I PROVINCIAL I 1 LIBRARY I IvicTomB .1 r earner forecast Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert and Queen Char- f?T .c " minus or High 7:49 am 17.5 ft 19:43 pjn. 155 It. ..J MMlA4 AM4 11f .t i Low 0:48 ajn. 7.3 It. 13:39 pjn. 9S ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVIII No. 269. "PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURQAY, NOVEMBER 1 8, 1939. PRICE: i CENTS I PURGE i vuJUvl AU 3 v o tVULLLL 6 l.lnuldatrd Nine Students g . tr.. to. !. purge In Bohemia and 1.. nrlnt. slWrH li B ringleaders In the aemi of the last few day yesterday ana an additional Czechs Including two police tine Nazi dojicc. ine Dress rt that the students were -I r M - r. .4 .4 ... I ind academies nave Dcen cios- .ik rara UTVidtr vsm fnrt . r wi-sK i-rt n rrsttTsxi n 1 tr a . 1 ji 1 a 1 turn is noi aucrosca. 1 i 1 ... 1 1 i . j i - riarpjt ri nirinriLiFA nan annminrpo txtf-'.n of three additional . . . . i . . . i ci mic uriinaii taw aifainai. included the two-day ... . .. uerma Msr r more Qzcchi are being . . a Wuhlnfton Mourns swmoTYu n r- Ui in flit Ma k PviutKilllAM Irl tt H to mournln for th "r- taeks .,... u lieti ns kii.iu urriwi'iv niiMiu ITIU'l t'ls m iMtirmm I I killed when two military CONTRACTOR DIES W WESTMINSTER Thomas nnii nnmii nirnrif n a i former title bulldlnc lnpcc- - died here. He had been a va is v n viiiiiMiiivi BILLY CONN WINS it i r in , r ..ill n , Grid's lightweight titleholdrr innlnt an easv fifteen-round "ion irom flus Lesncvicii oi ft ms wviuva w v ASHORE IN ALASKA FTrillV A v nru- II t.A. mn aboard. She was on the not -xtensiVe. t I . wi. , I ' v uctIC. lit lU4niKUl 1 l, Cyane lias proceeded to the nr. irand master of the Masonic 7 Ufk - a I i 1 I Smlthe rs to pay an official vls- n i . i i . i . . , , i K. WILson-Muray. H. W. Birch P Tinker. The party will n to the city on Tuesday its train, ipni.. . .... "'b mo vurrn unanoiie is n f ... . . .iviu mc wesiwara ana rain bttli BenPrnl fin thn rnnitt Thfl lhfr Is fair and mllrt In ho in. wuji, oi vancouv9r isiana Opening Of OntariopRAISES session January 11) Premier Hepburn Announces Date Following Conference With Leader of Opposition Drew TORONTO. November 18: (CP! Premier Mitchell Hepburn an- C.,unced Jregterdy tha the next -sion of the Ontario Legislative Tmoiy win open January 10. nter Hepburn made the an-cement after conferring with ,.nrro . rTAnr iU . ' " n - w.v... KftUCl Ul bllC Conservative Opposition. EMPIRE IN FINESHAPE Never Better Prepared For War. Sari Smelters Head Self-Supporting in All Metals . , i.i- 1.1. V A N f!fll rvFTI Mm id. inn a dv cummarv Dowers to Nail uwywcie. president of the Con- orltlts to deal with various of- olMated Mining ti Smelting Co., . Tk. ...... ... .ik.. ocueves mat no nation wa evrr n S. AU oiKitiai - O'A 1 1 MAMMl.t.lH J . flawing the advent of the u the British Empire today. r rlme 1 " sen-aupponing tn an the rtlil law was established today rneiais wnicn puy such an Import- ..... . Ant " Im m nyJ a. a.. K 1. J e au?jricu or ureaier Prague. waic. nc uc- AIR RAIDS IN FRANCE ns Drop Leaflets Also In Switzerland One Enemy Plane Is Brought Down PARIS. November 18; -Oerma&f plane dropped propaganda leaf va t again Oreat BrlUIn. There were air raid alarms In thirteen British cities yesterday. For the .second time In twenty- four hours air raid alarm signals' were sounded In Ulle. northern. French city, today, some peopl' hurrylnir to air raid shelters while others stayed above to look at vL-f 'Mnf Oerman planes should thev appear. An hour later the "all car" signal was given. No bombs were dropped. , A Oerman raiding plane was forced down In northern France today and members of Its crew taken prisoner. It was not stated (Whether the plane was forced-down by French pursuit planes or anti-aircraft fire. The machine, . " - 1 US llUb KI lUlUlT UaiUMVUi Vancouver Island Floods Subsiding Worst Appears to.be Over at Campbell River, Courtrnay, AlbernI and Zeballos CAMPBELL RIVER, Nov. 18: (CP) - The raging flood, which under-i mined Campbell River's banks and 'threatened to destroy a dozen houses at Campbellton, near here. tirnr f. I . .. 1 . 