53 4 - A Mans Appearance -Has a definite cash value Phone 297 Whether young or old, every day all the time critical eyes are assessing you at your face value. Clothes that look right style, that lasts, are fourid only in tailoring craftsmanship that never skimps the important hidden details of cut and finish and can be expressed only in a quality that is inherent. FASHION CRAFT SUITS FROM $22.50 Bryant Company Limited 532, 3rd. Ave. XV. P.O. Box 622 H C. Fonrtui e Co. 1 New and Used FURNITURE At The Lowest Prices in Town 2 Kitchen Kanges In the best QOf tZ fi condition tp4ft)U 1 Imperial Oil Burner New sleeves Q-i A A Jand pump ?l.ouj 1, Washing Machine Perfect QQ PA condition $&UOV 1 3-Picce Rebuilt Chesterfield Just (jjgfj QQ 2 3-Piecc Chesterfields Good condition $36.00 a"d $39.00 2 Violins Stradivarius model very tow prices. 1 Conn Soprano Saxaphonc Just like jJ27 5Q 6 Reconditioned Radios Of various makes from $16.00 " $24.50 Phone BLACK 321 THIRD AVE (Next Door to B. C. Clothiers) Bulkley Valley COAL From our mine To your bin And the whole District benefits. ' in iiiiii iiuim .msn, It'a interesting to know when reading the Dally New? that the people of the whole district are dototf the name. CATCHING OID? Used at that first sneeze, this special' ted medication for the nose where u( helps keep colds f IvrV) from developing. Va-tro-nol Religious Education Council Organizes There was a good attendance of nembers at a business meeting of the Religious Education Council a the Presbyterian Church last eve ning. Chairmen appointed to hear" various committees were Mrs. 0 Rrg. Miss Eileen Hamblln, Miss Winnie Cameron, Rev. R. C. II. Durnford and Ken Dakln. The possibility of having a Christmas play was discussed and It was decided to present one during Christmas week. j Refreshments were served after the meeting. 1. HOSPITALS AND HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT 2. AMBULANCES 3. FOOD AND COMFORTS 4. SURGICAL SUPPLIES AND DRESSINGS THB DAILT KSW8 in iinpiri I Centre Project Up As Live 1 Issue The necessity for a civic centr: in Prince Rupert Is being felt mor keenly today than ever before and if is believed by a central commit-'"p on this project representing the Qyro and Rotary Clubs and lp Junior Chamber of Commerce ihat, if something is not done without delay to bring the project 'o fruition, It may be many year before anything Is accomplished In this bjllef the organization.' concerned are being asked by thel" rommlttees to consider the advisability of instituting an early ca oalgn with a view to getting thr ntre established. nh t the reeu'ar monthly dinner meeting of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, C. 0. Ham, chairman of the committee of that organization on the project, tcld of a meeting of the central committee which had been held this week. At first It had been thought that the outbreak l. VKM Ir.l I ; would necessitate the jxwtpon committee up to the outbreak of the war. At Its weekly luncheon today the Gyro Club heard from Ir. It. G Large, the chairman of the com-nlttee of that organisation on the undertaking. The first step, It is understood. ill be the canvassing of the possibilities of government and civic lid in the way of financing before napping out the line of local mm fbfpiUbmnit be bufltand equipped MM in EnpUnd and France to care for lait war the Ccnndian Ited Cro built and equipped (wholly or in part) hotpiuU at Taplow. Buihry Park. Ratnigate, IteihUL and Buxton in England ; built and aaui ppd one of the largeat military hoapiUla in France; and eitabliahed a depot in Boulogne for Canadian honpitala. JLJt From 1914 to 1918 the Canadian Red Croif provided acoreaofambulancea to convey the aick and wounded in Franceand England.Now the need for ambulance face u again. It aeema likely that the demand will be greater than during the kit war. Again the Red Croea wlahes to be able to tend aocka, dgarettea, candy and other comforta to the boy at the front. During the laat war, 341,325 cases of lopplies were cent overaeaa. The Society aent sixty pounds of food per month to every Canadian prisoner of war, in addition to tobacco, medical supplies, clothing and books. Should the occasion arise, we must be prepared to do ao again. 