FAC11 TVtO MBS ATLANTA Walking Oxfords With all the zip of style trejids plus comfort and dependability. . Low heel to. low cuban. Widths A, to D. We can highly recommend these shoes. Priced., Prom s' 9S MliY SHOE STORE IlD. TheJHome of Good Shoes EDITORIAL THE GOLDEN RULE Two very estimable gentlemen, addressed public meetings in Prince Rupert on the same night this week. Out at FjrsL Presbyterian. GhurcK Major R. L. Foorte, a re-" tired officer of the British Indian Army, was expounding! ctuiiuimc lecnnique inat democracy, may be founded. m And to the t)dlitliQan3.w.e would suggest that, in politics, a, vote ja the, hand , is worth two in the bush. Pnlitif. jans .don't, wjn by. trying to induce their friends to acclaim them. Capturing the votes that are presently acaiivst them wins the elections for politicians and haranguing and r?,snlu.an? -4 thejr opponents is no, way to convert them. J hat is. why. so many, of these movements get just so far and the,n are. stymied' We would say a little more friendship, a. little inore toleration a, little, more. .'t'acf, wbuld'jbe a . good thing among plain honest folks like-.the-mostof us. try to be as well aS among the,.pr.ac.tical,.po)jti(e'ian3. And we. will-be moving along the road 'towards real. coroperation, and an im proyement in this old world for which the large joritv of luj. are. yearning, "Dounto,' others ." LENTAi A'fTFiN.TIQJ Miss Priestlv,. the pjiibjic health nurse, tells the Prince, Rupert ParenirTeachfirs Association of, the importance of oflHv dj?njtal. inspection, for children. Her a(ivice mjgn.w(ei;Pe, acteq ppp. sue suggests tiiat,regur. mr ami irequepjt;, visits to. tne. aer cheaper t$ii th big, one, whtqhi tail. Eveir.ihe. ireouent. cheap, v ltis are a good : deal, proprastination, will ep isits mav be mnrp than. ome can.infl'ithe .funds. to( financp,' The Prince Rupert i Rotary QlubKhaying taken(,up. an. appeal of Miss Priestlv! children supnjefj,- others that, tli recces ofr the Rotary Club have not', been able.to.reacjv his title by scoring a third round technical knockout over Richie Fontaine of .Missoula, Montana, In their scheduled fifteen round bout here. Fontaine went to the canvass five times In the first round and once In the Ihlrd before the tQwel was thrown In. miAuriavrioNSw LOVpOtf, October 21: (CP fififi Canadian 'vouintqer, rc$Utej Town 1 m? a; canacia.i louse ror, warser lce described himself as -a.nqi)-smoker and abstainer. Qod-fr-lng, strong, fearless and healthy, Another suggests he would make a "'competent dictator." Keep up to date Aftvwuse FOR SAIili jinusn-israeiism ancrtne uouien .utile, Across the street. new American stamps from him Harold, irich, vigorous young leader of the C.C.F. party in the.. Legislature, was urging the merits of Socialismr-and also the Golden Rule. We heard them both and. although we may not have agreed with all that .f il'.L. 't . i' i . ... men as these. To hear What they have to Say tends to I FOR SALE-Wurlitzer Gramaphone1 Kings Park .5. Arbroath 3. Droaaen our outiopK. ancltemper our own views. It would le apod.thmg.'if re Prince Rupert neople would turn' out in fuller numbers to listen to such visitors. Asiaas the Daily News is concerned and we would assure our young C.G.F. visitor from Vancouver East thv'e are no,t saying this . vviih our tongue in our cheek we haye,the greatest respect for the true aims of man v of t'iMdel)o'ie.s.. that are extant today. Where thev and we fall out in many cases is on the point of practical appli-cation. 1 . We d6 nptTmind pressing the view right here that no single 'ismr-even Liberalism, believe it or not has a mortgage on all the good principles. We have vet to find; au.y imii wnien, in uur opinion, is a cure-au, a lew. doses ot which we have dnlv to administer and, presto, all's well in the world,, the millqniurii has come. Unfortunately, there is the human element to con sider and.njeh will be niei), the G.C.F. 