WAR APPEARS r- V 6. i Tomorrow Li VM XXVIII.T 199. 11:35 ajrfc V5- i 23:2 p.m. C 5:21 ajn. 17:29 p.m. ould not Interrupted. 8.3 U President Roosevelt Makes Direct Appeal To Germany And Poland To Keep Peace HONG KONG LOOKS BAD Dinger of Attack by Japanese U Seen BrltUh Women and Children advltcd to Leave HONK KOSO, Aniut S3. Were It not far the Intense gravity of the International situation la Furor, the condition of af-filri around Hone Kong would h retarded a highly terlout. A H it, the situation here, for the moment at leaot. I of necondary Importance. FtrltMi authorities at llonc Knr have begun preparation far any eventuality owing to the nwnaring movement of Japanese traniH In South China, All Rrilith women and children hat been adrUed to leave Hong Special nreeitln nrr bclne. iTt to -miM"t nmnlnf "ntd roterV here lrnn nttnrk which nwM anpear to be Increasingly Imminent HIS PILOT REAL VET In .Mr Again at serious an ever with matt obser at roitci: coupe roiJCE COLTK, Aug. SS: ICP rremltr T. I). Pattullo. having rrlved at Fort ' St. John by plane yesterday from Prince Rupert, is vliltlng Peace River Constituency today. On Flight To New Zealand We WASHINGTON. D.C.. Aumist 25: (CP) President Franklin D. Rooseveltt last nieht addressed appeals for! peace direct to Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany and President Ignace Moscicki of Poland. The President sug-pc-.ed three methods of avoiding war: rim. direct no nation between the two nation of the subject of controversy. Second .arbitration by an impar-lUi commission. Third, agreement to adopt oon- cliiaUon procedure with the selec tion of a conciliator or moderator.! Mi . Roosevelt appealed to the twoj nations for earnest consideration of his appeal for peace. It anr of tlie proposals of the appeal ware' 'adopted, the complete sympathy oft the United Stales could be counted ' , upon The rank and file of every na- tion of the world, Urge and small, wanted peace," declared the Preat-: dent who expressed the opinion! that all international dispute could and should be settled by . peaceful means. i The m estates of President Roose- j velt to Oermany and Peland were' not Identical in form although the, proposal; acre the same. The tone of the appeal to Poland ; was mild. , The message to Oermany wa more forceful. The President re-satlM that Jherehsdjwi erea bean ! the eourtesy of a reply to hta last appeal to Oermany, The gravity of the Mtuttfcm and Ihe Imoort- i ance of the eauee of peace, however. ! had actuated him In foresolnf th customs of diplomatic etiquette. Still Prepare lor War Meantime war preparations continued throughout the nlfht In the Important chancellories of Europe "alter Gilbert It Glad To Re Hark and the outlook this moraine war vers agreeing that nothing short of miracle could now avert conflict In Berlin Chancellor Hitler was In. session until after mtdnltht with le d err of his war council but there was no announcement after the session. ! An official Oerman news agency Pilot of the plane of Premier declared that military activities of T D. Pattullo on his Arctic flight. Poland around Danzig had atsumed new de Haviland Raplde twin- M definitely offensive character, motored seaplane of long and racy This, however. Poland flatly denied. dt.lgn and a speedy ship. 1 Wal- . tr E Ollbert. veteran northern i -ier who has had long experience f ' inn in the particular part of the nor hiand which Mr. Pattullo will ' avri-jr Mr. Ollbert is now astern manager of Canadian Alt-n with headquarters at Vancouver and has not been actively f'-'Ing recently. However. 