“oN out PF WORK TODAY? of ; Ay The News’ “Want Ad. Way. A _THE D Y NEWS Former! TRE Prince Rupert Optimist ,. I, NO. ge = PRINCE RUPERT, 5.C., (0 ARREST EIGH MIEN nee ANOWN ON RIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1912, NEXT MAILS For South Princess May.....Saturday, 9 ain, PRICE Five CENTS COAST JATIC Special to Daily News.) 16,—Hawthorn- scene Feb. e created a gcloria, the today when he objected to presence of Ralph Smith, ex- _ for Nanaimo; John Oliver, eral leader, and @H. Lugrin he Colonist on the floor of the e as visitors. He engaged in t with the Speaker which end- ise AWTHORNTHWAITE OBJECTS TO “WORDY BUFFOONERY” TO CATCH VOTES AND AS A “POLITICAL FOOTBALL.” RESCUED BY QUADRA TOUGH CAMP TALK Ii ily Aes 0. 7,8 SIR GEORGE DOUGHTY NOT lution as “wordy buffoonery” and “a political football.’’ He moved an amendment, which was lost. Several minor acts passed to} their second reading. A. ‘Manson South. hen a division was taken. Amongst the passengers who ) Hawthornthwaite asked for}. this morning for the south te to place the House OD). ihe Prince Rupert was Mr. Night---Local Orientals Are All Republicans---Do Joss to rd in e i Tr. 8 as . . ° ¢ ; nita|Alex. Manson of the firm of Wil- e : ° ° and only Bawthornthwaits|iis00, @ Manson, who is paying @ Daily News Portraits of Great Men in the Revolution ing the motion. |business visit to Vancouver and All the wicked little devils heart of the business section| bart from the above the other the southern centres, red, yellow, green and blue way up to the Chinese quarters of the proceedings was ra ag which plague John Chinaman inj;on the hill, where King Tai sits tack by Brewster on the “New Lot of Ladies’ " neckwear.| Prince Rupert fairly trembled in|on his yellow throne in clouds n on Asiatic immigra-| Wallace's. |}their cloven hoof shoes last night|of rare Oriental spices, the 5 | whole atmosphere was lively with rattling reports and spraying sparks. It was a merey the night was rainy, otherwise the Chink celebration would surely have set CROUNDHOG OF RUPERT LOTS the city in a blaze. Scared little devils, in Joseph incial Government Proposes Send Engineers to Survey a e from Stewart to the Great | Field. 15. i, Feb The British ia Government proposes a part; f engineers to rintry between Stewart and mdhog Mountain to secure for the proposed construc- of a railway present ‘ to from the of the line from Stewart he Groundhog Mountain coal Che to eventually Mle ine 1s in another transe¢ ystem, AD ACCIDENT UP THE LINE hman John Burke Falls from ilway Bridge and Crashes rough River tce—Body Is ought to the City. at the Johnson, watchman employed y camp of Messrs. & Helmer, Mile fell of was 56, during from a the found He was brought here to the new mortuary Haynor Bros., and to- there was talk of holding an Mest, but the authorilies con- ed none was necessary. Peceased was employed and pwn well in town by the name ohn Burke, He used to stay the Grand Hotel under that Me. But in one of his pockets found a pocketbook bearing name of Jacek Henderson, may possibly have two names. PB date for the funeral has not been fixed, esday night the body Aes Onto river es water, DW. in taken Del of 50 Good Prices Paid for Average} Class Lots at O. M. Helgerson)| Co.’s Sale, Conducted by Frank} Ellis Last Night. of their coats Ce for many tives After Last Night’s Raid on Cetinje Hotel, Case Is Adjourned. accused The three in the Cet- inje gambling raid appeared be- fore the magistrate today. Louis Jackton pleaded guilty. Sam and Golletta Mickinovich | money. | Rednich denied haying played for Very little money was found on| accused by the police, but there was a fourth man in the room who was in bed and who was not arrested, After evidence had been taken from Constable Car gill and