' PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NIWS Direct Importers of: FINE CHINA, D1NNERWARE Hotel and Restaurant White and Green Band Vitrified Ware Various Sizes of Glasses for Beer Parlors BASEMENT STORE Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Hill Sixty Tea And Sale Held "Build B. C. Payrolls" ALWAYS UNIFORM H MARCH 31 TO APRIL 8 tnclmlte 30-DAY KETUHN LIMIT A lady, whose family has used Pacific Milk for years, points out in her letter: Pacific is always pure and fresh. She almost asks why. sanitary can. Irradiated and Vacuum Packed PACIFIC MILK Irradiated Of Course ternocn in the Canadian Legion rooms by Hill 60 Chapter. Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire Unbelief Great Church Obstacle Negative Way ItETUKN FAKES FROM PKINCE ItUPEUT TO Jasper Edmonton Calgary Coach 'Tourist fSlanard $16.30 $19.33 523.55 2L55 26.33 31.15 25.95 31.75 37.50 31.60 38.65 45.65 27.90 3U0 40.30 3350 40.60 47.93 42.73 52.25 61.75 'jii ,r",.""U, " ftmUl tCwl In i.aa.ra .Urp, M .rMM( CfuluUnknu. Children 5 years and under 12, half fare. Correspondingl) low fares to other ooints. .Sionovers allowed only at Jasper, Edmonton and Calgary In both directions within final limit. Full Particulars From Your Nearest Ticket Agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL Y-15-39 Whifflets From The Waterfront 11 J 'New Halibut Regulations Received Here Skipper Payne Doubling Power in His Cruiser Avoca "The catch of halibut to be taken during the season of 1939 from Area No. 2 shall be limited to approximately 22,700,000 pounds and from Area No. 3 to approximately ,25.300.000 pounds. If the International Fisheries Commission shall at any time so decide, the catch j shall not be limited separately to j Areas No. 2 and 3 but shall be lim-lited to 48,000 pounds from the com-blned Areas No. 2 and Z." decree regulations of the international Fisheries Commission for this season which have Just been made pub- Unbelief is one of the greatest Armour Salmage Co.'s power tug obstacles in the way of those Phena. Capt. Reg Green, return-working for the Kingdom of God. 'i to vort at noon yesterday. bring- Here is one reason: Each tin Is aid Rev. H. G. Funston in First1 ,n n a scowload of gravel from thoroughly cleansed In boiling Presbyterian Church yesterday Hastngs Arm to be used In eon-water and sterilized with live Unbelief was' not actively opposed !8tructlon the new Dybhavn & steam Deiore being imefi. Just to religion or church as were com-inslst on Parlltc Milk In the munlsm and nazlsm but Its In way. To serve God. said the pastor. one must accept through faith cer- that manv thlnss which were. oiiiHuivvuimg muuuu tuning sea son. Skipper J. J. PayTie U out season. First vessel of the Prince Rupert halibut fleet to get away to the banks this year, the Takla, Capt. Chris Parkvold, sailed yesterday. She will be on Area No. 3 by the time the season opens on April 1. this Saturdey. The Sea Maid. Capt. Henry Dolron, Is leaving today. Try a Dally New want-ad. HELPS TO Avoid Colds Specially designed for the nose and upper throat, where most colds start. Used in time, help prevent many ' coUi. VlCKS VA-TRONOL BIG CROWD FOR DANCE No Less Than Three Hundred At Farewell Affair For Fishermen Thursday Nitht Some three hundred persons I lie and preliminary announcement were. In attendance at the ftoh-;ed Steamship Sailings For Vaneouvrt Tueeday Catala 1:30 pjn Thursday Ss. Prince George 11:15 pjn. Friday- Ss Prln. Adelaide 10 pm ss. Cardena 10:30 p.m. Hanson building. March 6, 18 and 27 ss. Princess Norah 5 pjn. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise. , xom Vancouver capt- William Palmer, south tain thlnss that one's reason mlgh'.lbound lrom Skagway to Vaneou-reiect. He Minted out. however. ver- 18 due ln Port at 3:40 this afternoon from the north and practical realities todav miehtl"1 " 3 P-m. have been deemed imDossihle and fantastic at one time. v- Morehouse, district mana ger of B. C. Packers, came north from Vancouver to Namu on th S100130000 at the end of the week COMMODORE CAFE Newly Renovated. New Staff. Improved Services. J. N. Killas, manager, has Just returned from Vancouver with the best staff obtainable. New Cooks, New Everything, Up to the Minute Special IJIue Ribbon Beef, Especially Imported for This Cafe Nothing Here But the Best. Try Our Special Sunday Dinners THE CABARET Has been converted into an up to date dining room with special provision for afternoon teas. Cards provided free. Ladies may meet their friends in thN room without obligation. Make It Downtown Headquarters DOOOOCH50OO000 CH00060000000IOOOOCH000000000000000000' ounaay M lyUiaiu poii. Wed. Ss. Pt. George ... 