kket ft (fi n m Art (i Oiti. njjw t ie iement n nci published or displayed by the Liquor Clergymen; mieer rxqrr Service of the diocese of have volunteered , The Solvation Army :2a HACK TO J915 MODEL Iarent-Teacllers, I LOCAL NEWS NOTES I 1 1 Telephone Bridge ftr 'ti'irtl'ifn p r I j. In 4K ufir T?t I n . nl . l m-1 I uev, u. A, ma. uie uunup, JIU- nqunce. Tbey. are Kev. R. C. 1L (Durnford of Prince Rupert. Rev. ,A. 8cott of RoUa, Rev. J. E. Wtilt- tlet of Burns Lake and Rev. A. Abraham of MassetL Two only will be chosen, it 1 expected. Advertising is an tiivts,unent. i I . ' .. 1 ik.i. rimili orA rorrtlallv Invited I1 Linoleum Per sq, yard. ""a Linoleum Sq.-l-ard -"WJNKAIIfXI H . BULGER, !0pt ometrist, ll?Illl.i,.BHt. 1.1. $1.40 00c tolfum Sq. yard , ' 7B !tolfum Kugs and Unbleurn Bugs- A large stock carried at all j meet your requirements . iiui CANADIAN: pacific Trans.cpp.UncnM Trans-Atlan(ic Transpacific t v i rv.an Pil and Way Porta 8S, PRINCESS ADELAIDE Eyery. Friday 10. pm. To Vanfouyer,I)reft . Sfi. TRINCESS LbUlSE" October 27 h . 3 8 PRINCESS NORAir November 6th, loin, um t.i..a. ..-i I.- .. T'ii.iivri and Return niiiicr excursion rir 1" -- on snlr. Nnv let 1050 tn Pfb. 28th 1040 n C2K llll Flnul Return LlmlWMarch 31st 1040 SJJ., ' Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services til.i.. ir..rllnn from - COATia, General AnU P'nce Rupert, BC, Fresh Local .Raw and Pasteurized MUk VALENTIN DATUY. ruoNif.MT r-t Cash for Old Dold. Bulger's TonlKhfi tram, due from the ast. at. 11. o'clock was reported this afternoon to be, on time. t a tr fiittttont rllrtrlct for- 2 cups sweetened, apple sauce. 2 eggs ' Beat whites until stiff. Add yolks, one at a time, and continue beat- lne until very light. Add apple mure Mix well and oour into a I pastry lined pie pan. Bake until! I t Shower, Ebr Bride- Elect Delightful geiUUc MceUnjs tomorrow. A warm and sincere wel- Mrs. Wilfrid McLean was the vave no other church affiliations. Come and enloy pur;nostess at her home at Seal Cove vl sing-song 7:30 to 7 45 every Sunday evening. -j Morning at 11. 8Deaker Mrs. Captain I. lUUey Temptation." Soloist Captain Ivan Habey sw Evening at 7:30 to 7 45-fiHpl Slng-Sng Speaker Caotaln Ivan Hilsey i Many Cow Have. You? Do They Give Any Milk? They iiC I Profitable I U4ll v to V You7 UU i inn vrrfneKdav evening at a ae JlUhtful shower party in honor of MIm Mildred Dixon whose mar- Irlaee takes Dlace shortly. The rooms were tastefully orated for the occasion with pink and white streamers centred with M Adit. Fliher and Mrr Caot. Halfey. Also Ruth and . a, large white bell. The table was flracr Jane Slutl lie (;Ul, tit See You At The .Mftln(; ! ?r, PAUIJS'LUTHERAN CHURChf, Orner Kth and 9th Ave East Vrrri. I'aMor Ite8W Ilorjlen. Street. Phone IJlue SM SUNDAY, OCTOBER it 11 0Q,a-nv Ulvlnee rvlcej In EhglUli 12: i5 pin, Sunday School, 7:30,p.m. Serlcfi.in Norwegian WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25 j 00 p.m.