Louis Jackton, the case was adjourned at the request of W. kk. Williams, who is to appear in defense of the accused tomor row, J. E. Merryfield Bereaved. This morning Mr, J. E, Merry- | field left by the Prince Rupert ag THE PFLAG | siiebeioia | Prices ranging from $255 to $4,650 were realized last night j for lots listed with O, M. Helger- son for sale by speeial auction sale conducted by Frank Ellis in the Empress Theatre last night. There was a good attendance of buyers and many interested cili- zens looked on, Certain lots went at what were thought “snap prices, but from the point of THE PRINCE REGENT. view of the sellers and their : c é agents the sale was considered very satisfactory. Considerable when the fusillade of firecrackers interest is aroused now in this celebrating the new Ghinese re- form of real estate selling, which public blazed forth. Never since was planned by the Helgerson) ine jast grand Chinese funeral in firm some time ago ,and has been the Land of the Yellow Dragon, adopted by other real estate MeN) Which they lately left, have the 2 also, imps heard such a terrifying din. ~ From the open space in front} % GAMBLING CASE TODAY of the Dunn residence in MA} WU TING OF THE REPUBLIK with CHINESE ACCLAIM NEW REPUBLIC Resounding Fusillade of Firecrakers Kept Up Till Late Last lors, seuttling shattered FANG, | the aac SURE TO BE ELECTED. Crew of Schooner Wrecked Off deel Otter Point. tenfrew, Feb. 16.—Hon. | Pays Penalty for Talking Today. (Special to Daily News. G, H. Graham of Brockville, | A toil worn tough of the grad- Victoria, Feb. 15.—The Seattle minister of railways and ing camps was today fined $10 L T power fishing schooner Carrier canals in the Laurier ad- and costs for having used camp Sc ca ae Sa IMMIGRATION ‘RESO u 1ON DECLARED TO BE Dove was wrecked vesterday at ministration, and Dr. Ma- language on the street. Magis- WORK ON /Otter Point, Cinque Island, Dis- loney of Eganville, Con- trate Carss is very hard on users }covery Passage. As far as can be servative, were .nominated of bad language, and warns all Core ; ae i aid 41- Nias ae jlearned no lives were lost. The for the Commons yesterday who come before him for the of- es Siiacs oom e said it was merely a | crew is coming here on board the for South Renfrew. lfense that they will be sharply Wilfrid Doughty, manager of oS ee to te dust is the e¥e8! Quadra. eee ———!| punished. the new fish industry company Mi a UO ne ree ate ee incorporated as the British Co- their votes. He styled the reso- — — a = ——————— —_——_— : is : lumbian Fisheries Co., Ltd., left this morning on the Prince Ru- pert for Vancouver, and will prob- ably be away for about a month. One of the objects of his visit is to obtain specifications and let contracts for the enlargement of the plant which the company has purchased from the Simon Leiser Company at Skidegate, where Mr. Doughty spent the last two weeks, The Skidegate is but one of the company’s proposed fishing sta- tions, and in regard to it Mr. Doughty spent the last two weeks to have the oil branch of the business there in operation in a few days and the salmon cannery took refuge popping moments nervous systems, unwonted fearfully firecracker in out as half subsided respectable corners, every few din highly and making PORPOISE ISLAND PLANT NOT TO YEAR—WHAT MANAGER WILFRIL DOUGHTY SAYS OF SKIDEGATE OPERATIONS. don directors of the IERE UNTIL JULY BEGIN THIS would be ready to make some- thing of a pack before the end of the present salmon run. The white fish packing plant to be erected he hoped to see complet- ed in the early summer, probably in June, As to the new cannery and packing plant to be established on Porpoise Island, adjoining the Prince Rupert townsite, the eom- pany was not contemplating do- ing