.'A I I 2 14 !, it 4 i i - - - PAOF TTVO h ,f 1 Tins DAILY HEWS v ( . -I . The Finest Summer Shoe For Style, Wear And Dependability. Buy DAILY EDITION Now While Sizes Complete Family shoe store lt Thp Home of Good Shoe? THE DAILY NEWS, PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion .... Local -readers, per Una, per insertion SUBSCRIPTION RATES -City delivery,. by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance Paid In advance, per week - . Paid In advance, per month . By. mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance . By mall. to all other countries, per year .. - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations THE RAILWAYS .02 25. $5.00 .12 .SO 3D0 9.00 Saturday. May 6, 1939 lines in the hands of receivers, with the British railways It may seem that this absorption of the transporta- tion systems smacks too much of socialism but ;it is similar to the .post office in being purely a public service .system. With the C.N Jl. already in the hands of the ,ptiblic' and with the shareholders of the C.P.R., thrpujjh their president, urging unification, there seems to be nothing m the wav of comnletincr the deal. Evidently, as, time iroesl" ment ays: "What better way is there to present a clean and true picture of today's world to your child than through the columns of a good daily newspaper?" And again: "Let a daily newspaper help your child build a better, more tolerant arid more understanding attitude toward the future." BIG RACE TEAMS ARE i BOSTON IN ONTODAY RELEGATED JenloeKy hTby ,Bng .Run At jljlrmlngham And iLelreslcr ,CIty Churchill Dunns finis Afternoon .Move Downward In EnglMi - League LOUISVILLE. Kentucky. May 6: (CP With a Held of ten horses LONDON May . KJPBlr- goinfr to the post, the Kentucky mlngham and Leicester City have Derby, blue riband of the Amerl- been demoted from First to See can turf, confined to three year ond division In .English iLeaguf olds, Is being run at Churchill football, having finished the sea Downs this afternoon. son at the foot of the standing Ilorses and pwners. In order of Norwich City and Tranmef post .position, re: Rovers drop from Second to Third (ihallep.ie. .William Wood, at thr Division. Notts Forest escapln? Pok. -. relegation through having had a El Chico. William Seigler Jr. Heather Broom, J. H. Whitney. Viscounty. Emerson Woodward. Pn LocaUon, Mrs. Ethel Mars.! Johnstown. William Woodward ; Kalapa Crown. Mrs. Bessl Franiheim. Technician. Herbert Woolf. Challendon. W. L. Brann. T. M. Dorsett. Joe W. Brown. Junius Bell, yesterday, announc ed, that his colt. Steel Heel, would not start. Johnstown "was first favorite Technician second and John Henry lewis Denied Permission American Negro Will Not Be Allowed To Fight In England OMng To Defective Eye LONDON. May 6: -Because of a defective eye. John Henry JLewU of the United States has been tn o 000. Phqne Red 415. 51-1 struggling against ' great odds and with traffic gradually . R Si-Di5,yclf J00? c0"d,i;, .."i tion. Black :f v... ,i i u .Phone 992 after 5.30. Deing vaKcU over uy irutivs auu uusco, uic uuiy uui, seems to be for the trovernment to .take over all transpor- .v.. , . . :tation, railways and trucking and bus systems and make a JOR LEASE i monopoly of it similar to the post of f ice. Owners of i.C.P- for lease The whole of the' R. stock would be eiven government bonds based on the! two unoer noors of Alder Block: nresent value of their holdings. Buses and trucks tised rooms, furniture for sale. An-; for.public transportation would be taken over, at valuation p'? w. j. Aider, city Han. givlngthe small men an opportunity to work for the.gov-j PERSONAL emment. if.' tain positions as .Letter Carriers. Postal Clerks, Customs Examln-' ers,. Clerks and 'Stenographers, etc. "Flee booklet of Information. ti. C, C. Schools Ltd, Winnipeg.! .Oldest Jn -Canada. lit. nh ho r-nnAUxnr, will Wnmp wnrsp unless Rnmpthinrr Y0U can run a Home Klpdergar " '"'T -v!.. m T... .:rr" ten with bur help. Canadian tdone to prevent the present unfair competition with the j Kindergarten institute winni- raiiways oy irucKS ano Duses. : If the C.P.R. is not prepared to accept tfjis dea.1 it ' shquld stop the present expensive campaign for inlf ica-, . tiqn of tbe systems. It is a sure thing.that nopvernment j will hand over the C.NJl. to the C.PiR.. either ta.onerntf'l ,pg. .Manitoba. PERSONAL (BE READY FOR SUMMER ,ICE -CREAM .EVERY TYPE tf. :or.to absorb. Only a government can hold a monopoly, i?'10 makf,,?P" ;or4ha ,cei ' f 1 ..v. i..,i n ,.ii!. . . i.