EviII No. 275. fy are In addition to one I steamship, r the Adolf the Woermann had slipped Mablto Bay Portuguese Al- IbTrmbcr IS. kGE WAR ON MINES! i GoTernment Calls Upon inthti and Fishermen For I Assistance I Nov 25 CP- Oreat tu tu "turned turned to to the he scientists i-uccesswul in bringing Oer- EimeUc mines to the surface -tlon and hence are vere- indicapped. Meantime ex- i experts are trying to una a ter weapon Naval autnonues cnTJnced that one will be f a splinter fleet of wood- Yt mav snlir thl DetTTian t:r mine menace, it is be-' t' the British Admiralty. Bn fhhlng smacKs nave Dccn H right hrough the mine without being harmed. It ia a. islermen are Intensifying their Is t3 sweep the sea lanes clear ilirlaim machines. hti tank another. British ves- steamer Mangalore. yestcr- The 8000-ton vessel was rld- tt an hor close to shore and nklna was witnessed by large hs of spectator! The crew .of Wy seven all csvaped safeiy. Ralston, who spoke last night. i uoniracu are aooui 10 or in iur . UnnitrtiotlriH nf onH KM hm.ir.nr inn which was scuttled 0n " ".. . . ij "and mine-sweeoine craft In Cana- F yards, the minister stated. numbering! her passengers hSwrf 127 all being !" were also being prepared for craft later. construction of larger Orders had been placed for J 25. 000.000 of war supplies, $9,000,000 In the United Kingdom and $10.- 000,000 tn the United States. This was in addition to $25,000,000 for new railway equipment. Th rfenartment had been o busy getting organized,, said Col. Ralston, that It had been impos sible to keep the public fuiiy informed. This was to be rectified, he promised. Economic war Mitral and money count for so much in war that a "resolute. ivai nd enthusiastic economic mvj . . . , front may be the determining w - ttid in his na morn in the fight to cope tlon-wide ' .. hrAll,ru, broadcast Plans wer, were Btom warfare which naval t. Otttclarrsay they Tlive belne made, lor, aahreet jear. war .nrt 131 5.000 JWO would cover the cost of the first year, he antici pated. Trade Between Canada-India War is Causing it to Increase- Manufactured Troducts Required OTTAWA. Nov. 25: CP- The a-ar Is resulting In an increase In Card of Thanks As President of the local branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society. I desire, on behalf of the Executive Committee, to extend sincere thanks to our friends In the city and district for the generdus financial support accorded which closed today to us in the National Campaign Total subscriptions to date amount to which amount Is well In excess of our expectat ons. The Is also extended to Arnold thanks of the committee chairman, and to the captains Flaten, as general campaign and their assistants for services so graciously rendered. (The names of the captains and their assistants appear on another page together with the respective amounts collected.) ... .,,... F. A. MacCALLUM i i- trade between Canada and maia. Motorvehlcles. newsprint, machinery, etc. are required by India. ITALY ON BLOCKADE fenty slx lives were lost In the, Suests to Britain and France Not J ton Dutch tanker Sllerdrecht fh was torpedoed November 16, as disclosed yesterday. fw forestry rk North Of bmloops Plan To Interfere With Her Trade HOME. Nov. 25. Count Ciano. Italian foreign minister, called the French ambassador and the Brl- ii. v. .Vint-o ri'af rnlrr.t Into confer- ence to discuss the Allied blockade of Ocrman Imports and exports. No official statement was made out Ciano Is said to have reminded his callers that Italy was Interested In hemm w. . rm a seeing that Its commerce was not with. Germany was I Interfered Provincial foresfls being cs-i Med north of Kamloops. It one of Italy Important customers I be named after Hon. A. Wells and Italy did not wish that trade y minuter of lands. 'disrupted. TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtey B O Johntoti Co.! Vancouver Big Missouri. .12. Bralorne. 