any work there this year, but these plans might be changed upon the arrival of his father, Sir George Doughty, president of the company. He would reach Prince Rupert some time in July, and probably would be accom- panied by one or two of the Lon- company. POLICE RAID LAST NIGHT Cetinje Hotei Scene of Systematic Swoop of the Force on Alleged Gamblers—Three Charged This Morning. acting under Chief Vickers, the Cetinje today from At 2 a. m. instructions the police raided Hotel, next to the Windsor, on First- avenue, For long Chief | Vickers has suspected the pursuit |of gambling games in these prem- and having prepared the }way for a raid gave the word “Go” last night. | The police force swooped down like the wolf on the fold and gath-| jered in Goletta Mickinovich, ott |}Rednich and Louis Jackton, all of charged with patenitiniee ses, whom are Cards, chips and money, the evi- dence of iNlicit gaming, were 3 Sic, found and confiscated, and the ee. FOE 38 S8 4 SN OER OCD emmy | Trl of the police this morning |was to make the charge stick. PRINCE CHING. eee ae — THE ‘WEATHER. |middle-aged citizens start with| _— lawful reminders of conveniently] Twenty-four hours ending 5 forgotten wild-oats days. |a. m., February 16, 1912; Bar., As for John Chink himself,| 29.674; max. temp., 45.0; min, with smiles that were ¢Childlike|temp., 36.0; precipitation, .o3. jkept guard over the roistering re-| and bland, he and his brethren | solemnly ignited barrel after bar-| rel of Chinese cannon sputtery | Publics ans until the middle of the firecrackers, and wiggly skyroc k- | nig ht in the drenching rain. ets, some of which crawled snaki-| Prominently displayed in the the ground. “Vive la|#aily decorated residence of King ly along yelled John in Chinese. l'Tai, who is the acknowledged Hi Republie!” Let's have Vive la Republie and|Ti Ee of the Chinese in Prince nothing else but Vive la Republic| Rupert, were displayed the por- if we bust for it!” The fireerack- | traits of the various great figures ers noisily agreed as they burst|in the Chinese revolution, which for Vive la Republic, and alto-|have appeared from time to time gether it certainly was a famous|in The Daily News. With joss victory. ; |sticks and colored lights due Chief Vickers is amongst the| homage was rendered the famous He has a/faces by the staunch republicans just as if a seared, | wounded this morning, dreadful cold, oes mAs? WE. wet, little Chink devil had seuttled - into his authoritative weeny nose as he} attend the funeral of his mother, announced to ANOTHER NEW POWER BOAT Capt. W. H. Noel Is Having the Engine Fitted to a new Hull, 35 Feet Long, Built for Him in Port Essingston for Local Use. At the Rupert Marine wharf today is lying the hull of a newly launched 35-foot gasoline jJaunch built at Port Essington for Cap- tain W. H. Noel. The boat is for use in local waters. Today the engine, a new 16 horse power Standard, is being fitted by the Rupert Marine engine depart- ment. LARGE HOTEL AT NEWTOWN Railway Company Erecting Three Storey Hostelry Near the Pres- ent End of Steel—Will Be One of Number Along the Line. People who came in on the last Prince Rupert, who in Victoria had seen the plans for the new railway hotel at Newtown, the station before Van Arsdol is reached, say that the plans of the elevation, give a somewhat showy but substantial building of three storeys, with wide piazzas on the first and second wide eaves and many dormer windows in short, a very handsome building. It is a type of the hotels the company will build at a number of points along the line between here and Fort George, the construction of which will rapidly follow the arrival of the track layers at the several points. MANITOBA WINs. No. 1 Hard Wheat Still to Bear Wame of Province. floors, Special to Daily News. Feb. 16.