Canadian lentum will likely carry Can? bt training to $250,000 for heavy fcbfrs. It U estimated that any- ,000 may be spent on Empire, itlon In Canada within the next , t Colllson upon the halibut UR. W Capt Roy Wick; Jupi-1 Capt Harold Jensen: Oslo, Llxel Olsen; Cape Spear. Capf fin area closed to halibut fishing. .11... Un.( fnnnna faff I Rn wick, was conviciea dui. as hi engaged In naval patrol scr- sentence was suspended. t lie case of the Domino II.. Capt. ; lin, Is coming up today as is t i iL.l a second cnarge against wici itt excent that of the Atll in bleh he U defending with Miss Wa Dyer prosecuting. T. W. Is defending In most of the roung Boy Is Irowned From ileveston Dock STEVESTON. November 3: (CP) fcTallln, n , M ...V. n nn wYinV hp f array Spence Had Been Lost In, Pend Orlelle District TRAIL. November 3: (CP) Iway Spence, missing on a hunt- t. trip in the Pcnd Orlelle dls- kt. has been located bv Drovln- police search. 0ULD BID FOR PEACE British -Institute of Public Opinion Takes Interesting Poll LONDON. Novemhpr 3: Thn TlrU Institute of Public Opinion, cross-section poll of rr-prcs 'Native ponulatlon. finds a 5 to Ff for the submission of mini f"m terms for peace to be pres '"ira In Prpslriont Frnnlrlln D oscvelt as a mediator. Canadian Natal Authorities .Make , , , . T7, . KermUn An,wer CU lo Suggestion In Regard To ,F,nn,sh Coulmore 1 To lrcsnt Hnal Terms MOSCOW. Nov. 3.- A crucial HALIFAX. November 3: :CP- rnion ffi-i.i. snowaown Deiween ooiei nussia and Flnland oVcr Polnts at taue Ale to throw any light upon the ot tnc Brttlsh learner Coul-j between the two countries appear- ; , was reported by the d nearer the ptanllh delega avla Y?. o... . j uJtion. back in Moscow, entered the W m kJbttLCd 1,ULALIL1j1.IL1 Ul Lie 1 ' Yesterday after having been Kremlin to put their final terms peace j ul. .aa- t i I ha rnra thft ksvit QiirnnriTiPS I r i Into the forefront, 01 air pow- .f.lentA uith atta.k h n ,,lh. before the Soviet authorities. long after echo of the last marine. It is pointed out that the' the third conference non of the present war nas coulmore If she was still the1 Finland Insists on reduction of away rne prajeci oi giving ollarrv of - Uhmarin vnniH nnt.some of the termr announced on Iknced flying Instruction to Em- llkdy USe wlrdesa and permlt her1 behalf of the Soviet in his address t air lorce rccrwu u wc n- gjgnaj, Jcad ner beln8 lo. on Tuesday night by Premler-For-bn has caught the popular Im- cated nava, offlclal3 concede elgn Minister Molotoff. Finland nation that the Coulmore Is probably safe, would make some concessions ln-mh airplanes cbstlng $5,000 for I eluding the leasing of certain Is- (Titi of $100 each were Imposed! DolLon Poann fcirda? by Justice of the Peace LmllVdll 1 CdLC ils 15 Their Aim in HJiKiana aiier uic obihumwh also been similar exchanges be- iWILL STAY IN LONDON Ul, Capt William Bussey. i F.xperts to be Ift Behind by Dom IHtnry Bmllle is prosecuting in all; nlons to Assist In Imperial War F.ffort LONDON, ;Nov. 3: (CP) Mem I bers of the Canadian mission here for Empire discussions will remain the present talks In order to deal with srieclal Questions affecting Canada, It was learned reliably Hon. T. A. Crerar. minister of mines and natural resources, will return to Canada as soon as the confer ence concludes but the others will remain. Representatives of other Dominions will also remain In Lon don, the Intention being to leave othr rhllrlr.n wrre ulavlne..mau groups ui cy iu uv. ye ar old Arthur Johnston was frowned yesterday in Frascr River. frail Hunter s Found Safe OTTAWA, Nov. 3: (CP) Canada's reDrcsentatlves to the Empire air training conference with delegates from Great Britain. Australia and New Zealand opening next week were named last night by Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie', King. They are Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of finance; Hon. Norman Rogers, minister of national defence, and Hon, C. D. Howe, min ister of transport. The Prime Minister himself will, of course, be a participant. QUESTION HPO A FaT"1 T A I V lands wnlcn might be used for the I K A I IT. I A I. IX .establishment- of fortifications to 'ensure the safety of Leningrad.) p i T f?r f"T77 Ruaala' second cfty but refuses to I . A 1 ,1 ,r.l I I lr r agree to a Russian naval base on ier . . , , 1 Hango Peninsula or the dlsmantl- , hulk of the business in nro- . ., n, training