-ii..'Jl cream on a Mills Master Coun- jn .the system and thus save the hignwjeys muqh of tbeirr present cost of upkeep. Action of this kind by the feder ter Freezer. You can cut your1 costs ,lp half you can also double your jjajjonage wim the new. al government would be a great aid to the provincial gov- f-M confections, rrosted Wnmnnlc irt nw.uMinx irnnA IrwrViitroirD ffiv iUa ltd. ,.t r,,f ! .?altd, Sherbets and ffOSUd W,...V vo ... SWu .wfe..cjrD xw. u. u. au- frujt drjnks r. '.tomooues. trade , by .seryipg soft Ice cream ,on VPMr Jle desserts. Sell - tsnr-itrivn I' fn OR V'oitrcik ADiid SJAKINCt NEWSIkAI'US ulk. with our own name on , i;he Vancouver Daily Province is publishing a series .-package for .carry - away , ,of , advertisements showing the value, of newspapers to thei Mills manufactures the, count These are very striking and very Informative, SS&SgV&tSSt. .... ..m.v .v ,v- ""-'.tfvnv. iuuiou c ,uuvcipc- JArvs, ,11115 iNovelty Company of Canada, Ltd.. 318 .Homer St..' Vancouver, B.C. He will see that' our closest representative calls on you Immediately Think I ' Make Your Decision I Act on That Decision Immediately! 1 (25-29) better goal average than Norwich. Newport County and Barnsley. champions of the two third sec-'Ions, are promoted. Bristol Rovers and Accrlngton ellar occupants In the Southern and Northern sections respectively must apply for re-election to the League. The final score for the season cday were as follows: English League First Dlvlsidn Arsenal 2. Brentford. 0. Aston Villa I. Middlesbrough I Blackpool 2. Portsmouth 1. Charlton AthelUc 3. Presto.i North End I. Chelsea I. Bolton Wanderers 1. Grimsby Town 3. Everton 0. Leeds United 0, Stoke City 0. Manchester United 2. Liverpool 0. - 'J Wolverhampton Wanderen 0, Sflnderland 0. English League Second Division Chesterfield 6, Swansea Town 1 Luton Town 1, Coventry City 3. Norwich City 1. Nottingham Forest 0. Plymouth Arrylc 2, Southamp- LEAD NOW NewYork Lose Supremacy In American League by Defeat at Hands of Cleveland DETROIT. May (CP) Boston Red Sox have replaced New York Yankees In the leadership of the Amorlcan League. Yesterday the Red -Sax won A to 1 victory over the Detroit Tigers here while the Yankee were losing a hard-fought elev en inning battle with the Cleveland, Indians at Cleveland. The lead Of the Yankees over the third trial j denied permission by the British I Sheffield United 6, Tottenham I st. Louis listening to -a discussion on the ndhw s.tuat.on t . - - - , ,w, was i?ufrtrested that, with Canadian Pacific Railway -stocks at Iheir present price, this would be a good time :4or the government to take over the railway, paying the present stockholders for their holdinirs at current market rates. Objection was taken to this because it was saidj 1 1 f . ... r - . L .1 !1 . . . . ine uniair compencion oi a governnieni--uwiieu iaua) bad forced the price of these stocks down to their present level. At the present price the system could be bought at the value of the Trail smelter only. As a precedent for action it was pointed put that the j government, not the present, had taken over the Grand Trunk system without paying anything for it. It has also j been surreested that the unification movement comes i iu V .1 uliici Limn ail asaci. 11 uu a huihuvi iu muw .1.1. 1 . 1 A V I l . I . Chicago White Sax Is only rnalhe matleal The white box won a close two to one victory over Wash ington Senators yesterday. In the National League, the Bos ton Bees, although beaten by Uw Cincinnati Reds, continued in the lead, their margin cut to one half a game over the St. LouUt Cardinals. Cincinnati Reds and .Brooklyn Dod gers who are all tied for Ihe run-j ner-up position. 1 Yesterday s Dig Lmgue'firwi: J National League SI. Louis 7. New York 5. Chicago J, Brooklyn 6. Pittsburg 10. Philadelphia 1. Cincinnati S. Rotten 4 UHfrtcen innings . American League Washington I. Chicago 2. Boston 4, Detroit. 