11.10. Cariboo Quartz, 26. Dentonla, .01 z. Falrvlew, .02. Gold Belt, 2k. Hedley Mascot, .42. Mlnto. .01 V. Noble Hve. Pacific Nickel. .13. Pend Orlelle. 250. Pioneer. 255. Premier. 1.45. Privateer. SI. i. RetvelcXaldtO uenoj Relief Arlington, .10. Salmon Oold, .03. Sheep; Creek, 1.19. Oils A. P. Con., .17. Calmont, .35. C. Si 220. Freehold. X2B. Home, 2.. Pacalta, .04. Royal Canadian, .18. Okalta, 1D1. Mercury, M. PralHe Royalties, 20. Toronto Aldennac, JO. Beattle, 1.05. Central Pat 252. Cons, Smelters, AW, East Malarttc, 3.15. Francoeur. 40Vv Oods Lake. 8. Hardrock, 129. Int. Nickel, 4725. Kerr Addison, 2.12. Little Long1 Lac. 3.15. McLeod Cockshutt, 220. Madsen Red Lake. .46. McKenzle Red Lake, 123. Moneta, .90. Noranda, 7525. Pickle Crow, 425. Preston East Dome, 221. San Antonio, 1.90. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.14. Stadacona, 21. Uchl, .77. Bouscadlllac, .04. Mosher, .091i. Oklend, .11. Smelters Oold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 39.00. Moving Picture Tie-Up Threat Entire .Production Industry In United States and Canada May Cease HOIXYWOOD. Nov. 25: A tie- up of the entire American moving picture production maustry a thrpntenrd following rejection by producers of the demands of the I technicians' jmion lor wage increases. Unless "the demands are .mnt at nnce. five thousand tech nitan will be called off their ijobs, tho union announces. This, it Is declared, wouia ciose ev.i studio In the United States and Canada. lather Forecast Tomorrow's Tides Ice Rupert--Fresh to strong Last winds, shifting t0 south. ly and mild with rain. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER "PRINCE RUPERT, lie., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25,193U. In Trouble More Reports About Two British Roumania Will Try To Keek Her Arenls Accused of Being In- self Out of Entanglement In LONDON, Nov. 25: The British Admiralty officially admits tin . " . . . . I 11' volved in Munich Beer Cellar Bombing 1 t t rr-u n fqt piimanla Nov Author-''5: The new cabinet of Roumania .... A -. f 1 A TS 1-.f-- fast by a submarine 0r mine in iUes said that two Britons seized was sworn in ranignv. - j--uS--the heavily fortified Firth of by the German Gestapo on the Itself to a neutral cours- in inter- Forth naval base. Twenty mem- German-Netherlands frontier No- national anairs ana wi-i wcr. ioi bers of the Belfast's crew were In- vember 9 were endeavouring to find unification, reconstruction and co- l.,rH Th Himnirlnir of thl- Bel- nut If a fiprmnn Peitel offer wai oramaUOn. ine new rnmc JMiiiis- cellor Adolf Hitler's life In the,lnnf iWrooco Munich beer cellar bombing. Qll- - uov Reports regarding the whole af-. TJ D " fair are very confllcUng and con-! In DeeT T HCC fusing. It is difficult to sift the facts from the propaganda. ( jDEUTSCHLAND NOT TAKEN I Berlin Benie Capture oj Battleship by Allies NEW YORK COPPER NEW ToRK, Nov. 2JT TTTi N ?w York copper price was up 2 . terday with March delivery closing at 11.49c per pound. I i WAR TURNS Allies Continue to Bring Down Many German rlanes All Nazis Can Boast of is Three PARIS, Nov. 25: (CP The Allies rcivirt rnntlnillnff triumDhS in aer- Parlor OieraUr In British tne war vurius uuaiuj. im . . French say their aviators shot down t i r 1 l utimaii auu AVblUUll-UU ICICYITII three days. Royal Air Force head- . r Col- umbia Urrn Government To Make Cut VICTORIA. Nov. 25: CP Be?? iparlor orr-tTS of British C"- I.. kl. ...4n th. TtrlfUV. r'r.l- lumbla goverpent to reduce the Peheti wholesale Drlces Following the in h wj ilBmji2I!4Wy raised, reported that the German pocket . bu) '.new federal war taxes on liquor, uiT'W'sV ""-'re o beT was battleshlD Deutchland. which hss , A f ronv 2250uto $25 k perar- bei at large on the high seas for contmue. the beer parlor operators some weeks. Is still in erman.