Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulation DAILY EDITION A VOICE OF DISSENT 9$ 86 Thursday, August 24, 1939. EDITORIALS EMPIRE A UNIT One feature of the present crisis is the Empire unity that has been shown. Every Dominion and most of the colonies have evidently been indicating to the British government that they are with them to the full extent of their resources. While Canada has not officially declared herself, Prime Minister Mackenzie King has undoubtedly kept the British High Commissioner informed of the recommendation he will make to Parliament and has assured him that Parliament will accept his recommendations. Canada's stand is obvious. VOICE OF CANADA If the war comes today or tomorrow and Canada is; asked vhat she will do about it, the voice of Canada will be as the voice of one man We think we can hear thatj voice sweeoing through the nine provinces, the Yukon a"- ; the NorthWest Territories and it is doubtful if there willj be a dissenting sound. It will be a voice of protes ara'n't the use of f orcean the settlement of international disoutes If the voun? men of today find it necessary to sacrifice themselves it will be to save those of future generations. . i AN EXCELLENT CHOICE Thoee who. met Commissioner and Mrs. Car-rente when they were in Prince Rupert feel sure that the Salvation Army heads made no mistake in choosing them t control the destinies of the world wide organization succeeding Commissioner Eyerigeline Booth. Commissioner Carpenter was appointed territorial commander for 1937. He is an Australian by! birth. j Accompanied by Mrs. Carpenter, General Carpenter j visited Prinze' Rupert last fall. and spoke at many meet-j ings and before several organizations. He made a fie impression here and there are those locally who will be gratified'at his choice as the new head of the Army, dissent from two local residents who think that Canada' should remain aloof in these troublous times. In this dem-j ocratic country every man has a right to his opinion and to express it. May we just draw attention to the fact that ' the solidarity of the Empire and the need of speaking as German or Hussian rule they would not be allowed to give voice to dissident opinions such as they have expressed The Daily News Is a member ol the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, pf the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership in these organizations. Fraser Street and McClymont Park teams played to a six-all iie in a Junior Baseball League tame on Wednesday. Players on both sides showed ability and promise and it was a keenly contested jame. Batteries were Arney. Bill and Pavlikis for Fraser Street and Macdonald and Zbura for Me-Clymont Park w4th teams as BUL Barton, Gurvieh. Cook, Ktt- las. Vuckovieh and Pastnk. McClymont Park Zbura, Mao- 'donald, Seherk, Kingston. Simon- sen, Santerbane, P. Kaide and Astori. Clifford Roberton was umpire. Baseball Scores American League New York. 11: St. Louis. 5. Washington. 1: Detroit, 8. Philadelphia. 2-2: Cleveland. Boston. 1: Chicago. 3. National League St. Louis 5; Philadelphia. Chicago. 6: Boston. 1. Plttsburgg 4. New York. 3' Cincinnati, 2 Broofcya. 4. 6. CONNECTIONS WANTED WEST African importers and turers. Samples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, prin- Page two Prlda AuguM FT" THE DAILY ;j. 'DEEP PLAN New Salvation Army Head BROKEN LINE Is Known In Prince Ruoert IS BEHIND SPECIALS JAP MOVE Ladles' White Straps, Pumps, and Oxfords, various heels. Values to $3.95 $1.95 26 pairs Sample Shoes. Size 4, Cracia make, beautiful designs. $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoe? THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Aftenvon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PPIJ.BM :- - - Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week .. Paid in advance, per month ...:.....- By mall to all pans of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mail to all other countries, per year w . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion ... .12 .50 3.00 9D0 2 2 COMMISSIONER AND MRS. CARPENTER LONDON August 25 CP -Commixsiuner George L Carpenter of Canada was yesterday elected commander-ai :uef of the Salvation Army with rank of General sur ceding Gt r.eraJ Evangeline Booth who is retiring because of the aye Urn. Juniors Play Baseball Game SPORT CHA1 Jimray Taylor was net diseour- -A. Cambridge University boat crew started their South African tour by defeasing an Orange Free State crew by three-quarters of a length, over a, Jtbree-quarter mile course at Kroonst&d. London Caledonians, famed am- By MORGAN M. BEATTY Associated Press Staff Wnt-T WASHINGTON. Aug. 25 AP The abrogation of the Jspanrx. American trade treaty of 19 convinces knowing observers tius .v unied States Stale lpait ment it trying u kUl 10 xuu- with one stone. ( Whether Cordell Hail" note c : compllshes its purposes cannot bt! known, of course. lot some time But it Is generally atrred that; Jtese are his targets: j 1. To keep Japan guesting and! thtrtby strengthen the America.! i position in the Par East. Nobody.' least of all Japan, can gueas what attitude the United States wlH u-. toward an embargo against Japan at the end of the six months period required before the treaty is repealed. Mr. Hull has long tried to keep other nation i guessing about American policy j . T . .7 . I . J . I Uclt popular in iiiLTiiiLiuiiai i Jti&. rt ui ami iaw - r other players in the dark about your hand. 2. To observe strictly international law and thereby accent, by rnntratt the inferene that Jana 1 is among those outlaw aggrrsyi'j nations the United States has so' often condemned In recent years. Japan's first aggression in Chin.1, for Instance, is condemned as a violation of the nine-power treaty guaranteeing the Integrity of China. 3. By using the word "abrogate." and by adopting a mild tone, to take a step from which it will always be possible to recede without losing prestige, or without involving Japan officially to ageo at inuawng iwenuewi m ms charge that the U. S. is using bluff first ra:e at Catterick Bridge race and unfair economic pressure Ab. track in LondotL For Jtamy. tt- rogation, In Uv, U an Inoffenstv pound apprentice jockey, is only 10 method of repeal. If the state de-years old and "vault quite last " partment had renounced th' treaty, that would have implifd There Is na holding "Big Bill' the United States was on the Illdaa. The vjferan United States point of breaking off commercial tetsnis star played Lester Stolen relations with Japan, an un friend - terore sjww spectator m Leicester, ly act within range of war. Fraser Streets Pavflkis. Arney. ZZT, T, I in r, ru tt the score 8-3. 14-14 against htm. Bobters BritUh 4. At the same time, to Drevent Japan from taking it for grantell that the United States will not re-1 tahate for the abuse of Americans j in the Far East, and for Japan's' pressure against the open coor in1 China. Rather, she might expect an embargo against shipment i from the United States of materials that hln Jarvin firw n.i k.. Si Aoctetion Amateur tle, estlmale fa Uub was founded la .we. the matertalj essential to jar- . nese military forces in China. Tfc. The W(K1 r, Brown Ribbon, Germany s S. Aj a timely move, to T" W&n tWl 'n-rthen the hand, or Z riddenby Cbarlea Dtttett. The fav- lomaU. who are supposed to bt oriU, Pro:le. was iWnL . . , k luujmrj amance agams; . m tne axl powers, which Japan hail Learie Conatanttae. 4eran West M definitely Joined. Windhill to fce Bradford Cricket mUjon In Tokyo neXotlatlng a . - - , . i.,rvi new Angio-iapanese formula In fcr Rochdale in the Lancashire china, where both have Invest- Leaue- menu close to tlJ&OO&nfiOO. . 7 L1 ' To keep down any cbargei . .. ' ' 77 iive-mue atance lo one hour. 14 handed play WANTED table, piano, rug, Phone Black 925. high :halr. (203i minutes. lour seconds. claiming they should have been told what America was planning t do. Amar Stneh, Indian International 8. On the domestic front, tn ; WANTED Used platform scal r"kketei one of tfce roalnsUys of slap on the wrist the senatorial ! with weights. State Price. Box 18, Burnley in the Lancashire Cricket bloc of conservative Democrat,!, j Daily News. tf. Lea?ue' na been re-engaged as a Isolationists and Republicans who Since writing the above We have received a letter Of WANTED Ord era for fresh blue- to revise the neutrality law and berries, 8c per lb., deli rery charg- Cardiff and Swansea Rugby untie the President's hands In es extra. Apoly Ernest Fretmul- Club; wUl both send teams to ticklish foreign situations. At pres- ler. Prince Beorge. B.C. (201) France for matches next season, ent the law provides embargoes , " against shipment of arms and am- FOH RENT ' Matthew O-Mahoney. Bristol munitions to warring nations. The ' Rovers Irish internatlnnal rpntr- aminun . .