ttt M O'Brien, chief fleldengln O.'W. Laldler. salea manager for - toiMOJiuaicu iuiMK v. uic w. ii. mamn uo., arnvea in ine ( n after a brief Visit ta city on the Prinee Rupert this1 impany business, was morntug ,from Vancouver, being i aboard the Oatala..yes- here on company buainea While! cmt-oo returning to Van- m the dUtrtet he expect to visit .the Queen Charlotte Islands. PHONES ! and If P.O. Box 575 Mussallem's. Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" lUUUUhed 1910 Independently Owned and Operated MY COFFIN ..aid DollcloUJl vj! Per lb, PREPAItED ML STARD- -d-oz bot r- pint WHEAT Freih 29c 8c 12c KHAFT DINNER- Contain ,xcjc and macaroni 1 r pk.' BITT VET DOO OQC, F jOI 10 a 2 tins f TT'Il MAID SALAD DRES3INO 23C i jar SEEDLESS RAI8IN8 Mb. pkg LUX FLAKES 1 pkgs. 23c GRANULATED 8UOAR- loib 59c baw HEDLUND'S PORK It DEAN8 16-cn tins. 25C 52c 1 Knitting Book value 35c FREE with every 2 pkiw. OKANAOAK CHER-RIEflPer lb THOMPSON SEEDLESS 0 RAPES- Lb. 15c 20c Prompt. Free Delivery Service Throufhout tbe City Two Telephone for Your Convenience Boat and Stall Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention WAGONS FOR HARD USAGE Sturdy Construction of Canadian Hurdwood, Well Hotted and Braced, Disc Wheels, Kul!cr Tires. V v 12- anrh $3.50 $5.50 Rockers 2$-inch At M-inch At ... . Monarch Tricycles $5.50 Child's Wheelbarrow Sreciul Shoo'riy At Size $7.00 $7.50 $6.50 $1.35 $295 Good Quality at a Low Price See Is for Children's Wheelgnods of Every Description. MacKenzie s Furniture Jl'ST ARRIVED -Coffee Tallies and End Tables, Vnrious Prices Very Special A Front Room Ensemble. Specially Rriced! for July IM,one ,75 3J7 THIRD AVENUIl COAL (rain. Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. I'liones SI and SSI NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarclll Proprietor -A HOME. AWAY FItOM HOME" Hates $1.00 up SO Hooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M awa1SMaiaHHawa1VaWawaWBWMBaWaYAaWVl aVaWSBWavavawaawBBaHH UNION STEAlSHlPSnFl Steamers Leavi rrtnee nupert for Vancouver: T.K.8. CATALA P.VEHY TORS' T.S.S. CAHDENA nUUAY, DAY. 1:30 jutt. 10:30 p.m. Du. Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver Monday s,m. if Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations andTickets From "AISK J. BKlNNIiH.. Prince. Hupert. Agent. Thlrd.Ave, Phone 56 - 1 I II . J I l LOCAL NEWS NOTES Clvle Half Holiday, Thursday, July zl lie lure to visit the Waterfront and. view the Itegatta, tlffl) 8. J 'Mayer of Bmlthera will ar rive in the- city from the Interior on tomorrow night'a train, return In to Smitheri Friday morning. Father Anthony Meiilenberg of Stewart U paying a brief visit to the 'city on ecclesiastical duties, having arrived here from the north on the Catala yesterday afternoon. Olof Hanson MJ. arrived In the city on last night'a train from Smlthera and will be here until Friday morning's train on which he will return to the Interior. Stanley Dalby, government agent at Telegraph Creek, alter spending the past couple of days In the city, ! will sail on the Princes Alice this afternoon. He Is out on a two months vacation and will visit Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle and In the Iowa state. Turnbull Back In Gov't Post VICTORIA. July 10: CP William Turnbull. a former editor of the Prince Rupert Dally News, is back again in the service of the orovlncial government here after having travelled far afield during the past few years. He has been appointed to a position which takes in some of the duties formerly Handled by the deputy minister of lands. Dally advertising tn the Dallj News is sure to bring dally re suits. i tin: M rnr.Mr. rnuiT or iuutmii lOLfMim In Ih Mallrr ( Ulai, Iht4. Aa3 In Itw Mailt r Ike ".Mmlnitlrallon Act" Take nonet by omrr or nu Honour Judtn TUttr St4 th Mill diy at June IBM I m ointrd A-nuntatralor of Um Hue ot Vend sum. tat of Uw city ox mat Rupm, dXcaral. sad sU penom tevrng cU!su Unt Um BUU am rrqulrrd to His Um mo wtUi t In KTlUrV propT!j wrUtaid on or IWOf Ute IStb day oX AufuA IMS. and pewm tndbw to thr mM EMU are rquirra to pay u amount of their tndebtMtiMM to m forUnrlth DATED" m Print Kuprrt. BC thu Srd dy of July IS 39 NORMAN A. WATT Otncai Admtalatrator Ptloc Rupert, B.C in hir utiPKr.Mf. count or iiritisii OLI MIU V IN PROIUTr. In Ihv Matter ( the tetatc at LooU crhlritic lwMd -pake NOTICE tbat oy OrOtt of tbe Sitprrtux Court or anuan tot union Urura ProUkta of th Katate of LouU DottMK, OrrmMfd Ul Of Prmo IUlR- n n whn dlrd at PrUvOe Ruprll afortaaid on or about Uie 3rd day, c( FWruary W9 were graatd to i nkmni aod, Mxw X. Arnold mix Hupert aforeaaJd. toe- Xwouton nunM tn th nil of the aaid doeMd. All wmn navim elaiioa aealmft t5 MVd Eatat are rrqittred to fumlab ttie mm in wTttJnr. Drawrlv wrUted. tn mt undrratcrwd. wttwa one moam mm U daUe or twa