craft will probably German Delegation to Moscow re- i-r.n.rflan factories ' urn ,,ome Sudenly Conflict , ( to CanaOian laciones. deleoa.' . Mcmher nf thi Pinntsh VE BOATS ARE FINED inn uaims i , Itlon attended a session of the MOSCOW. Nov 1- A Qerman Soviet Parliament yesterday. This trade delegation to Moscow has re- believed to augur well for an, ' turned suddenly to Derlln. Although amicable settlement being reached ' in Oerman quarters It Is said the between the two nations. ! negotiations were successful, there i are other rumors that difficulties In Connection With Violation were encountered which resulted In latirnatlonal Fhnerles Heju- a rudden cutting oil of conversa- litinni tlrlnr Dl.DOifd of tlOHS REPLY OF MR. KING Premier Suttests Dr. Manlon Should Make Specific Charges For Investigation i OTTAWA. Nov. 3: (CP Reply- l-ellers contributing to Harmonious-, , .u-, i I S4ta fcVf da vttai(va ttiaui rtOSkog for infractions of the "u the day by Hon. Dr. R. J. Manlon tei'Jonal Fisheries Commission 7 .Leader of the Opposition, of patron- feiEbns. The ItW. and Juplterj AT.trrtRvi. CPltte cOV. J" n ".T" 'fiarged with uniawiui pos-' . ' - " jeuorj, rrime:Minier wiinam won . I.vi.... .ufitS..t,i. .iemment of Greece announces let- .;:,,.,. vl ..., rir other than halibut M halibut area tr and Eawara uw tied were Prime Minister said he would see the charges were investigated Immediately. In regard to Dr. Manlon's comment that he had, noi been confer- OF ARMS tied In Any Peace Plan "V In War Is Aim, Says Halifax NEW YORK, November 3: New.. Jllw .I,a( m 1cAr1 on " CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SUCCUMBS Hon. Iluth Guthrie, Former Minister of Justice And Long Prominent In Canadian Public Life, Passes Away OTTAWA, November 3: (CP) Hon. Hugh Outhrie. chairman of the Board of Transport Commissioners and former minister of Justice, died in hospital here today. Long service in high places with two different political parties mad Hon. mcst Passes Away HON HUOH GUTHRIE elder statesmen ablest parllamentarltn.:Df his. day. His practical knowledge of procedure and his grasp of the constl- times a leading figure Mr. Outhrie entered the House, of Commons at the turn of the ; PROVINCIAL 4 Weather Forecast Tomorrow's Tides mm High - 6:44 a.m. 17.9 ft. C i M Prince Rucert and Queen Char- 18:40 p.m. 175 ft. tnttt Iilcids--Fresh southeast to Low 0:05 ajn. 5.1 ft. south winds, mostly cloudy and 12:29 pjn. 9.0 ft with ocnasionai ram. mi!d NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVIH No. 257- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1939 PRICE: S CENT3 ANADA TO BE LEADER IN FVNG lentum Given By Why Wireless Is Not Used SHOWDOWN NOW NEAR BLOCKADE EMBARGO REPEAL AND EFFECTIVE NEW NEUTRALITY LAW Lll 1 LjVll I AJ iTiTnAlTTiT rhXT IIATTflP Allies May Tie Up German Exports, As Well A Imports, It Is Understood LONDON, November 3; (CP) The ministry of economic warfare announces that the Allied contraband control system has intercepted and detained well over 500,000 tons of contraband suspected of being destined to Germany since the outbreak of war. The cargoes destined for Nail Germany but. which never arrived included such vital materials for arms manufacture as t iron, steel, oil and cotton as well as foodstuffs and fertilizers. Reports were circulated today that the contraband control psntram may be extended to seizure of German exports as well as imports. WILL SEEK Prize Court WASHINGTON. D.C.. November 3: CP At the request of Secret- Pts f 0,-dfil Hutl. th- United States Department of Justice Is studying the case of the American steamer City of Flint which, following seizure by a German prize crew, is being taken now from Murmansk to Ocrmany with a view to preparing briefs neces-! sary for presentation to the Ger- ----- - man prize court Attorney General Hugh Outhrie one of the Murphy raid his department was distinguished of Canada's organizing a case for the presenta- By.some authorl- ion of American rights upon Fllnf would be sough't.' Iyxsm ship IS DOCKED century as a youthful follower of American Freiehter Mary D To ! red With by the Premier In regard, SUr was tnen Jn the ascpndam Receive Repairs Here to Strand- ( to war mattere, Mr. King said that.. ing Damage I and s,r WUfrld g a had matters arisen which made.,dol premier was surrounded j ! such conference necessary or de-jby men ot great aDiMy but It