Ury Be? re proceeding with this re-pjrt I should like you to know with a uit pride I haye served you as Uted to the office could not be terUken and even partial uc-cw trared without the whole-bfiri isjpport th Incumbent re-uim !rrm our efficient secretary. I tt he refore. to tender htm my itoert think for the Invaluable he has rendered me tn the k Pledge so graciously Imported I wUh also to rtncereljf think the council member for tfce'r :;:ngne ever to attend at aeef -.pt the enthulatm displayed ir.d 'he desire to co-operate. My, thinks is akewUe tendered to the Tirlous landing and special com-B'tre for the eamestnes In shih hey undertook and com-( pieted he work assigned to them. W'h'; hard-working, capable C!Bmj'tee w eould not get any- thtre Milters Dealt With 'While e are unable to lay claim h my great measure of succe on behi'.f of the Chamber during the jtir yet we iiave the coniolatlon In knowing that affairs have received cur earne.t attention whether the object to be dealt with wai of vast cr minor importance. I "Cor.slderable prruure has been brovght to bear tn an effort to ob-Uin better aids to navigation In the ipproache to our port The matter wa gone into very thoroughly both by mall renresentatlons and . . ... H . m mm Itft. f personal contact wiin 11. k.. omiui, DuMor ot Marine Service. Ottawa. 1 A ierinus obstacle Is the fact thati Herat Rlraltc u.hlh rralh' should! wvawiWf " 9 V w . - wily one survey vessel on the Pacific coast, progress In survey work u obviously wiivuijt uun slow but Chinese-manned Nanking i regime called on the Chinese nmnlr In vield to JlDin. A Kv ' Japanese communique said that Chungking was heavily damaged. CLOSING ON TARRAGONA Insurgents Heported To Be Converging on Major Mediterranean City IIENDAYE. Franco - Spanish Frontier, Jan. 10: (CP) Insur gents today report two .rranco columns converging on Tarra-tona. major Mediterranean eoastal city, fifty miles southwest of Barcelona. I It Is said also that the gov- . ernment counter offensive In the southwest has been halted but the government claims that their j troops were merely consolidating conquered positions. I WHEAT MEET BEING HELD : rt committee and the renort thereof forms a basis for sound thinking. H Is not Intended that the present form of government be disturbed in any manner whatever but there is likely to bo n change sooner or later and, when the time arrives for (Continued on Vaye Four) Bishop Is Named As Yet rTr riur Jan 10: (CP) An- mi 1. m.4e of the. Btob. , Fourteen Jewi and Four Arabs Killed In Haifa District Ute Yesterday I LONDON. Jan. 10: CP) The LONDON. Jan. 10 CP Sir John Anderson. Lord Privy Seal, who Is in charge of British defence co-ordination, declared that clvU populations would not b safe la any future war. KEY FOR ! I RENNPTT British War Office gave official de- Hundreds of Vancouver Citizens nlal last night to reports of atrocl- p,y Tribute to Former Pre- ties by British military authorities mler Stakes Plea Tor in Palestine. Such reports were de- National Unity 'scribed as "lying progapanda" evl-i . dently dently designed designed by by those those who wno VANCOUVER. VANCOUVER. Jan. Jan. 10: 10: CPi . . . . NfiW RfirnnPfl uou,d make l" tot 0reat Bri Hundreds of prominent V IIUiT LUh.'JW UJn and by countrics hlch wish- dtircns attended a present 1 feel mat n w not wiin- "r"":" A r""" "V"! , nf "7 ancouvet recep reception last ed to detract from artocltles ol night at which Former Prime Min- me ' fcithepoerolbusinemenoi , , w,, ...... Hnti There .u 1 v.n onfer a greater nonor on ' t.'v . ,r, A ... , ,hnn..., n Arab in .u-u. ma. k u,m, tracr'int position. f- 6IIANOHAI, Jan. 10: ICP their own. No nations were nameo r b. Bennett was made a The Jananese Air Force sub- although Italy and Germany nave j man of Vancouver. The pres- itt mm man eireuaj mm w j.,vinei.