woiic. kbh- ..muth. aaki Will without regard to any auch cUlroa. Alt peraona rodebt-nl to toa- aald Eata. are hweby W-mrtmt to oat tbe amount of Mietr In- onitMtMaa to a rA-nm Prtnc . Rurvrt. B. C. thUI Bind day of J. J9J9. NORA X. ARNOLD Bos 893. Print Rupert. D. C THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sbckeyo PINK SEAL Einosfc Eink. Salmon Packed by the only salmon cannlnr company with, an, all the year round payroll In Prlncs Rupert For prompt and courteous ser vice Phone 13 Taxi. if. W. J Roberton returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this-mornlng from a trip to Vancouver. The annual convention of the As aoclated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia wlU be held at Prince George August IS, 19. Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Marshall. and family were passengers aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon going through from Stewart to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johns and two daughters, Helen and Mabel, i Former Editor of Prince Rupert. Dally News Rejoins Provincial Land Department home in Montreal and are visiting with Mrs. Mabel Thompson and Mrs. Arne Taylor of Seal Cove. Miss Ruth and Miss Edna Olllles, who have been, on a vacation trip as far south as San Franclseo, returned home on the Prince Rupert this morning. City Commissioner W. J. Alder was to have conducted a city council session yesterday afternoon but the meeting was postponed until Friday morning. Dr. R. O. Large, at today's reg ular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club, presented his re port on recent district convention at Jasper Park which he attended as official delegate. Dr. Large il lustrated his report with Interesting moving pictures. President W. M. Watts was in the chair and Enrest Meadows was a guest. J. C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of pub lic works, sailed this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Atlin and other northern points in Atlin riding. Accompanying him is Hugh McDonald, road superintendent for Atlin district who arrived in the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Stewart They will fly in from Jun eau to Atlin and then to Dease Lake. Hotel Arrivals ! Central C B. Flewln. Port Simpson; L. Branch. Usk; B. Smith, More-beach. Dean, Knuckles. Moore. A. Smith. Jones, House. Webster, W. Jones and Guardian, Detroit. . Prince Hupert H. Singleton. Oeorge McKenzle, V. H. Stewart. Nt S. Buchanan, Herman Thober and R. J. Thomp son. Vancouver; H. McDonalt?. Stewart; Mrs. J. H. Fee. Anyox: T. W. Yexley. Montreal; Mrs. H Ludgate. Smlthera; Mrs. D. W. Bouter. Sunnyside Cannery; C. V. Turner. Ocean Falls. Royal C L. Scott SeatUe; P. Hudson, L Taylor and A. Mlltchin, city. Announcements All advertisements in tali col-wlU be charted tor full month at 25c a word. Prince Rupert Regatta.and Dance July 20. Lutheran Tea Leland's August i Hospital Bazaar, October 4. Catholic Bataar October 11, 12. "Crescent Canadian Shows" Big ger and Better. Dance every Thursday, East End Hall. Legion Women's Auxiliary Baiaar Novembers. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 31 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Prlca Phone GREEN 8S0 727 FRASER ST. TRAINED IN CANADA TO AIDCHINA Thelagiaiu Doctor, and Engineer my Major, Roles, ia. Distressed Country By PETER, E WONG SHANGHAI, July 18: CP China has called upon her foreign- educated young men to lead her people In their struggle for exist ence. Among the many who are performing a heavy task are three Canadian-trained and educated young Chinese. Each is outstand in in his- respective field and a credit to Canadian training. The one who is probably best Vnnwn in Canadians and whose have arrived in the city from thelri Canadian friends are legion Is Pro- feasor William B. DJang. M.A., BJJ of Knox College and the University pX Toronto. Previous to the out break of war. BUI DJang occupied an obscure position as Dean of the School of Theology at his Alma Maten Shantung Christian Unlver stty, now known as Cheeloo Univer sity! a school supported by the Un ited Church of Canada. Herr over the course of years he has been doggedly and enthusiastically giv ing his whole time to the prepar ation of young Chinese for leader ship in the native Church of China. On all who came in contact with him, Djang impressed the imprint of his personality and his devotion to Christianity. Little Is. known oi the fact that, when the University came to select a new president, he was offered the Job, as was natural under the circumstances, but de clined. He nominated another alumnus. stating that he preferred to remain In the school teaching religious rub ects where he felt the need was infinitely greater. Those who know the prestige that the president of university carries with