THR DAILY NEWS. RTA TS To — ———— = = — 4 - —_——————————————— . a +e gaye The Dail Ne “NEW IDEA” MINISTER MONK | LAND PURCHASE NOTICE NOR a NARKNOROHIOK seavereren ener : U ye Re we PAE eS een oS es eeNCCAG re tie tre > ee vemeek RM ys y : | Prince Rupert Land Diste yee of Ne ‘ : Coast. as The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. A hice HAMAl aioe Te Lemuel, Freer, of ¢ y yancouve B. C., oce tion broker, ° y Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited tend to apply foi pe emission to purchase is fs i} the following described iands AY Seta vsarito--00 baa | commana rate) NOY Te @ TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVSRIISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates | We are showing a wonderful Tory Government’s Unique Way Nelson € annery, marked L. Fs 8 E. corner, | fe As on application. selection of this entirely new Of Straightening Things Out weal, thence 30 ‘chains an," shat tot ite ee ence eas lo) the shore to point oO ay SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico— Daly, soe | Bed. Stronger, better and cheap- Sarcastically Described by To- Sommefioemnent, “containing 40 acres, more {e? Ke per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WHrEKLY, $2.00 per year. All/er than brass. ronto Star Correspondent. or less. LEMUEL FREER Ye Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly —_— é Sao Dated Dec. 7, 1911. | 35 ay in advance. Further remarks on the use-| Pub. Jan. 5, 1011. * he BIG FURNITURE STORE fulness of Boy Scouts in election . ve sy HEAD OFFICE ‘ aleng as | Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| a} ; F. W. HART campaigns are forgotten on the! Range 6. oss x Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. Nea 62 2nd Ave. & 6th St onirance of Louis Phillippe Pel-| Take notice that 1, Louts Galeria, ertvety| % ish on 2 ve . oO ctorla, B. C., i ok roper-| & % BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES Entrance on 2nd Ave le lier and Frederick Debartzch | mission seid, Purchase the following de- | Ne f N Y National N : —=— Monk —the beheaders-in-chief— Commencing at @ post planted at the | : 3 ew YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 28rd St., New York City the Ghostmaster General and the Bee, “Gaanee went Ay chiuina: hone ls % 4 4 pe aheehwe SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. MADE AND Minister of Bloody Works. They] north 80 chains, thence east 40 chains, to “ . . > * ) ) Ci p ement, containing 4 LonDoN, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar oes..' EPAIRED |smoke their cigars earnestly. The| RR! More or less : Square, Montreal Harbor Board tangle has phase A Cait agent, SupscriBers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of JOHN CURRIE been - siraiguvened out and the Mace en Aras f non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. SECOND AVENUE : - PRINCE RUPERT rat rae . ny looking relieved. | 5 They wouldn't be nearly as san- ‘ ¢ e ¥ - — guinary as they are if the pat Skeena Land District— District of Coast, 4} ary as ) - ange 5. ° ; s lfronage crow ri s ]- Take notice that I, Dagobert Auriol, of i Tey DaiLy EDITION. aa FRIDAY, FEB. 16| Servian Labor Benefit Society 'O"@%® crowd would stop howl-/| . hale nolee, me ccupation miner, intend 2 = = a ne No. 195, S.S.S.S. ing for gore. to apply for permission to purchase the ‘ : * Monk, in particular, is a kind- | fjowing described lands: tea at the ? MANSON AND HIS SOLEMN TROMBONE. heartec »sn’t care for | southeast corner of Lot 4484. thence south ‘ 1 THAT, He doesn't ce " i 40 chains, thence weat 40 chains, thence his reputation as an ogre. When} north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 160 month in the Carpenters’ Union Hall Meetings held every ist and 8rd Sunday of a A presidential campaign is opening across the border, and|& VUKOVICH, T.MAZLUM, |some frenzied head hunter Con~| geres, more or less, . 