0 war ', aent t n X-Kv eauiDmenL aurirical aurmtif a Utvt Hrruintra mint - - - Durcl almost immediately. During thousands of cases of suppl to England and France. Thou the laat Ilea wrr louaanda of the St John Ambulance Brigade Hospital at Etaples, France. 5 WAR RELIEF Hundreds of thouaands of Polish refugees in countries adjacent to Poland are in dire need. Through the International lied Cross Society tt Geneva, help la being tent to these unfortunate people. Your contribution will help to provide food and clothing luring the coming winter. 6. PEACETIME WORK OF THE RED CROSS The regular work of the Red Croae In Canada must be continued. Outpost hospitals and nursing stations must be maintained and the work of the Red Cross in frontier districts must bo carried on. The activities of the Junior Red Groaa muat be developed. The normal cost of this great effort Is a million dollars a year. 1 " Manifesto Of ' " ment of the undertaking but it , jy r?l runu niADE'had found the war and IN.o. mection IjfLill I4iVI4.N lYIVlVLi, VI I J Kh' the concentration of troops at prlnce Rupert had niade the merfi . , I : i j U'ar Cu.Ourratlon ami Imurove. This Opinion Hring rivlp'evfn grsater. Mr. nam rewnmi - - IjimI Local mic ... . i I miMitM iii llivtivvnv. luluratlmi Khni hnri hAMi iMomuiunra ill a i - " - - Drellmlnary way way by the central Ami Health FRRDKRICTON. New Brunswick. Nov. 8: tCP) Co-operation with' the Dominion In its wartime efforts nd Improvement of highways, education and public health are contained in the election manifesto of Premier A. A. Dyicrt for his Liberal government . The place November 30. Dally adverUalrift rn News is sure to bring election takes the Dallj dally re- This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Rosa Mazzel and Carl?. 1 have been on a trJ ,"J to the citv .rvuto j Prince Iliir,t " ' " - --a mornun. LASi 2 l!MMi7 Cary Grant Jean Arthur In 'ONLY ANGEIS HAVE WINGS' With UICIIAIW) riAUTHLtMlt, (At 1:11 and :) ADDr.I) Walt ny,r,Difl 9 a til ttn . ' 1 l Of Oft" COMING TIILIts ru" The Une Kitten 1. 'Daughters Counter aW ' WITH THE WAR only a few week old, the Canadian Rd Cross has nlrcady mnrahalled ita forces to save livN to prevent sufferinR. Lack of preparedness cost many lives during 19X4 and 1915. This timo Red Cross facilities must bo on the job. Already the need is urgent, Tho work of equipping hotptUU In England and Franco must bo undertaken immediately. A v V I .HI 1 i miUuiUii.v-i wiii uc necuea. aurgical supplies, A-iuy equipment must bo on hand. This work cannot wait. During tho last war, Canadians gavo without Btint tn bud- port tho work of tho Canadian Rod Cross and tho BriUih Red Cross. During this war you will bo asked to contribute only to tho Canadian Red Cross, which will cooperate- closely with its parent organization. Wo arc all fighting for tho samo cause. Wo will all work together to sco that tho human sido of war is carried on successfully. Will you support this splendid causo? Will you aave a life, help n sick or suffering lad who is far from home, or ru,nJ? ?Sw comforts to tho boys who aro in tho thick of tho fight ? Your loved ones may or may not havo to go. But at this timo all tho boys in khaki nro your sons, your brother. I neynro fighting for your libertyprotecting your home. j v tju, kivu m uio iteu uross. NATIONAL WAR DRIVE FOR $3,000,000 STARTS NOV. 13 Send or take your contribution to your local Red Crcti "'- xyon i wait or voluntary ivorkert to canvati ) viK n ana give... iUUAXl