-dominatd cold blood jnolestlng of women ot L,i- Tlford. nve auura av- . l,.u,. ..,. of n.,(..i peaceful Aratu. Arabs, the the vi. 01 an inscriDca Roiacn interference in peaklng. Mr. Bennett urged War Office declared. the removal of local Jealousies In It was added that little, hope tne formulation of national ooll-was seen of early peace In Pales- cjM which would give -the Domln Une owing to lack of centraliia- 0n unity He strong recom-tlon of Arabs which made it dlf- mded a continuation of Imperiai flcult to deal with them. tlej. Fresh Outbreak ,j,ir Bennett waved farewell to a Meantime there was an outbreak .mau erouo of friend., from the yesterday a a result of whtcn train today ps his last visit to fourteen Jews, three Arab outlaws Vancouver before he leaves for and one Arab policeman are dead England ended. Thirteen Jews were killed In an attack by Arabs on a Jewish col- nnPXTrV I 17 CC ony. Sniping hi streets ot Haifa SPhNJI LKV fnr unrulier jewisn BWl'UtlVV j death. ' British troops and airplanes n-nnrvrf down on an Arab ambus- ALASKA HIGHWAY Pattullo Discusses Project At OttawaMrs. George Black Would Welcome It FOR RELIEF 'cade and. a a result, the Arabs were killed. .Time Has Come to Cut, Says Can J adian Federation of Labor- Would Trotect National Solvency 1 OTTAWA. Jan. 10: Canadian Federation of Labor today declared Itself opposed to government works schemes which provide Jobs for unemployed "only by 1 further strain of national solvency." In a statement presented before Ottawa Jan. 10: (CP) Pre- members 01 me wmuii iUitv. mleTr Pattuno yesterday dls-,the Federation submitted that the m,cr . .7. I... ..j i .t fimp had rome for a reduction In the Yukon to connect ctntM with Alhorta Speaking on the matter of the dwellings. iovnt itlchwav vestcrday. Mrs.l be n-ir rr.n tn th mnth 1 onlv' . nnro niaek. member for the PirtW survev-ed and. as there Is """".. 7. In i-Hn Inaon Yukon. . M 1 itlon. m order that this may be don today.. IjOCS VJ 1 0 LaDOr and he a acphshed deep ca veel, need t.on Is being d fussed w De attracted to our port ana, ap- visaonuy v - parently. the only way thU may conference to consider an dealt rna be done Is by subsidy on a pioneer- tlonal agreement U i being Cana ng basis. We feel that cerUln with. Hon. Vincent Massey. members of the federal government ,dlan High XnelS-re firmly behind us and we have' don, heads the Canadian delcga reason to believe Vhat the current tlon. tinitpd still necessary In the form 01 gov ernment subsidies for low price V "1 m ..... j v. - llf A1L UAwntfr I. In Session ;.... - -- .... n catllCl u llgniCU W K.T UIC -----I If the univea maics wouiu vy mct t-kVTTv-M tn in! ICPI Reprc- wm tc rnnndlan labor and make! . iA.iiAti " - - unit v' i i,. . . ... .i... it.. ..n.... nr t ttntv.LWO iianuiu. cvirnnv a !rw Don. it u aiso weu Known mav nc wimihiio - - J ttr.iti.rf Chimber has been decidedly active. Including Canada and the yniieaj i . VcuUy during the past few states, are tending a 0C' D lpa).p MoneV International Wheat Advisory JYeiCddC 1T1U11CJ months, In 1U endeavours towards the "v.ng the uic elevator eievaior placed Diacru In in uwti- oper-, vt Commuicc whh. --- - . "rt,.. . ,. i - .. .... l.j The rtn wnrld wneai Slvua Oeneral Svnonsls--Pressure re ; mains high over British Columbia land Is comparatively low norm-1 west of the Queen Charlotte Islands wain hn hn ceneral on the ist and 'showers have occurec over the Interior. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh southeast to What Tom Mooney Did With $10jCast winds, becoming strong to- When He Was Released irom i night, mild wltn snowers. SI. ..nil.. 1onltnill!-V I Ufnct fvet VotlMHM- Inland HJ If Uf '.I... j .110, V.AW. ..V.' j , Moderate to fresh southeast winds, : SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10: (CP) party cloudy and mild with customary $10 which Tomlers and fas patches. Mooney received on Dems tcichm-u rs estimates, wnen orougnt. ;. QUentln It.. n.nll.nll.M Penitentiary n . down in the House of Commons R. 1 ! jfoHowlng the granting ot his par- LOIlSerVaUVeS 1 contain some ImporUnt re- " NpW ' DlSnOpilC 111 d n n8 has given Into the coffers ;I tor this branch of the clly' , of labor. Mooney has given $5 of, Cljll nftm:nanf- uommant bu!e 'Northern Quebec t money u, the me and tenptiu e an important qucsuon oi - - future city government has been K rarri,ti.. . l.. .ui. . t n Knlsronal eal no r.t stnr. nleket fund in bant V71tV v Francisco and 5 to stnuing news-. Have paper workers in Chicago. PEACE IN ROCKWOOI) ROCKWOOD, Ont Jan. 10 irTMnlleved a record in On - ... .. viuagc council by acclamation Fifty-eight of Nlnety-SIt Seats In Senate With Four Vacancies Tomorrows Tides Capitol She 141 High 8:25 a.m. 20 9 ft. TAXI 17:45 p.m. 182 ft. 11:41 a.m. 6.4 ft. Low Maccy's Coffee House 23:50 p.m. 3.