was! Having been unloaded of some of j slrable, there would hare been no nnt in rfnr Outhrie was count- her cargo at the lumber assembly! .committee of the House of Com- Tuesday morning after having mons in 1907'. I struck a rock in Grenvllle Channel, iThlrty-four years after Mr. Guth- sustaining considerable damage lie's first election to Parliament near her stern, went on to tne iocai as a Liberal he was sitting at the dry dock this afternoon to under-rlchl hand of a Conservative i go repairs. . , 'prime minister as minister of Jus-1 Armament Problem Must Be Set- ., . .hrin honors for low service In the house with IIon- pppn Ap"ni "l'lul Charles Marcll of Bonaventure.,u-1 Both entered tte House In 1900 LONDON, November 3:-Forelgn flnd thev alone of the Mi P..s of Secretary Lord Halifax told the remained. House of Lords yesterday that "no peace could be accepUble wlthoutj rriT-imtirri a solution of the world arma-I 1CL IkVS mcnt problem." Meantime, he LiH Li 1 LilVLTilJ . 1 J ft 4 1 UMJ a n t t 0 t Tt n ' in Liic ui liuai y ami . a. m wmcm problems as they arise from time to the .ar.. was the Foreign! rIVkN I III I time "and to act In the capacity of Secretary's cecrVta'ry's reply reply to two members VJl Y Jul! UU1 lalson officers There Is understood to be no present Intention of establishing a permanent commission of Dominions experts for the war duration although this may come later. Representatives Of Canada Named Rolston, Rogers and Howe to Ac' company Prime Minister King To Talks who urged , a government ment on war alms. state- NEW YORK COMMODITIES Man And Girl Who Took Part In Slaying Of Chinaman Sentenced Today By Mr. Justice Manson VANCOUVER, November 3: (CP) Dolores Brookes, aged 19, and yoric. commouuy Harry McMiUan. 23, "'Lni of manslaughter by cember ruDDer, zu.ua; warcn - ,,-. hv auuar. 101. vn o 1 143Vi; March copper, 11.47. Tropical Storm Sweeps Jamaica Four Schooners Sunk And $18,000 Damage Is Done KINOSTON, Jamaica, November 3-: Four schooners were sunk and $18,000 damage at least was done by a tropical storm, which swept Tnmntrn mid the Caribbean bol both convicted . . . Ill UlllllJlllU.tl.V. J - nn Assize 86ic; mber cotton w.7. ue-. scntenced to llfe Mr. Justice A. MM. Manson in Supreme Court to . . . . n 4 1. day. rne cnarges uui ui uic slaying here last April of Woo n.icit. Chinese cafe owner, 1 for whose death 18-year old Arthur Rennle was previously sentenced i to hang January 11. Badges For Loyal Canadians Not In Wartime Uniforms OTAWA, Nov. 3: (CP) The Dom lnlon government Is considering the issuance of badges to Canadian .... wwy.- f in. man u-hrt have been relccted fori Took Own Life Claude Gillingwater, Well Known Portrayer of Older Role, Despondent Over 111 Health BEVERLEY HILLS. Nov. 3: (CP)! Claude Gillingwater, aged sixty-) nine, loveable character actor of . stage and screen, was found snotj dead In his home here. Four notes, left behind suggested sulslde due to! Mil-health. Gillingwater was. well i known for his portrayal of older roles. WAR PLANS DISCLOSED How Allies Expect to Win war LONDON, Nov. 3: (CP) Some of the secret Plans of the Allies with a view to winning the war by land, sea and air were outlined to visit ing ministers of the Dominions here yesterday by high military authorities. Hon. T. A. Crerar, Canada's representative, and other ministers sat In the House of Par llament yesterday while Prime Mini crews of the" schooners Is not military service and those who, are 'later Neville Chamberlain was mat known engaged in essenuai services. ins ma Appropriation of $250,000,000 is attending. AiTKUVLD B.I uUUoL i Onlv Formalities Now Before Change of Policy Of United States Goes Into Effect ! I WASHINGTON, D.C., November 3. The House of Representatives approved the arms embargo repeal and .the administration's neutrality law revision plan late yes terday by sending the legislation on to joint benate-House. conference committee which approved it today preparing the wav for final congressional action today or tomorrow MINISTERS TO BERLIN Ambassadors to Moscow and Rome Are 'Suddenly Called Home to Confer BERLIN. Nov. 2: (CP German , War News ACUVITY ON WiSTEKN FRONT i-HiUS trench military sourc es report strong tierman troop movements northeast of Saar- gnemines, accompanied by heavy ( artulery screen lire. Three Hein-kel bomiKis enlured over the : Auied lutes jesieraay and two ! .ties he was rantea