November la, JM& ROLL-YOUR-OWNERS-TAKE A LOOK Here is tfie cigoretter tobacco lhat's making more (fiends every day. Open a package and you'll know why when you see the long, silky threads of tipe Virginia leaf, and get a whiff of Old Virginia's glorious aroma. Then try it and you'll say it's the mellowest, most satisfying tobacco you ever tucked into a cigarette paper I For trimmer and tidier rolling, use the best papers like Chanteclet " or "Vogue." PoeVogelOC lb. Tin 75)! Potltt Humidor Pouch ISt Bulkley Valley COAL From our mine To your bin And the whole District benefits. ELIO'S FURNITURE Tlimi) AVENUE rULNCE RUPERT SPECIALS apiece Bedroom Suite Consists of Chiffonier, large size bed, Cable Spring and Spring 50 fUled mattress. Special , ' G-I'iecc Dinette Suite Consisting of Buffet, Table and set of 4 upholstered Chairs. 56.50 Special ti vri j I ft JT mm m mm t "arrymore beam cms union kuk nil sno G'Oxi)'. Special 3-piecc Fibre Set-Consisting of 2 36.50 chairs nnd settee. Special . I'rintcd Linoleum Runs Size 7x9. 8.50 Special Toyland Specials WWon All ci.ol onnstriiction. CT Aft Scooters A strong well f inished scooter with brake. Frame finished in bright 2.95 i UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamer Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TSSCATALA EVERY TULS- T.S.S. CARD UNA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 P,T ue Vancouver, Tliurs. p.m. Hue Vancouver, Monday a.m. ir Convenient, Plra Pun-hase Tickets at Office PllflU.. . , . st t. riiinBKiratlnn find Tickets From -uicr uuormauon uegaroing cc ---- t.'m a . a mm. I awl Aw tn nti nliB nNK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert "-. Gentle Octopus Kills His Mate Aiiuarhim Maimer Witnessed Strange Struggle To Death In Water VANCOUVER. Not. 18: (CP) "Murder In the Aquarium' might be the title of the thriller witness ed by Ivar Haelund as he prowled around the tanks that house mar- Ine specimens at English Bay here. i Haslund, manager of the aquar ium, said the water In the tanks was murky because of a storm out side and It became murkier than ever when Oscar, a female octopus clashed in mortal combat with her mate. Oliver. I "Through the murk we could see red legs flashing around and .grappling," said Haglnnd. "When It was all over Oscar was dead. Now he's looking for another mate for Oliver. RATIONS DC LUXE BERNE. Nov. 18: CP Powerful and wealthy ol many a European capital may be growling about their ifood these war days but the Swiss I army seldom does. They eat dln- Jners fashioned by hundreds of the I finest Swiss chefs, summoned home when neutral Switzerland mobilized her 500,000 fighting men. Dally advertising News. Is sure to bring milt. Catholic Tea. Mrs, November 30. Lutheran cember 9. the Dailj dally re- Announcements All dvertiaentema tn ttot column will b charged tor a toll; month itSc a word. Vaudeville. November 17. Dance. Moose Hall St. Peter's Church bazaar Nov. S3 Country Fair November 3. i Eagles' Bridge November 29. St. Andrew's Dance, Nov. 30. Hankinson'e United Bazaar December 7. Circle bazaar. De- NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zart-lll Proprietor -A IIOMU AWAY FROM HOME" Rates I1.W up SO Rooms Hot At Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhne Ml P.O. Bv H COAL Gram Koed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT-FEED CO. Phones 1 and S5S THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert THB-:DAETr NEVTrT" F THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES For prompt and courteous ser vice Phone 13 Taxi. tl. Ben Llpsln returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesieiu afternoon from a trip to Vancou ver. TA Forfar. Fort St. James hotel nronrletor. who has been on a trip to Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Princess Louise yes terday afternoon from the souir. and win proceed to the interior on Monday evening's train. wr r. AW If 1 FEROXINX 1 BLACKHEADS SALLOW SKIN IWI mn UilU of lm Suwe, pvtlj ilk kU. wH. dulfc BIG CROWD AT CONCERT m sr Toe II Has SBfeessmi Nnw rw Winter Fuel Fund Kereral hundred people enjoyed of an unusual a splendid program variety last night at the Moose Hall under the joint auspices ol tne uay- ligbt Orouo of Toe H and the Moose Lodge. Following the variety turns. a dance was held to wnicn many more came and all enjoyed them- elves to the fnlL BUI Latnb. sya KleTbatk and the Toe H padre.j Rev. Roy Durnford. with numerous, helpers, organized and arranged, one of the finest entertainments oi Its kind ever put on In Prince Ru pert. Members ol local miiiua unius son. Cash for Old Oold. Bulger's, tf . Bowling afternoons and evening's Max's Alleys. tf. Miss Mary Macdonald returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette 8tone returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Certificates For Students mentation Made Last Meht at Musical Event in Boston Cabaret Hall An Interesting musical event took place last night in the Boston Hall when the pupils of Miss Mar garet McCaffery and Miss Jean McLean were presented with cups and certificates following the Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations. Mrs. Sheliord Darton, president of the Ladles' Music Club, made the presentations and complimented the young people on the degree of excellence attained. There was also a musical program as follows: 'O Canada." "Study In Crossing Hands,"' Monica Holtby. "Sonatina," Solveig Mork. "Two Little Froggies." Hilda Pot. tlnger. "Sir Rupert," Bruce Carter. "Orandfather Dances." Rutt I Walton. Viennese Melody," Patrick Cfir niavpd n nromlnent oart. Aconsia-i v?au in A Flat" (Brahmsi erable sum should be available for.jean McAfee. the winter fuel fund as a result. 