PACK TWO - RUBBERS & OVERSHOES Fancy Country Kist Peaches Per tin Snowflake Pastry Flour 10-fb. sasks 31c 35c Royal City Tomato Soap 104 oz- Op Per tin Royal City Pork and Beans 11 oz.. ftn Per tin D LTbbj's Tomato Juice Q Uh oz. Per tin ? Libbys Tomato Juice p 104 oz. Per tin Libby's Ketchup Per bottle . Polly Prim Sweet Mixed Pickles Jar Brentwood Peas Per tin Brentwood Beans Per tin 16c 23c 10c 10c 13c 47c Now is the Time to Get Your Rubber Requirements for the Winter Ladies' Best Quality Qo 00 Rubbers Men's All lasts S1.00 S1.25 Children's and Misses. Site 5 to 65c to 75c Indies' Velvet Overshoe In Wine, Blue. Black and Brown with New Heather Lining Have You Seen the New MIFF" Suede Overshoe Protectors? Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes The Department of Transport advises that the lighted beacon at Casey Point in Prince Rupert Harbor has been re-established. The lantern is elevated sixteen feet above high water and shows a red flashing light. It is supported bj a pile dolphin and is in six fee' of water at zero tide. The red conical buoy, which had been user? temporarily to mark this point will be removed as soon as possible Service Specials AT VERY LOW PRICES THURSDAY 8th to SATURDAY 16th Brookfield Grade 'B' Eggs Lge. Per doz. First Grade Butter Per lb Royal Household Flour 49-lb. sks Hamlin Sc Thomson Turnips 10 lbs Hamlin & Thomson Carrots 10 lbs. Xabob Plum Jam 4 lbs. tin Royal City Golden Corn 2 tins. 11 oz. S1.75 Xabob Extracts All iQp flavors. 2-oz. bottles Xabob Spices Assorted tins. Each Chase & Sandborne Coffee Per lb. MacKenzie s Furniture Card Tables -Undestructable" Card Tables Beautlfuly finished Spanish leather tops. Priced at Phone 775 7c 39c Brunswick Sardines ?p Per tin Queen ChartottirCrab ftp 5 1 Per tin A Tuna Fish "i's Per tin K. D. Prunes 2-lb. Pkgs. 2 pkgs. 8c 35c 25c 25c 39c Bantam 15c Delivery Free to Any Part of the City Ranee & Hardy Phone 55 and 56 S3.75 Coal Coal Coal Foothills Nanaimo-Wellington Bulkley Valley KM Keep your fuel cost down this winter by burning heat tested coal that gives you more heat and less waste. Our special coals give you more heat for your money. ..Just phone 651 or 652 and we will gladly advise you which coal is best suited for your furnace, range or healer. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. HI SCHOOL Interesting Bouts Ar Stated Booth Memorial School At The Auditorium of Booth Memorial High School was the scene of a number of interesting fistic bouts Under the sponsorship of Jamas (Clark, the Boxing Club presented teveral bouts. The first between J. Ehf and T. Parsons was unevenly matched ith Eby taking the honors. The second was the comedy of the vening with Wildcat H. Hougan nd Cyclone A. Crerar fighting. This bout was very closely contest ed, ending in a draw. The third boat In which E-Ha u kin -son lost to D. McCoaver was .nteresting. In tot lourth Baiktr and Lens nit on a food show but Loags experience won the fight for htm. The fifth was the most evenly natch ed. cJos4y cntsted match af the evening, alrao&t etxttag In a iraw. but the referee decided that! rney won over Bond becaMe of Ms ' Scotch and Canadian Dance. Metropole Hall, November 8. Anglican Bazaar November 9. Valhalla Dance, Nov. 10. Eagles' Bridge November 15. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 16. Vaudeville. November 17. St. Peter's Church bazaar Nov. 23 Country Fair November 24. St. Andrew's Dance, Nov. 30. Catholic Tea, November 30. R. E. Eyolfson CHIROPRACTOR Phone BLACK 31S 20 Elthth Avenue West Next Time You Ask For Stove Polish Say irT"FOK HOT J 4 I STOVES At All B.C. Stores Hair Treatment Are you suffering with Scaly Dandruff, Itching Scalp, Dry Fragile and Lusterless Hair? Our correct recondition treatments will do wonders for you at NELSON'S Batber and Beauty Shop I f Dance, Moose Hall.' rax daxlt mnri BOXING AT HELP KIDNEYS! CIS PILLS help to flush ay toxic liMci, bringing relief from backache and rheumatic twinge. In the Uofced Satrt a.k for "Gma IW Spills! 