FACT TWO PARIS MAID SLIPPERS! If It Is Slippers You Need, We Have Then The very latest styles in Zeider Zee, RiMaa Boot Tops and JIules, in leather awl Fabric, with heels from Ftet to 3poot Priced to Suit Every Purse AgenU for Ilartt Shoes for Men Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RITEBT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pototohed ETery Af teroocn. Except Sunday, by Prince Rspert Dafly News. Lfctted, TWrd Arease H. T. PULLCf - - - ManagSig-Edttor Paid to adrance, per week Paid In adrance, per month By mail to aH part cf Brttlih Cclambia. the BrlUii: Eaplre and United State, yearly period, paid is advance : By mafl to all other coon tries, per year Ctuatfled adTertiiiDt, per wcrd, per insertion Local reader, per hue, per huerCcn . - Member i Aadit Barest, at Clrcalativns Adiertiiinj and OrealaUon Teiefthoae wi Department Telephone DAILY EDITION 31 12 3jOQ) 9X0 1 Saturday Joreatber 18. 1939. EDITORIALS STRONG SUSPICION There seems to be a strong suspicion that the bombing at Munich recently was carried out at the instigation ot the German army officers or others opposed to the Hitler regime. It b evident on the face of it, that many of the thotwjrtfiil Germans cannot be at aB pleased at the Hitiet fHe. Thowsands of peoAe in that eowntrj- would have Kked the bombing to have been successful but it vra not and it k possible that there will have to be loss of valuable ires before Hitlerism has been eradicated. HOLDS WORLD RECORD Tbiii is too old to tell in the news columns but it is in terming. At Savona. British Columbia, every man joiner" the eolors daring the First World War and not one returned. All were killed. We wonder if these men, whe died jfjorifttisiy, were any worse off than the men who re- PANC AN' A I) I A N ISM The French language newspaper "Le Jour," published in Montreal, a strong advocate of better relations between Eftgikh and French speaking Canadians, is out with a def-iatt plan for promoting panCanadianisrn. It objects tt aeaking of people officially as Franch-Canadians, Scan dinavians, Jevigh, Scottish, Irish, etc, but wrould instead e n r a u i ir i ii raTCHH ui an as ianauians. it wouiu aoousn ail special Canadian groups, wage war on separtism and isolation ftiraulate closer contacts between Canadians of various latifua?es, faiths and origin, increase bi-lingualism, arrange free exchanges of teachers, organize mixed summer camps, stimulate tourist trade to all parts of Canada, repeal disruptive statutes, arrange for uniform history text hooks, uphold democratic ideals, educate the masses to Iook to a strong central government which would be a bond of unity upholding a great charter of freedom and to rammon once a year a conference of groups in all province? with a view to encouraging the growth of a single nation. Tne idea of the organization is splendid and carries out the same ideal that has for many years acutated most of the newspapers and statesmen in all parts of the Mackenzie's Furniture CLEARANCE ON TRADE-INS 3 Dressers flff flfl 1 Dining Buffet 494 f ffA With morrors VtJsVV At 3 Dressers 7 fl 1 Book Case fi-f 9 Cft With morrors Vi"u At OJ-A.UU 1 Walnut Dining Table Extends to 7 feet Phone 775 $22.50 jjLutheran Church Concert-Social NO POINT NOW IN TAKING CHANCES WITH STRONG DRUGS Hct'i pood arri for sa&m. Do-nrjrn inzests are dow featBiisc Atpttm. recoc-cszed at the iatfest refief yos can ue fcr pan and ouds 1 cm uHdl Ressember Ajmn ion tut hem the hrett For treat speed pias safety, daat take aaytluf tse. Cer tte eraueay sice Iwttle at yoer dracptt't today 100 Ajona taokts fcr oaH It's a bartaia yea oat be se yoa get Attain. WASNINGi