1 Tarantelle" (Heller! Margaret 'Laree. The program was as follows: n . MFlower Wana. -O Canada." J maker. Opening remarks, Padre 'Dum- "WalU la . A Flat." Chopin I ford. Selections, smeentn i;anau-,joyce uiwuiura. Ian Scottish pipers. J "Song Without Words" Mendel- Humorous songs. Mrs. H. T. IKK.jssonm Berruce Eastwood, accompanied by H. T. Lock. ' Nocturne In E Fiat Chopir i Japanese fencing. 'Bill Bond. Instrumental duet, violin and- -"Jo a. Wild Rose" (McDoirelli piano. Misses Phyllis ihd Alleen Annie Peterson. Hamblin. "Ood Save The King- ; Character sketches. Reg. King. ' Mrs. Darton, President of the Vocal solos. Private B. D. Bell. Ladies" Music Club, made the fol- Canadian Scottish. Mrs. J. S. Black lowing presentations of certlfl- at olano cates for Piano:: Dancing Exhibition. Mrs. Hodg- Grade Three jn"s pupils. Mrs. Black at Piano. First Class Honors Solveh-Vocal selections. Mrs. Brocklesby. Mork. Mrs. C E. Cullen at piano. , Honors Monica Holtby. David Violin and vocal selections, Prl- Smith. vatr Porteous Irlsh Fusiliers. Grade Four Vocal solo. Mrs. C E. Cullin. Peter First Class Honors Hilda Pot- master of ceremonies."' It's the cumuiatnt erftct of advertising that counts. Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled Grade Fire Honors Ruth Walton. - Grade Six Honors Jean McAfee. Pass Lawrence Hanklnson. Grade Seven ) uen at piano. ,unger. inis marc, wnicn was inei Chinese vocal Quartette, Miss Peg- highest obtained in the city in I lry Wong, "Miss Margaret Lee, Miss any one piano examination, au-Qrace Lee and Kam Lee. Miss Ruby titles Hilda to the silver cup f-I Mah at piano. fered Dy the Ladles1 Music Club to Vocal solo. Sergt. Teng, Mrs. ue presentea at a later aate ana Black at piano. also to the cup offered by her Selections by Leslie Pipe Band, teacners which she received. Wrestling holds, Frank Folger and Pass Viola Mary Prendergast. ' Stanley S:herk. . i Vocal solo in French, Lance Bombardier J. C. Polssant. Vocal sola. Len Crlpps. Peter Lien at piano.- During an Interval of the dancing the combined Sixteenth Canad ian Scotlsh Pipers and Leslie Pipe Oawthorn. Honors Margaret Large, Joyce Band played three numbers The Grade Eight Seventy-Ninth's Farewell to Ol- Honors Bemlce Eastwood, braltar." "Brown Haired Mulden" Bond. and "Forty-Second." Grade Tea Bill , "Ood Save the King." . J Pass Annie Peterson. The applause given each Item , CERTIFICATES FOR THEORY I amply proved the audience's thor-l Grade One ough enjoyment and appreciation.1. First Class Honors Hilda Pot- Following the conclusion of the tlnger. Variety Program, Mrs. Black's Or-' Honors Patrick Carson, Jean chestra provided music for dancing McAfee. until 2 a.m. Jim Bacon acting as Grade Tw First Pnl Hrmftrs fTl If fnr1 Wanamaker. Margert Large. Joyce Oawthorn. Pass David Johns, Bruce Carter. Grade Foar Honors Annie Peterson. Annlp Pptronn nbt&tnMl an Of. PRINCE RUPERT ot honors ln har- mony and counterpoint and the DRY DOCK. 'highest mark in any indtvdual . r, . 'subject of M percent ln history. AINU 3tllr I AKLIiwWch entitles her to the cup of fered by her teachers for the highest mark obtained in any theoretical subject. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CATS Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK REAL SAVINGS H eavy IN Grey Socks Work Hanson Socks From 30c A Pair To $1.00 A Pair Bryant Company Limited Phone 297 532, 3rd. Ave. W. Mrs. Larry Branch Shower Honoree Delightful .Affair in Hoatr f Frn- er lott McCutcheon P.O. Box 622 evening at a shower in honor of Mrs. Larry Branch, the former Miss Violet McCutcheon, whose marriage took, place at Courtenay, Vancouver Island, last month. There were twenty-five ladles present and the evening was pent playing games. Refreshments were then served and Mrs, Tom Caroff and Mrs Mike Mrs. Branch was presented with a Budinich were hostesses Thursday beautiful floor lamp and a mirror. This distinctive RCA Victor Console Model A-4 offers imprejiive Tlue. Improved Electric Tuning; Band Spread (Oveneas) Dial to make short-wave tuning 50 times easier; Plug-in for Victrola attachment and convenient electric outlet at back of set. Play Vlctr Recwds through Your Radio I Join the Victor Rtcwd Society! SavoSS.00! VM ct RCA Victrola Attachment f r) that pUri fcorda ilinwh your ratio. V,le SW.m. Your clmcc o( Victor or Btuccinl Kccwda to the valut ol SOO SO. A var' Sub-cripuMi to b View Itocod Inn worth SOO. DO. MM ValM. . Nr Omy ltO-M Gives you more In features and perform-ance than any radio you ever expected to find at this price You're only to look at the features, only to see its beauty and to hear its superb performance . , . to appreciate that this is the kind of radio you expected to see costing way above its actual price. Yet now you can own this outstanding RCA Victor Electric Tuning Radio at this extremely attractive price. MCRAE BROS. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MUk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 57