.a j salutes and squad- ar roared overhead. passed out Into the ;H two long line of risers, aircraft C 'oj-ers The King -M nn deck of thp Un-: ,he treat demonslra- ' 1 Dnor and waving to i. . the eve oi leaving t r King had a meeting j ( : of Lords and con-x. h rr, misters of the gov-1 I r ht Their Majesties - r me of United States - and Mrs. J. P. Ken-:f whose nine children - f ir the occasion, x weeks absence of the 1 Q::cen will mark the th Krtvrrrlsns ? H meJand since their ac- i a x rnlnt Br tUh King na.s r--i rl h( rviminlnns. Immediate nupr Of War o " wir i miru mates uuiiRitrs- sional Committee ALDINGTON. D. O, May 0: C arln A. Undbcrgh has cx- r.s) committee that there is irr.r.dlatB dancer of war in i o- -o i rv J naior uroppea tllon nf $71,:7fl Fraud Against nice Logan Is Withdrawn in Nova Scotia Court TTAWA. Mav : (CP) A two I r bid charge against Senator 'ce Logan of Parrsboro, Nova Of nhtnlnlnir 71.27fl from Dominion government by false re e-.entatlnn In rvinnwtlnn with it War reparations was wlth-WI In magistrate's court here. nrlnv'c Rnceliali Naflittinl 1fftriiA 1 Louts 2, New York 6. "Icago 4, Brooklyn 3. ULsburg 0, Philadelphia 1. 'nclnnatl C, Boston 4. TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourix P. P. jlopnjftpo C.) Vancouver Big MlMOurl. .15. Bralorne. 11.00. Cariboo QuarU. 5.14. Dcntonta, J)2s. Falrvlew. .04. Gold Belt, .48. Hedley Mascot. .90. Mlnto. .01 H. Noble Five, .02. Pacific Nickel. .15. Pcnd Oreille. 1J7. Pioneer, 2J0. Premier 1.92. Privateer, 1.13. Itecve McDonald, 2. Reno. J8. Relief Arlington, .09 j. Reward, .03. 8almon Oold, .10. Sheep Creek. 1.07. Cariboo Hudson, .23. Hedley Amal, .04 ask. Oils A. P. Con, .15. Calmont, .34. C. k E., 2.00. Freehold, .04 ask. Home. 2.15. Pacalta. .05. Royal Canadian, .17. Okalta, 1.03. Mercury, .06. Prcarlc Royalties. .19V'. Toronto Aldermac, JlVj. Bcattle, 1.19. Central PaU 2.30. Con. Smelters, 46.75. East Malartlc, 2.34. Fcrnland, .04. Francoeur, .17. Gods Lake, .34. Hard Rock, 1.12. Int. Nickel, 48.00. Kerr Addison, 1.64. Little Long Lac, 2.75, McLcod Cockshutt, 2.01. Madscn Red Lake, .37. McKcnzle Red Lake, U0. Moncta, 1.05. Noranda, 78.50. Pickle Crow, 4.90. Preston E. Dome, 1.41. San Antonio, 1.53. Sherrltt Gordon, .98. Stadacona, .57. Uchl Gold, 1.34. ' Bouscadlllac, .05. Mosher, .14. Oklcnd, .07'j. Smelters Gold, .034. Dominion Bridge, .27. She TrriTf T-..1 It,.., rt, mm LrM. I I IL X --- ' J CJ ' i i i v. i: i. a ..... ..-.i:-. Jr.. -.afternoon on uieir epucnai voyage to anaua aim ;4,l ttnfna A irr:it nnvi1 rnnvnv irnmn;inff.1 ,nr.wi L'tHivw i-i ........ j j . trnltrd Slate Is Socndinr Two IHlllon lire Hundred War J runes And two Huge lUttleships WASHINGTON. D. C. May :--Urinelni: un to a total of two bll- Jlon dollars the United defence anDroprlatlons for th i.i. Unite NOT SATISFIED TOKYO, May 6: (CP) Sir Robert Craiie, Rrilish ambassador In Tokyo, described as "entirely unacceptable" the Japanese esplanatlon that anti-aircraft units were located near the consulate at Chuntklnr, thus ac-countnle for the bombing of the Foreign diplomatic officials ed today in the general flight the bomb-wrecked city parts whirh ar ilH hurnlni from the air 4 raids. The BriUsh consulate and 1 f mbassy-rnflyed f fwn-4adly'damag - on Friday. 5c W. F. Stono will sail tomorrow night on the Catala for a business " trip to An'yox. 0 Halibut Sales Summary American 14,000 pounds, and 5.5c. Canadian 30,000 pounds. and 5c and 7.3c and 5c. American Aeglr. 