1 1 . . r .. . . nlH narrows Vilin nine or kHpvv1 nvertrd n.imnffP Is ImmH llAnri n r A nl.n .IthiMi nir In normal at AlbernI, Oreat Central Lake. Courlcnay and Zeballos where floods are abating. Crew Of Tanker Able To Identify Their Attacker LAURENCO MARQUES, Portu guese East Africa, Nov. 18: (CP) Members of the crew of the British tanker Africa Shell, landed on the ! South African coast after a Oer man warship had sunk their ship In Mozambique Channel, said they were able to Identify the attack-, ing vessel from photographs as the pocket battleship Admiral Scheer. ' It had been previously thought the Admiral Scheer might be In the southeast wind or gales Pacific Ocean after sinking thel Ilng to south. Cloudy and mild British freighter Clement off Bra-, h In. .il ia scDtember. 1 GERMANS But Dr. Manlon Draws Distinction Between Average Citizenship Of Hitler Nazism SASKATOON, November 13: (CP) Speaking here In the course of his western tour, Hon. Dr. R. J. Manlon, Dominion Conservative leader, drew a distinction between average Oerman citizenship and Hitler Nazism. Many Oermans had become good and highly respecte citizens of Canada, Dr. Manlon said. It would be an Important duty after the war. he said, to deal Justly with; Germany and help her to set her house In order. TODAY'S STOCKS (Court j 8, D JontktUM. Co.) Vancouver Dig Missouri, .12. Bralorne, 11.00. Cariboo Quartz, 2.1 S. Dentonla, .01 Vi. Falrvlew, J02, ' Oold Belt. 23. Hedley Mascot. .42. Mlnto, .02. Noble Five, .02. Pacific Nickel. .14. Pend Oreille, 2.48. Pioneer, 2 25. Premier. 1.45. Privateer. .92. Reeves Macdbnald. .45 A. Reno. .51. RMIef ArllnaUm. .11. 8hen Creek, 118. Cariboo Hudon. .04. Oils A. P. Con.. ,17 Calmont, J5 Home, z.to. Paxalta. J)4, Roya Canadian, .20 . Okalta, 1.J5 A. Prairie Royalties, .20 XD. Toronto Aldermac.40. 5 Beattle, 1.03. Central PaU 2.35. Con. Smeitersi 49D0. Bast Malartlc, 3.05. Fernland, .02?;. Francoeur, .45, Gods Lake, .60. Hardrock,, 1.35. Int. Nickel. ,48k. - KerrddJsorwl Little1 Long Lac, 3.15. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.39. Madsen Red Lake. .45. McKenzle Red Uke, 1.29. Moneta, .98. Noranda, 77.00. Pickle Crow. 4.30. Preston East Dome. 2.11. San Antonio, 1.90. Sherrltt Obrdon, 1.20. Rtadacona, J3Vj. Uchl, .80. Bouscadlllac. .03 Vi-Mosher. .11. Smelters Gold. .01. Dominion Bridge, 39.50. Oklend, .13. New York American Oar and Foundry, 34Vi American Locomotive. 25. American Rolling Mills, 18!8. American Smelting, 52. American Tel. and Tel., 1698. Anaconda Copper, 32 Baldwin Locomotive, 18. Bethlehem Steel, 85. Boeing Aircraft, 27;, Borg-Warner, 26!b. Caterpillar, 54. Consolidated Oil, 8. Douglas Aircraft, 79i. Dupont, 18. Oeneral Electric, 40li. General Motors, 54?B. Goodyear, 25. Inland Steel, 87. International Nickel, 39?i. Kennecott Copper, 40Tb. National Biscuit, 22!e. New York Central, '20. North American Aviation, 26T. Pennsylvania Railroad, 24', 4. Public Service of N. J., 40. Radio Corporation, 6. Republic Steel, 24 8. Sears-Roebuck. 82g. 1 Socony Vacuum Oil. 13. Standard Oil of California, 26tJ. Standard Oil of New Jersey, 46T; United Fruit. 85. United States Rubber. 3914. United, States Steel, 70i. British Plalies Over Gernlany Photographs Taken. of Important j Naval Base Greeted by1 Ami-Aircraft Fire IlVnriW Nw .,.. 1R rinval J Air' Forces planes flew over an import- 1"u- , f , government for China Is being rap-and ant Oerman naval base yesterday with and of Proceeded success were successful In taking pho- assured de-nalssance tographs. There were also recon- J,apacf? ?rem,er of Japan today- flights over northwestern e.Iared th. Oermany which met with heavy anti-aircraft fire. 'ALL SEAMEN UNDER PLAN on Dragon's Head Island reported Whether Working on Salt or Fresh today that a drive aimed at south-Water, They Come nder War western Chinese supply routes to Protective Scheme- French Indo-China and Burma had r j penetrated Kwan?shl Province and OTTAWA, Nov. 18: J(CP)-Can- captured a walled town thirty miles adlan seamen, whether,they gain a from Manning, the provincial capl-tlvellhood on salt or, fresh water UL In war time, come under the pro- " tectrve pension and compensation regulations of the Dominion. It Is learned. Previously such tlve regulations were announced as applying to salt water fishermen i AVIATION TRAININGS, WM nt I'nrtVr Wt H Canada ! Within Finr Months Initial Orders For Plants Placed OTTAWA. November 18: CPi- " ger "'under wa wllh n fey months. It was learned today. Rep- John Van N Seen Since Sep-resentatlves 0f Canada. Great Bri- fmbcr 30 When