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITJSH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol xxviii. . w PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESpAY, JANU ARY 10, 1939. PRICE: 5 CENTS Gets Nothing From France Retiring President MacCallum Deals With Activities For Year Of Local Chamber Of Commerce Reviews WorM)one and Prospects for Future of City and District at Annual Meeting Last Evening The report of the retiring president, F. A. MacCallum, made at the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night, showed that the Chamber had dealt with a numler of different matters during the year just closed. It also dealt with the timber, mining and fishing industries, mentioned agriculture and referred to the condition of the city and virions artltltle uch at defence " " The report U In part as followi: I am pleaied to say that the financial statement Indicate a PL.. 1-! I 4 mni financUl position for which VsP.UHghlilg 15 fu-i atoll mm; d given we sreic- lATROCITIES Civilians Cannot ARE DENIED S" Charge In Regard to Palestine I Campaign Are Described as t "Lying Propaganda" by War Office New Outbreak Wars Of Future Bulletins 1 . be injected. Today Day kin was said to be well on the road to Ye-covery, Tne name of the doctor was not revealed. OPEN HOTEL? MAY 25 VANCOUVER The new Hotel Vancouver (formerly Canadian National) will be opened on May 25, a few days before the arrival of King George and Queen Elizabeth, it is announced. Their MaJ- ' esties will occupy a specially . furnished suite during the stay on May 29. j TOUGH FOR DRUNK DRIVERS ' VANCOUVER City Prosecutor Oscar Orr Intimates that thirty days without option of fine will be the sentence in future for drunken automobile drivers in Vancouver. The present penalty Is seven days without option. MORE WORK FROM PEACE of fresh Arab terrdrfcm near nVnax platform of an eastbound' Canada's End unemployment In Canada would thrink Into Insignificance with the release of finances, now locked up hv the feellne of International un certainty. beinR released for the development of the country's natural (CP The resources. Agriculture stood to benefit more irom peace man cy preparation for war. SEAT FOR COL. DREW lltm' :the el f works expenditures but as-! Member For Simcoe East matter 0 the P!," fn nrlt bulldlnz was In His Favor-Uberals ii-av tnrauen unusn uoiuiuun 1 Not Oppose New Leader Retires Will MIDLAND; Ont., Jan. 10: (CP Col. Oeorge Drew, new leader ot the Consen-atlve party In Ontario, will enter the Legislature as mem-1 ber for Simcoe East, wiuiam tm- layson K. C. sitting member and former minister of lands and for ests for the province. Is resigning n favor of Col. Drew. Premier Mitchell Hepburn has announced that the Liberals will not oppose the election of Col. Drew. MAY RENEW TRADE PACT Agreement West Indies Is Coming Up Again Soon OTTAWA, Jan. 10: (CP) Nego-lations for the renewal of the tradi rr.nt with the Wret Indies Ins the treaty from which she do- I t-t I- .,1, OTTAWA. Jan. 10: (CP)- The rived consiaerao.e ' " Canadian Senate now consists of' agreement was ; Inaugurated inl927 Extension North Of Alberta Plan KEPT HIS HEART BEATING ;I TT At WINNIPEG While an opera- jib Up ril VLLdWd tion was being performed on bis lungs, the heart of John T. Day- I OTTAWA. Jan. 10: (CP) Hon. kin. 27-vear-oId truck driver, stopped beating In a local hos- worts toT Alberta, conferred yes- 1 1 It t .Hanrlina ' . ... I puai jc3eiuj. ....... teraay wun Hon. r. a. urerar, doctor was able to keep pumping minister nf mines and resources, lht the hrart heart until until adrenolin adrenolin coultt: could" ! th should be extended northward by taking In a part of the Northwest 'Territories. SUPERVISE F0RTW0RK Jeut, Carson of Royal Engineers And Two Warrant Officers Due Tomorrow Start Made By Contractors To supervise the work of con-j rtruction of fortifications at the entrance or Prince Kupert Haroor,! on which a start is now being made by the contractors, Northern Construction Co. Ltd. and J. W. Stewart and the E. J. Ryan Contracting Co.. Lieut. Carson of the Royal Canadian Engineers and two engineer warrant officers will arrive in the city on the Prince George tomorrow from Esquimalt Work preparatory to actual con xtruction is now under way. the contractors being engaged in mov-mg jequlpment qp, to the ground. Unemployment Would The main battery wm oe on me If International Security nanrw im sine 01 uic jiu Were Obtained h a smaller Datlery on txea- erick Point. A short railway spiu MONTREAL. Jan. 10: (CP)-Hon. behiS put in Just east of Kaien J O. Oardlner, minister of