PAGZ TOVR EXCITING OFFER IN COMMUNITY PLATE cmt ma. 59 PIECE AdrerUsxs & i . B.C 1 1 1 1 1 I.I J $74 J5 " w CORRECT SERVICE SET $59.75 , 27 COKTXSa t TMapotrM1 hrfa. 3 CTdod Tcjpoo, S I Coi Ma( hrfc. tAIKltH.PIOOr tOKVDctxr iu&cn rnuu MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND SPECIALIST 1-Pc. Walnut Bed-room Suite NAVY WINS r ONCE MORE B. C. X. V. E. Mate It Two Straight In rlfci Ey De-f nlm; Pwmtr LaaBAry ar. Be-efri rune f the pe. .is.:. M etcaiag Koyal "SiiAl Yotanteer Kenit re second straight Tlrtcr; w. from the reeeaCy ar-i Fxaeer Loandrj team frr - - mc. - - m . Tito X i.--. and nt two Toals ap 7 -r rl by Cross Play m "- .-. :r. fifor of 'Ms laandt?-Siry. :i:rtxfa Ralri f.: a so, before mil I- ihe aceond h'f ihe Nary Whifflets From The Waterfrcnt DirvH Foi B amine CuWtl it Visiting Port Seattle GrttHU Cm4 QaantHics af Hibbat Tbee Days. i f H I I I mmmam tlv. tK rjjjjj coast to eMMtecttan with the pro- dfctti aQ In umBk ewrtrei '.he Vaarasner vow yacfc-. : t tavern if to put ssoorrd at floa:-of the How OU Djf -- La! The Lavcrn imrd t: f aior-froai Vuxxwrrr t .a t Riser, hannr r-r d h to fifty-fire ho-- acaiEr vHh the nt of X! fi.-jru :f faei at a tat: r -. 9; Sl ofl is aanre i tkak. het etrtl fcu dry a5 Tlv raiaed the upper haw! G' were added CHriataton ; -loc: h aix-.k. i-d Smith ea. of ham at r- pv r ....m.. hiu eyandeT Han Se-H enrta be- t- add to itt atore. It vaa kaoly hirwhrapped by aa tajarjr toSaltti vho had been pteying a fine is goal The Laaadzysaen ww -veil ex Tr, TEX DAILY 5TW3 KELLOGG'S ASTHMA! ft RELIEF 1 Tmhmi km knai vi M My iIiiwAii.i Situ rfIWl'i lu In M hrtk ii ii ii tim flwtia. r Ii t if k ba n t fcy wIImiii t w St i Hotel Arrivals V-n x nar .inr I TW. ttm. 0000000000000900000000000000000000t0000000000000j g o ! At Seal Cove ... I o o O Ol ooooooocoooooooooooo&eoooeo&ooaoboeoeoooooooi The boy of the Legauc Bo ftre the & si: 1 roop are engaged tn vort -.t '.- their oxuforau inese da tmer of the A.'.er the Kmc Vtet cestarauom cteaaod. The are over the abase troop wtB a- Qma aad her Aboard are Dr. A. EL Laaderl S Krwaaansior :.:t Mrs Wl-lut week to inliltoi hi the toad. T ' Jiat they bad reery chaace to aa T" wowmaa "t " there aad a xake 5ood. Tod Sauth. Laaadry "Jta CamfWan Yeaterday oaly uptoa. Kaas Saey. P. FawV-r "I,cr ooaaary. z-aapve aad goalie saffered aa ankle tajary est Caaadtaa boat waa to with 1.- aad A. AUaaa. city. A Eekett. to be Kbhj of Ktaf aad Lard and spent the Bhjht to laoopttat poaada. CarfiaV Oaaaery: Mra. Parkto. Lards. Teama Stewart; ice 2cot. Porrhers lal- . .K,u7t., Pioneer Laaadry - T. Saith Tea hattbat veaaela sold calcbe aad: r. aad 34rv C. Leaak. Met- JLSJZ Adam Brown: Seherk. Baan- tatafltar 2S0JM poand at Seattle lakatfc. aTtw SLS?. ei -- -f. cs TatHdar ax foftowa Ufaertv tlaall Knox l" arte hoftday . v"11 aiiiiin la Timiin k TVU. - - - - k-. Pmas cuniMi w Rfc sotmss. ban Joan, sc aae e: ' c For fares, etc, call or write City Ticket Office, CIS 3rd Art. v-n-:s LtecolB. 1486. Broth, 7e aad 7c: Axar. 1SJW. McCaJbBB. 7 V and c. Catches of mixed cod were arid for Jc The Uaeola at a new boat tt haTte: been her initial eateh. The veacet m eisatoaed with a it hp. AUm daeseJ Soar -cylinder , engine. ' vf, aad Mat. ir - t. e MVMaMaa. i arr wib a B C S Y. R, Hasoy: Eby, Me Chefcea. MM Sew England. 