Bnturday. May ,-lM9. K Watch Fpr ANNETTE'S GIGANTIC Removal Sale Canada's Royal fliiest ROUTE LIES OYER WIDE STREETS IN Gateway to Great Open "Spaces of Northwest Territories, City Prepares welcome for Royal -Party EDMONTON, May G: (CP) Gateway to the north ve t and capital of 31-year-old Alberta, Edmonton plans a r'asinir welcome to Jvincr George and jQueen Elizabeth v. hen they visit the city June j2 on their tout Qf Canada. i' timing east after the vusit to the Pacific coast and a full-da stop at Jasper in the llocky Mountains, Their Majes- ' i jin win neao inroutn loav rid woodland Into Edmonton they will soend seven hours t ided by a fur trader In 1779 imed after a suburb of Lon-AJbrrta capital plans a par- xtended over 12 mll The t V 109th Street, the motorcade. t- rait at the leelilatlve buildings v ... re nw portraits of Their Ma-:c have been hung ln honor.of r visit After the halt at the c .ntie the tour of the city ana w the University of Alberta a. .dings. Across the new high level bridge cv r the North Saskatchewan River. . K.nir and Queen will enter the " rmer r ity of Strathcona, amalga-- -ted with Edmonton In 1912. Here Sin the mrade will travel along Alberta s capital A state dinner will conclude the -al visit to the city that had lts crj;Jn in old Fort Edmonton, and r-"hed city status 30 years ago. j : WILL FURNISH HOSPITAL ROOM .re itself was named after the d daufhter Of Queen Vfctorta 'Wonun's Auxiliary Decide To Join f entered Confederation in v,lh 4n AJting fine New Building day will be a holiday and Women.g Aax,llary u. u,c ,,, Canadian Legion, at the i? points ana even aisiani oi of the uie North liwxn West w Terri- scm- monlhy m re tine on Twenty -Five Of the regular Thursday nl-ht rild, .to ,oln w,.h lr. greatest attention U being , Ufk)n (urnUh,n8 a complete hildren of Edmonton and )nuot General Hosoltal bulldlni. ding districts. Bleacher jietWon to this effect was r mg bum specially tor me ;naQ ater hearing lrom jaelc f, to view the nrocewion. ;n; at the autlon. Their wno tojd of having visited the new c? will be greeted by Lieu- building whlchi he ald. was one O ternor Do en and Mrs. of uwinert he had -ever wen. Premier William Aberhart xw Auxiliary, at the name meet -Mr Aberhart and Mayor J. jnlt appointed tfor the-spring sale F and Mrs Pry. The procea- l0 be held on June 2. The event v.,:i start shortly after the ar- be under the general rconven-. " he royal party In the city ' mhlp Qf Mrs William Rothwell. Airport 1'or North Xtrs Robert Murray, president, T parade route will take Their was In. the tfhalr at .the meeting :rt to the municipal airport, at which there was a large at-? f Uie best known in therDom- tendance! . . i i th tmnrt Uihaie of north- FoDowlhr .the business sesslonJ r' ing Its volume of business refreshmenU were served and Tar mrluded 11 J18 passengers, some of the 'ladles stayed for "'fiia pounds of express and brldpe ; :.t anrt 1J6J18 pounds of mall ' a. been the stooping point on ,d -girdling nights and starting f r scores of mercy flights In-Ar tic region. U ins southward along 100-foot Years Ago May C. 1SH According to ngures submitted -to' the city council, the Shawatlaw UMve buildings, the party will Lake hydrO-electric power project ... alt llnvn, V IV yrm con Newton says nil the money U avalW, able. ntv solicitor Fred Peters had ruled that the city cannot regulate; restaurants obcratlng undertradcJ licences or prohibit tfiem from us Ing Oriental labor. The new nlanlnjr mill being er ected at the end of Third Avenue hear Cow Bay by J. c. uiers s nearln oompleUon and will soon be in operatloti. Headauartcrs ;for Your Tennis Supplies Before Buying a Tennis Racket See the .Beautiful New . t 