8 5 Fs . . . Secretary P.O. Box 991 President | org \S j ar av DAGOBERT AURIOL, at the very beginning of it one of the leading candidates found B Perse tries sien mentee inset 5 ‘ nrted E. Cowell, Agent. It has all the news of the : is cas ; f r dates ff 7 aan anne a 2 8 é en ¢ Smis~ Jate Nov, 10th, 1914. it advisable and good politics to dispense with the services of his sals, Monk is said to have en-| Pub. Dec. 9. leading trumpeter because of the injury he was alleged to be — © --@—@—-@—@-@/ quired: ‘Which stand?" For it week’s progress in the Skeena Land District—District of Queen e doing to his leader’s campaign. The papers have been full of is known Monk has taken two ‘ : : ° ° ° the controversy between Woodrow Wilson, governor of New FRED. STORK Beck At Poe ig ren niet ae cee eee area city and district. It tells ifabasy. and. presidential’ candidate,’ and his vhiet ‘supporter MAaatitel Hard wate Chabot came asking Gri _ heads to apply for ‘permission to purchase the Colonel George Harvey, editor of Harpers’ Weekly. Colonel Sa i Ca Late ken he iain be cegunmeneing” ata "Dost planted at the more about the P lace than Harvey was whooping up Wilson to beat the band, and flattering| ¢ Builders’ Hardware ] was getting all. the blame, he| {0,we 2orthesst commer of Lot 1868, thence you could write ina month. himself that Harpers’ Weekly was earning a crown of glory in Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves || said: ‘No more.” nundred’ and four (106) Sores, there oF e doing so. But he overdid it; his veneer was too thick, and it Graniteware —_ Tinware ¢| The Montreal Harbor Board is} less. ELLEN MARION YOUNG. cracked. Wilson's friends called his attention to these cracks Seated peter ener a ae a hed Not ee It will come regularly each and the thickness of the veneer, declaring it up to nauseating. SECOND - AVENUE ae Ey: aids caller reat. Pub. Dec, 18, 1011. ” : ay So Wilson wrote to Colonel George Harvey a very kind letter bUSLELS WW Ouse ueue ee lessness is straightened out, the week like a letter from you. 4} thanking the editor for his able services and requesting him not way the navy question is straight-| Keen band omnes ee 4} ——=lened out, the way everything Take notice that I, John Argiraclis, car- to do it again. The Colonel tearfully expostulated and pleaded, : : penter, of Victoria, B. C., intend to ‘apply which this government straight-| for permission to purchase the tollowing but the candidate whispered ‘Nay, nay, Pauline.” Littl ? NEWS t is straightened out—that| ‘eseribed lands: low . ; : , ens out Is straightened out—the Commencing at a post planted about one Now, our local member and late mayor must have some es ency to it off for a and one-half’ miles’ northeast’ from the is say is staved itic ; ates $4. $ : ain . intake of Trout River, on the west side political friends, and no doubt they have been thinking it advis- year until the government catches] of Lakelse Lake, and about five (5) chains ~ ¥ ~' » “We feel as if we know everything and everybody = : Magazines :: Periodicals :; News tte ot eae mee Ae : : : 4 able to give Mr. Manson a hint of the way in which his solemn] “@™"™ * 0 “TOUe#®s & Newspapers) its wind. ty: BOotnaiah: nero ween A” chaieas tiers | Me in Prince Rupert through 3} trombone here is trying to beat the band, and their opinion what} CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS Meanwhile let the ministers Seine oF CRUAUAGEaERs COOMIMRG 008 y ° ’ 4} direful effects this Pps ss : hg re smoke their cigars in peace.| acres, more or less. ; Me readin our aper It S$ BS ireful effects this must have upon Mr. Manson’s political future, G.T.P. WHARF Savon “nhWaehey Piave” Bone : JOHN ARGIRACLIS. *2 y p p rie zy) ; ti : : Nave Wi fancied chi “ee 7 Py aa Stig er Fred E, Cowell, Agent. ¢ ° ° y just as the political friends of Governor Wilson warned him of a through «enough troubles and| Dated Oct. 31, Mo ee ue the most interesting paper 3 the pernicious and misguided trumpetings of Colonel Harvey. |dangers to enjoy themselves. a ent ns Ye ° ” . a Of course not everybody sees the trombone—a fact for which| 1836 1911 a eee nnd ATE OE ee eS AP sage oe 4 we receive, writes a sub- a Mr. Manson may be thankful—and we refrain from publishing B k f N E BASE oe nak notice that stood Fullerton, | Sfp ib f E | d 4 < 5 " oO ancouver, B. C,, occupation engineer- a oy more than a tiny sample of the thick and sticky stuff. It is The ank 0 Ing student, intend to apply for permission £ scriber from ng and. 2D to purchase the following described lands: a3 3} alleged to be what a visitor to Victoria says who had occasion cas ® Commencing at a@ post planted 52 chains Th east of Naas yer Dé § to watch Mr. Manson. That was a rank flat note for the trom- Bi itish North America FOR A TOWER a River and 49 eheing south et ; aia 2 ; hains rth, thence 24 chains west, thenc —POST PAID TO ANY ADDRESS IN $ oy bone to strike in iis paean of adulation; the natural assumption 94 Vesea te Biatuaes. 