7Hc!Mr. Praaa. Terrace: a Kay Eastman. Daeies. Arattroa? Htra. 4tJM. Whit 74 Vtolaradae, Preaater. Ker. South. Chrtatiaori, Haatcr. r atoht: Osaney. JX6. Soa Juan. McMeekin. atrasght: Aortirteton is aw George Dawea was referee. K"aahta?ton. 7 V and T'wt: TUll- .cass. IMSB. Su Jaan. 7c straight: P. C. Herrert UjBM. Whir. 7Se and .. . .. Ter. IooSL Booth. 7i and 7e: adi Do too? SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! caffinf OCEAI FALLS ai POWELL RIVER Steamer Ieares Prince Rupert ererj THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. . Trains leare Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. VV. AIR-CONDITIONED SIMPSON 1 HOLIDAY !dtan schools, and W E. CoaWi. In- !???n ln " aMtbaU semi-final ,San Agent They are doe back to-lPrtne RPn beat New Metlakat-' Imorrow afternoon Bnildlnz of a'! 11 to 1 and- to basefeaJl. won new Indian school at Hartley Bay,6 10 4 ,roBQ Port 8aaon Young is conteropUted People's Educational AasodaUon. 1 The Prince Rapert players were FURNITURE CO. Offer you bargains in new and used Chesterfield Suites, Bedroom Suites, Dining Room Suites, Dinettes, Kitchen Ranges and Heaters, Etc. USED FURNITURE 12 Kitchen Chairs In OCT good condition. Each . . vA 3-Pc. Chesterfield Suite In pood condition. A real 39 QO 1 Typewriter In first class shape. At 1 Oak Library Table 10.00 1 Spic Span Cleaner Q4 O A A Just like new OX.VU $9.50 NEW FURNITURE .365.00 35 . $64.00 7-Piece Dinette Cream and red. At Phone HLACK 32 1 Next Door to IJ. C. Clothiers $30.00 THIRD AVENUE I Prtiw BjIKrt Amm.mm1 k. t reiara to YaneoaTeraad ! waypotnU final, in both the Softball and base- laOtza Department's power erais- aod- OTln to the weather, for-; ft Najkeena left yesterday for',ettd flnBI ftr Xvo innings' Hartley Bay. haring on board CtpL,"- ao,ttu to KtkaUa; Gerald H. Barry, inspector of In-,-5"100 and U to Port! Hero Morgan. Earl Batt, Sonny Beynon. Albert Mah. Charles Pos- tuk. H. Pxerort, D. Leigbton and Bil Roma. Miss Mary MeLeod ts saittflg to night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. Music Uuth elson A.T.CiL Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN tH Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies - Stationery Printing DI REPRINTING Company Bemer Block Phone 234 takes to town far the awn ah n parade aad to the afteraooa ir pnxeaaton to AcropoBs Kin After the afteraeoa af sports ahoy jwia retarn hoate aad tola to toe (local ereatac (eacrettles. The May Qaeea the Seal Cove the dead-toe of on Monday atght, With numerons Tutors crtr dnr : , TTI. JT7. Ithe riBace from Tartoas daariet! Ipotou torJattlag Prtoee Rpert. Port Staoseh' bad a good eekora-tion of Vartoria Day on Wednesdar.i ! Priacea. Adelaide. tia ihf aTS 1 .Cant. WHaam Pateer. arrrnd in IT? ZLZTJfTt ' port at 2 thtoafteraoo. Ir t-e T i itvtHi ana tu ku ti i pjc. oa ner Mr. acttfttltd Kodcana Amazing Triton r aaBBBBBBBBBaVBWl Seal OoJe as vaaan the 8 be pro of the vaJtJa the roealaa a tfc: via then boata aoi. wtta afi oae BMCtinc Blace ia tbe hail at SoJ ri Manny the 0I be enthrooed. Core They viil be pren apedaJ tipiaad aad pi mated vtth the v.rt taatiac orar a week atvt avard vateh wal aaw be tranled eaeh boy vUi be cailed apoa ts t each coat at! at oa that oo pt tn x riajaiwd d amber af carkn Latsr aU wal so fx to Jw .