(je.lare " hands. It had been reoorted In London that the ship had been cao-1 tu'red by Allied war vessels-in the' AUantlc Ocean. The British ad mlralty did not confirm the report. IMPRESSES WITHDRAW New Transpacific Shipping Arrangements Have To Be Made To Handle Oriental Carto Eastern Washington shipperj were informed by Col. C. W. Blck-ford of Seattle, port manager, oi the cancelling of shipments on thc steamers Empresses of Japan ana Russia. They said they were noti fied lieu that tuav the tne ships had ,eu been trans- f lal combat on the Western Front asjferred t0 "other services." uaricts ty Mic ii uMuujiui armv iiiTain iiiis v nine German planes In two days. 11:111, J IgdUl UUoJ In Berlin the German High Command claimed that German planes had brought down three Allied aircraft arid the German filers returned unharmed from "frequent air fights" with the enemy Bombings Last Night in London and Birmingham Are Attributed to it LONDON, Nov. 25: (CP) A new nnthrpafc nf hnmhlnsr terrorism IS I iru. ...1.1 AAmMI n -1 ! ..I f - f . 1 - J . T-l-V, T7amiKlfnon I .lie tvel idi .umua. t-ibivii, - UlillllCU upuil V11C &11011 -.vuw..vm . s I t - . . t , - Hl.t.. I . m .Uln. 1-ef ier naving oceu niuie imcusive uuiArmy. iiierc were uuiuuuis 1 1 1. n ....tin. fmnf Hiirtncy 4Vi ii.aaI- . nUkl I n Tnnn Anil Tlrmln ham bllC nlll Ill.H v.w. ,111, -. V1 , I lllllb 111 4U11.11 UIIU ...- is reported In a French communique to have subsided. The communique said that an enemy In- rantry ram east oi tne Moseiie River had been unsuccessful. There was local artillery action and "we took a few prLsoners." The allies claim that the Ger mans have lost some 100 planes In telephone booths and mall box es. New York Stock Mart Has Break since the war commenced, eighty- Uck of n in Interest Caused flvn havinc fallen in Allied ter-! -. . -.. iikuijr mj .iicii u-obi uvviuii vvuiu uo officially confirmed. In Berlin an official German statement declares! that Allied re ports, of air victories have been greatly exaggerated) Since the war started, according to the Germans, they have lost oniy twenty planes Including those destroyed ln ac cidents. On the other hand, fifty , siump in ir lies icsicru-j NEW YORK. Nov. 25: The New York stock market had one of Its widest breaks since the war began on Friday. Lack of buying Interest was evident. The breaks were as much as four points. The turnover totalled 820,000 shares. The Industrial nvprnpf. at closlnc was 148.47, two British planes have been shot down 1.87; rails, 32.93, down -Us?; down, the Oermans claim. utilities, 25.41. High Low vasuait.es rs Is Cut Up By 0:51 ajn. 19.0 ft. 12:41 pin. 213 ft. 8:39 am. ft. 19:22 pm. 2.9 ft. PRICE: S CENTS n ko-British Sea Patrols Active TURE 9 Vt Ihlps Taken By Allies In J Atlantic In Addition To Two Scuttled ba AIRES. Nor. 25: Drt- j WAR BILL IS LARGE I French patrol snips are thres 0MT tor Conflict Is Enormous, i, hare captured vessels in the Bouth At-, stte of f,nance nd another has been scut-' In Address tve " id capture. Sources with P ."connection, told of ! OTTAWA. Nor. 25: .CP. - Caa-The e Sorkum boats & caDtured'dawarcomm,Uraenl,,l,Ptomarch an?j. next are placed at ,31500.000 by The Tenerlfe was scutUed. ' " 'r ..; V, Western DAMAGE . , IS INTRIGUE NEW GOV'T Germans Suffer Heavy ..mini in nnm t to alpf TTn i T Cruiser AUMllltU ibbhm lb nUlfcALr I.. a. TL, Belfast Was After Ail III U3l Gunfire Blistering Machine Gun Fire and WitTiering Artillery Cut Up Encircling Movement East of Moselle River PARIS, November 25: (CP) Blistering machine i 1 111 A. ..... nM nrMVf tA ATI- fast by a submarine which sllppel bonafide. These source said that ter says the government win com gun iire and Withering aruiiery cut up du aiiciuptcu lnto the Firth of Forth had been Captain Richard Stevensfend Slgls- directly under King Carol. It wlU cjrcjRg movement by the Germans On French OUtpOStS on previously reported but the reoort mUnd Best were acting; with the organize the military and Indus- Western Front today ten miles east of the Moselle was not accoraea coniirmauon. Knowledge oi me unusn govern- - XT . ...ara jM-vn hnlf with heaw Repair, have already commenced. ment when