—The House has decided not to the name standard wheat from Manitoba to Canada hard. A grain survey board will be established at Calgary to pro- vide facilitie sfor handling grain to coast points when the Panama Canal opens. Ottawa, of Commons . change of HAS HALLUCINATIONS Hears Voice of a French Bull Cook Calling Him Names. sained Pastro An- suffering from hallueina- tions which are apparently dom- inated by the shadowy personality of a French bulleook at Mile 103 An gelo, ltalian who “talks’ ’evil names to him, appeared before the magistrate this morning. Magistrate Carss endeavored to find out if Pastro were sane, as he has been telling the police that people are after hi mto kill him, He will be whose death was he Henriette came in from him by wire yesterday afternoon, Couver late last night and to- Mr. Merryfield had inte mnded to go} unloading a big cargo of south in the hope of seeing her| B® and feed, agai alive, but there was not| aoe ‘ time. On his last visit to Van- Indoor Baseball te Sar, Mevisteid saw her m Charged With Forming a Combination in Restraint of Trade by) ‘ : she was 82 years| Pirates vs. Quill Drivers, at, fair health, She wa © r rates ve, Quill Drivers, aly flr Monopolizing All Transportation Facilities of Skagway Wharf led at 8:15 sharp, Admission ‘ Soe (Special to Daily News.) [president and general manager of; It is charged in the indictment Skating after the game, 2t Best room in town at Savoy. |} Juneau, Feb, 16.—Telegraphic| the White Pass & Yukon Railroad|{hat the North Pacific Wharves ‘ a Drees pp were Aenea: 7asbersay, Company 3 pe ; land Trading Conipany, the Pa-| or * arrest a 1k 1 1si- tharles Og rddy, formerly| Y al say oineanie nen owe one f th ‘adie st so nin cifle Arctic Railway & Navigation af ‘ » alfairs| manager o ‘ aska Ste: s PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO of Alaska and the Pacifie coast|Compatiy. |Company, the Pacifie Coast Coal| jon four indietments returned by | J. H. Young, president of the} Gompany, the Pacific Coast} | the federal grand jury that has|Alaska Steamship Company. Steamship Company, the Alaska Survey started for Alder’s aerial wireway. |} been investigating alleged viola- John P. Bunch, traffic manager|Steamship Company and : the SING HUAI. Meeting of Dramatie Society announced for 23rd. erate a) Seana: Anis trust} of the Alaska Steamship Com capri ae eoihe, Railway Com-] awe a A |} lk co 2CL1O ) 1e@ con pany. yan ave formed a co atio ns i Six Imperialist firecrackers refuse to go off, trol of wharf facilities at Skag- kk. GC. Ward, superintendent of{|in restraint of trade and in viola-|of the city, Today the rejoicings Mayor Newton is NOT expected by the Camosun, way, The following are among/The Pacific Coast Steamship Com-|tion of the Sherman anti-trust) are being actively continued, and Acting Mayor Douglas shakes hands with himself, He tnidloged | pany law to monapolixe all transpé He [a4 Jone: as toa Sere! pare ; ser Ss oe Jd ooo ‘side acifie : } Wurzbacher, C, E, Jo oO acilities at Skagway, we) ou ere > HOWy celevora- oy Jack Hilditeh, with M. J. MeNeill, doubtfully crutinize Ai fay Sckeectit tee fl Pacific} F, Be : x eee : s Re ti D Sere : — + sanel tioag at Kinin eRe be das Y ' P j a sOasl é 8 4 any, son, ti zs ‘sl, ‘ poces : s.0 ‘ ass ons BULA, i a) pas bandstand sidewalk. ’ ; ; il be com- | ©, BK. Houston, head of Pacific pee pn, [ra Bronson, J. W. Smith,|& Yukon Railroad and the prin- the new republican flag flutters eedistion is made that pipe line in city limits w! }CGoast Coal Company, ’ J. Cushing, W. B. King, V. LJeipal seaport of Southeastern} bravely in the breezes of British | pleted in a fortnight, A, L, Berdoe, formerly vice ee and G. H. Higbee. Alaska. Columbia, medically examined,