'he appeared to be very clad about gct-tln3 back Into the air once more I am never hnppy sitting in an of-'lr remarked Mr. Ollbert who 3 looking forward to flying again over the north country he knows o well He Is no Strang" to Prince Rupcrt having been engaged a Ifw years ago in commercial flying around here It was he who mad? extensive reconalssance flights of the Skecna River Highway route few years ago with W. K. dwycr then district -engineer for the pub-, c work? department. Other members of Mr. Pattullo a flying party arc his secretary. B-n Hethey; James Q. Dyer, Vancou-yr Sun newspaperman, and A. Del RUzo, air engineer. The extensive itinerary of the flight will Include trri n. llud- n' Hope. Pouce Coupe, Fort Nel-m, Fort Simpson, Fort Norman Aklavik, Hcrschcl Island. For: UkOn. Fairbanks Tnnnr!n Dnw- on. Whltehorse, Llard Post, Francis Lake. Flnlay Forks, Prince Oforge. Williams Lake and Van-couvcr The Premier said that, should Qny untowiud event nrnnr In Kur- "Pe no "Bullet. ns VICTORIA AGAINST BEER VICTORIA Victoria voted against sale of beer by the glass yesterday by a margin of 5,11!, the vote being 5.93 to 3.RC1. COVENTRY EXPLOSION COVENTRY, England An explosion of terrific force today wa reported to have killed five persons and Injured scores in the main utreet of the manufacturing centre of Coventry. Fears are aroused that the Irish Republican Army has renewed Its bombings. California Clipper, With Passen gers Aboard, Hopes To Fly Pacific In Four Days HONOLULU. Attcust 25: On an inaucural passenger carrying fl'dv from United States td New Zealand, the Pan American Airways flying boat California Clipper has nrrlved here. It IS cxpcciea make masc the mc 7400.mue n-""- mgni . days. to No Trace Found Of Missing Pair rllre Continue Search Success for Carl Brentien Mrs. John Brentren Situation In Forests Around Kan-loopt And Nelson Is Still Serious ICAMtOOPS August 25: CP - -With hot and extremely dry weather conUnuu. smoke from large and serious forest fires still hlonkete the Kamloops disinei Ftmr hundred men are oontlnui the ftsrht aaainst the flames. The most serious fires are in the vlcln Hy of Shuswap Lake east of Kam loops. Relch interior ministry. The agency Provincial i t ice ffirer were po JO, ?J further reported that Polish again yesterday wltMhf W !.ce lftft, aw mainff the frontier boat PAli. 8 searcmng m me ""1 .... " Mrtnrn neighborhood of Jap Point for trace - " - - of the Reich. i provinces John curl Brentren and Mrs. a. ... h laalnn f rrvTYl n Newspaper At Sitka Starts glllnet wh!th..ni"lld Lf"nS President s ancrnuuii iui cunut no one on board. The beach has M il plaoe been scoured in that neighborhood jlYIOUlCr rCC5 but yielded no trace. It is consld- n ered possible that either one or the ' j-qjtI Jf ftHS other of the missing persons might i have fallen overboard and the other was lost endeavouring to effect a rescue. This, of course, is only a theory. ... 8ITKA. August 25: Dan Graham arrived in Sitka today from Coos Bay to start TO Sir Neville Henderson Flying to London to Report ' Foreign Secretary Halifax Germany Reports Poles on Otfensivc Against Reich PARIS, August 25: Mrs. James Roosevelt, eighty-four year old mother of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was among American citizens leaving Paris yesterday for home. Speaking of the lnterna-Uonal situation, Mrs. Roosevelt said "conditions are very dan gerous. Mr. and Mrs. daughter. Irene,, REDDING. California. August 25: Alleges Attempt At Sabotage Of Dies Committee WASHINGTON, D.C., Congress- BE NEAR NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1939. to BERLIN, August 25: (CP) Talk of a new peace of Several Schools In This Inspec-toiate To Have New Pedagogues Dr. Hugh M. Morrison, school In-rpector who returned here Tuesday night on the Catala from a trip to Stewart, will be leaving Saturday evening on the Prince r ...w,,i Kbrt . ;irir...n tVii-rvurrli Korlm thi nfrprnnnn nf- Rurert lot iu riu luu .. - - , . . Il . rt, I J.ir TIM... UJ n,,TvV.n rf frtvoiorn . te.'lOcnce. ier Liianceiioi auuu muw iiuu .