- Teacher ' Training Claw Din - Devotional, .Mrt. wltli.ttihla. Study. SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 28 -Confirmation Claw Meets at Church adomed with pink and white car music r!nv ai mldnlaht. servlteurs being Mrs. W. B. Skinner. Miss F. Dixon. Miss M. Skinner and Miss C. Cavenalle. I During the course of the evening, Miss May Skinner wheeled In 'a beautifully decorated buggy which was laden with many lovely and useful gifts which were presented to the brlde-elee t with suit able good wishes. The evening was brought, to a close by singing 'Aul4 r Lang, Syne and "tor fanes men now 1 v nutur uuu men . v . j . v-f, on Sundav We sincerely desire to get. acquainted a Jolly.Oood Fellow P'l that ent were Miss 1 Ml dred Dixon, Ilrs - :eheie We love to serve them. Parents, please see !end Sunday School and Conflrmatloa class regularly, wmna wcian M ner. Mrs. F. J. t-uuer. Mrs. Mori. Mis. C. Dixon, Mrs. E. Cav-naiii Mrs. K. M. McLean. Mrs. Q. Sather and. the Misses Thelma Skog. Dorothy Wllkle, Audrey Vlereck. Klary Geary, Violet Cav-r.nlle. Tarlot Rvstad, Mary Skin- Jmii Dalzell. Florence Dixon, MnrioM. Cook. Christina Cook, Dorothy. BJakc. Fanny Calbreath, Margaret Ol'ass. Ruth Schcrk, rv,rnihv tiu.l.. and Ceclle Cav- enalle. Announcements All advertlseraenU In thla col-nmn will be, char fed, for, afull month al 25c a word. Plays, Presbyterian Hall, Oct. 27. Hill CO Hallowe'en Tea, Oct. 23. Eagles Bridge November 1 Canadian Legion Bazaar, Nov ember 3. Anglican Bazaar November 0. Valhalla Dance, Nov. 10. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 16. ttf For prompt and courteous jrlce Phone 13 Taxi. St. Peter's Church bazaar Nov. 23. i Country Fair November 24. CIILMNKYS Furnace? and Stove Pipes Cleaned Steeds Limited. riwme 5 lor Copelanda mm Mantei ap- caiiru, iav ...... .....v ... in ii .ih nn ih Prlncel J. E. Matheson. fire Inspector for win u ; Iesicr, John for a trip to Cumshewa and the Forest Branch, left on last ev-lother Queen Charlotte Iland points' enlng' train for a trip to the Hu-inz to an error on the part of Douglas Frlzzell sailed on the, uaraena wis anernwu i a badness trip to Vancouver. on official duties. bmnners aiswici to 'cu Drawings and specifications -In with theSeal Cove, air DeiwtuiiiiiiMuii connection ' - t the-Dally New me price m . i. i. oHrupmpnt hasp, for which tenders are being I lAMMa auum m . , . -4 . .-. 11 I Una.. ill t Vl A SlfflA tff beared yesteraay as pc w . ic .! .-v., - ; which should have read $159, Cope-'D. Johnston, and may be viewed by land'a phone number Is 872. J.w. McAulev. assistant superin divisional master me tendent vrnucrifc and biiu uiiw";' Timely, Recipes, those interested. Wlllllam Hayhurst. for several vaors ft rlrint rtf Prlnre Rnnprt - - - chanlc of the Canadian National and for quite a time m tne ser-Rallwuys with headquarters at vice of Valentin Dairy, expects to ri.i. nra " in arrive In the hp leavinc m about a week's time city from the interior on tonight's for his native home In Manchester. train, returning to nrince ueorgc cngiana. w rcsuine tl:iuciu; Monday evening. i Rooert wigRins. weu. xnpwn pioq-eer resident of Prince Rupert and in recent years located at Cedarvale and Remo. has been discharged from Prince Runert General Hos pital where he has been a patient i ui luj ire iiiviitii? ui utiu, nun Mcs. Wiggins and family! has taken ur resldencefor the winter on Summit Avenue. I First Presbyterian Church, return ed to the citv on the Princess Nora h this mornlnc after an ab . . . . oi iwo weexs in Vancouver Isence attending sessions of the British .Columbia synod of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. George Bryant On Way Hbir$ ana a m ruaiurc nations, candies meM received late, yester tween the dog and the crack shot from Prince Rupert nothing got away. They came In loaded witn the bag limit of geese and ducks. I Letter Box THANK YOU, BISHOP we have heard it an oeiore aim we are even up to date with the