14,000. Cold Storage, and 5.5c. Canadian Dovre B., 19.000, Cold Storage, 7.3c and 5c. Cape May. 11,000. Atlln, 6.9c and Harold Ickes To Be Father Soon Sccrtary of Interior Reveals That Stork Is Expetced In Fall I WASHINGTON. D. C, May 6:- Secretary of the Interior Harold t. Irkes reveals that an addition to the family Is expected In the fall. He was married a few months ago. Japan Would Like the annual midshipman'! training; cruise of three United States battle- i , ships to European Europea,n waters " this year y.f uled, but will remain closer to home waters. They will be away until the end of August. TO W f ,A n i NEV LOAN - Pm Million MJIi, Hum n nn fit nn a Join COAL MINE S OI t To Become Friends nourtlnt Favor of Great Britain, France and United Mates as Well As Germany and Italy TOKYO, May 6: The government of Japan Is moving to iirenathen Its friendly relations with Qrcat Britain, France and STRIKE.0N ,ed buildings to the south bank of (etlf Half .Million Men Walk rver the Yangste River. Gut In United SUtes In Protest Before tne raias on weanesaay Against Open Shop 'and Thursday the British consulate ' tSW 'miners walked out this week. The Pennsylvania antharlcite area Is not affected as yet by the .strike. I Mayor Fiorella LaGuardla of ;New York threatens that, If the strike continues, the city of New York will be forced to change Its 6!J 'power plants from coal to oil .burning In which case they would I never be changed back, resulting 7f iln serious loss for both coal mine .operators ana iniutia. Sfotas m - omorrow s i laes 141 Capitol TAXI 3:11 am 20.0 ft. 10:13 pjn. 18.1 ft. 9:55 a.m. 3.1 (t. Maccy's Coffee House 22:03 pin. IS ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER (In Iflfl. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1939. PRICE: 5 CENTS p tant New Mortgage Legislation rt l n 1 I IIIHHII I .11111.11 H I'llllll ii rillvi wvam wvi it a a vui J aw - . . - Portsmouth loday Un hpoch- Making Voyage To This Landl. llfETD TTD Tfnrlo Wc Naw AT IIANPF lC D L" 1U!11 TVT-i. . "U ixn innrrnn BOMBING "Ul "V" KfcJLULU - . r'lne Weather In Central China Favor Deadly Operations of Japanese Airmen Evacuating Summer To Europe WASHINGTON. D. C, May 0: ; Secretary of the Navy Claude A.j Swanson announced yesterday than Great Britain .May Not Accept After All To Military Agreement With Russia ; i Still Negotiating j reports earlier in the day that ,the British government had ac cepted a plan of Russia to form a British-French-Soviet military al- lliance. It was stated last night I that a message had been sent to Moscow by Great Britain statin? ... . :r.wV. rV .Z Z and Great Britain. debentures .guarantee U smaller: nations. FbreTsn Office spokesmen, h'ow- refused to confirm or deny this or other reports buliamgs naa oeen openeu a NEW yoRK. May 6: involving Af-ifll KPIlPl shelter ror me vrnnese. oubw an estimated 466,000 miners in ai quenUy 'iwmbs had fallen In the all parts 0f tne country, the larg- r n Li- ct'.iipuunu, est coal miners sinse m mc ma- XUTTU UvlUii situ thirty Chlriese and bounding fllty- 'tory of the United States Is under five. way. It has been called by the; The M?thodlst hospital and mis- Unltcd Mine workers of America - .,. 1 $W86J of W-hich h ritv C.tv slon could not be reached because roli0wlng the unsuccessful fight Total as ;of fires but It Is said that oi, Icjr-., jpfppalacnian soft coal miners! as To -"8-7J .lirn.ri Ihnro roarhM safety. rxanoral fThlnntr K"aUKhpk hlmSClf Avn at far a In twaawB o CArVllUa nsumed direction of civil evacuation th Parlfte Northwest where the Total of municipal relief disbursements during the month of April this year was $2,586.35 as compared with $2,740.20 in March and $2,689.45 in February. It was 'announced at the City Hall today The city's share of this relief for April was $578.73 as against $609.03 In March and $602.64 In February Provincial relief administered fmm th ntv Hall in Anril was 1167.85 as compared with in March and $213.25 in February Famous Duthie Mine Near Smithers Leased And Will Go Into Operation Again v ntroduced at Ottawa By Finance Minister a:i far as Lands Lnd where the most of the ships Con Consuut7",, Attacked " -iWp1.to Lack of official statement Make. Interest Rates Would Be Brought Down, Debts Adjusted i 1.v,nrr two hattlft pni sprs in -irrnmnnnv . ... has been cancelled owing to the," , cHl,tlnn v. M--- A vnilahlpTpntrn Mnrttrafre .