'and others notwithstanding. What would help a good deal, we believe, would be a little- more toleration a little.' more effort to present our opinions fn a manner that mav be nccpntnhU tn nfiiOi.0 a little mom readiness, to, consider the other fellow's yie-zs1 with the id.ea.that there, might be some. good in. them, in-' stead x)f,reading,.or: listening pre-deqided to scoff or scorn. We would say that the excercise of toleration one man for the other is one of the most important and helpful principles of trite democracy, np, matter on what form of Nickleodeon). Dave's Confection ery. (248) WANTED WANTED by business man, fur BOARD "AND KOOM7 FIRST Class room and board, 742 7th Ave. W. Apply after 0 p.m. (248) LOST LOST Between Esslngton and Prince Rupert, square sterncd canoe, painted green with redi and black trim. A reward will be paid for Its recovery In reparable condition. O. C. Young, Prince Rupert, B.C. (248). WORrC WANTED WORK WANTED - Experienced .grocer knowledge of general store and bookkeeping. Will go anywhere. Good references. Box 24, Dally News. (240) PERSONAL HOW. TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk, Customs Examiner, Stenographer, etc Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Schools Ltd.. Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No Agents, tf. YOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg Manitoba. tf. SALES HELP FEMALE OUR RECORDS. SHOW GIRLS and women are some of our best Christinas. Card agents. It you have spare time we will furnish you with! our Christmas Card album. fre from which to take orders from n your friends, aqd acquaintances. Oood commissions; friendly service. Pferriler Art Oulld, 570 Seymour St. Van-cpuyer. Write if you live ti a smaller town. a year pwfagp,aJprie,tis Jine. has been, doing good, worfe Trrrrte-tisirrirt-' nUting,sQmret o? the, younger underrprivilged. schop),. wr,. nnep,,-wiin, witfy dental (ie.nc.ai . trpatment' treatment'' but but there there are-l ae y ma"y nu"a- t the Terrace' to Vanderhobf dis trict, Watklns Household arid Dntil treatment will some day be a part of some na- Farm Products, a real oppoun-tional health.sctieme.such as British Columbia's protrres- for a mfn with car tb get f ?L 'l J! Vi . " 'ri-' lir'' i , - VI' "I into Infn n a niulni, paying li.ln.e. business nf of Vita his ive provinpiaecretajy, ir, vveir. advocates. Meantime,! we can work Towards it" and realizing , its importance is one of .the. first approaches. j own. For further information apply the J. R. Watklns Company, 1010 Albemi, Vancouver. (248) .THB DAILY IflWt "fty. October Ji, Kit 'ARMSTRONG iOldiCquntFQcrJSE. poGS i T'Y f(T Opening soccer, games in Old. I MM MMrJlCpuntry under the new regional "scheme resulted as follows: Score Techpieal Knockout At Seattle Over ltlchle Fontaine ' In Third Hound SEATTLE October 21: CP , Henrv Armstrong, world's welter-' iweght boxing champion! retained for sale. (246) 2. SoUth 2. nnsc onri fhroc T"1-IR. Mautq ltt FOR SALE Whole chimney sweeping outfit, complete. Apply Zum- ! khr at hospital. t.f. euner oi inern sauiwe are gjau we went and appreciative for sai.e Rex bowling alleys. For of the. itjeas they gave US to consider. ' particulars apply Old Empress H is.gootl for Prince Rupert to have visits from suchf iiil South Arsenal 8, Chafldton Athletic 4. Mlllwall 1. Norwich City I. Southend 1. Tottenham 2.. Watford 1, Clapton 2. Westham 2, Crytsal Palace 6. South 11 Brentford 2, Chelsea 5. Bri&hton 4, AldershptiO Fu'hom 2,, Portsmouth 1. .11- WANTED Smart woman to sell; Avon Products. Apply now Room' 75 Prince Rupert Hotel. (246) I WANTED Girl to work Apply Ello's Furniture. (246) I Preston North End.2. Carlisle 0. Accrlngton 0.' Oldham 4, Southport, 3. Rochdale Barrow, 3. Northeast. Bradford, City 5! Halifax 1. , Darlington 2, Hull 0. HartlepooU 1, Newcastle United Huddersfleld . 