3 ! In Can J n4 the VS. Krtular aj nw, xrf tctmmrxj li. 1 WAR TIME ACTIVITY To rood performance in the second . round. In the sixth Kttlas won aver War acUvtttee were the subject '.VeannouUi in an unevenly con- i. . ... a.ussltn ai the : ovular eted fight as Wearmouth was the monthly dinner meeting of th Staffer and heavier of the two. Junior Section of the Prince Rup The seventh and last was the ert Chamber of Commerce ia.v uost interesting bout of the even- night with th? president. A S ng in which Stan Scherk and Al- Nlckerscn. in th chair. A com ";ert Mah put on a very good exhi- nittee constating of Ned Tobey bition with the latter winning. chairman, Sam Jurmah: and The auditorium was filled to ca- Johnny Weree was appointed to tacity with interested and excited tnto the matter. One of the pes-students. M means by which assistance After the school gymnasium Is will be given In the cause may b ompleted the boxing dub. with by assisting the Rd Cross Society President Albert Mah and Manager f its work. The concensus cf Don McCouver as officers, hopes to opinion of the Junior Chamb r progress rapidly and recruit many appeared t be that the flnanclc new members. resources of the Junior Chamber Bob Capstlck announced the houM. as far possible, be dc fights. .voted to war Helge Holkestad rang the bell and ! , Alex Bill kept time. Piloted by D. J. Lawson and with D. R. Trousdell as air engineer, a Ginger Coot Airways plane, which has been spending several week freighting in suoolles from Bur--ouhs Bay on Behra Canal, back of Ketchikan, into the Unuk River district for Jhe mining Interests headed by Thomas Mackay. arrived here at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the north. It left today :r continuation of its flight to Vancouver. , Announcements All advertisements in inn cot omn win be charged for s full month at 39c a word. Junior Chamber of Commerce Do All It Can For The Caue-Main Theme At Monthly Dinner Last Night Bog Kept Awile All Night HARD COUGH Slept Like i Top Alter One Dose of Bndleg's Mixture Mother, follow iKn lady's ti&mpU and ute Buttlry'i Mitturc hrn any mrmber of your familf hat a covch, cold, jtripp, bronchitii or okooping couth. Sht u)r: "Lan night my on, aerd II, wat couching terribly and could not get to ileep. I gava him a dote of BucLlry't Mitur with honey and he tlept tit night ttSrovgh. TJiii morning hi cough i suit loo." Mr. B. Jone. Vardun, P.Q. Vour f rperierwe will b jut a ati-faaory. Buckley 'f' Mixture it tha standby in i oat of Cniin home. It ease th cough almoit in-ftandy, (often phlegm, ftoothe raw air pattage, help correct oar-aodiry relic vet you of cough and cold in record tin. 24 ovra to miujoh sottuis soldi CI A S 31 F 1 1 D FOR SAL15 NEW American stamps for sale, ones and three?. Dally News, (tf) FOR 8 ALE 35-50 h p. Acadia marine engine with electric starter and dynamo In splendid condl- Mrs. Hankinson's "on $335. Ward Electric tt Mar ine Supply, Cow Bay. tf. FOR SALE Two-atorey house, 510 7th Avenue West, concrete foundations, hot water furnace, fully! modern, 4 bedrooms, going very cheap. H. a. Helgerson. Ltd. PERSONAL (281) CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT EXAMINATION for Clerks announced. Open to all. ADDllca- tlona to reach Ottawa by Novem-, oer 30tn, 1939. our advice has helped hundreds obtain Civil Service positions as Clerks, Postmen, Customs Examiners, etc. Free Booklet on request. M. C. C. Schools Ltd.. Winnipeg, Oldest In Canada. No Agents. J!P Allti AND ROOM FIRST class room and board