Be sore ifs Aspirin If erery tablet k out staoped "Bay-er " in lie teem of a cross, it u not Aesm. Dootlet a-bo)r tea yoa it 100 tablets only 98( PERSONAL aVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT RMftied at home ami lived to see a second world war beein EXAMIKATIOS' tot afTts an- taons to reach Ottawa by Korem- PERSONAL YOU can ran a Home Kindergarten with oar help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba. tt FRESH SHRIMPS Boat W.S.L. Daily at 4 p.m. TROTIER'S DOCK THE DlJLY KfTS 1 I r rr j t r 1 LCtiLJ St Pa al Lutheran Chareh a ao ha a a mR k the cHy.' CBtd to capacity last nJbt when aajatd ay the Mdk John tut aczjft x an ejereOent concert ud social was on her retara t U Qaeesi Char-hesd Mb Bywhara acted is efcasr- ion Issanda. j swan and tHe fmns arlultd a .. talk by the put Hn ; R Myr- Miss M. C Time, who arrived ta vail a piano and ortan the cstr aa the Cknu U&xtzt daU ay Peter UecaadlaeTalra: (ns vasxaer. w proceed by vocal solos ay Un O MVt read- train Ueesday eresabag tar a rMt sans by Mr. John Hansen Teem!, Prtaee Geerr? I aaartet: vocal aota by Un J. H-t Myrwaac. sckctsons ay iheVar I stee Marphy antred to the ey -!-n ynwn; song, by bflat Crii yesterday aftetaoon troat Yaaeaw-lohnwrt and string band lefee-ifer. He a birr ia mowdeo ita1 Itnn Peter Lien and Mrs John VarroM were aeeoainaaisss- T5e aoeeedlrna aat to a close "ttti the jei niu of deHriotis re freshments Payh be pOMtMUty of roBer ktnc nrJt pert. estabftsfcoag ai in PrtMc H- j Bridge Party For fess fftan I Red Cross Success A TABLET NOW FOR ASPIRIN Canadian Druggists, Dominion over, feature Safest Fast Relief for Pain and Colds in economy bottle anybody can afford! It ntth ba the senas ( bridae tiart betof heW by the Vteeo r Ac Z2 firy of the Canadian Ledaa : - .he Red Ctxk fand waa aaate i wrreoiSal affair The arfee-wfemen were: bdiea '. r; lnv NletioJwi: un nrn'. Urs. Pit Hooran: ment tint. OMravi Hove, seeead Joseph Hawe. lla. t-rir awtm was tne waaner ac a door pDXe. George Dawe cu master afeere-soniet for earda. Mrs. WMas RothweM was ronvener. aslHed by Mrs Kabert M array oreHdesrt at the Women's AuxUtary and other Udws CALLING TENDERS City Enxioeer Aatbrized Ta Get Bids' On Two Brid(e-Leare Ot AbsetKe For EnItinC Oty Employees brtdfoa. o o 'C 'O 0 ber 2$th. 1939. Oar adrtce has g helped hundreds obtain CrrH Ser- g rice positions as Clerks, postmen, o Customs Examiners, etc. Free a Booklet on reqsest. M,acj SehoeU Ltd, Winnipeg Oldest in ; g Canada. No Agents. ig POS SALE ISrM Ford Coupe. S000g miles, hot water heater and de-g frosters, excellent condition. Box o 24 DaBy News. 269.!o io FOR SALE 5 room boose, good location, price ttSO, terms arranged. Phone Red 751. 271 FOR SALE Single b-d with' spring tSDO, electric heater, ke new. less than half price 36 00, wkrke. chair 3250. Phone Red 832. (270), o a a o o 8 g 0 o 10 0 Bitended lease af absence with f OH Country Soccer oat pay was granted dertnc thetr'f. period of eattatment to al cHy eai-j playeca josnsng Has Majesttesi fwreea. TWea ander the Sotdiers' Hru-' iaj Act were granted to Dark! McCaUooch oarerwag the let 15.' !teek 18. section 5 property and to! William Goodrtek. lot 6. bloel: 2, section 2. I Bids were ordered to be caBedi ifnr the remoTat of baSdtnu at 369 OS Arse&al 2 Tun.rdiira 1 Ctksrtvoa Aihirtar 1. Harstek 1 Ortea y Cry P SontlMttd J TPeot Watford r MVwaM. Sooth B 4. rslhiiB U Gfecfaea 3. Qtit Pat k 4. AiJ-uawt L AJbka 1 Aahtie L V niallwaaKib 1. lid4a4 3. WeaC 8namVk x. Leieetier Z 4 Laton fc Wotrerhaapion 4. Camntry f. NartbaeU I Batr X Bctea 4. Boebdale a. Bxraky X. OMfele a. Bbwkaet NrtheaAt 4. Piibaiaiim t. Te 4. HaJI 1 naddi:rtitM S. Lee 2. UarUtfaat t S4tnh Eat X St Bernards 3. C iaiali.iti 5 Raich Hemes 3 Dssadee Ajaasutli 3. East rite r AJUa X Heart J DaaaW UMted X Kbacs Park X iflbetvsiaaa X St Jaaaaasan 4. 