him in China will appreciate the oppor tunity he declined. Therefore, when fighting broke cut. it was natural that Bill should volunteer for service at the front among the soldiers. Wherever the fighting was thickest. Bill would be behind the lines, organizing rests ind carry succor to the wounded often carrying the streschers him self. His work was so outstanding that before long the China . , . . , . . t engaged tn the same work, saw and SDoreciated his worth and made him Field Qeneral Secretary. To day he is still at , running between fronts organizing and directing the field work that has been favorably commented upon by the Chinese government and Military Headquarters. His present address Is the YALCA. In Kunming. Yunnan Province, or Uie United Church headquarters quarters In Chung king, China's war-torn capital In Czechwan Privince. In HotpitaMVork The next of these three. Canadian Chinese is Dr. Ross Wong, MD. Ross is an Ingersoll boy and from there he went to Queen's where he distinguished himself In his chosen profession, graduating with honors. He once remarked that his most outstanding achievement was mak ing the wrestling team , afQueen'S for his class. When he left Canada In the 20's Ross was attached to St. Luke's Hospital In Shanghai for a lime. His arrival coincided with one of those civil wars that were breaking out spasmodically oyer China then. Consequently he saw the need for further work In the field of medicine u China. Soon he shook the dust ot Shang hai off his feet and returned to Canton, his birth-place, and joined Hackett Memorial Hospital and College, a missionary institution., as surgeon. When the time came for the choice ot a president to head the Medical School, Ross was nam ed. At Hackett he toiled ceaselessly to build up a better and bigger school, so that its graduates could be trained on a par with those of foreign Institutions. However, the way he worked soon told upon him and his health broke down. He put tn his resignation but was .given leave ot absence Instead. Upon his complete recovery, he returned to the school and took up his duties once more. With the advent of hostilities, he found his hands full caring, for the wounded soldiers that were tilling his wards. But It was to defence less civilians, victims of hundreds bf bombings ot Canton, that Ross aevotea nimseu neart ana soui. When Canton was about to fall to the Invader and everone, includ ing doctors, was running away, he made his choice. He sent hi fara Boy From Port Hope The last of this trio is Frank Yee Lem, B.Bc., M.E.. He hails from PAQf THT!E The Morning AfterTakin CartersLittle Liver Pills Ily to the safe haven of Hong Kong the same time. Many a time they've and derided to remain. Here he seen Yee sleeping with his headi stuck throughout the Japanese oc- resting atop his books when there- cupatlon of the city, looking after i was a lull in the business. Frank; the sick and wounded. Ross is entered the University of Toronto: still in Canton looking after the , for two years and then left for New, health of the thousands of refu-fYork University to complete his ed-gees there. Jucatlon. He had an opportunity to-. enter Ford's River plant for further experience. There he came under the lndu-. ence oi Dr. Bailey, a missionary. Port Hope. There Frank is well rhir nnmP in Uf waxitn known to the townspeople whoiSee that Chinese students were.glv. have kindly recollections of the len opportunity to .see and work young Chinese lad. who operated a ito American industrial concerns, restaurant on Its main street and went to Port Hope High School at (Continued on Page Four) B.C. FURNITURE CO. Just Received Large Stock of Reconditioned Eurniv ture Consisting of Chesterfields4, Bedroom Suites,, Dressers, Odd Dining Room Chairs, Carpets, Rugs, Etc. Used Furniture 1 Ten-tube Victor Radio and Gramaphone Combination 1 Woodstock TypewriterIn exeellent condition 12 Kitchen Chairs At, each 1 Large Dresser At .' . 1 Sewing Maehine At 1 Chesterfield Table Just like new 1 Studio Couch Slightly used 1 Sessions Clock At $39ae30 $27-00, S1.00. $10,50; $7.50; $10.50. $27.50 $12.50 New Furniture 3-piece Tapestry Chesterfield Suite (Chesterfield bed, arm chair and occasional chair' 2 Cast Iron Cabin Cook $64.0ft $13.95 UNPA1NTED FURNITURE Consisting of BUFFETS, CHESTS, NIGHT TABLES at Very Reasonable Prices ooooaoooooooonaooooocrt3CHu0aonaeH3ooociooBaooaonoowo Remember the Day with a SNAPSHOT Complete Developing, Printing and Enlarging Service Agents for Kodak, and Voigtlander Cameras Special While They. Last WarackboxCameras Taking Pictures Sijze 21-4 x 3 1-4 $1.95 Ormes Ltd. JJms Pioneer Druq&iats The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & M Open Dally from 8 a-m. till 10 p.m, Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pun. 7, pan. till 9 p.m. -j. . a,MaiMMM