-n before he eaa eJaaa half the aoeae of the boafiro aad vateh u of hu anifaiai The other proccdlaca thaw aa the kafty half nil be bmc ay the bon par- pile of fart wifl be set macM by ecu or ub soaae oaher aay. the Qaoea actactf. A aaaoe viB loter be heal The awbeca af Pter Ai- - lixaa Yoaac Peoaar1 AaaodatJod btra. fUry. awtiknr i Ura. W-ar; hoMiac a tat at St. Pttari rck 6011 Co- coaitroted he.' Partab KUL It U be the kut J btrttoaay yeylerdty event to the year progrua U Rr hi aa aiett today Lhee& mmtty vha are awrh yaaarer to yean. of Vuwtw taeeator of the new fred Booth. lfe:kaUa, Ahuka;'toc aad aatoadax of nei tor X. hToLila t! 1 KKmfcK .iil.i O. W TDm-M. VCrm Mar VxrV TWtms f! .Ik. Vw.i cu. r 4j pmce 81 toe panaa BOB tO.TTJ at Herbert aad Boy Baefc After apead- Betoertoea. Haaetton: Bntat mu:jlodjiy atoht next They Mtore JJl. T, fr, Soooc ar fine for hlktnc of broad aand to leaeth. J attraetrre while noth tag of a (Mtotte natare has been derided attoa hi this caaneetton the local lasnrtilton of the &r Sooat aweiaiiat win be the better 'nfornMd when K caates to a dts ' caaaoa on the saatter Of saeh a caaap. sow that the two. Seoat Masters nave aaaoe a to There Is od to be showed trtotie Seal Cove If tt at gatiu eater iato th to the town tat thear ewa area aad that a fine leather Seal Care ts baa-lac tor this as it hopes for many wtB other thtogs that chanqes P0 t0 l "85? i r . . ...hat I !. . :-nm. t.. ""vrr-.aot." ItT T I VI rr ... red by their half back Bae, Ba- ' raB ruwana. (ao pfoapoac to sack aa aader- t 7 hhrt T ,: , errtce tn te aanich and Seherk beinr oataUad- wtaaanoE mtaer arraw isri itaktof aad for aacat a aarpati. J ... I, . Bandar - . .w. - - "T- i u. tu . . - , " l-H ia aa waw are oouteiueu ,in while Sanberf dad wan too . .. . . . . , thill - M fhllt ...i - - Om, n. SeW forward wttta Pi Alaaka. Later a crave A. Wllan a S Syb Vaao At the Btoath anto af the gJT . i4ta i - w,.v to CkUHanda at atoaaed. -tor: Mi Babertaoa. ekr: Earl ?P Uaa area. Bt. Ber ,on Jtmm tmt. A ct Ki-. R. Bwtte, Terrace! Doae Kerr. A. Btx D. D Bap of Okie. oft1 rw m. ti. m. wwi -un. t -..i Halabat torwrtora are tor Bund to faaitheit. idoala. gave aa and he did well SUKn vat the rawaaaj rather tajht at Prtoee' Central " pwpaae of body" Mtf wir th. h.h.wv H. Raven that week. Oa Weaaacday. VL w. .loaas. North PaehV Caa- the ate aad work of vu ctrone aad the forward ahe "" M lHMfl poaada nery: K. Maaa. BUhaor J. Patrick. JBl lB! vobmsl The biohop arg. . ' - ato ta a m a ja a a. awfl taaaT -tomaarh iSol - a. 4..4 waj well snppoed with the biO so tiawawaat po c uwat - . - WT. nmnaew; , w -. per y rfrah rty a a a v r - mi . . a a i Fl 111 aa fTAj aKA. " - v a - "MtJ l ... Lat Oatptete Sb., , , JACK IJFAnT" JOAN HEN tt la "Artists And Models Abroad" .t 7 M aad rt rox Monrrnvr .-rr. At SI fr in. J. Carral ahb H ( j, -ILLEGAL TIMFFir 't I M O- COMIXO F t - 'f Je E. Brava to r t Tate" n - Krrr-. ? r Dramnrr r . Mr. aad Ura U, of t.v of a eU " ' B R C. H. Darafwd T m oae of a party of fear virion aakt a to Poreher Iokad kut -reek i ia aearob of a The MISS TIKI Dressmaker Ladies and CK.real Alterations Madrra' rVi Pbene r,Rrj;- w rr, FKASEX ST .peoples0" .hiTe Triton fotT00- " cAn AO A. UNION , moor. Itr(mi:rn,,r'1ion s. .BBBBaarTBaaBBBB Thn . . .lie " i I I