40 chains south, following the Naas River; de : 43 fh if that the member needs watching being apparent. However, now re Bice je pninha Gao Six Handied mereement; containing Mee acres, more Me United States or Eng Canada # $ 4 ne x or less, “ " < P ee y if for a bar from the succulent son calté 3 78 ; Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,00 ermany Erects ae eS 4} g of exaltation as given by the Feet for Wireless from Which i: r. FULLERTON. ie Bc i} trombone: ; — to Communicate Direct with} Dated Prince Rupert, Dec, 11,1911. | ae “fe phy A recent visitor to Victoria, who had occasion to New York City. Sate cree ie? e per year e pod watch Mr. Manson’s course there, says that it is won- Sa ; o , io : ‘ Skeena Land District—District of Queen * mT derful the amount that he is doing to advance the Money Earnin Berlin, Feb,44.—At Nauen,| (7.25), , charlotte islands. Sodas Sed Ay + interests of the Skeena district. He is never idle, but M shich is close to Berlin, a wire-| Saanich, B, C., occupa farmer, inte ‘ > peTeey speenyecevery WS YS apen yes tan qa : : s . § > f which 1s Clos C ae Saanich, B. C., occupation armer Intends SEOZTS oeoyse eporyerYoryerVerys yeryeryeryerys: ery aeyee> 0 is constantly busy in the departments on work which oney less telegraphy station has been| jo,aehy tyr Peay ands. purchase the SSR A MASI T IE KI TISAI IIS, eh does not show, perhaps side s C is aste she Q ver, whic Commencing at a post planted at the , perhaps, on the outside so much but is Small weekly or monthly de- established on a tower, which, not gmmencing at & post . lanted at the followed by results. He says it is marvelous the amount with the exception of the Eiffel] to the north boundary of Lot 1551, thence | east along the said boundary to the sea- | he is getting for his district to the disgust of some of posits in a Savings Account soon [{,,.ve» in Paris, is declared’ to be| t, 3 follow e shore to| A li G C the other members who adopt more spectacular count up—Interest compounded (the highest in the world. This the ‘point of ‘commencement, containing ustra lan overnment uring three hundred and sixty-one (361) acres, | A x Drink Habit Adopts Famous methods. tower was originally 300 feet] more or less. JOHN SCOTT YOUNG. ; ’ : at highest current rates. : ' , The explanation no doubt is a corroboration of the report ‘ high, but in order to increase the George Young, Agent. | | | i é ee, : : “ > » wireless stati i Date vy. 15, 1911. we published yesterday that there will be a provincial election Deposits of $1.00 and upwards jrange of the wireless station, It) Did Mov to, tat : was decided to add another su- | next month. received, srstructure of 300 feet perstructure Of « ° i Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, —__—_—_———— a b It is possible to communicate ee is Range B ii ose oa + i ake notice a ; a e elltees, : . . a Prince Rupert Branc from the tower direct to New] gardener,"of Victoria, intend to apply fot | Sending Sunshine and Happiness Into Hundreds of ie e e Fant? tha 1p. with its super-]| Permission to purchase the following de- eae ‘ ey! on ! Fe SAR Waenaer. J Rb RR Apel hibad hs. ab seribed lands; Darkened Homes Instead of Inflicting Fines or u ven 10n O 1 era Ss q structure, is now often lost in the : Commencing ate post planted on the Pri Cell ‘ re « - e Sa or side o am. sreck, e : | . =| clouds, In appearance it is like Chains “hack trom” the creek’ bath, and rison Cells Upon Her Unfortunate Citizens ‘ a ae P tn, ellis wor about fifty chains southeast from where ? peels a ‘ally _ on ie ote ay cr ses Wall the M4 eee seat The government of South Australia | selves of the Neal treatment privat : Poe : : : springing vertically rom | of-way