- rt rut n . i,v.. w . Kuiuuiuumwu cunienas mis is one voice; todayis i to s insure At-i. that our democratic i a; right i i may . " enu PhonT th umui be continued. If either of these men were living under ' rr 1 state, into war than to keep it . . .. . . . r VTii? pitvtJ. rnnmr-ii hniit I n- w mwn kisail x I AJLiu lll.iuui. nil L in A Bhrrm'it nn I. U. i poslte new Post Office. Apply President', way of exercising a Box 19 Dally News. 119 u.ilu utit.b right conferred on the President T YARMOUTH, N. 8, Aug. 25. by the constitution, completely la- enn e p rOIi bALK (CP) In an effort to determlns dependent of the Senate. ;FOR SALE-Chlna cabinet, gatele? - large tracU of marshland Btb Partle. Support turned Into valuable farm land, afalnst Japan, the administration dykes to hold back the sea water alao clearly show. It is trying to FOR SALE 8 room house 2 lots, have been built near here. Ex. beat the Republican v. mirwh Oarage. Smokehouse. Party leav- perimental planting will be car- In 1940, assuming that lng town Phone Red 884, '204' rled out on the iand, sentiment will b running at i but 12 ot. that hta to tnvtte aattan a churches with roltsloni tn Sl.tS - 10 oi This advertisement ii not publish) ur dlsnlaved bv the Ltcsar " Control Hoard r jv the rioverament of Mrttuti Coiurcb'.a full tide in ih? euunuy during th-rr- -WvUa) ramaa To Oemo-OAL TWO DEEP PLAN BEHIMH eratic orator will be able to my that the President himself acted to penalise Japan In Ute Par Baa. J vast importance u, u. ;. Fo: Mr. Hulls nunc-comes rlfht behind th Uon in the Senate ..I by Senator Arthur H ' . 'k ir as of Mkrtrtaan. favortn? :u, ww. Th; of the 1911 treaiv th one h aaoug iMMte to an etnoarg, China. Japan No doubt Japane; : on. a American observers ; 10. And ftnaUy the adiBtnlatra- fully ntr that 11; Ya. 1 tlon can claim the complete back Is a tea dint Repuburu" ing of both (rUe and Amenrat. for the preMdenry .1. : public opinun generally a fcu- 'lertton Household Supplies Clothes Lines Ironing Boards Mops Tubs Pails Paper Towels Clothes Baskets FLAX0AP A Unteed Oil Soap for Household Vs l ib. Can 25c Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Stemticr !r-nc Prince Kupcrt ccry SATLKDAY, 7 p.m.; MONDAY, 3 p.m. Train Iruw I'rincc Knprrt for the Ilnst .Momlu), Wit In cm I ay, Kritluy, 6 p.m. mm .. or I'uHMrnjjcr Kiprefta FRIDAYS, 11.00 a.m. (urv. etc.. rait or trritr L ily Ticket Office, 528 3rd he club which demands tt, members foreign poliey The American abrol? Smoked "RlinPrt fii-ATlf!" u have at some time walked 100 tation notice was H-art nnf J,J UUIUICU lVUUCIl DldllU w , jumra. j. ue. ui cuea ui yea in concert with the British. II ex' Wales recently. In 1902 he won the If Y,A .v.- i i .i FZ "elLCOnneCtl0n3 Vth champlonslup bnU. w by aSSST wSUa Canadian producers or manufac- covering 106 miles. E. r,! rZ . "? U a . - ouiu narc oeen iree to open ud JUiUA i Jnuirr IHVVrV)rrflin All. SnnlhAf Kli An K.4 IS J?!? Si ? Th'nM- trla M the United State.' one- Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For l.unrh on Toasted Saiulviche or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People K.eps for Wbeks in Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. Brituh iumbi" UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamer. Leavs rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY. TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA EltlOAT' DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 pjn. !u Vancouver, Thurs, a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday aJn- If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J, SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 861