THE DAILY NEWS. .PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA fPubllshed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prlnr.e Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES iBy.mail to all .other countries, per year 9.i ADVERTISING RATES .Classified. advertising, per word, per insertion ., (Local .readers, per line, per insertion . . t 1 ! I..!.. rr. 1 f i. nuTCimins ana .urcuiauun Jieiepiione .. 33 News .Department Telephone , 8C , .DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of .Circulations greased in .Canada over the same years. Tuesday, January 10, 1939.' EMPLOYMENT INCREASES .It was recently announced that employment had in (that employment increases have taken place. SAVINGS IN BRITAIN Mention has 'been made in this paper at least once before of the scheme in Britain for saving to provide for iholiday or for (any other specific purpose. The savings are tafcen .care .of by the post office savings bank, the trustee -savin cs banks or bv the savings certificate rilart. MOMENTOUS MEETING This is a momentous week in world historv. Jewish brothers were driven from teen-thirty-eight was a Jltter-yera Votk Giants traded Rogers Horn& ' Poland by .persecution. Jjne .going ( for old John .Bull, a year pf .wai by, one of the game's greatest pat to Germany and the other coming scares, international tfoment. a ters. .to Boston Braves for Catchei to-England. The man who cametto year of tension, strain and stress. Frank .Hogan and Outfielder Jim- lcJaj Bowling League got under way this country married .an ipngllsn But .its, paslng, put saw Britain still -my Welch. Giant officials saia me njnt wttn RUpert Motor Jewess. lie lost wucn -mm -nis at peace, move was "in tne oesi inveresu or brother, but kept a photograph of , It looked like -war last March -the .club." Hornsby became tht the two standing beside their par- when Hitler annexed ihls'homeland National League's batting cham-ents. lof Austria. The Spanish civil war ,plqn for the seventh time tha Recently when fresh persecution threatened many times to spread year. drove refugees to Britain, he and his wife decided to adopt a Jewish boy, went to a London centre and BIRMINGHAM, Eng mill said her son then went for help while she held. down Hart. MORE JOBS FOR WOMEN Jn 1913 the sum of 277,000,000 pounds was saved in this ,",her Po,ts n,ril!,h rc,1v,,c Sex Ser AVay. Ina938 .the sum had .increased to a,433,600,000 pounds vice Are Available for Fair Prime theoretically possible for .a woman Minister Chamberlain is discussing with Premier Mus- ?'tlmomrit of state In these offices at :sdlini of 'Italv matters of mutual interest andespecialJyihe tary 1 ,u in in mrmeriv attitude of Italy toward France and French possessions, the highest .post ,a .woman, could the .mutual attitude of the two countries toward German reach was a staff clerkship at jteoo' aggression .in -Eastern Europe.and future .relations .of Bri- ($2,826) tain to both Italy and Germany and especially the attitude into a general European struggle. In the Orient, the Chinese .and Starting in 1940, owner of th Japanese were locked in a life and fourth-place horse In the Derbj picked out an attractive little boy death campaign which involved will receive 2Vix of the stakes. To of seven called Hans. many Urltlsh industrial and fin- date owners of only first, second But Hans refused to be parted ancial Interests. and third horses have shared In from his sister Ruth, who Is nlne.j Palestine was riddled with re- prize money. In the end they were both adopted bellion, calling 'for thousands ql and went to their new home. British troops to restore .order The children wire put to