crosses {liams reek, thence|){ has set an example worthy of imita- | sanitariums in Australia A convention of British Columbia Liberals will be held at { THE Ro al Hotel | earth's surface toward the sky, | foul, 40 chalns, thence, ast 60 cosine. | tion by the Othe tations of the world, | Scientific research and | gat O'Brien's Hall, Hastings street, Vancouver, on February 29th, me y /from the uppermost extremity of arate Fe Pins Ot. Comaeeneamee ts con- ||} Owing to the extent, enormity and the | of the centuries has recent , f . ; ae Li 2 pres, ore. srart S awful consequences of the drink habit, | ated in the establishment of fact 4912. Upon purchasing a first-class ticket to Vancouver via Cor. Third Avenue and Sixih St. which a nest of wire work OA epee meat they have er peat on t been tnvehil that the "detnk habit, ’ 1, 1s Be eee ’ ne . i ent. - . scars ee ete | . ’ C. P. R. : ie 0 e Se oa ea stretches toward the ground, Dated Oct, 31, 1011. gating its cause, effect, treatment and | caused by the poison of a ! ticket oe ete oe oe 4 ee : i" i t The Finest R: | The Nauen tower rests upon Pub. Dec. 9. possible cure up tm te speten by the long thi meet ag Se ne eer cone . eas The best equipped | la single steel ball let into the i fie In the year 1910 Rev, A. C, Rankine, | or excessive use of alco! 4 is certificate by the Secretary of the Convention, the holder and steam heated. | sen shinh wokhe sntire | Sena Land District—District of Cassiar, |} commissioned by that government, | and that the man or woma of will be entitled to a return ticket at one-third the usual fare eer eae oe, | jearth upon which resis the Ontine| care notice that Prank Furey, of Seattle; || visited the United States, and after «| flcted is as much in need» . ° - “ c rar 1A . sh., C » tends | ’ dic as . z o a return ticket at one-thir ne usual fare. ea : |weight of over 600 feet of Iron) cooly ror permission to purchase the fol-|{ thorough investigation of drink habit | typhoid fever or other | work, Upon a_ structure of so lowing Gesorined. tends; si nea treatments, returned to his government | Dr, Neal has solved this | é ee J 2 A ¢ i ‘ ‘ ,olInmencing at @ pos anted about six ast Sente ar fg 2 . » as 7 emonstrated | { _——— great a height the wind is natur-| miles east of the Naas fiver and about last September and gave a detalled and but ern hed ive ae g \ ant —— Ses a _———L—= — ——S— | } brie oa Dee Mes iad a |B ally very great, and it was there-| seven miles north of Alyansh, thence north lengthy report recommending the adop- | gotes this poison, and I | Baty 3 Ms Pe. ras eighty chains, east eighty chains, south tion of the NEAL THREE-DAY DRINK | with other well known 0 . ! | fore decided to allow it a certain) eighty chains, west eighty chains to poimt|{ Wanir CURE. The government of eliminating drugs, he has orisinated the or ey urgess rops P Spivea ? ; end| of commencement, Neal treatment, which, 1 0 i amount of “give,” and to this enc FRANK FURRY. |} South Australia adopted his report, and | cases, has perfected. abs at } i re ase rests upon a H. P. Rutter, Agent. established the cure in a large govern- | fi ry cures in the , “FROM HOME TO HOME.” ee ee aT nen Ores r core aren ay TTS jits hollowed bas¢ ms I na Dated Oct. 31, 1911. ment sanitarium, where those addicted ime’ oe only shee day single ball, upon whieh the tower Pub. Dec, 14, |} to the drink habit are treated at gov The Vancouver Neal Instit ; — f as . ae . Pr ernment expense, instea f beir ad . y f 8 cal f —=—=/swings to the force of the wind, | wr sent to prison cells, ren shod ‘whek ‘aad ereterul pa MH, East pe ee Skeena Land Wistrict—District of Coast! During the first ninety days 182 per- day attest to the efficiency y | ; , Ranged. }f sons so affected were perfectly cured | Treatment. UNION $s COMPANY OF B f Ltd Pantcrium Pioneer Cleaners. Take notice that I, CAROLINE JOHNSON by the Neal treatment at government If in need of help your % | WU, eo Uey >} of Vancouver, B, €., oecupation married expense and restored to citizenship. In] have a friend who is | Sid. Sykes ager | x Phone 4, woman, intend to apply for permission to|| addition to this, reports show that more | write for booklet giving [ c ; . » Man