Gil? it 3 PAGE FOUR Arrow Neckties COMEDIES FEATURED "Goinj Places" and Torchy Plays With Dynamite" Showing at Capitol Theatre Tonight "(Joins Places," an hflanous farce with Dick Powell and Anita Louise. and "Torchy Plays With Dynamite," another of the series of pictures dealing with the adventures of a girl reporter, comprise the Saturday night doable bill at the Capi- ARROW SHIRTS We play host t the man who wants a shirt that's in dividual Oar ARROW patterned shirts allow jou to put forward a front that is original without being outlandish. ARROW tailoring style and perfect fit assure a well-dresed appearance. See the new Tall arrivals on display today. $0.00 tcl Theatre here. The complications of "Going Places" arise when Powell, a timid salesman in a sporting goods store, decides for business reasons to pass himself off as a famous Australian steeplechase rider. Although 'his! only riding has been on an electric hobby horse, he Is forced to .make good his boast and much merrl-' ; ment ensues. Mis Louise is Pow-' ell's romantic vis -a -vis. There are a number of song hits. Other members of the cast include Allen Jen- kins. Walter CaUett. Harold Huber and $2-50 Drop in and look over onr latest arrivals in ARROW ties. Besides baring just what you want in the way of pattern and color, yonll find the ARROW ties in a better knot and wears longer. Priced at WATTS & NICKERSON ! 5W THIRD AVENUE Men? Clothiers Phone 3K Thurston Hall. Ronald Regan and Minna GombelL "Torchy Plays With Dynamite-finds Jane Wyman. who plays the title role, landing In Jail for speeding and there making the acquaint ance of a girl shop lifter. Out of Jail, the pair proceed to San Fran Cisco in search of a fugltlte ban (lit. Follows a series of thriltine and hilarious events culminating in one of the , funniest wrestling matches eter filmed. Allen Jen kins. Tom Kennedy and Sheila Bromley are other leading members of the cast Tlitouqh reduction. Remember there is only ONE "Prestone" brand anti-freeze. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO. LIMITED Hilia TORONTO Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver i'ier no freeze-up - no hoilawaij HAVE YOU ever studied a dayyKlay Winter temperature chart? Notice the sharp peaks the deep valleys. One day is mild and sunny the next bleak and bitterly cold. These fluctuations make anti-freezes of the evaporating type too risky. A false feeling of confidence is the reason for most freeze-ups. But "Prestone" brand anti-freeze lasts all winter and saves your having to worry about an extra pint today perhaps another addition next week. Read the guarantee then promise yourself a winter of happy trouble-free driving without the sbghtest risk of a freeze-up. "Prestone" anti-freeze is more economical than ever due to the price .avaaiew Mil "nn I wW BwaBvivfstwaBwaWiBwaBwaBwaBwaBwaBwaBwaBwiKBVawaBiBWMB '1BIG TIMF. THE DAILY KZf'S AT 'XING; Irish Fasili-rs Entertain People Of-Interior Coram an it y At Smoking Party SKEEXA CROSSIXO. Not IS NeTer was a gayer party staged ' P at Skeera Croistag than that last ; P Satnrdar nlht in iHtrv r. r Wt Remembrance Day when the local cetactunent at Irish Fusiliers un Waterfront Whiffs Little Doinj: in Way of Fishing Operations These Days -Preparing for Halibut Conference in Seattle A fr Iruvnl halihut hnats flrf still ntlt hlnrW nrl fioVi HaaV -. .