bed,, pending a final settlement of the cosy and safe. Then from thelrjArab-Jewish problem, room came the sound of weeping. Acute as these incidents were, The foster parents went up to them. ' they were mere squibs In contrast "How comes my Daddy's picture to to the Czech.German crisis of. Aug- be on the mantelpiece?" sobbed the ,ust and September .when Britain BRIDGE TO RESUME toy -And he pointed to the photo-1 seemed ,.to ,be only a ffaw hours Schedue ;rr SfCond Ilalf of Sea-SS, I graph of his new father and the from war. John Bull was so alann- new father's brother. The brother, ed, so fearful of the rapidly chanc-was the children's real father. The king events that he mobilized his foster father had adopted his own .fleet, antl - alrcrart guns were nephew and niece. mounted along the Thames Em- i The names of the children are bankment, soldiers of the Terrl- City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 not given because their parents are torial Army were called iPald in advance, per . week .12 still in Germany. The brothers did . colors. Si Woman Aged 70 5 Held Burglar ' Coroner Commends Action at In ( quest on Would-be Robber Jan. to the 0aia ,in .advance, .per montn .50 not know that each other was alive. ' For days it looked like Britain's L. iBy mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and 'United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.00 ....... . w-j . Biers, ' son Announced scoring a three games to nil ,vic-' tory over Royal Lunch. In tht second fixture of the evening Oyio iClub won two .to one from' Electrical Workers. High average scorer for the evening was Howard Hlbbard of tRupert Motors -with ISO' The winners of .the second (halt will meet Parker's Garage, win ners of the first half, at the close of the season for the winter honors. Parker's Oarage finally won the first half on Sunday by taking three out .of five gamei -AM n.mnA. fn(n In tl nlflll.AM Brocklcsby Large .. : Stamford Fixtures for second naif of the Low Kon Prince Rupert Bridge League are Total announced as follows: Lirctrlcal Jan. .13 Tip Top Tailors Cup. : Little ...... ,seml-flnal C. N. R. A. vs. Prince Macnuley Kupert uairy; Musiceieers vs. nam- Pottlngcr tdesllny was to be engulfed in war ry In iosa,,nm thP Munich four-- Jan. 20 (City League-Grotto v$.fForman 11 A.. Sons of Noru-ay V5. power agreement reprieved Europe p; i. . ,R- - n.i... n..M. rxi.' r, ... i itl M . I building bomb-proof shelters In hLv"MMU,a" ,KJtl-beloved London parks. I Jan. 27 C. N. R. A. vs. i r.raif..! for pMre Norway. Musketeers vs. Grotto. Workers it ll Z J. If man & Ker. Ramblers v,. Cana- .John Bull his most severe h doses of .. i nupert Motors 10: war-jitters, nrst was the Ansch-,01"1 Joy u 4 jrin woman oi u struggled mss m Marcn wnen .ni;ier puuea - 7 V, Houston with an Intruder while her son went, off a bloodless conquest of Aus- Sons of Norway vs. Grotto. MQrtla for help was commended at the In- tria. But it passed off without a J"""13" &, Ker vs- R11010'"' mbbard quest into the burglar's death. The war and John Bull wiped his bro Canadian Legion vs. Prince Rupert ... .... . i i r.i i rv - molUttS in previous coroners jury returned a. verdict of and went about nis Dusiness wnicn, xt ?i i .i i7i. iiitinnnip nomicitie in tne rn.a nr irnnieaiiv enouen. consists oi me u, vniv ir is nnniinrpr rnQT n c m ar pnnn rinn pv. . -. other year, for that matter. . C White, secretary of the Civil The IndlAn paper industry ltn t-t. nlAaf.At -A (..nflln Hah 01 14 .. of both tn Snnin nnrl thp nhierts thpv havfi in vipw. ",cf c"trtA irt"u T lUte on a new ,lne wrapping -i IV" " '"i-ms implements an agreemeiu hi