10:30 ajn. 0 and next week will be In Prinee From Stewart and Anyox o RuDert - - riUtrW VTI. -4r. I.I r ta u 13 III JJ 1 g.nection with organization for the Friday as. Pr. Adelaide ....4 pjn. - ss Cardena ' pjn. March 2, 12 and 23 ss. Princess Norah ajn. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn Wednesday -Ss. Prince George 4 pjn.j Tuesday . Catala ..11:30 ajn Thursday Ss. Prince George 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. for From Naas Itier anrt Port Simpson more speed. He Is having a new 60 j Tuesday as. Catala h.p. Universal engine installed ln For Ocean Falls his cruiser Avoca. replacing a 35 n.p. motor of the same make. He has ln mind the saving of time ln commuting to Shawatlans this 11:30 ami Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pjn. Thursday S. Prince George 11:15 pjn, Friday as. Pr. Adelaide 10 pjn. From Ocean Falls-Wed. Ss. Pr. George 10:30 ajn Friday ss. Pr. Adelaide .... 4 p.m ss. Cardena pjn. For Queen Charlotte Islands-March 10 and 24 ss. Prince John 10:30 pjn From Queen Charlotte Islands March 8 and 22 ss. Prince John ajn. For Alaska- March 2, 12 and 23 ss. Princess Norah pm. 0VERWA1TEA LTD. CASH or C.O.D. EGGS- Diamond 'A' Bacon Per lb. Grade A Large. Per dozen 25c Jewel Shortening 1 LJs Of Pel lb. Paimollve Soap 1 cake for lc when you buy 3 1 Qf XOU cakes at Hawes Floor Wax-1-lb. tin ! Ovaltinc lib. lb. 58c '4 lb. White Spring Salmon 3 tall tins I.R.C. Soda Riscults-40 oz. Wooden box 39c 98c 38c 25c 35c Phone 813 27c Walnuts Fresh pieces OQ Per lb Sultana Italsins 2 lbs. 23c Uutter First Grade 3g Koyal City Tomatoes Per tin 10c Sweet Clover Honey Q 4-lb. tin. No. I white Complete Stock of Green Vegetables Kept Fresh and Crisp by Vapor Sprays New Asparagus, Green Peas, Utah Celery, Lettuce, Radishes Carrots, Spinach I I Free Delivery on Orders $3.00 and Over IS LIVELY AND FUNNY Merle Oberon And Oary Cooper Top Cast of Comedy Romance The Cowboy and The Lady- of which was made in the Daily ennen's farewell dance staged land Miss Oberon as the madcap News last week. The close season Thursday night by the Sons of this year ends March 31 and "shall Norway In the Oddfellows' Hall, begin at 12 midnight of November the affair being most enjoyable 30 unless an earlier date is deter- and a complete success in every The guests were received by Mrs, mined upon" of which due notice way. O. E. Moore, regent of the chapter. ' shall be given. Copies of the 1939 Dancing commenced at 9 JO pjn The tables where prettily decorated regulations which have now been and it was 4:30 In the morning with willows and daffodils, received atPrlnce Rupert intimate before the party Successful :rr,f,,i Affair ffair al t : Canadian Cwadun Lee- iS pussy d During the afterno(jn afternoon ihgn there was!Parucuiars.a .particular as to 10 last lasi departures departures oi of sko sko was was in in good good broke up. oie form as master musical program, those taking vessels, retention of halibut taken of ceremonies and kept the big a ,,nnpfi toa and sale of home Prt being Mrs. J. G. McKlnley. j with other fish durinn closed .ea- crowd moving rapidly to the JJl' hMH satnrdav af- Mrs. Gordon Daniels, Miss I. Hodg-sons In the fall, issuance of licences drains of fine music bv Hadland's cooking was held m on saturaay ai- w an n.rmir omio) ,-. rv. r, u . E. Cullin. closed small halibut grounds and ved at midnight. The winner of a quilt which was! types of gear which may or may The committee responsible for raffled was Mrs. McMillan with ( no be used. These regulations, a the success of the affair consisted ticket No. 144. i stated before are largely similar to of Mr and Mrs. Knot Statta. Mr. usi year. and Mrs. J. Ellertsen. Mrs. John Murvoki. Mrs. J Anderson. Mrs Union steamer Catala. Cant. Chris Jensen. Claus Aune and II. ,James Findlar, arrived in port at Petersen. 