hmnrirnsts from London. This must not only entail a tre nf extra work UIVIIUUU4 v..tXj . . but must also cost a lot of. extra money. I am sure I voice the. mind nf the rrreat malority oi our . cm? zens when I assure the manage.? mpnts of these papers of the ap preclatlon there is of tneir.. eii forts. O. A. RIX. ' Dally advertising, m the , Dall) News Is sure to bring dally, re wits. COAL Grain Feed Seed? and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. rhones 08 and 558 Because of the rationing of gasoline in England, the gas-bag car. familiar sight in London, and other Engllih ctfles during the world war. is back again. Here U one of the firs to appear In this war The great iag on xop of the car Is filled with coal gas which is piped to the motor through, the rubber hose at left of car. Teacher Speaks. JOHN; JCOB" Before Pupils ASTwR HfcKiS; ... Head of Famous and Historic Am-,. W. W. Q O'NeM . Heard By Alpha ericjm To Arrlve I1MU3V - Ladies' Orange: Dance Enjoyed A very successful dance was held m the MetroDole Hall last night I ' . . At V II under tne auspices oi xne i-acues lOranse Lodge. Dancing from 10 bin. until 2 Din., with old time iv - Editor. Dally News: llnd modern dances featured on the t .m n mo that ihi citizens I nroffram. music by Mrs. J. S. f Driio niinort nrp not exnress-1 Black's orchestra was enjoyed. De VI . A.l.VV . VM " a T - ... A. 1 . . 1 W Ing their appreciation as. ineyiucious reiresnmenis were setveu uj ehnnirt nf th verv excellent news i a committee consisting oi aus. cprvirp u-hirh the local newspapers I Black (convenor i. Mrs. Menzies. are giving them. We are all an-1 Mrs. Ellison, Mrs. Geddes Jr., Mrs. inus for news and It is my ex? I Eastman, Mrs. J. k. Murray ana nrrionre that we cet as early and I Mrs. Evans. as cood a resume of the . Import I , Mrs. Eastman acted as cashier ant events concerning the war asjandMrs. Qeddcs as master oi cere- can be found any place, wnen tne i monies. Vancouver papers arrive we una In. Prince Rupert Tonight 4 -...llnrr of Atnha HOUSe! . . . . nf I aii - uk""'s ! jonn jacoo Asiur, uuiu I Wednesday afternoon in the audi- fnmou. and historic Astor fam- brium of Booth Memorial High and" party' of four, will arrive R I, A C If H iraU P A n -C J ocuwii fechool. W. VA . C. v. O'NeUl w . gave D a brief - ' - tTUlCe RuDert nupcil m, hi, a a (jiiiuiv private car . Don tMiLh4 iiw.icr talk oa the good spirit ox e nousc atUched to tonighfs train from SST.S JSSSTSVW "Ci and, of the good work or tne tu-,the be here for" rtotk wr uarkk4 Th tti dent's Council. "Good spirit is not th week-end. leaving Monday eve-d"r,r " ,im m"hod ' only entering sports, clubs, etc. but for of obeying and upholding the rules, Astpr, -whose home Is la of the school, we snouia noi umy New yorkt visited Prince Kupen ' . . 1U mI.A wt .have a good nouse spim duv Wh.Q years ajo ana enjoyec ni Uood school spirit." said Mr. 0"Nelll,tsUy. here much that he said 1 .. . .rt oVinnl hoOPiC and 1 L I l. .nma VnrV KflV what they should mean to a pupil. ne coming. Alec Bill president, said a few. . -"l uiords on the Interest shown in T00 jje. to CLASSIFY sports and hoped still more wouia S nd EeJly afternoon from. Barney Mul; LOST At Oddfellows'. Hall Friday r..V !vany of Francois Lake told of the th entertainment. Frances. October 20. man's blue summer IHU3IC U1IU luuuiiuiiiij ..