1 ' C.CM. TENNIS RACKETS A Complete ,Llne of Quality Rackets at a I'rlre to Suit Every Pocket The Name '.'COM.".. a Guarantee of Honest1 Value GORDON'S MrltltlDE STREET Tor Satisfaction and Longer Ufe, Use nilNI.OP TENNIS nAi.l.s Tlie iLongest Wearing, Tonsliest ifTennls Ball Made WeAre Also Stocking CAMPBELL TENNIS . BALLS ,1'ressure Packed Alwaj-s I'tesh HARDWARE Phone 311 UNITED IN- Miss Elizabeth Grace Cheater Bride of F.Mn W. Johnson At I Pretty ni jlnleiesting i Crtmony A wedding of .outstanding inter est took jlice before a large gath ; erlns on Thursday .evening at 3 o'clock in St Andrew's .Anglican Oathdral, ;Be.v. ,E. ,W Slater of-! flclatlng, hen -Miss (Elizabeth Grace 'Cheater, vypungest daughter, qf j3 .Cheiiter jind .the .late Mr, Cheater jtt .Winnipeg, ;wos pnltetj in marrvase u ;bivin vW. jonnson, elder son of Mr. and .Mrs. O. A. LjQhnson.of Seventh. Avenue East. "I! qivep :ln .marriage by c. o. -R Anderson, (the bride was a -charm ing -picture In tripcess own of white ihand iflnhbed Aleneon lac1 ov?rbrldal atln .with long sleeved bolero and finger tip .length veil, embroidered in silver and .dropping from a halo crown of orapgt blossoms and saUn medallions. The bride's bouquet -was ,pf ,Hollywood roses .with tulle and ribbon stream ers, . Airs. tD. ,w. Taylor, jwho was matron .of ihonor? wore a prety azalea lrose ,net .dress with bouf (ant jktrt and chenille embrold ered bodice and bolero to match, carrying a satin muff .of (re$h (iowe,r and ,weanns wee gloves. Her ,ha.t was a -picture model p! ijlnk crpe de chine. The sroom was .attended by hi prpthtr. .Rajph Johnson. .Ushers were .t). .W. Taylor. Alex fltchejl, J ,G. Barrett and Sam lurmain. Peter Lien, at the pipe organ provided .wefldlng .music .and the .hQlr. nn&er choirmaster A. J, Lancaster, was in attendance. Mrs M. McLeod sang "All Joy Thine." Following the ceremony, a re feptlon was held at the Oddfel- jows' lull where the guests .were ftcelved by Mrs. ,N. McConachle) lister of the bride, who wore "rincess bolero gpwn of Ice blur georgette and a hat of lacy black rtraw. and -Mrs. O. A. Johnson nother of the groom, who wore triple sheer dress In bramble THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cflih for Old Ooid. Bulger. M. J. Dougherty, after a brief visit to the city, 'sailed by- the Prince John ast nigni on nis re turn to Allford Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands. Miss Betty Canieron R. who has been on a month's visa ur Ocean Falls, returned home Irons' the paper town on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. -Peter Lakle sailed last night on the Prince John to make the round trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands. He will disembark from the .Prince John at Ocean Fall and return from there on the Prince Rupert next Wednesday. Interior Man Sends Humorous Let. Business .at a meeting last night ter To Local Service Company Of the Sons of Norway Lodge was of a routine nature, rresiaem us-j car Sather was in the chair and! A radJo owner m here was a fair attendance oi with somethlne of members. At the close oi tne Business session, refreshments were served. ,JIarry Robb. who was Injured in an automobile smash-up op the Kalen Island Highway early yes terday morning, is reported from the Prince Rupert General Hospital to be doing nicely. The fact that Robb had to be. left lying for two hours on the wet grounds while his companions walked Into town to obtain aid for him as-rravated his condition. MUSIC CLUB- GUEST DAY Large AtUndance at Affair Yester day Afternoon In SL Andrew s Cathedral Hall The bridal couple, received thrjuence, on Music." Miss Ruth Nel- congratulatlons -of the assembled I , was guest