- .v- - . . rt .11, I I I. , U " ni 1 a i i txvui me peopie oijing. uiners wnicn nau uwu uu mi- vut-cu vwianoiie 18- ? . 0,11 : lands dogfishing for the Paeofi reduction plant have re-1 en en masse, masse. it It took took the the form form of of v j l "rm. 1 i : :n 1 . i smoker which was a great crrd.t to the organizers and a function of great enjoyment to all who were to attendance. There were about 125 in ail nrrvni lurntru tu pun. me inn m ih-uhik jo awn irciug iiwaueo.' Salmon trolling is again permissible but fjpw, if any, boats' oic uuu iiius niv nttui fuutiituii jivi cituuuis Can IXi summarized these quiet days. Local halibut boat owners aod ' men. the oldest beta seventy. Mihrmn rr ilrM4v haainnina to 'r line up taaporUnt reprnUUon Th ooentatg eTent waa four which they wtB make to the an-rond of boxing between Corp, nual conference with the Interna- Wnehcorabe and Red Jenneson ttonal FUherie Commission to be There shoeM be more women eld-which was a dose affair with the held in Seattle December II. The decision rrWr w .-- .w , m w m m Chreh CnBrCn- rr Dr- 1 t nM Rld- greeted with the singing of "How ,,.71. wnKn wouw Dry I Am." supplied by beeU grown In Saska- Eartler on Armistice Day there lJ 5?? "Tl18 was " a mrarfi v JL. .7m 1 h' 'he Young Men'i Section of b iVT Bme drA the Trade led in the recitation of the Lnrd- Praver. Two minutes of silence was observed and The Last Post" iwas sounded by Serreant Webb. The smartness and efficiency of h olatoori impressed local Fingers And Toes Merit Gratuities LONDON. Not. 18; :CP- A Royai warrant covering pay men. for non-regular soldiers and officers of the United Kingdom force, "omen nu-r and women members of military organization In. eludes a schedule of "Fatuities" for specified minor injuries rated as Iss than 20 percent disability For loss of the tip of a little fln-ger. an officer will get $7150. a .soldier S35Q. For th- tame Injury women will be given jMSS and '$26.70 respectively. Toe Joints are i vaiuea at from MSi to $354.00, cars from $9750 to $284A0. l THE M PRI.ME f'Ot'RT C BRIIIhH roLt'MHIA IN rROHlTE l th Maltrr tt I he -MdmlnMratlon In thr Maltrr of thr EUle at Ertlnr IWara. ItfmW IntrMatr TAKE NOTICK Utet by order of UU Hoocr. W. E ruhrr. nuule on Mm 10th ey of NoTrmbrr. a. D. I9M, I wit 'of ErUnj rrwum. &cnura, and Ut Frse nannc ctalnia aliut the mid 'e herrbj rqulml to furnltn me. pr-perly rrnrd. to aye on or b llore ttoe lith day of DmnlxT. AO. 1 ant U prH- Hyjrbfd to th are rwjxund to py the aoount JMr ,''toi to me forth a-ith . Dd ll'A dy oi-Nsrttmix, AD. 1939 I NORMAN A. WATT Oructe! Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. DON'T GIVE YOUR CHILD A "BifiihT Remedy Yea Don't Know All About Ak ynur Dnrtnr bffnrm glting your thitd omoiu "Ixtrtmln" rrmtdlrt. o family nerd tmkt I hit thnc today. Wait Think first. Are you abieluUh suit you should give a slnele do of that drug to your chCd? Inlcnttty? 1 1 was sold, you recall as "toroethmz JuU as good', for a few pennies leas! A very dear purchase it could be I For your own pnee of mind alone, give no home remedy you're not quite certain abewt without getting your own doctor's Opinion. And nntr to aiainst it. Eyen in the case of the common children s remedy, milk of magnesia, ask your doctor what he approves. And when he says "Ihinipt' KfBk of Sw you t exactly that by ailing expressly for'-IraHir' when -ou buy . . . never aik for just milk of magnesia". tlJfnewer efen PhnnP' n