4 a Bradford 1. York City 1. Middlesbrough 3. Scottish Wctt. Airdrieonlans 1, lyde 6 Ayr United 0, Morton 1. Celtic 3, Hamilton 4. Dumbarton 1. Queens Park 0. Motherwell 0 Rangers 1. Parllck Thistle 2, Queen - St. Mirren 1, Albion Rovers 2, (tf) , i Third Lanark 3, Kilmarnock 2. Scottish Kast Aberdeen 5, Ralth Rovers 1. Cowdenbeath 4, St. Bernards 0. Dundee 2, Hibernians 1. East Fife 1, Dunfermline 8. Hearts 2, Falkirk 3. St. Johnstone 2t Alloa 3, Stenhousemulr 0. Dundee United jdav 2. in store, j Orimsby (2481 .Town l. F.nslish Wet Everton 4, Stoke CUy 4. Manchester United 0 Town 2, Comfortable and double-chain drive Manches- praises' the The Field Shooters' Club.at.Oak; lelgh, Australia, lost 1,000 jUarllries ADMIRAL'S ! EXAMPLES Canada's Naval Chief Wa Horn To '.Army But Chose Senior Sejrviee t OTTAWA, October 21: CPJ. Percy Walker Nelles. first Canadian-trained sailor to hojd the rank of rear-admiral In His Mai Heading 2, Queens Park, Rangers estys servlce; sprang from military stock. But, his boyhood heroes were Southampton 1. Bournemouth 2. Drak ondiNesim, not will an Midland ; Wellington.' b'irmlngham 3, Wolverhampton today Rear-Admiral P. W. NeJ- ' les Is director of naval service and Leicester 6,. Walsall 1. Jchlef of the naval staff, rirt- Nprthamptoji li Coventry, h I'meht of National Defence. He U West Bromwtch Albion 3. Luton commander of Canada's tmw I defenders aud hi, charge of the Northwest I vital work of defending the ixuiU t t . m t 1 . ' -' r uiacKDurn iiovers i. uiacKpopi -Nln the pre.ent war Burnley 1, Bo ton. 1. Bury 1, i Admiral Nelles' earliest reeollec-' tlons are of his reading of . the! exploits, of Britain's sea he roe. ! "I played with boats, because I didn't. want to go Into the army, he said in an interview hen "I never, had a minute's doubt TU navy was to be my career ' ,iAnd on the Orand Hlvi-t and lesser tributaries in Brant County' the future adiqiral sailed his mod el cralt and Imagined himseir a tactician of future wars. Percy Nelles was born In Brant ' Y0U( CAN'T' BEAT-IT! Right dom Ke ilojt you're goinq to lit. Old Virginia Fine Cut pnd lite it loll . . . It'ithe melloweit, moit wlhfy'mg.tobocco you tyt lucted inlo o.cigoieflt poper-ltculorly vhn you u$,tW btlpopefr-,'0qnlell', or'Vogvo." Try Old Vjiginlo.Fir Cut find gWfyour tail a trtal Pokog10f!, lb. Tin 75 ford, Ont., son of the late Brlga-i dier Charles M. Nelles. C M, O ' .who served In the Northwrst Re- " T belllon. 1835. the South African ANNOUNCE UAILVAV CILlNfES eratuig acUvit tt of War and commanded the Royal . Canadian Dragoons In the First . (Great War. 1 Young Nelles was educated at .Lakefleld School. Peterborough, a da sar. -e he (Continued from Page Onei Trunk, Pacific Ha Montreal. In the following year he I prafle AfUr MtT of the Saskatchewan district Ontario flnrt i' Triniiv rniiJ tnt h. hM.nm. ami3, School Port Hope. Ontario, until headquarters at Saskalooni n at Jn l8 m .In 1908 his ttnd " transferred to Edmonton dream came true and h,d unm tranrr. he was accepted as a cadet Into!' 8erar supenmrnaeni oi ncj, und ,4 1 t pe l : paati f.rt the Royal Canadian Navy. He was " uul"" J '. I fimllar eapacltv 1U wju bor a a lieutenant In the Canadian ser- t u II uinnnn McKlnnon was im at! Omaha. Nebnuka A, .-j 21, itx C B. Brown rt-... ' ff o eratlon departmem '! f isti-tin National RaUia . tjbx t ,n. trio fr.loh fr.uW ri.nirtffl.nt l.r,.nY At Wlnnl. Jinnt i IthaCA. NeW York ... ' ti 1' 6n IL AL S. Suffolk w-here he re- the Ithari IE..- ,al b0mjiu chle( clelk ,n(tendlng celved Important training He was Tu! . ' . .rari.i.iH irm r. - f r nlshed room with housekeeping. te'cUy 4. ' .later transferred to 11. M. S. An- tuZ' ItTl' ;ithTdir of privileges. Box 23 Dally News, , 'LvL Alexandra l.'trlm, engaged in convoyln Cana- !nAf"L8 h"e- .A(U.r m" T , V,Z "L. , oiocKpon . uvernooi j. "T. u,"s.w- house foreman at Saskatoon. In glneering actlynies u Frm Tranroere Rovers 1, Chester 2. I Wrexham 6. N4w Brighton 4. ' over rilnn trrmn hln In ni9m L""1 ?at War,UT 909 he be am;t ;ve1u7, prWeng td the Canadian 0,. .zr: to.: Chesterfield 8, Lincoln City 0.; fcer at Halifax and then at Es Doncaster 2. Sheffield Wednes- Qulmalt. In 193Q he served as act were Harry Heath and Charlie Watt, both, 83. who played In 1875. llero of ,thp reunion, was Alex Dlck,i wKo captained the team to their iirst league victory in 1891 and re- when the wire netting around Its j talned . the position In 1892.