--.o-1 , , . , . . rt .11 . ... . rpfrpfthmentS hmnts were served v..,. .j-... iMoore gave a piano. seinjuuu. " " K- " " J ip LiOCK Caps viiauci dcuo., trip to Tweedsmulr Park. Ed. Vanli-i,,,. ,H Kraunner cave a taDl Tme of Ootsa Lake acted as guide L.n.- for the local hunter who got a lull l. p-pent. Alec BUI was In the - . n a Dag or game. Mr. uryant naa nlchalr. overcoat. Return to 209 7th Ave. W. or Phone Red 902. (252) WATER NOTICE ' I(irrlon Ami TAKt NOrnCS tiiii" CnicUn N-tlctuU Raa-y Grand Trunk. Pacific Rly Co.) "-hoe ettaresi U PrtoC Rup ert, u. . v. WIU, take M use 25000 OaUoua of water tut cl TkliU Inlet, -hlch. nor-3 Westerly and drains Into Skeen River arjout 2000 feet from C. N Jt. uepw i ttsa Tne ter will be diverted from tt stream t a" point about 1500 feet N. W w. rrctn tne tr. n- k, ucy w.i, lta and wlU be used for Industrial purpose upon tlve land described as Lot 694 (Xaat iJisirxi. This notice was posted on the ground on the 37 day of September.. 1839 A copy ca wis nonce uiu V" catlco pursuant . theretti and to the "Water Act" win or iirea m vue- un. of the Water Recorder at Prince Rnp- Objecttons to the application, mar be fUed with the aaW Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of water Rights. Parliament Buildings, Victoria. , B.C. within uurty oays wier tne iirsi ( appearance of this notice- In a local j newspaper. CANADIAN NATlU.NAli luuuwaio i (Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Co.) I Applicant I By ' M. A Burbank, Division Engineer. Agent The date of the first publicaUon, of this notice la October 7, 1939, . Successful Affair Htld L4 Meht I At ManjJIameiWlCi TMrs. ; CemrxevS. Hills Convener ' A. vejy successful Ulsohone bridge party was held last n"ht by the Prince Raperet Parent Teach- jers.' Association at the honjeof a ncmber of members. MrltT deorge Hills Jr. was general convener for the; affair.. assisted by members generally. J At. contract bridge Mrs. Robert Cameron won first prize with 6790 points and Capt. Sheppard consolation prize with 850. 1 At auitlon Richard Long was first prize winner with 3820 nolnU and Honora Sllverides coniolation prize winner with 750 fU A BUTTON -there's yr Model B-2 ICrfJf station tunlni! impart nd Klttiirt. this buidiomc Coa-olei Model h impfortd Banter S.Jef ' Circuit for More Economical Openuonf Improved Pub-Buaoo Tuniag: Ail-wtj recrptioa; Plagn lor Victroli Aruch-,' awot to pUr rtcords through your radio." ' Complete with ill bittehe. end r" 0S7. . yy.io BETTER PERFORMANCE, FINER TONE . . . MORE BEAUTIFUL CAB I NETS I Model B-3 Hi nrw Saper Band-Spread Dial for JO-tirttt-eaiier tbocr ware tuning! I m prayed Fjyo-et.p Piuh-Burtoa Tuning; All-Ware Recra-rjoat Magic Brain and many other ra finemeou in a cabinet of superb beauty. Complete with all batteriel, C7 pa Ooly. . $.U (Tint wuith Jtt maUklt uilb Viktiltr far i-VU pntl'm t ' tl'ubtlf Htbtr fi.) Call or Write for Complete Catalogue Terms, Etc. RADIO HEADQUAKTEKS McRae Bros. LTD. B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture UlcClary Recondition- S2SlS0 v ed Ivitchen Range .... 2 3-piecc ChesterfieldSuites 36.00 0 $39.0Q 4 3-piecc Chestcrfield.Suitea In tap- estrips and velouvs at SHHV fill bargain prices. Each 8-piece Dining Ropm. Suiter- Light oak and upholstered 36t50i v chairs Phone BLACK, 321 3 Vacuum, Cleaners First class condition,.from 1 Connor Washing 31a-chjne Good condition 6' Cotton-Fillcd Mattresses at i 4 $6.50: $27.50 Unconditioned Radios f CAj Of various makes, from VAUtt,u 10.50 I.English Pram Very C ID.UUi C A A. gool condition THIRD AVENUE