K vfmhn B. 1638. )on't neglect your eyes they are four mosi precious possessions. 'here's no need to take chances these days because good light is so :heap. Get one or more of these 'Better Sight" lamps now and je sure that all empty sockets are ept filled with new Mazda lamps )f the proper wattage. Mcdern, cientiHc lamp have an opalescent bowl under the shade which prop erly directs and diffuses the Ii'Eht. r Z?t that all burned out or old. C s lamps are replaced with ulne Edison Mazda lamps. V. tnd 60 watts now only 20c '- It Dur a carton for $1.20. ood LIGHT s Cheap j mom n : ii : : ii i Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited 'on with the drive for .Mrs. Paul Armour is the proud S. $4.95 and $2.G0 We have a complete stock of portable wall lamps like the "pin-up" type, above, as well as table, floor, and bridge lamps. Your choice for $1 Down (some, even less), balance oh easy terms. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Canadian Legion B.E5.L. month- Tor prompt and courteous ly meeting tonight. (261 Olof Hanson, M-P. for Skeena, arrived In the city from Smlthers on .last night train.. ! Stores closed Thursday non and all day Saturday. 'Merchant's Association. ' Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Kergln, who moved south recenUy. are at present on a trip to Toronto to visit with their son. Dr. Fred Kergin, who lias enlisted for overseas service with a Canadian hospital unit With light list of passengers but quite heavy freight cargo. C N. R. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt H. E. Neddefl, arrived in port on time at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 2 o'clock this af-, ternoon for Ketchikan and Stewart whence she will return here toino row evening southbound. G.: A. McNlcholl, general passenger agent. Canadian National Rail- ways. Vancouver, and Walter Hate-fly, general freight agent, arrived in 'the city on the Prince Rupert this i morning from the south. They , will mke the round trip to Ketchl-ikan and Stewart, disembarking 'here Thursday night and proceeding Friday evening by train to Jas- ' enroute back to Vancouver. jper tlAHTA Association Meets . Meeting at the home of Mrs. Sam Hougan. Fifth Avenue East, the Prince Rupert Boys' Band Parents' association elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: President. Mrs. J. O. Vlereck. Vl;e-President, Mrs. Jack McRae. ' Secretary-Ureasurer, Mrs. Han-ford Perkms. j Executive Mrs. Harry Wanna- niaker, chairman. Mrs. A. B.'Love, i ' , Mrs. Sam Hougan, Mrs. Thomas and N. VftlenUne returned to the Mrs. Sorrentt... . . n tht Prlne ' Rupert this Ways and means of raising money vice Phona 13 Taxi. Men's First AW classes 7:30 pjn. Thurs. Nov. 9 In waiting room C.N.R. station. after- S. Jurmain. culminate In a campaign a yartt wldtx of wme of th- flnwt morning from a Utp to Vaiicouver for the purchase of much needed "ASPIRIN k for general support, fin- chrysanthemums ever seen in k""1" uutu' id ciharwtse. for this Im- Prince Rupert. They were grown j Miss Violet Mciuicncon. no r branch 0f -ar artlvlty. an- by an amateur grower. W J. John- been on a uip vo "' merit iu made that member- son of Vancouver. In his own green-; euewnere in ine s.uu.. .r.u. .. .... . . . ... . w -. . 1 .1... n iUa trin Tfllnprt Jnlsl En w aKen out will be gooa nou;e ana snippca racn in a scjku- n v.- ....v.. . nf.ire year 1M0. ate glass vial morning. TOREWIDE SALE ! LIO'S FURNITURE Values Greater Than Ever Before. You Will rhe Asortment is UrKer, the are Save in Kvery Purchase Buy Now Floor Covering Dominion Inlaid Linoleum SiWr. 51.26 Sludin Davcnport-Back drops down to form large $45.1)0 O'lMor'n liSnniir Ifiwini Snith Modern suite in ivory enamel finish. Suite consists of buffet, exten sion table and set of four chairs with upholstered $56.50 3'Picce' Chesterfield Suite i $79.00 Bedding Genuine Old Country Witney Blan-Kets Their high grade quality a lifetime. Size 72x90 inches. Pair Woolcot $17.50 $1.95 All Wool Grey Blanket 1.95 Size 60x80. Pnlr Feather Pillows All feather, floral ticking. $1.50 Pair . 