artist for the after- friends under an arch of spring noon and jeiighted the audience Howers and foliage. The usua! wltn iws suifnlly played selections 'oasts were observed and the eve- he program was as follows: ilng was spent In dancing. De- .yocal soto. "June Is In My Heart," llclous refresliments, featuring i ,oraham Vaughn , Mrs. O. McKln-ovely wedding cake, which was Iey ut by the bride, were served. j pian0 solo. "Spring Dawn" Ma-The toast to the bride was pro- ,ricfl-canriee Wm. Mason). Mrs. od by Rev E. W. Slater and responded to bv the Rroom. Fred Coram proposed the toast to the matron of honor with the grooms man responding. Mrs. J. H. McLeod I I'ang "Alice Blue Oown" and ' When I Grow Too Old To Dream." Mrs. S. E. (Parker and Mrs. R. 5. Moore jxjured .and serviteurs, wire Mrs. William Trotter, Mrs. T n Qarrett. Mrs. W. J. Currle.1 ....j,.., r r t emith the Interior a sense of humor has sent his set into a city service company with the following accompanying letter: "I am sending you today one radio. This Is a vibrator set oper ating from a 6 volt battery. Th set Is about three years old and gave very good service till about six months ago when it began to go on strike'. Stations from 900 to 1700 first played out. They would come ln strongly for a few words.; then cut dead out, then come in again for a second or so at inter i vals. But now all we can get Is noise. The set does not seem to be able to convert the sounds Info music or words. This may or may not give you some clue to the d!s-m nffllptinff the noor thine. The tubes were all new lasi shape considering the price the; little darlings are sold at. "Personally I think that prob ablv all that is required Is a J , I couple of new vibrator points turn: aa tt. . T tn.A ,v,. ,mM. mi tlv andlenee for a Guest Day oil the .Ladles' Music Club at St. An- oe in me souna-ou. in uic drew's Cathedral Hall yesterday af-1 In the condensers or In the Lord tM-nrvm Mrs. Shelf ord Darton. the '.knows what I flont. oresldent. welcomed the uesU with berry shade. Jacket ensemble with J a tcw appropriate; "remarks Mrs. hadow lace bodice and a hat of ta e. Moore was fn charge of the Boku straw with accessories tojDrogranl ancj ma an inspiring pa match. I oer on "Spring. Its Bearing and In T. A. McWaters! Vocal solo. "All the World Is Sunshine." K. McFarlanet. Mrs. Jar- vis McLeod. Vocal solo. "A Bird Sang ln the Rain," iHaydn-Wood), Mrs. B. Piano solo, "Rustle of Spring 'H. N. music was by vCharlle Balagno's Bro,klesbv and Mrs. j. G. McKln Orchestra.. jey Later ln :the evening, Mr and VocaJ ,.1 ln the Mr Mrs. Johnson saUed .on the .Prince d ?, (Robt MrJ s D Rupert for. whence they Jonston l!!'-ntfflV Piano solo. "ValsC Opus 42. tr-ThebrideW.a.FTe and ,lf;.x .Were a Blrd- model Wealed pocket dress o! t.r.w. ..... xt.i- urenai spmrr the nduejon of the Dr0!rram. I I f rrL Z L?t tea was served. Mrs. J. B. Olbson' MAxtelJtotgUn. t. A. McWaters had,. black and' srenat with matchlne chargc of decorallons and re.';C accessories. '.fchmpnts The table was lovelvli n, lh!ln r!rn with a handsome lace cloth and a coHRle will ake up .residence at at . P(.ntrenl. of SDrlnB $ 723 Sixth Avenue West. ... mrr(tnnAL. hr n.w: VW K-ffiS taV in silver holders. Mrs. J. H.5 yXit mZ McLeod and Mrs- Bernard Lundahl General fl: Th.e iJSSS Poured while members of the clubji X, Suirt listed in serving the many guesu.1? Xe Hies. Out of town .guests JU the wedding included Mrs. ,N. McConachle of Rivers, Manitoba, and Mrs. J. Cheater of Edmonton. Eleven 'babies ifor examlnatloniand advice at the fih,r. Mlis E. D. Priestley 'R. N., public ihealth nurse. nurse. at-Borden at4 -Borden 8treet 8treet jSchool Man in the Moon ; it looks as