they were kidnapped. - matter or pro- ,v. naimitips x in rlpnrl. wounded AA and Drisoners. nr It It was thl the Tne Germans say tney are neia ior - Mmnllillv In lh iftrmntnn Chan- I 1 Bulletins DONT LIKE BLOCKADE COPENHAGEN Denmark yesterday ioined other neutrals in their protest to Great Britain at .h! plm to interfere with neutral shipping in order to intensify blockade of both exports and Imports of Germany. The he nations protesting are .Japan Jlaly Sweden, Holland arid Belgium. Japan Is the only-nation so far to threaten re-nriL. The attitude in London to these protests, it is reported -e'e. is that they should be addressed to Germany as having made the move necessary by Great Britain. REGULATIONS EASED PARIS Certain war regular tions in southwest France and i Corsica, which had been imposed for economic reasons, were lifted today. SEATTLE, Nov. 25: (CP The t Seattle Port Commission has tele- GERMANY PROTESTS graphed a request to the United BERLIN The German press ct firltlm rnmmllnn for lathed nut todav arainst Great . ... - (American refrigerator ships to re-, Britain for reviving the use of I wWSNmV flT.rTlPiace t0 vanaaian racuit unci a i-siujs, arincu iuciiii4iiwiii.il, I h Kl I VI NK I ivhch W been withdrawn from vii m. th oriental trade. was claimed that a 7,000-ton Brili.h merchantman, disguised as a neutral, had been destroyed by a submarine which it had attacked. More intensified submarine warfare was threatened by Germany. In London the Admiralty said it had no information of the incident mentioned by Germany. VICTIM OF OWN MINE COPENHAGEN A "00-ton German patrol ship struck a mine in the north of the German mine fields and sank. It went down three minutes after an explosion. SURROUND BRITISH ISLES BERLIN -Germany will fire ten shells for every one fired b Great Britain," says a Nazi government spokesman who predicts that, within two months, the Reich will have the British Isles surrounded. .Contraband Control Under Discussion Subject of Special Session of Bel-gian Cabinet BRUSSELS, Nov. 25. The cabinet was called into ses sion last night to consider Allied contraband control measures which have been already made the subject of protest both by Belgiurt and Holland. first land engagement of any con sequence for several days. There was also patrol and 'light artillery actfon near Saarbniechen. Later In the day rain and snow Conditions returned, after several dear, cold days and the possibility of a major German drive appears to have been once more eununaiea for the time being at least. There were light troop movements In the Aix-la-Chapelle area. VISITORS FROM AIR German Aircraft Make Calls on Shetland Islands and Scotland Again Today LONDON. November 25: (CP) For the ninth time In four weeks. German bomber flew over the Shetland Islands today. There was only one ship. No raid warning was given and no bombs were dropped. The visitor was driven off by British pursuit planes and antiaircraft gunfire. I In southwestern Scotland there was a 37-mlnute air raid alarm signal but no planes were sighted. Railways Ready To Handle Much Greated Traffic VANCOUVER, NOV. 25: (CP) Speaking here last night S. W. Falrweather, sDeclal representatives of the Canadian National Railways, said that Canadian railways were now able to handle twice as much traffic as In 1917. Mr. Falrweather was speaking before the Vancou ver Board of Trade. Highway Scouts On Way South Williams and Logan Now In Cariboo District on Way To Vancouver PRINCE GEORGE, Nov. 55: (CP) Slim Williams and" John Logan. Allaska Highway motorcycle scou-3 on their way to New York after traversing the Telegraph Creek to Hazelton route for the highway, yesterday headed through the Cariboo district for Vancouver ana Victoria after a brief slay here. WARM IN INTERIOR Open weather continues unusually late In the central Interior this fall. A weather report from Hazelton this morning said the temperature was 43 above with no 'snow on the, ground ' as ye t. " K f i "'