manufactured at .the Jn- . ,, , . . ipaper, lit is JUSt possible that Some decision may be arrived at principle made three years ago by .dlanorest ; Research Institute,. and ;JMv'i iay jjuaaiijiy eiiu uic wai in auam .uuu uius Teiiiuvi me uivu service nauuiiai winucmow Delng suojecwa to Jurtnei .One .cause of .possible conflict. At any rate the Whole CounolI. Women are now only tests, Justifies hopes of .Its com-; .gamut of .European affairs will doubtless be .considered rred ln f ose-.branches of the de- merciai possibilities. And, .by means of frank .discussion, efforts will he made e"Leri 'ZZSLJ" JZ? 2?, ? to arrive at a mutual understanding. - It -is pretty sure from the administrative diplomatic en0d. ehenn wrannimr an 'there wjU .be ho effort made to placate Italy by giving and consular grades of the Foreign be manufactured from a imlxturt . . 1 1 ' r n!isi l 1. 1. . i m s' .rttn i ji .t,i.i - j wi.yiHu.y.MUiig-t'Jr.uit; ' unusn peouie ui lhu vvnuie rjinpirtr ? l i "The ,n re against such action. If you lose anything, advertise for it Try a Daily News cluaslfled i vertlsement for best results. of Indigenous, mechanical wood There .are also .a few, other -specr,,pulp and chemical .grass pulp, raw i , i . j.1 i i kiuc3 uuiicu ,vj .wmiicit -vii ,mc maienais w ior Duin oi wnicn U,L arc S, n fnr ne.vup enn spp ar T his fliitnnpp rhprp ia nn nmnrl f .. .. .. . .. . . . ?V . . v. "T' " , , TX . - ..wv. .collection siae.oi me inianq even-mow available 4(i .abundance ln In- reason why Italy and Britain cannot carry on in amity Ue and on the .EcciesiMticai com- dia. Neither old newspapers not V'ithQUtunterfftringwith each other's legitimate interests. ;mlsslon, for example. The argu-,waste.pulp,, now .largely .used -n they Mr. Chamberlain is an apostle of peace but he also jnentitnat women ought not.teni manufacture of wrapping paper.. - .... . . 4 . . ... J . 1 A ..H U . . . ,L. f n . , (L., ...... , I . ILL . ' rucess. Indusi Industry a champion of British rights. The meeting this week'h'as abroad-wnArmetArth I1 .,t ti . !ii TT'ii ' ii. jwomen do serve abroad , as (doctors, ' Posslblllt es of such an UO.Una ogy wMh'.the meeting With Hitler some .months ,agO missionaries and nurses ln any reg- may be judged from the facUl when the decision was made to turn back to Germany tdr- ion or climate. in 1937-38 alone the total imports ..... . . t m i i 1 a t i i ritoryiormeny neia oy Austria wnere uerman population ' why snouw they not serve as or cheap wrapping and packing predominated. civil servants?" ipaper amounted to 11,4(58 tons. In ' I J I 1 I JM AAA A .1 aauiuon, itj.uuu uins oi uia papers used for wrapping were 1m-.ported, I 10 Ramblers vs. Sons of Vr .' - - - - v,m w William G. Hart, 36, who died from biggest rearmament program in .Norway. Prince. Rupert Dairy vs. ;1SIS mtureat uriiain. in mat country tne only inaU3iries tetanus when shot In the leg by her world history. Grotto. Musketeers vs. Brackman that have dropped of f have been fisheries, mining and son. 1 Then came Hitler's demand for & Ker. Canadian Legion vs. C. N quarrying. There has been a marked increase in motor Mrs. Harriet winmiii . testified cit-determination" for the sude- R. a. Vehicle .manufacturing, cycle and aircraft industries, due Har 6truclc her thrce or our times. ten .Germans by which he meant Feb. L7-Grotto vs. Brackman It n the top of her head with a poker their annexation to Germany. For Ker. Ramblers vs. C. N. Jl. A.. Ca-tlOUDUesS 'dmihtlpqq tn the rlpfpnr-P hut nkn pvtpnt tn .tO some wmP extent XO tne deience mpn5iit-P? measures DUt also and sne broke her walklng si!ck on weeks Europe tottereci on the edge nadian Legion