4-niece Bedroom Suite Suite consists of Bed, Chiffonier, Vanity and upholstered $59.50 Bench er tf. start men's Apply (252) R(281! POPPY WREATHS Organization and individuals wishing to I The Annual Meeting of the Prince purchase Poppy Wreaths for Re-Rupert Badminton Club will be held membrance Day ceremony should !at the home of H. T. Cross, 223 4th place their orders now through : Ave. W, Wednesday at 8:00 p m. All the Canadian Legion. Prices on re-: interested please attend. (261) quest. I Get this safest Fast Relief. Avoid long hours ofj)ainful discomfort WW 2. Fo thntt from cold, dissolve 3 Atxnn Ttbleti in W (lift of wttcr od tutit. Pu. nwacss vt Mitd in ft crr ft miium. m mStUt relieve 'is- A.KtrtM Tiblefl tad dnak t fall Uh of Lf L -J JfiZZ II . Repeat ut. f jf V r , Onk tnprrttmrt. If yoa bite feref tod Mmpenture docs doc to doa if threat pun it not quickly relieved, oil jom doctoc Qack-Artini "Aspfeta" "tK held" In mkuiles. Don't accept anjtfikij else Tke no ctance with cold. Follow the direction in th picture above the afe wr miltioni use to relieve cold amarintly fait. It entirely avoid the dgrri of taking strong drui. . So quickly 4oea Aipirin act both internally and a a gargle, youTl feel wonderful relief ttart often in a few minute. Try thi way. Doctor recommend Anirin because cvon when facen tf- fumtrjr they know it doci not harm in ftvarr. WARNING I AttWn i olwiyt mmti wMi tkH Brf Crot I 'DOES NOT HARM THE HEART Keep your tel cost down to minimum this Winter by uslnff heat-tcstel coal that gives you more heat and less waste. We're specialists in picking: coal thxt gives the most heat for the money. We'll tladly help jou pick a grade that will burn efficiently in your furnace, kitchen range or heater, give you more heat, and save you money. Just phone 116 or 117. Albert and McCaffery Ltd rilOXES 18 and 19 r.O. Box 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Established 1910 Independently Owned and Operated Diced Beats Royal 91,0 City 2's. 2 tins Robin Hood Wafer Flakes-New and easily pre- IQn pared. Per pkg Green Giant Tomato Juice 10 oz Mclocrain Wheat ltice Puffs-Cello pktr. . 5c Wax Wrap 100-ft. 23C Nugget Shoe Tollsh 9a Drown or black 2 tlnstt, Llbby's Koast Beef 12 oz. 2 tins Jello Assorted flav- IKp ors.. 2 pkgs. Puffs or 9c Shaker Salt Plain or ftp Iodized. 2pkgs. Kraft Jlacaronl Dinner "A Meal for 4 in 9 21C Minutes" Pkg. Potatoes 10 lbs. for Bulk Carrots 8 lbs. for Turnips 9 lbs. Parsnips S lbs. for 19c 25c 25c 25c Pomegranltes Large "U size. 3 for Spinach 4 lbs, , 25C for Prompt. Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention Col. J. W. Nicholls, general man ager of the Canadian Fish ti Cold Storage Co., who has been on an extended business trip to Eastern Canada and the United States, re Ii a a 'g fTN ;g :8 The Prince Rupert Gyro Club was in business session again at Its reg ular weekly luncheon today to -receive a report on the civic centre nr6iect which, is. befnxC revived. turned to the city on the Prince President W. M. Watts was in ma, Rupert this morning, accompanied chair and there was a good attend-by Mrs. Nlcholls. ance of members. This advertisement is not published bi displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government oi Brltl&h Columbia. OOOOOOOO 0OOOOO 0OOO"CHKHOXJ U The Rexall Drug Store GIRLS and BOYS PRIZE CONTEST Fifteen Wonderful Prizes Given Away 8 For Girls 7 For Boys Nominations for Entry Open Wednesday November 1st and Close Sunday November 12th Voting Starts Monday November 13th Rules Governing This Contest May Be Obtained at Our Store Boys and Girls Make Sure Your Name is on the Contestant's list Prizes Are Now On Display in Our Windows Orates Ltd. Zrfi Pioneer Druggists Tbr- Kevall Store Phones 81 ft SZ Open Dalit from 8 lum. till 10 pun. Sunilajk and UoJidays. from 12 noon till 2 p.m. ? p.m. till 9 p.m. HERE IT IS A Genuine EASY The Washer You Have Always Wanted for only ; $63.50 Never before has such a wonderful opportunity been offered to Prince . Rupert Housewives. A $90.00 value. See this washer at I J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Hldf. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MUk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE IS7 ml Km OF 4. I