1. Philadelphia 10. SL Louis . New York 1. Cleveland 2 (eleven Innings. The Big I -league standings to date: National league . ut ucicncc uuui which was voiruv 1. Chicago hafe Uken place June 15 or 16. 'Third Division SoWthern Section PhlladelDhta fighting anywheie In this country Bournemouth and Boscombe 0. Pituhunr ' FOR RENT chiefly from the head of the C.P.R. who is in full confi clean, well - furnished modern dence of the shareholders and, doubtless, is speaking for apartments: Phone Red 444. tf. them when he suggests the two systems should be amal-' FOK SALF iramated. . . '- : It. is also nnintpd nut that railwavs todav are a liabil- 011 Sale-imt deluxe Fordor Town 3. o witl, n mW nf fTn?t0,1 Sfnfofcl Sedan, good as new; mileage 15,-1 ipswicn iTjwn u. Maas-fleM Town 4. Exeier City 2. I norinampion lown u. crystal Palace 0. I NotU County 0. Bristol City 0. Port Vale 1. Clapton Orient 1. Boston Queen's Park Rangers 1. South- Louis lend United 1. Cleveland Swindon Town 3, Torquay Unl-(pnlIade,ph,a York City 2. Southport 3. Lincoln Cltv 2. Doncaster 5. 'No Scottish games scheduled.) Keep up to dale. Advertise re?ij. larly. rF?: IB r VHow dort you?" "Bellev it or not, I'm looking lot a SmmI Cop!" SWEET .CAPQRAL CIGARETTES "TUt purtit form in nhhh loboico tan bt tmairj." W. A ... . 7 . 7 7. 0 .6 . S American lacue Boston S New York - .8 Chicago S Washington 7 Detroit ,? 5 5. 4 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for 'Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVErtl TUBS' T.S.8. CARD EN A FRIDAY, PAY, Jt30,p.m. 10:30 pjtu Due .Vancouver, Triors. ,m. Doe Vancouver, ;Moriday .m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 I Pet .815 .SSI 1 81 AM A29 .429 .727 .C97 .843 JSZZ .400 .385 .385 -398 Third Division Northern Section -Chester 3. Bradford City 2. j .Robert Gordon ift on test eve-Oateshead 1. Carlisle ynlted 1 nlng"s train for Terrace enroute Hartlepool United 0. Wrexham to LakeUe Lake where he has 0. tland Interests. Stockport Cfunty 3. Halifax j O. P. Tinker returned to the city on the- Prince Rupert Thursday night from a trip to Stewart in his capacity as Masonic district deputy grand master. George Cripps. who made, the trip with him, also returned. House Furnishing TIllltD avem'i: riione nitEEN i SPORT CHAT piece of cartilage removed fr-tn hla nthttur atfn l&n vMri 3 ffn four year-- ; of 60X100 j three-yej,; in the ti- dUn Uru- - Paul Dean. youngr broihr oi C. Taylor ; the Duay-Daffy piwhlng team of bind third the St Louu CardlnaU. had a lUrry Siffa.1 tarto b-vb VALUES 4-Piece Bedroom Suit fVinritta of vanltv dreaxer m.ith laru ' teivffiaridtfull alie bed. "-2J ' ' - Special $62.00 6-Piece Dinette fMtura.tutnrftl nr ItnVv niim1 finUh .. . I MUh upIWlUred slip seaU Special $67.50 Values in Blankets All wool plnt blankeU guaranteed to be r rmtmifaeture TtiHr excellence U well knm,-Color Slie. Wetg) Orey.3ifc point 3x21 10 lbs Pair .Orterl or scarlet 3x81 10 tb: ELIO'S Friday. The operation rertored ome I'r of Daffy's pttehlnjg prowess and h;w" rV pitched a few games later In th " ,' ' 1937 season but wa reflated to0,rs,i' . the minors last year. Now he , f( , baek for another try m the ma-in?m ' o 8 a a 0 o Cigarette Llthters 0 Cigarette Hair S From ilalr Ilrushes Kaxors From .Mirrors Candle .Holders Pair t ft nasi w at 35c'75cM A. O R;x Dold Venture, longest-shot 1n-:the Imprn.r t. ner In lt years, nosed out BrtV.tjr. evening v 4-to-S favorite, to win the Clnd, Terrace v. running of the Kentucky Derby.! baek on to: .. $13: Prince giKIl i-l ii Special Prices 1 1 tM til ts 1 C .-J 1 . IT n .1'- 0O0O0000000OOOOO0OOOOOt3OOOOtnOOOOO00C0C:r t 0 Clearing Odd Lines 70.cSL65,Sy . C5c Sl-1 15c u 50c S:hJ"",u" w 10c to 85c s,hn,, r.c. 30 9ff. Uad rfnfl1- 10c I uv Dozen Glass Hower ,Vae- 65C g Claw Cigarette Ibises and Ah Trss 65C 1 9 ram fiJ P nil iti.nu. tJm Pair . ! , AND NiiMnnous oTiir.n iirjws Ormes Ltd. Jionter Druqgists K The Resall Store Phone: Open Dally from ajn. till P1"-Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon jlll i p.m. till 9 p.m. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtHJOOOOOOOOOOIKlOOOOOOOO I CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Rett Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK t: '1 tl Ontometrii1 RojslH