vs. Musketeers. Sons tO .the general increase in air travel. Contracting, COn- him. Her son eame to her heln and of war with Neville Chamberlain of Norway vs Prince Rurjert Dalrv And so It Is that in palace and Musketeers, Grotto vs. Ramblers, John Bull salutes 1933 as the yeat way. that threatened so often to dras him into war but didn't. ;It saw him spending hundreds lions of dollars on ;a war and feeling .thankful he le jj.niS'.enaDies.enipioyea .people to enjoy tneir annual non- london, Jan. 10: icpi women ulay when :they get it and those who do not sp'end the ate to be eligible for the adminis-money have a stake in the" country which has a stabilizing trative grades of the Domini6ns and Inrjio Yc Tcfc IUia Iiaa 11019 effect Colonial Offices .as an experiment. Malcolm MacDonald, Dominions mm jaSSn-. n to raper Making of mil- nni i i i machine ijioroueiibred wasn't J foiled to use it. And John :8ull If AD 1 the jsort of fellow who hopes he JlOrSCS Are Dlll'IieU iwon't have to .use It In 1930 or any -Stables of John Stamford in Amsterdam Destroyed by Fire I Yesterday I . AMSTERDAM, Holland. Jan. 10: (CP) Twenty-five thoroughbred Total 1 . -ICO 175 .,.180 t 158 155 US 420 175 175 . tl08 .130 Total .CM 143 tul t..M.i. ' 'from the mad, senseless dash to "" i .i jij ,u o,.n vs. Ramblers. Brackman Ker vs. D. Houston J 85 149 Sons of Currle . ,H DHnM DiinAPl HilMt w Ti MOnieSa&nn Structional engineering and explosive manufacture have was-hlt over the face while the in- John Bulls Prime Minister, flyln? Feb. 24-C. N. R. A. vs. Prince ,,an Ur Establishment of J'uttlnt, fi'lsn fsrinwn nr1vflnpp5 F,pptrim inrlnsfrips silk nnrl nrti. truder held the elderlv ladv bv the tn Berchteszaden. to Oodesburg RuDert Dairy. Grotto vs. Canadian Oreen in Prince Rupert ,is .n ' throat- and Mun!ch he "fcl Le-jion Ramblers ys.Muskiteers. tficial .stone, .heating and ventilating, .paints and -varnishes ?dck.and tile Lnufacture ure aU of year-in the number employed. fhlS seems to indicate that.gnoot Jacv or hell do us both In.' Bull got what he and the rest ol Mar. 3-Brackroan A Ker vs. C. ;it IS not Ortly in armament and munitions manufacture Then I heard the shot." Mrs. Win- the world wanted, peace. N. R. A.. Prince Rupert Dairy vs GOLF IS The Prince Rupert .Chamber of Commerce, at Its meeting last night. passed a resolution asking the Can- pub, in mansion and tenement Canadian ..Legion vs. Sons of Nor- adlan National Railways to Install a putting green In the city as an at traction to tourlits. The matter proposal support. was given enthusiastic Hockey Scores Pacific Coast'League Portland 5, Vancouver 3. GOOD J-'OJt CIRCUS race horses, Including Supply - House, famous steeplechaser, were BELLEVILLE, Ont-. Jan uuuica w ocam wnen tne training tup) Aan Keiiaher was UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVsER FROM PRINCE RUPKRT QQ FROM PORT SIMPSON RI7X11RN. Meals and RCTURN. Bertly Included Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate. po'lnls, Special Tickets on Kale Between November 1st, JD38 and February 28th, 1939, Inclusive (In 'd to Return up to March 31, 4839. iChlldren Half Fare Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA, Tuesday, 1:30 jp.m. Thurada, atn. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent A. W. NEWMAN Third Ave., Phone S68 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office u Tuesday, January 10, 1939. P,IGE TWO rUE DAILY NrVS-! J ! '! ik man For Real Comfort and Wear "GREB" Working Boots Are Unbeatable Men's oiled calf, Panco or leather soles, plain toes (CJO QC ior toe caps. Up from .: vOVO ooooocmooooooooo MX SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes D Found Adopted JOHN BULL 1 His Own Nephew ENDS YEAR 1 London Jew I)etov;rs lle IUili Taken in Relatives s .Refugee 1 WITH SIGH LONDON, Jan. -10: (CP) The Happy To Find Himself at Peace his own .refugee nephew, not know ing of the relationship at the time, has been, told byiRev. Alfred Abra-'l ham Stein, of .Cricklewood. The story goes back 30 years when twp Instead of War lleWfoalls tlloUpots t 4938 j By ,tf. iF. Sanderson 'SPORT SPORT CHAT . i Canadian Press Staff Writer The baseball world was startleci I LONDON, Jan. 10: (CP) Nine- 11 years ago today when Ne BOWLING RESUMES Rupert Motor! Scores Clean Sweep .Club Wins .Over , Electriclani I The second half of the.Cqmmer- OFFICERS FOR YEAR Clumber of .Commerce Ccuflrmt Selection and CIioomts Executive At Meeting Usi Night Tho (Prince Rupert Chamber tf Commerce, nt Its annual meeting ast night, confirmed the election pf J ?T. Harvey as president. Philip M. Ray as vice-president and Arthur Brooksbahk as secretary and proceeded to chnos a council of fifteen from thoj nominated xz follows: Pawl Armour. Dr. J. It. .Carson. "fheo. Collart. John Dybhavn. C V. Evltt. R. O. Hopkins. J J LittLv W. R. McAfee, O. W. Nlckerson, J W -Nlcholls. H. F Pullen, 8. E Parker. W. H. Tobey. W M. Watj and R. M. Wlnilow. F A. MflcCallum presided until the close of the meeting when he turned the gavel over to the new president who spoke of the value to Prince Rupert of the inter! r districts and of his determination to do everything possible to brlrt about os cUa? rekitioai as possibb uu.ii ,uWik ... Hy -:,, h h. hm.iI. Ainn. m. to break a tie between the two "7.-'," ;":HB" . teams. ' Gyro Club . Balagno Jsays and to get to know them bet- 3 ic. IJjl Mr. Harvey alio said th cham- 152. per would continue to press f ir 134 the subitdy for shipping out ' 135 1 thin port The empty elevot r 110 13ft mleht be useful In bringing Ui 1 C9 to the attention of the authorttlrl r:;c 759 CC9 and. In this way. be a blessln!; 1 1 2 T. disuUe The port eould not grof 89 d39 195 without sliluplng and he considered !30 "182 144 pressing for the subsidy was 3 J33 i40 135 major objective. When they had It 168 152, 122ithey must then take full advanta 141 of it He thanked the members Ut 131 expressing their confidence in h:n 3 by electing him to that position. 131 Philip M. Rav thanked the mcra 126 148 bers for elecUng him 127 171 Those conduetln the poll were il57 J55 150 Trev.0r William. .Croft Brook m i . 7 163 128,Tliomas Boulter 748 720 -732 4 2 3 137 158 157 143 155 157 1128 189 127 J98 163 180 14C 105 165 ,150 7C8 79.7 PROPOSED; tlorml by Chamber .of Commerce 10, lucky ll was introduced by Col. J.'W. Nlch-' oils who said he thought It quite' .possible obtained. The ' . : 8tables.of,Johp, Stamford were des- when he went stelch-ridlne down. Industry Tlicre May Take On New tryed bV the last night. The loss a hill He passed under moving Line If Experiments Success : 's placed at $200,000. NEW DELHI. India.. Jan. JO: (CPj automobile and escaped unhurt. REX Bowling Alley For Health and a 811m Waist Line Bowl Fur Reservations Phone (58 TRAPPERS Dont be foolish and sell your furs at the waterfront Fetch your stuff up town to Gold-bloom's and get the buyers together to bid on them In that way you will make St Per Cent MORE for Youwlf Goldbloom The Old Reliable NOTICE ! Until further notice beginning Monday, January 2nd, nur confi;ctioni:r.v stori: Will Close at 7:00 p.m. Sunday Hours 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Mussallenrs .CONFECTIONERY THE SEAL n QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only aloe canning company with an u tho year round payroll U Prlnco Rupert