agricul- station. ture. speaking before the Montreal is expected that the construe Ministerial Association yesterday Hon of the fortifications will take declared that, if the armaments "P the most ot the coming season race In the world would cease and with as many as possibly seventy nprmament Deace could be assured men empiojea. Priest Is Tied Up And Robbed Father Finnegan of Port Coquit lam Is Attacked by Three Thug PORT COQUITLAM. Jan. 10 CP) Father Thomas Finnegar Roman Catholic parish priest here was attacked tn his home by two or three men early today, tied to his bed and robbed of $12. The thugs fled in an automobile. BONNET MAY HAVE TO GO Becomes Storm Centre of French Tolitics Owing to Italian Colonlai Demands PARIS. Jan. 10: (CP Foreign Minister Georges Bonnet Is becom ing the storm centre of French poll-1 tics as an outcome of Italy's colonial demands Involving France. net's nollcv of aDDeasement as evi denced at Munich has paved the way for Italy's demands. It is said. His removal from office may be the - outcome, particularly following the . . .'declarations of Premier Edouard Between Canada And . ,. ... ., VIp1H an Inch of territory to any other nation. BAR GOLD LONDON. Jan. 10: Islands are expected to be reopened Mc, bar gold closed at soon. Canada Is desirous oi renew- ,une ounce jtw.uaj (CP) Down LEAVES FOR R0MET0DAY Prime Minister Chamberlain Qff For Conference With Mussolini $35.06 per A charge against Ross Mazzel of fi.itir.IT tn signal while drlvlnc a lUl.t. vr O . " inotorvchlcle was dismissed by 58 Conservatives and 34 Liberals Tor a penoa oi '""-""---t rltv nol- wlth four seats vacant and await- has been no nonce n,m u. . Ing appointments. We regarding discontinuance. ,lce court this morning. To Report Demands works. In co-operation with the Agreement Between London and Paris Against Territorial Concessions PARIS, Jan. 10: (CD-Agreement between France and Great Britain to reject Italian territorial demands for a share of the French Empire was announced to the cabinet today by Foreign Mi -nLster Georges Bonnett. Bonnett disclosed be had received assurance of "complete accord of the London cabinet with the French viewpoint." LONDON, Jan. 10: (CP) Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain left London this morning for Paris, where hs will confer with Premier Edouard Daladler, before proceeding to Rome for a meeting with Premier Benito Mussolini The Prime Minister will be away until Saturday. He Is accompanied by Viscount Halifax, Foreign 'Secretary. Questions such as the colonial dispute with France, Italy's economic aspirations, theSpanisrrcivll war and Jewisfi reugeVs"wTlffce dls-cussed between the British and Italian Premiers. On the eve of the Prime Minister's departure four hundred Communists marched to No. 10 Downing Street shouting "Chamberlain must go" and demanding that, in the conference with Mussolini, Chamberlain should refuse to agree to the granting of belligerent rights i to the Spanish Insurgents. A group of unemployed who gathered today to see the Premier off greet him with shouts or "appease the unemployed not Mussolini." Reports received here from Rome are to the effect that Premier Mussolini will tell Premier Chamberlain exactly what Italy wants with the hope that Great Britain may assist him In getting his demands. The Fascist press indeed, makes it clear it is exttected the main topic of the conversations starting tomorrow between Chamberlain and Mussolini will be an attampe to enlist British support for the Italian campaign to get concessions Irom France. Premier Chamberlain carries to-Rome a last minute report ot French ambassador Charles Corbln expressing fears that Germany's, new fleet of minnow submarine! being built mainly to hampet French and British shipping in the western Mediterranean. FORTUNE FOR YOUNG WIDOW Annie Laurlne Dodge To Inherit Eight Million Dollars Eventually Three Million Next Year pontiac. Mich.. Jan. 10: (CP) Annie Laurlne Dodge, youthful Canadian widow of Daniel Dodge, who was drowned last year In a Georgian Bay summer camp yacht-''ing tragedy, will eventually receivs about $3,000,000 as her snare in ner husband's estate under terms of settlement announced today. She will receive $3,000,000 within a year. The remainder will be paid after death of all children of her husband's father. WINNIPEG WHEAT WINND7EO, Jan. 10: (CP) Wheat futures eased off Vic to Vie yesterday, May closing at 62VsC