-c uuuivn ..... . .. . - t 11 i : l- cz .. i J sue - din omats. Hitler was cioseiten ior naa aa nuui u on w WvillP Henderson. British ambassador. Later he receiv ed flip gmkissnrlnrs of France. Italv and Jaoan. The na In the Nelson dtnci. wn.cn na turf of ullis was not diosed. also been without rain for weeks. u waj Uwr reveaied tne Bri-large outbreaks of fire are twins Ush ambassacjor would be flying fought, lucre are tour majur iea home to London tomorrow to repor .which hundreds oi men are en- aaeed In Xlgntmg. There Is also a serious forest came lnaicatlons that u was mon fire situation in Northern Alberta. nMy tQ bf peace than war 1 Meanwhile a Oerman news agency reported tonight that a Polish I destroyer in the Bay of Danzig outside of Polish territorial waters had fired on a Oerman seaplane mews agency also reported that Po Hh nnfl-nlrrrnft batteries had fir Body Of Murdered 'to Foreign Secretary Halifax on his ynn To KnilTin In 'oil- 'tniir tlfiv tnrfnv ulth ulth Dpr Der Feuhrpr Feuhrer Soo: J5oO!i UlCllI lO i UUHU Xll Embers Of Fire Mimoui oritles are lnvestleatln Dr. Wilneini siucnart. secretary oi State for political affairs in the of Blggar Place man of the special congressional ana oc. a ui-wecKiv ana miss m. onarp arnvea nomo commiiiee on uu-ftiumiii I'wever. ho h Yh. t.m San' Francisco to Auckland In four as tne oiutu ou. -.u. T TS ."" - 7 . . . be h - js ftCjCOmpaniea Dy nis wne. m-ic my urcu iiuiiuuiiib- connmncc I sabotage heartof of 5c Vancouver to take up Alex TurnbulL Dr. Mor- cessor. prominent New estminster teacher and returned ;i arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning to assume his duties. He is accompanied by Mrs. Turnbull. ' Weather Forecast- Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Jslands Fresh winds, mostly southwest, cool with occasional rain, clearing, at night Chancellor Confers With Envoys Of Great Britain, France, Italy PRICE: 5 CENTS And Japan Prior To Break - off CUTTING OFF OF COMMUNICATIONS WI IH NEW YORK, LONDON, DANZIG, PARIS, BRUSSELS, COPENHAGEN AND ZURICH PORTENDS EVENTS OF MAJOR IMPORTANCE BEING UNDER WAY ALL COMMERCIAL VESSELS OF REICH ORDERED TO REMAIN IN GERMAN HARBORS OR RETURN HOME AT ONCE-DER FEUHRER DETERMINED TO "PROTECT" GERMANS IN POLAND BERLIN, August 25: (CP)- Formal communications with New York, London, Danzig, Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen, Zurich and presumably with other foreign centres were cut off early tonight, indicating that events of first ma niitude in Germany were under way. The fact that Chancellor Hitler this afternoon successively received British, French, Italian and Japanese ambassadors indicated that he had told them he would a-t. Soon thereafter the communication lines ceased to operate. It was also announced offHally that all German commercial vessels must remain in German harbors or retu r to Germany at onr.e. Der Feuhrer was reliably reported to have told foreign ambassador here tcnVht that his determination to protect Germans in Poland" was firm and that the slisrStest new incident might bring var. The general impression in informed quarters was that Hitl r-'e neetin at the Chancellory late today with the British, French, Italian and Japanese amba snd- s lef little ground for oDtimism. Despite this an indication was given in authoritative Nazi quarters that efforts had been made on the German side toward some type of conferen er designed to settle Poland s fate in the man-nei the Reich insists it must be settled. German newspaper correspondents at Paris have been ordered home. FIRES ON TALK OF PEACE IS HEARD RAMPAGE AT FIRST BUT SOON GAVE WAY TO WAR LIKELIHOOD TEACHERS APPOINTED WAR NEWS CANADA CANCELS LEAVES OTTAWA Leaves to all mem-; bers of the Canadian forces have 'been cancelled. The order af-! fects 1,000 men of the permanent j 'militia, 'three thousand in the j regular air force and 2,000 In ' naval services. BRITISH-POLISH PACT LONDON Formal agreement of mutual assistance between Great Britain and Poland was signed at the Foreign Office late today by Foreign Secretary Halifax and Ambassador RaczynikL BRITISH COALITION LONDON War would bring a national government of all parties, it was learned in authoritative circles tonight The plan at present under consideration would involve Winston Churchill, Anthony EdYn," Clement " At lee and Sir Archibald Sinclair entering the government. FRANCE CUTS BRIDGES BASLE, Switzerland The French tonight cut the pontoon bridges across the Rhine between France and Germany north of this Swiss border city. HAVE NOT INVADED BERLIN AH German commercial aviation was -ordered sus-suspended today. It was denied that German troops had entered Polish Silesia. Dr Morrison announces that five ., , . schools in this Inspectorate are being closed as from "the commencement of the next term. They The remains of a man who U include the following: The believed to have been murdered. Lakelse Lake, Miss Elsie LamD oi have been found in the emcers oi Lynn valley. a forest fire near here. The auth- Digby Island. Miss Mary Mathers Weather Forecast General Synopsis A shallow de-nresslon centred near the Queen from Sklde.?ate. Skidegate. Miss R. M, Channon from Dlgby Island. Port Simpson, Stephen A. Cheese-man from Haysport. Noosatsum 'Bella Coola Valley), Miss Jean Cochrane df Ocean Falls. Teaching appointments for Charlotte Islands is causing rain on Claxton and the British Columbia coast and It Is to be made, becoming somewhat cooler with, high humidity In the interior. West Coast of Vancouver Island! Fresh south to west winds, partly cloudy and cool with occasional light showers. Sunnyslde have yec Halibut Sales Summary American 7.000 pounds, 8q and Gc. I Canadian 85.500 pounds, 7c and :5c to 7.3c and 5c. i American ! Visitor; 7.000, Cold Storage. Be land 6c. Canadian JAP FORCE are Haysport. Anyox. Sandsplt. SHANGHAI, Coast Logging (Margaret Bay) and Japanese ar ncum. New teaching appointments In rural schools of the inspectorate I INCREASED . , . . .uuic iiuvus xjcasiK luuitu lunaim Shanghai International Settlement August 25. The reported to have moved additional troops, along with tanks and other mechanized equipment, Into an area along the International Settlement border where a British policeman killed two and wounded six of the puppet government's policemen with a sub-machine gun Saturday after being shot in the back. NEW POLICY FOR JAPAN Premier Expected to Resign Owing to International Developments TOKYO, Aug. 24. In view of recent reverses In foreign policy, the resignation of the Premier of Japan is expected momentarily. The latest developments in Internation al affairs are expected to lead Ja pan to a policy of "splendid Isolation." Emperor Hlrohlto has returned hurriedly from a vacation ,to consult with his ministry.' Aiken, 11.000. Booth, 7.3c and 5c.1 HALIFAX, Aug. 25: i Southend. 16,000, Cold Storage. Scotia's Department of Dovrc iw.uuu r- . . i r- fmm newsuancr here. It will be known last night on the Prince Charles Jharlcs tics, tics, char; charges that efforts are Deung - " uma return to Victoria at - . ... nt.,.. t n..n rv,n,iH Tin. (CP) Nova Agriculture ,7.3c and 5c. advised farmers of the province to ii t vf h Main nu nf TV hnir- Teenle Millie. B.500. pacific. 7 ic use nme on tnetr iana alter a 1 series of tests showed that land Cold Storage. Jon many farms was "sour." Soil on 180 farms tested In a dairy district Clipper II 22,000. Atlui. "3c and was 100 per ceut Bour" mtkim said.