Ans casa baat Passenger Rien DUPCHASS oP cOvOW.Og described lands; | than double that number availed them tion. t 3 s 2 sommencing at a t anted at the ! ; The meen Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. | —— ———— southwest corner of Lot 3066, thence south . x . | ‘ chains, thence east 80 chains, thence : xcellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 66 99 north 60 chains to the southeast corner of Wn P | BOE AGE, thence west 40 chains along} a wh = south ne of Lot 3062, thence north 20 1142 Pender Street West - Vancouver, B.C. l chains along west line of Lot 3062, thence f wes chains along south line of Lot i % Phone 8500, 3068 to point of commencement, contain- 1260 Broadway W., Vancouver, B. C. Phone Bayview 686 2 ; g ing 560 acres, more or less. | aaa ’ eaves CAROLINE JOHNSON, ( 4 R. Carr, Agent, —_—_— _ — Dated Dec. 23, 1911. é ml ' Ere. obey Ve, Sunday AND Pub, Jan. 18, 1912. SAMUEL HARI LE RIL INI LPL NI Sf NPL N IIIf NP NS ef SPIN of WSN € SAMUEL RISON ii, 0, GAM a p.m, Tor Vancouver, (NOTARY PUBLIC) of Prince Rupert, B, C,, occupation miner, | e No Man Need Use Poor Printing Unless He {3) tom Vancouver’ Friday | | eo) Comuel Harrison & Co. southwest corner of @ small island about ue ’ arriving Tuesday morning. N NE X Skeena Land Disirict—District of Coast, | . ange ° me | For Stewart City on arrival A Take notice that 1 Abraham H. Barber, | $1, 1041, 9. twenty-five (25) chains north and two (2) | j ee Northbound, leaves Vancou- chains east of the ast cor Owned and operated by the pau on of the northwest corner of Lot} Real Estat d S a , ; ee st, Porcher e and Sto ers i IS Willin ver Wednesdays at 9 p.m, Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on Island, thence following the shore line in | ck Brok i & northeasterly direction about y APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED " Steerage Fare ei $6 00 the American and European plan. (20) chains to the north end of the phew | SON a ge SUE NAN SOS ‘OR SALE JRCHAS! a si vee 7a iy ' Excellently furnished, —_ with JF (hence in 4, joulnmesterly direction along || ys OR Stewart ti 4 The man who is and Satisfied The Camoaur is the only steame steam heat, electric light, and all to the point of commencement, being. an rince Kupert - and - © ‘3 \ abletobuy anykind | = ———..—___ wee people weak) peaaae double is ee bulk- |] modern conveniences, being abso- Island containing about forty (40) acres, amiss J of printing is ab prefer a man’s gen- wie OER eS POVOD, MU8.en i oar a mF to Sead print | eral character and i suring safety of passengers in oaas' lutely first-class in every respect. Dated Dec. oth tee a. BARGER, _—————— 4 i ing. “ UW he uses | to Do $0. pereanelty te bein , of collision or wreck. The appointments and service Pub. Dec, 13, ' : = il oan anything else it in- ieee S ope ew ees, eceping wi 1s a ' dieates to people Me printing—so its dis- | are equal to any ‘hots ‘on the Skeena Land District—pistrict of | who see it that he astrous not to care >. : coast. : : Maes 6 eee TH E ID E A L FUR N ] S H I N ee | doesn’t care. ioe about your printing J. H. Rogers, Ticket Agent. Take notice that 1 Michas Beganis, cel 7 | | . a of mic eOr ta, . Cc 1 intend to apply for per- : ss om . = en As nissio O purchase the following de- as : scribed lands i 7 ares | 4 vate Rates: $1 to $3 50 per day. no ginmnetici wine post planted on the BOOT it IGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SKE THE ‘‘NEWS JOB’? S AT DAVIS’ r ' Kitimat branch of the 0, eae Were, she | ‘ ee ae ee , of the G, T. P.’ Ry, crosses | , camo” 15), M, DAVIS feist | PS GRE Le aera ll avo Coulee Coon Collar x oar. ‘ General Machine Shop and Ship’s chains, thence east 40 chains, thence nort i s Daily News Building PHONE 98 Thira Avenue Cc ntering. Also agents for Fair- ar chains, ‘thenoe west 40 chains’ to point | SHOE : penne: ore ead nox Gasoline G. A, Sweet, Manager. more or ese containing 120 acres, | HOUSE H : 3 d & 7th B ngines, Gasoline Engines and Ac- re MICHAS BEG rr y - ° cessories carried in stock, Aged Pred E, Cowell Aes, a Smith r ult ate oe ===S=5=SS5>>| SSS SSS Oct Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf | (beemermmmencs-seennsisen ena Pub. Dec.