He Lcll Van-Uln. Australia and New Zealand conver For Victoria - wl- completed organlza- tion of details as well as financial VANCOUVER. November 18: arrangements and the general de- 'CP) Eighty-year old John Vance scrlptton of thi plan Is expected na bpn mlssfng since September to b announced next week. 30 whfn he left for a trip to VIc-Inltlal orders for abo-jt 1ST) torl,, 11 beram known yesterday, training nlanes have ben olaced He was a resident of. North Van-In Ih Unlt-d Satos. About 5000 co"ver. planes will be required. Order In California . NEW YORK, November 18: (CP) Contract for about six hundred ! North American training planes 'was" signed today by representatives of an Inglewood. California. Jcompany and the British purchasing mission, Majority of the newly ordered ships will be sent to j Canada for Empire training pur- Poses. Aged Fishermaii I 1 Is Missing On . His Own Boat VANCOUVER. Nov. 18: (CP) John Campbell, seventy-year-old fisherman, has been missing for thirteen days. He left Vancouver for Gibson's Landing In his boat! and has not been seen since. The provincial police boat has put out to search for him. Public Speaking l Contests Urged, VICTORIA, November 18: (CP) Public speaking contests in the schools of British Columbia were urged by the Provincial Council of Women wnose delegation conferred with a cabinet committee yesterday. The winner, It was proposed, should be a speaker at the Blaine Peace Arch each Armistice Day. Funeral Notice The funeral of Kathleen Hog an, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hogan, will take place Mon day 11 a.m. from the Roman Cath- ollc Church. iNEW GOV'T FOR CHINA Success of Japanese Policy is Assur-j ed. Declares Premier No Peace With Chiang Kai-Shek I r .s a (Constructive measures are now pas sible. No peace appears possible, how ever, with Oeneral Chiang Kal- shek. the Premier said, and the. Chungking regime must be over - ! thrown and foreign influence re- moved. Japanese campaign headquarters Restoration Of Monarchy Hope Of Ex-Emperor DOCRN. Nov. 18 Former Kaiser 'Vilhflm has hntv tuat the war ay reMlt In th return of a Hohenrollern to the throne of Ger many. He Is alarmed however, at he ferortd rr of b's sin, the former Crown Prince Wllhelm. EigKty-Year-Old Man Disappears Hore-Belisha f Visits Front British War Secretary Meets Field iHiniiiji nori ai ucnrrai Headquarters PARIS, Nov. 18. British Secretary of War Leslie Hore-Bellsha Is a visitor to the Front He arrived Friday night at a darkened railway station where he was met by Field Marshall Viscount Oort with whom he proceeded to general headquart 1 ers. Premier Daladier Is London Visitor Head of British Government Re- malnihg Over To Discuss Econ- omic Questions . PARIS, Nov. 18: (CP) Premier Edouard Daladier, who left for the ; British capital today to attend meeting of the Allied supreme war! council, is remaining in London for ft llnil PIS f HIPMtlMi tViA AAAMAmU u.,k). mkwu aspects of the war. GAS WORKS IN RUPERT I Outside Interests in Communication With City In Regard to Possibilities Thu nlv rommLsslnnpr announce that outside parties rePresentlnSiTffpof priori capital are In correspondence with' 111 vttlCHCU the city in regard to the possibility i of establishing a gas works In ROME, Nov. 18; (CP) Italy will Prince Rupert. Central interior coal would be used In the produc- Hon of the gas. New Brunswick Election LEADERS AFFIRM N.BVS LOYALTY TO EMPIRE IN THESE WAR DAYS Provincial Issues Before Voters of Maritime Province in General Election November 20 SAINT JOHN, N.B., November 18: (CP) Issues of government record and administration feature New Brunswick's wartime election, called the day after the Quebec elections and poviding a brief campaign period of three and a half weeks before polling day on Monday, "There is no question of the loyalty and the co-operation War News GERMAN FREIGHTER SEIZED LONDON The German freighter Gloria, captured by the British, was today taken into a Scottish port. She was carrying a cargo of wheat. REPORT RIDICULOUS DANZIG German warships are manouevering In the Baltic Sea. Reports that they are there to assist Russia against Finland are termed ridiculous. SWEDISH STEAMER SEIZED STOCKHOLM The Swedish steamer Valparaiso, laden with wood pulp for South America, Is reported seized by Germany. DUKE OF WINDSOR BUSY PARIS