1jaf(i nilai 2. Seottish WeU Airdrte C Banters L Ayr 3. Oyde 3 Oestse 1. KlBsarnock L Dsabarton I. Hiiattoa X UatherweB 1 Qaeea I Sauth 1 Parttek Thastie . AJhiost L St Ulrrea 3. QaeesM Park 1 Third Lanark 3. Udftoa L East UJdlaads Uneaan 1. SsseffMd UtdUd T Uanafseld 2. DooeaMer 1. Notts Coonty 1. CntcterfMd I Rotherham 2. OrtaMhy 1 ' I SheffMI 'XnAav 1 nm. Stttinc in bis capacity as a city ley l eoanefl tats aorntec CUy Cbm-j Exhibitions mtassunir W J. Alder aatherized' Allddleaaoro . StedtJas 3. fee .jCisMar tf r luMletk Bristol Oft? a. Kt roeesi t, den for the wmtracnon af the Western Hay Ceek and Morse Creek! Cheow firMin I Crewe 7. Wrexhaat Liverpool i. Mftflehecter United Maneheeter Ctty I, stoke I North BrHhten 4. Stoekport 2. Port Vale S. Tranmere 1. Soathet Cardiff 0. Bristol Borers 0. Ptyaoath 2 Swfndon 1. 8wansea 3. Torqaay 1 Hotel Arrivals Sih ATenue Weat and at the cor-, ner of Fraser and Eighth Street. ! prince Rupert , AecoonU as follows were passed Mr and Mrs. Nordhus. It H for payment: Jnty. S11.OTT71; Aac- Brown and E. It Moore. VancouTer axt 314X17 45: September. S33fH - ham. elty. The RexaJl Drug Store GIRLS and BOYS PRIZE CONTEST Fifteen WoRderful Prizes Given Away 8 For Girls 7 For Boys f Nominations for Entry Open Wednesday November, 1st and Close Sunday November 12th Voting Starts Monday November 13th Rules Governing This Contest May Uc Obtained at Our Store Roys and Girls Make Sure Your Name . is on the Contestant's List Prizes t Are Now On Display in Our Windows Ormes Ltd. T7ju Pioneer Drtu& fats Tba ReaaQ Stera rbanest tl tt Open Daily from I aon. tHl 10 p.ra. Soadays aoi Botldays from 12 noon till 2 sav 3 bjo. tiU I pjn. 0OOOOiKOO0OOKKKOHKKKrOr9 si o s - .1 - . . a Li i John iTanete and Andrew Kanch left on last (reninf uain tor New York where they win ess bark on an Uahaa Use ttearaer for tb4r aa-tret hae at Labipan. JotoSkita On two oaaaU attder the Uta' Wane AeC il HHrorener w Meed 2 and ttO bt city Mfee1 eawt yeercay and wa order rd to'IMfwll .fr arreancea to waxea ta tmf Rmt eaptofeea concerned. C K Vlre-j1 iberg aJ that mooilAt fined ts, . " - - -- - . . . a. Oidharihn rar away trma a ewrb Group 4 W only winter efcM oerroU.ise. J 44. la aH shades, atytea. Tn dear No Charter , (iOi). t Control Board or by the Government oTb c2&C' Hockey Scores Seattle Nilfaaal U(M 2 1 EXTRA! M 50 ens Suits Group 1 Note the price 316.95 This trees utcludes wool worsteds and and stzea Seurt three-pteee ataaV bf. lar foa atrtes Bet uiar price ta J32 Speesal Group 2Note the price $17.50 This groan meJaoes U bla serar asoav . wtla Heavy a per rem EnaHati "Jer. - rjtrafTrrrs 1.4 M" Group 3 4 only Taxrdas C ploee) To dear S16.95 $17.50 S15.00 $15.09 William F. Stone Clothes of Distinction Keep yeur fset cost down to rain Im urn this Winler fcJ tested real that r.hes yoa more beat and less Ulhts In pltklng roal that gltes the owt heat I "Tj, WeTl rladly help yoa pkk abrade that U1 born eW B"jtti yoor fnrnaee. kitchen ranee or healer, jite y" w sate yon money. Jnst phone 116 or 117. Albert and McCaffery Ltd SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! ttllt tt tCEAR FALLS ni POWELL BIYEI Steamer learea Prince Rupert erer THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Tralnt leare Princa Ruert for the E,f Moridar. Wedneadar. Friday, 6 p.m. A. Steamer for Ketchikan nd WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m- For Jaris, etc., tail or Ctty ticket Office, 528 3rd ,