-3-4 avmry was cui. uparrows naa uv De used to complete a shooting Australian cricket balls, were used In some English first class, matches this year at the reqiest of ihp. Australian Board of Control Consen-4us was. they were ''excellent but very hard." IL D, Thomson, one of the, best inown rugby wing tbre-quarters his tlmeA and one, ,bf tb'e,,Ne.w Zealand AU Bjacb. who toured England' in 1005, U dead,. Bltterlv cold untrifr. field trlais of, ..Ballaan-.roJ rngtpn, Australia, cycle , clu'b and John Dacey. 17, a member.qjBall- arat. was taken to hospjUL suffering chill and .exhaustion.' J. R Figgis, a, yachtlngwenthua-last, and Len Mossop,' a! crlckeler. died In. Brisbane the sanip.da.y..Th two veterans were 40, and 55. res.-' pe9tvel Mossop had flve' crjcketn ereons'f flcorlng the. first holc-ln-one In At . a banquet given the tourlng Ausirajjan jiugby Union lthall team, In London, Dr. W. F. 'Mat' thews, manager of the tourists, d'e-clared.the. whole te,am would Join fhe forc.es 013. their return to Sydi ney. John. Henry has. been, a Austral ian racing, Judge for many years, but recaljs hi? worst day, In Jan-1 uary, 1835, when, he officiated In two race ending In.dead-heats, two' wins by half a head, and one by a . neck. ' Hair Treatment Are you suffering with, Scaly Dandruff, Itching .Scalp, Dry FragUp.and Lusterless Hair? Our orreoj .recondition tre'aU men.wllLdo wonders for, you at NELSON'S Barber and Beauty SJiop vice when war broke out In 1914. rireton:June whycocoroagh. Cape t In Royal Navy 7. 1883. tn 1W24H Joined ihe, Can- . , . rv, . adian.NnruiernlUUway.af clerk m to the Royal Navy and served first and then at Toronto. He was made anl teneral manat."- . .... . 1 c (V.1- llnff cantaln ahoarrt 11 M R nrf. acnj aftenl fpr the company at rrr. uru w.r . - ling captain aooara jl m. s. Drag- , t . .... .mmi niiittv r ttrtrn Mansfield , -one ... In m the British o.,H fleet In m 1931 7.: ... . ..u. .... I H . J' " . :a ?"! other mw rallwar J,,, entn - r tMW , ne commanded the destroyera rTV ' 7; " amaiMmki mi, h.nrr. r.H. i r a: or me uuiuin. wmninec and Pa. "W"""" ' 1 . In 1934 he was appointed to the wv t Vrlnia. Minn.. , highest ppsiUon in the Canadian '"cr'otwdeflt for tbe, Canadian Wber of th naval service as director of naval "aoni Railway at Kamloon,nd "".' "'.'Tt dun Ki- Notts County 2, Rotherham Unl-.saguenoy and Skcena when they : .; - l" -V". tlonai aim m !9:3 Mr Bran ted 0. Sheffield United 3, Notts For est 0. Southwest- Bristol 1. Cardiff 1. were Drought frgm Great Britain " r: :""'10?11 .iTJ. ......nefrof Mr Bmrt Antl- Newport County 0, Swindon Town service ana craer or the naval - - ""-yf't .ap- mb;v,7 2. ' staff. He was prompted to the rank .minted tmerlntendcnt of thecal- f?n 1?U? &r " ; Plymouth 4, Torquay United 0. of rear-admlraL r dlvWnn with headquarter, at ,"' . jj, Swansea Town 0. Bristol 0. Admiral Nelles Is a wiry indl- Y- ihe. V'lZ SPORTrCHifcT: Yldual, possessed of boundless en- Vari p...i ... 'Sfgy. As a youth he shone In run ning and at rugby. His recreation ' ps an adult has been golf. ' ,1 Admiral Nelles was married In Sherman Smith Juu had a varied k Ai fiftr cent ciasanea so. rfl. experience In engineering and 'op- on- often often make mak you many dollart y915 to Helen Schuyler Allen of . - - - Pembroke. Bermuda. There are oooopopoowwooocKoooflowooooooooooooooooooooKoJ , In 1930, the Baseball. Umpires' wo sons, i;nane.i AiacKim ana Association was launched lu Aus- William Allen. . tralla with four teams and. 38 play- . ., ers. Today there are 20 teams and j the history .of the Neangar. Austral-' more than 300 players. ft,, park Golf Club. W. IL Body .Holed. .out, with, a five Iron on the A freak bicycle built by E, Mead- 130-yard 12th hole here. I ! owcroft of llobart, Tasmania, Is. ' now ridden constantly 6y it, 'Rush-P star.s of a gathering of former ion, wno iinos tne arcnair seat very Essendpn footballers In Australia Quick The NEW -way co Id: relier VAPURE A Wonderf ul? Discovery JusLn drop on two on your hand kercheifT.snuff ib-atufa (wU the head clearing at once.. SOc Onm 3 es ltd iut'Pfonter Druggists Tb Reiall 8Urt rbooeij,!! Open Daily from 8 a.m. tlll,jii. Hundayt arid Holiday from 12 noon till, ' 7 p4ii. till 9'p.ra. 9