The Duke of Windsor Uaomp!rteiLAT$taareJMbJ 101 ces an along the western rront war to peace we shall build Into our" including some which have been future economic life the maximum' fn action. He is greatly Impress- benefits to be retained from our ed with their appearance and I emergency effort." morale. j The government's future agrl- .cultural policy would be based BREMEN TURNED OVER la:i;cly on the Empires war, needs. LONDON The News-Chronicle "We propose to uUllze our econ-says that property rights in the 'omic resources to the greatest pos-German liner Bremen, which has sible extent In our role In this been at Murmansk since early in the war, have been transferred to Russia. Russia, it is understood,, contemplates instituting a trans-Atlantic steamship service from .Murmansk to New York. fould Withstand Ten Million Men This Is What South African Dele.I? oeuei that Mr. Dysart gate To Conference Thinks After Visit To Maginot Line .people's preoccupation with the ar to divert their minds from the ,mnnw Wm..m(, r,D1 r'mL !?!Z chief lssue of the campaign, which The South African minister to the u the cxtravagantt wasteful, reek-Empire war conference, following ,ess dlctatorlal conduct hh vUlt to the Western ex- J J front EOvernment from the " presses confidence that the Magi- int) ., not Line could withstand the at- tack of ten million armed men and all their mechanized equipment. ' k T V 1 Oa. 1 'IlCW lOYK OlOCK Market Upwards Tfndf ot ,ndustrla,s And Todar I In nir-rllnn Of Strength NE WYORK. November 18: -After the first hour of trading today, the Industrial average was up .22 on the New York Stock Exchange at 151.22. Thcrall average was up .09 at 33.89. Italy Would Intervene If Intervene In the war if her Inter- ests are threatened, it was declar- ed In the Fascist press Friday. oi au me people or the province of jNew Brunswick with both the Dom- linion ana tne tinpire govern ments." stated Conservative leader T. C. Squires. Premier A. A. Dy-sart announced: "Because of the urgent need of full and continuous co-operation on the part of New Brunswick to serve Canada and 'the Empire during the period of the war, it has been decided to' hold an election immediately rather than interrupt plans In the, spring or early summer of next year, within which time, by law, an election must be held." Speaking of the government' activities in co-operating with the Dominion's war efforts, Premier Dysart mentioned the establish ment of an lnter-departmental "ommittee appointed to co-ordinate the various contributions Nw Brunswick can make. War and Agriculture "While our war co-operation must the normal business of administration must continue" said ,the premier. "Insofar as possible one will be merged with the. ether, with; me aermite objective in our minds lhaWn; the-uUl.materrrtaJSlttenf tm struggle of democracy and decency against Herr Hitler and his fellow gangsters." "Your government Is seeking a return to power so it may carry I to completion a wartime program for which the foundation has already been laid," Premier Dysart told the electorate. "Having had ;the elecUon, let us forget politics ,and throw ourselves Into a united l effort in which there will be no lace for party differences." I Conservative leader Squires ex- "dwells very strongly on the sub ject of war loyalty because he would like to avail himself of the , - Last House Standing ! Standing at dissolution of the last legislature was Liberals, 39, and Conservatives, five, with four 'vacancies caused by the deaths of Hon. W. F. Roberts, Saint John City, minister of health and labor; Hon. Dr. P. H. Laporte, Mada-waska, who su,cceeded Dr. Roberts, S E. Durllng, York, and Oabrlel F. Smith, Sunbury, all Liberals. Dr. Laporte was killed In an automobile accident. All five Conservatives elected in 1935 have been nominated again. They are Conservative leader F. C. Squires, O. W. Perry, and E. W. Melville in Carleton and A. C. Smith and Robert McAllister In Saint John County. New Brunswick has 17 constituencies for provincial elections. Charlotte, Gloucester, Northumberland. Saint John City, Westmorland and York return four members each: Carleton, Kent and King's three each; Albert, Mada-waska. Queen's. Restlgouche, Saint John County, Sunbury and Vlctorl two each and Moncton City one- on tho Prlnr-Pss LnuhA frr n trin tn Vancouver. V u