If the chief question . on any examination paper today were presented snoukl be "Do you know how td nachnll is ffolnnr stronc in the oriM staU,s and sortban m this jweek. Next Tuesday .inv ,.v Men a ,uie cwucwui'Dc -v rvuiB -uwuro tennis racket Is all right If you .High -School, kepp strlngtng tt along. Advertising is in Investment. ! I What the world Is wondering Is 1 where will Hitler break out next? "However, if you will have your Announcements Alldverllsenenu in Xhi co limn will be charged for ful month at 25v a word. Milk Fund Tea May 6. Eastern Star Tea at Mrs. Sgt Gammon's home. May 9th. Presbyterian May 11. Orange Spring Hall. May 17 n.m. rea. Mrs. Lakie's j Piano duet. Columbine." (L. L. Cambral Spinster's Spree. May Dellahae. Mrs. W. L. Stamford andl Mrs. E. J. Smith. . '' Sale. Metropol Bridge Drive 8:30) Mrs..Frank,Gla,Mr?,Alv.KUtch- vVoca,ol0i -The Sweet O' IheLWlf?" 11. Mrs. ,C. H Insulander. MUslT )Chas WUleby). Mrs. R. G. Oddfellow's Hall. May 1,. lleien .Mcipn, ua io 1 t,re(, r. Miss Norma Rogers, KDss Olive p. . , SnrlnM (Grelai. Gordon. AIlss Isabel Brannen and Mrs H Q johnsen. Miss ;Lllllan Moss. Vocal ouartette "Welcome Pretty Alex Mitchell .was master of -eremonles for the .evening and Primrose.' Mrs. S. D. tPinsutl).. Johnston, Mrs. Mrs. Large, IS. Hospital Tea, Nurses' Home, May Navy League Ball May 19. .Boys' Band bridge drive .Legion Hail. May 26. Women's Auxiliary Canadian! Legion Spring Sale June 2. -! 5 NEW j FURNITURE STORE Next Door to BC. Clothiers ew and Second Hand Fur- Radios, Bedroom Suites, Ches-ternelds Dining room Suites, I Etc. Stock Now Arriving WATCH FOR OPENING Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 expert examine its Interior organs and let me :.haVe his diagnosis with an approximate estimate of Hotel Arrivals cost .of putting it in working con- " r dltlon, I will then know what thl Royal . -do about It. I didn't mind spend-j R. Bartlett and W. Huck, Tonight's tram, due from the ,ng a xeW .dollars or) it but dontjmor; 8. Arakawa. city. casi ai li ociock, waa reponea mrA it worth a million. Bnt it's; prnte Rupert (t this afternoon to be on time. Tony Christian, who sustained Injuries yesterday ln an accident with lumber which he was carry- badly hurt. HIS RADIO WAS SICKi rather a Isn't it." Most people read the classified ing on his truck, was able to leave ads. Do you? the Prince Rupert General Hospl- tal today for home. Ho was not - nice piece .of furniture, J. S. Nelson. Smlthers; JI, If. Silverthom, Billmor: E. Morll aral F. Lobb. Vancouver. i I Central X I Norah Stensrud and Sara M-ihansen. Vancouver. NOTICE Our dally delivery for the summer months will start Monday at i No delivery Sunday afternoon. Those in need ot milk -Phone 10. for Special Delivery. Dominion Dairy SUNDAY-MAY14 RCA. Victor Radio Kelvinator Jlome Ref rieerator is MOTHER'S DAY By all means send HER a card- We have a beautiful selection from which to make your choice Jlut .Here is a Better Suggestion Ijct Us Jnstal for Her a New Singer Sewing Machine Easy Washer or -lroner The Big 4 an Modern Home Making .Conveniences Let ITs Explain Our Low Cost Budget Plan It Pays for Itself THE ANNUAL SELF - DENIAL EFFORT May 1 to May 20 In Aid of Our World-Wide Social Service When Called on Please Give Liberally To the Service That Succeeds SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! eallMg t OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEt Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the'Eaat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, ete, call or write ,Clty Ticket Office, 616 3rd Ave. V-17-29 WWWW.SSVVVWWWAW ? DAY and NIGHT J Phone I 13 Taxi i PAT MAZZIE 5 Opp. Post Office, 4tb Bt 4 f 1 '1