---, -- w . - - s ,- ..-- tmtftttl tt,i-tinn anrnan I -..-. r . the part way con Majesties will land at! M: 15 to travel across r . Pacific Coast and i i.ic Journey to the Un- ' and Queen travelled : in a special train. hi Duke and Duehnts the Duke and Duch- and Princesses Ellza-! aret Ros accompan- far to wish them bon was In festive drc lies. BIG BUDGET ON DEFENCE - ' .Tn lwve June 2. .at iched-! tdndon. Mav -" 6: :. T In solte of ' Bank to be Incorporated OTTAWA, May 6: (CP) A far-reaching plan to bring down mortgage interest rates, adjust mortgage debts and inject new money into the mortgage business was disclosed in the House of Commons today as Hon. Charles A. Dunning, . minister of finance, introduced a bill i v rrtt 1 1- ...111 that such an alliance was not ac-,to incorporate a central mortgage oann. xne panK win ceptable at thl time. ,have a share capital of $10,000,000 Today, lacking official statement wholly owned Dy me government q ATICLICIl conflicting reports, there was and will be officered by cmeis oi lx I l ir.ll fii SnVi' waralLnn I we tV- Canada Issue Is Coming Up uncertainty as to the standing cf 'he Bank of Canada. It will have lT!ia?!n?.L .nn Next Week 'the nfgotlatlon, between Russla.the power to Issue $200,000,000 In romi-. . .. .hi. nrovtslonal caDltal OTTAWA, May 6: ICPI- Hon. ivan aiaissy. nussian aiuoaa- j o.-.-.-tnungting. me provisional cupudi. . . . n. nn rn..un rotor nn mnmiM owirs , ,. . j .u. unaries a. uunning. mmisier oi or w uuiuun. u, .u..j... .UMtis w" .- .. ... ( Elders "- announced today that the Secretary Halifax and discussed in Canada on the rate of Interest operations of the tWlr air raiders, brinz- brtn?- w.Hn.,. nrMt nntain s counter nroDOsa't Mid on Dominion eovemment se- tlme. It will and will not con- nrnvlnrlal lpeLslatlon COV- O . L ... J . ...VW " f ' " O The government was said by on? .erning mortgages, debt adjustments r on.i!b'i souree to have ac- land real DroDertv. cepted In principle the Soviet pro- Any established company In the (nr mutual niftanpr aXW- hutln nf Ipndin? mnnev in mort- : ance among Great Britain, France gages may become a member of the 'ana nussia uui ii uc ouuv cenirai mortgage uui. modifications oi Moscow s wiaer suggestions for a comprehensive Johnstown Is Winner LOUISVILLE, May 6: (CPt Two Arrests In Tavern Slaying WITH BECK Britain and France Regard His Re ply to Hitler as Masterpiece-Danzig Plebiscite Cancelled HITLER'S INTRIGUE WARSAW, lay 6: (CP) Transcontinental Press News Agency reported today that Germany had twice offered Pol- and a part of the Soviet Ukraine V t "and" "compensations' in Lithu-JJanU it Poland would join the "Stelch in"an"altack -npon-'fie' Soviet Union. j LONDON, May 6. (CPi Oeneral satisfaction has been expressed In 'British and French official circles (at the reply of Polish Foreign Mln- ister Joseph Beck to Germany In which the demands of cnanceuor Johnstown, the lavorue, won .u. d,( the Kentucky Derby today. rfiVa r ,h 4-ChaUedon was second ana t,"1- 4 Heather Broom third Wrajr uiii uu&u - - ,were firmly rejected although the .irioor was left open for further nparpful npeotlations. I In Paris a profound Impression I appeared to have been made by the i tone of Beck's message. One of-I flclal described it as a "masterpiece I of diplomatic style, effectively em-. bodying firmness without provo- lnHnn'" Pair of Men Taken Into Custody Meantime, It Is announced that At Detroit In Connection With Poland has delivered to the Ger-Hold-up At Chicago man Foreign Office in Berlin a memorandum embodying the prln- DETROIT. May 6: Orvllle Wat-.cpies set out by Beck as he spoke TTHtr tn nllev havp been ' Kfnr tho PnlUh Parliament ves- $169.05' arrested here In