9:15 last night from Vancouver and :waypolnt,s and sailed at 11 pjn. for stewart Anyox and other northern Might No Be Actively Opposed Bui whenee U1 "turn h" P!ntS s,he Influence Could Be Felt In . lujsiuiiuw morning souinoouna. ( A lively romantic comedy. "The Cowboy and the Ledy." -omn to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here on Monday. Tuesday and' Wednesday of this week with Merle I Oberon and Oary Cooper In Uv leading role. The flashing, brunette beauty of Miss Oberon is a new and exciting foil for the romantic, outdoor yx personified by Cooper She Is a:-unconventional society debutante and he Is a roving cowboy The marry and then things begin to haopen in a fun-provoking way Supporting Cooper as the bron? he-man from the sagebrush modem girl is a cast which In eludes such popular screen figures is Patsy Kelly. Walter Brennan Mobel Todd and Fuszy Knight. Pictorial brilliance of the great outdoors both In the East and West is depicted by the settings. HAZELT0N Peter Dick of Oleo Vowel! pass ed away on Friday at the age o! twenty-four years. Peter Hlghmar dam's son also died at Glen Vowel) on Friday. Natives of Hazelton and Klsplox started out for the trapping grounds at the end of the week and will not 1e back until May Sam Gun-a-Noot has left f-i Stewart. Do Yon Know Why Yon arc Constipated? KonM dr mo't Ton dlirX4 wtth rrythlne Aon't you f4 worn out. dprt. wry-cum o jroyr eoBMlpctton Why not lovk tor U rl uum t your kilnwalT U'JMt kr vy rmlrn Utti t Brrad, tswwt. puUtwaT la Uutl cm don't look ftoy frtrtr. Van proteMy tuffrr trma Utk of Tbtk." A4 "Bulk" doran't na qoutHy. but lh inad f fond that la Dnt onnpMy Ml-mtUtMl and Imtc a mitl "hh" In lh bovttt thai blp Um bowtli tnore. It your dlt Uk ' bulk", tba otutiun U bowl ot Ktltocfl cnp All-Hrui for br.akfut rry day. tt contain. tb pcaary "bulk" and Vitamin Bi. Um natural IntMtlnal toelc Eat mm All-Braa trtrj day drlek lota of vat.r aad bcoon "rfgular." Mad In London. Canada, by Kelks(. At all sro- Phones IS L 81 P.O. Box 575 Please Note ! fly Popular Kequest, There U1II Ite Anolhar Demonstra tion of MALKIN'S BEST FOOD PRODUCTS In Our Store on Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday-March 27, 28 and 29 We extend to you a cordial ln vita Hon to come in and see their products. Mussallem's ECONOMY STORE George Hills PAINTINC. and DECORATING Sign Work of all Descriptions Estimates Furnished Free Phone III. UK 754 "Ootrrnmrnt Liquor Art" (Bret ton 27) i .Notice of Application (or Content To Tran.frr itrrtf Ucrnrr NotVt la hereby ftren that on th I lOUi day of AprU next, the under, jalg-ned Intend o apply to the liquor Oontrot BcatcJ tor cuosent to ttanrT of Bwr Uornca No, 423, laauad In re-:pea of premium twrtng pan of - building known aa Bavojr Hotel, situate at rraMT Street, upun the Unda de jTlbd m loU No. 13 and 14, Block 33, BocUon 1, Map 923. Prince. Rupert I Land netfatratJon District, In th Pro, lint of Brttlah Columbia, from Alex-lander Jam Pmdhomm to Oarl Wll- Ham Zarelll of Prince Rupert. BrttUh OJurnbla. the tranaferee. Duted at Prlnc Rupert, B. O, UU 8th day of March 1039, CARL, WILLIAM ZARCLU Applicant sn4 Tracafere. Monday. Mar JlacLlj, YOU'RE AN ORNERY CRITTER ... BUT YOU'VE SURE GOT ME HOG -TED" Offieiest CCA 1 fiats 50df v fA Shs wasn't bis kind o! woman at till He knew mot about loco stssrs than ha did about playtjiils from th East, with thtir champsgna and Usc7 clothes and tnaay talk. But he found out plenty I ass A 1)1)1.0 MIR,CI.i:S Or .SrOItT" Cartoon . - DOG CATflirrs Novell - THE etciinVl Flltr ESI t. TOMCIIT TI ES an 1 Htl t hs ; 8i & ? Crystal Dicrtond. an But they only gllttT Ught King Coftl Iliunondt fXht For they qwffck In th" : Rlack Diamonds? A Ton Will Come to You If You Phone up CSS Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED TICAII. IWtlTISII COLniniA Manufacturers of Elephant llraiul Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosnhale-. Sulphate of Ammonia. Superplms phales, Complete Fertilliers Producers & Refiners of Tadannc Brand Metals CSold, Silver, Uectrolytle Iad, ZInr. Cadmium. Rlsniutli UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Ilupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA IIVEKY TULS- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY. DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, .Monday a.m, If Convenient, Please Purchase TUkets at Office Further information Regarding Reservations and HcfceU From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. Phone 5C It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same.