as one of. the hirh fhi return of the Citv of never returned, being brought rdDHii by British air force pursuit planes and anti-aircraft fire after a brisk fight, the third returning home disabled and trailing smoke. Today a large German bomber, which could be plainly j seen from Basle, Switzerland, ov- er the neutral territory of which it passed, was turned back In a damaged condition. FINLAND THREATENED MOSCOW Pravda, organ of the Communist party, declared today that Finnish Foreign Min- ncwiauon in camiig ur. Aianiou m.ed as a man wjtn a future. He was wharf, the big American ireignier ister Erkko had "directly threat " 'wna oVialrrnqn nf IVio rnllvfiV Marv D.. which nut Into DOrt On mnm.A" the hvir ITninn and hi uiauc .v j j . - , ..... . - remarks Wednesday cannot be appraised "otherwise than an appeal for war with Russia." Prav- GERMANS SENT BACK EDINBURGH Germans attempted another air raid on the Firth of Forth today but were driven back. FLIERS DECORATED LONDON Five young Royal Air Force pilots were decorated in a hangar yesterday by King t r i.t . i y:..j is after which It will go to the dent, who sponsored It, for his signature. Thus the House reversed Its action of June 30 last. The new legislation Is expected to become ef- i fective next week. By a vote of 243 to 181 the weight of administration support beat down efforts to retain the embargo. With the remaining stages of passage regarded a3 mere formalities occupying only a few days, the r "Pea- 01 embargo on shipment 'ambassadors u to sfh both m Moscow andi h , . . ... , ,,. , , .j ,j. of arms to belligerent nations, ex- - CUin D A rV, y JTv l Pted to become effective next a SHIP BALK. WrtUl the 5 'Tf,1 latest developmenU ni ) Ca-har There SirSk. will . will open the huge store of motorvehlcles, be discussions with Nazi chieftains ,,v M,t,, tnnA . United States To Present It, Case ,,m Adolf HlUer also nS'J TLl Fnr riir of Flint In German ......j, ments to the Allies h, on a cash and carry basis. TO FLOAT WAR LOAN Four Billion Dollar Issue To Be ! Floated by Imperial Government LONDON, November 3: A huge four billion dollar war loan will shortly be floated by the British government, Sir John Simon, Chancellor of the Exchequer, to shortly introducea -resolution id Parliament empowering the treasury to offer It. This was revealed in authoritative quarters yesterday WOMAN AND BABE SAFE Rescue of Mrs. Beckman And Infant From Frozen Alaska j Wilderness Effected i ANCHORAGE, Alaska, November 3: (CP) Safe after three nights in the frozen Alaska wilderness with a nineteen-day old baby, Mrs. Christian Beckman was rescued by da said that Erkko s position was ,a plane wltn Piiot jimmy Dodson "precisely that of Former Polish another passenger. Foreign Minister Joseph Because , of which "Poland had nerished." I jPREPARING FOR WORST Belgium Gets Ready To Evacuate In Fear of Invasion By Germany , 1 4.k """"su"" en with a view to providing for Three engaged in r . f Flying Cross. of , certain , of the rescue of the crew of the Kensington Court. Two took part in the Kiel raid early in the war. CASUALTY LIST LONDON Twenty-two killed during the past week were listed in a Royal Air Force casualty list. C. P. R. steamer Princess Loulse.j Capt Henry Anderson, is due Inl port at 6 o'clock this evening fromi waypolnts. BIG NAVAL BASE VOTE Appropriation of $750,000,000 Sought From United States Congress BRUSSELS, November 3: Pre cautionary measures are being tak- evacuation areas Belgium should invasion appear Imminent. Arrangements are being made for emergency medical services and supplies Including preserved blood transfusions. Home Nursing Course Starts the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and Instruction To Be Given At Unl- versity of British Columbia, It Is Announced VANCOUVER. November 3: (CP) A new course of home nursing for three year students is being opened at the University of British Columbia. Some thirty stud ents will receive instruction each ls year In weekly classes. I . The fisheries protection cruiser WASHINGTON, D. C, November Kitlmaat, after having spent ths 3: An appropriation of $250,000,- summer operating out of here, will 000 will be sought from Congress leave this afternoon wjth Capt. L. to provide for a program of naval Sheppard In charge. It may be base extension on Atlantic and Pa- some time before the Kltmaat Is , ciflc coasts and Canal zone. back. X r