connection wlthterday when he was continuously 1 . . At i j i U am1U earlier In In t . & a-J U thunderous ViinAfriiB art the attempted hold-up interrupted by ap- tne weeK oi a ciucagu aiise. me memurauuuiu ucviai- when one man was shot and kill-'es, as Beck said In his speech, that ed and two policemen wounded, (the Pomorze (Polish corridor) and Weather Forecast .rights in Danzig belong to Poland which will not give them up. The German claims are called one-sided demands in which the element of i .... rpurnuht ihtxAisa the courtesy otj reciprocity Is lacking. th Dominion Mteoroio8ici Bureau at Poland Is willing to negotiate, the Victoria and Prince Rupert. This xor-- i u. from ohaerratlons M- lueuwiauuum ... esst u compiled SAITTHRRS Mav 6. Negotiations nave apparently lkea s am. kui ki covers th 33 basis of peaceful intentions and been co mnte whereby the well known Dutbie mine prop- 5 Ucefui methods of action and uteii v j U,"JU Piessnre has as regards matters not dlrect- Nnrthnver and White of' General Synopsis- only lias been leased to Messrs o"fto ana mie 01 erty coast but con.. affectln Polkh -ereignty over Hedley and Will Very snortiy go lnio operauon uBam "Unueshlghsouthwest of Vancouver the corridor and rights in Danzig, a small scale for the present. Messrs Nortpover aildIsland -Xneweather has been some-J Beck's reply concluded with em-White are expected to arrive in Smithers in about ten ' wnat unsettled In most parts of this phasis on the Polish desire for days to start getting ready for this ' 1 province. peace but declared: "We In Poland work Mountain and Is about fourteen prince Rupert and Queen Char- do not know the conception of Mr. isonnover wuicu u i huiv . , . 0 iuvtv WM...W. - Duthle Mine ten years ago when the good road all the way from the winds, unsettled and cool one thing In the life of men and property was In full swing and sol town to the mine. 1 with showers. (nations and states which is without u 10 verv luminal familiar with n.... the mine and' . The buildings on the property) west Coast of Vancouver Island i price and that is honor. . .... .. . . u n. 1 J. r 1.,. .14I1..J. I, with local conditions, having been nave an oevn m ouac n-esn soum 10 soumeasi, wuius, as a result vi nnnuuc, , a resident In Smithers lor some auruis uuc u mmc " '"" ciouay ana umu u mun ituiicu uw, u kii-uhuuhu- years. He has recently oeen a lore man at the Hedley Mascot mine i closed down, a watchman having! :been continuously employed on the; . jlion pieDisciw: wxutii was iiuc R. F. Basham, who has been upn held bv Germany in Danzig It is ejected that there will only, premises. 'here lor over a ear acting as ... . abandoned. However, the be a small crew starting work but It With any kind of an .vance timekeeper for Bennett & White is hoped that it will develop into a' the price 01 suver ana icaa is wniracung vo. on 'eaer-i uuuu-. ------ - - - j larger oneratlon I quite likely that this property would ing and hospital construction, In Danzig to decide whether it The Duthle Mine (now known as soon oe resvu---u its uiu uiii-aii.u un uic -.,.,-..o ..v.w...51luUU kvuiu m uummij uc- the Smithers Mines Ltd.) is a well tance and be going at lull strengin..iast night to pay a visu to nis:llevcd today. to have been taken b- ui-v,.nrart- sllvrr nroriprtv: The operation oi me. property (u ..-ue Kninfr vnrv hioh vmm aeo meant a creat aeal to iduuiv vi uiv 4 -'r. ..-I--- ... . . . t 4 i- i - j .ha imrn nf Rm tnPM nnn trt -11 1 D n a. nt f ) . a came. tTm M A f IhV V 1 1 V P r . It IS lUCHLfU Ull UlC vvw ---..w.- of Hudson Bay district as a whole. . time as with Germany and Italy the west slope home at Kelowna after which he will proceed to Prince George In connection with the new Post Of fice construction there. Poreltfn Minister from Berlin to Milan for his conference with Italian Foreign Minister Clano. : la V7