residence, close In. reasonable rates. Phone Black 965. (204) CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Beit Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Hotel Arrivals Central Ray McDonald. Attln; L. Fwk-lud. B. Andenmi afts Tom W CoJIfeon. Prince Rupert: Tom O'Brien. Barrett Point. C L Oau-thers and Bd Hart. Frederick Point; C. Closter. Blllmor. A. Had land. Oona River; J A. Lawrence. Ten ace; V. Jensen. Fort 8t James A. Johnson. Burn Lake. Prince Rupert D. R. Trousdefl and D. J. Law-nn. Ket-hfYjH: M. O. A. Armstrong. Port Simpson; M Dahl-qulst. Cedar valo; Mrs. L. J Skinner. Copper City. Janet W Yunr. Terra ee; Olof IUftsno. city; D Drummond, Heme; A. J. W Page H ' Wrr Vmirn-iVf r: S Courof Evans. London Rural Frank S. Petty. J II. Jefrrlev Ben Auatne and A. J. Christian, city; A. FlotrsrUoji. Qlck Armstrong. W. Carpenrter. T Oreen-fteld and R. WUooJt. Quesnd; Toy LaL etty; A Johnson. Barns Lake. A. XlMlchln. Wmnhxic: J. D 3uth- h ;th mm WW Thla advert x-rnrr.: u nr publlaneo or dptyd Of ji Uquor Control Board or by U 0(ireimuat ol Br 'ish Columbia flob's Beauty Parlor Next to Q. & 8, Grocery Phone 34X CHIMNEYS Furnaces r.nd Stove Pipes Cleaned Stcen's Limited Phone 5 THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert 'Frisco World Fair May Go On Next Year 8AX FRAN'CISCO. Xovember 8: - Hope for a second edition of the Golden, date International Exposition lit 1040 are Increasingly hlh. Civic leades met yesterday to consider finances The further sum of $320,000 is needed. 'Mm i . i Tw&ttL I WAKE UP YOUR Llvtn BILE- Th Hv . ii4tilOUi - II Jt in u, . mnluuikTi pt " i t tat Um t tiuik m4 tW ..rl4 . A awr bewt tw , lh llrr w.i it lrur tittw j, f ( l-lr4 "..-, IhMt. Ak ImCmv , , i H4tnl rlM Tat. CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental iYiins-Atlantic Tran Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Palls and Way Ports 88 PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Pfldaj 10 a To Vancouver Direct SB. "PRINCESS LOUISE" October 27 SB. "PRINCESS NORAir Noember th !: ri Winter Ilxcuntlan FaroVancouver and Iteturn Tlikeu on sale Nov 1st, 1939 to Feb. 23th 1940 CO ft ft Final Return Limit March 31st 1940 v3Q,U0 C'.nnections at Vancouver with Canadian Pu t; 5 Tickets and Reservation from W. L. COATES. Oeneml AgenU frlora Uaaert tr Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch an Toasted Sandwiches or Iforx d'ocuvrc One Packare Serve Four People K.rep for Weeks in Refrigerslor Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. COAL Grnm Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PIclNCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 5 and SSI J! Rrhhk fatnUl 1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zsrelll frrrtea -A HOME AffAT 0M iioir Kales SLM it M Room Hot at Cdd Waut Prince Rupert. BC Phone Ml f.aBatW UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accoroocL : TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT OOft HA From Port Sinpaon Si9.".5 'Reduced Rates Fare and one half also apply tc VY'"1 from Intermediate points Children iFlve years of age and under twelve H " Tickets on Sale from November lt, 1939 lo Febrarr Oood to return up to March 31st 10 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar Vtfw S.S. C ATA LA Every Tuesday 1:30 pjn. ThunJar S-S. CARDENA Every Frldaj 10:39 p.m. .Monday Tickets and Reservations from , Prince Rupert Arent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third AM- l'hM If Convenient, Pleae rurthaoe Tickets at ORice Leaving Prince Rupert Rate Effective Now Until February 28 Return Limit, March 31. REDUCED WINTER FARES TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Fall and Powell River $36 Return Meals and Berth Included THURSDAYS IMS p Canadian National Steamships