fvo?ed,tabSS. form JwlWrn In? V1 or name 'IhilHp' icij m ooiue or ijot. phillips'j: saaew mw ilk or onciia Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors tl'oeuvre One Package Serve Four People Keps for Weeks In Refrigerator I I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage j ji Prince Kupert (,0. Ltd. Brltl.h Columbia J , . I 5! mi w v..v.n ium uuiurn will or M HVWlBf. j-ii .A,t . , . ..... i s-rteant Webb Kid OHHji wit if possible of t beTter -break- for of Weslnrl rite - " a oeome ttm .. w. ... . " - "louini- me amaner Tenets rosVCS If OI was Uea ne AWT'V in Ml 5IORE CHURCH WOMEN 1LUFAX. ;Jorember 18: CP- bare to sen TO.MOHT nTTT Two Complei, Sh D,CIC rovEiZAr LOUISE In the Rominiu B. . "Going PIaCeS! With MAXine sn... ALLEN JrxKNJ u Ml I IJ n j-, i Plus-J,ne Wjmji TOUCHY ! I'Uys with dynaJ; mi 1 mi ; COMI.NO MOV tTlTIuI In Tfthnlflr' "Dranu Alent iht M.fcak" Two of the younger members of the regulations which, as they stand at e Halifax Presbytery rw nf of the h nay. 1 to lt . . .. w Sfni "l! inem the unit-Fusilier Borden and at nresent nreDooderanUr farm- United Church of r.n.rf. . -tr. najca pui on a iast and the big Seattle operators. A J furious bout whkh resulted In a - . lne u v draw. Fluffier Dixon, former Van- eouvrr boxing instructor, referred Patmore vtorU- Canadian an bouts. members of the CmmUtea. are , An Interesting exent was a dem- expected In Prince Rupert for pre-onstratton of shooting by Ser- limlnary meettng prter to the Se-geant Webb. assUtetf by Fusilier ,Ule eonference. Rothe. Second Lieutenant Bonnai.i ,Ue put on an interesting act of i trkks. assisted br FtuiHer M-. i . riuiuit lij.ik nr.tTb iKnljht I .c SASKATOON. Saik.. Nt 1 wute. wmntneg. told mwtlnl B. C. Furniture Co, New and Used FURNITURE VALUES 1 SINGHt SEtVINO MACIIlMV-ln A-l condition 2 Itf CON()ITIOM:i) KITCHKN RANGES . ...... i J-.Minnon vaxitt and stoou- At DARK .M IHOOANV VANITY AND MIRROR- At I CONNOR WA5IIIN0 MACHINiSr Special . . .' ItCCOXniTIONCD RADIOSCabtnet medf.. TarMos make ,Prom. up ". . " I ri:ds Coatp(f4e 815,50 S20 $25,5 S1OJ0 S7.a S29.50 816,00 $13,50 NEW CUST-IRO.V CAniN COOK STOVES 13,95 2 3-riECE RERUILT CIIITCRnE'LO SL'ITES ggg Jfj() 2 M'lECE WALNUT BEDROOM-SUITES Cor t with large tound mirror, chiffonier. Cnn fffi CCjJ atool and bed of fine quality ... Q 1 60V vv Phone HIACK 311 THIRD ATI (Xest Door to B. C Clolhlen)1 I COwmxatms I Lw 21i I iawv' I waK1i CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pirift To Vnrnn.f H rvk.n r.ll. nH Wif PrU 85. PRINCESS ADELAIDE ETery rrlday 1" Pn To Vancouver Direct SB, PRINCESS LOUISE" October J1 " 85. "PRINCESS NORAH- November 6th, If Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Hn" . TlckeU on sale Nov. lit, 1039 to Feb. 2th 1940 Sxfi'"" Final Return Limit March 31st 1940 Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Paeir Sf-" Phone one 631 C31 Tickets and Reservations from rom n. u vuTES, General Agent, Coal Coal Well Screened Stoke up thee winter days with clean burning coaL Our gives you warm comfori able homes with more heat and less waste for your money. We are specialists In selecting roal for every Individual purple. If ,oii are not satisfied ' with the coal you are using ak us to recommend one. . ar frlnce Ko?frU Coal Hot I A"3oi&f" sM&''2L?i Buvnovith JJ JV best coAl JLif vu fchati. XS'm r,,on The Rest Costs No More Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd.