i! i) v. 'Y tAOE TwO School Shoes Girls and Children's Jack and Jill Little Pal Hewston Make BOY'S AND YOUTHS . . - Greb Sisman & Valentine Make These Shoes Have Stood the Test Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Paid in advance, per week . Paid in advance, per inonth ', By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance . By mall to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion , Advertising and Circulation Telephone Stva Department Telephone .. DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau ol Circulations 98 .. 83 EDITORIALS .12 .50 3.00 9.00 02 Thursday. September 7, 1939. CANADA UNITED Canada is united in fac eof danger. That is a great feature of the preparedness campaign which is now in progress. The leaders of the Conservatives, Social Credit and Co-operative Commonwealth Federation parties are to be congratulated on the stand they have taken. It is very important at a time like this that minor differences be dropped or postponed and that all turn their faces to the common enemy. THE SITUATION It is easy for the people here to look across Europe and Wonder why this or that is not done. We can depend upon it that Great Britain and France are doing what i? strategically the best. They have a plan and naturally we .cannot know vdiat that jDlan is. We must sympathize with Poland in being overrun by the Germany armies but it would Jiave been impossible to move British or Franch troops to Poland in sufficient numbers to be of any material aid. German' would see to that. Possibly an attempt to do that is what the Germans would have liked. NATIONAL GOVERNMENT It is suggested that, in view of the nresent situation. a national government should be formed at Ottawa. "Saturday Night" suggests that Dr. Manion and Mr. Woods-worth should have seats in the cabinet but it points out uiai una is nut uie Kinu oi nauonai government suggested bv the critics of the Prime Minister. "They seem, to feel that a national -emergency is a heaven-sent opportunity for getting into the seats of power a class of men who may be able to get themselves elected to boards of directors but have never shown jthe .slightest sign of being able to get themselves .elected by popular franchise even to a board of ehool trustees." The journal suggests that these men mighty be juseful in connection with the management litical affairs. ICOMMUNgUIOHS 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports BJ3. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE September 16th, 20th, October 6th, 7th, 27th Direct Connections at 'Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Ticket .and .Reservations Irom 'W. L. COATES; General Atent. Prince Rupert, B.C. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtfay 6. O JUiatoa (p Vancouver Big Missouri .12. Bralorne. 9.25. Cariboo Quartz. 1.75. Dentanta. :02tj. Falrvlew. .02. Gold Belt, 20. Jledley Mascot. .33. . Mlnto. .014. .Noble Five. .04. 'PScIfic Nickel, .14, PencFbrielle, 2.35.1 Pioneer, 2.15. .Profiler. 155. Privateer. .97. Reevt-s McDonald. .42. Reno. 30. ' Relief Arlington, .10. Salmon CSTd, .05. Sheep Creek. 1.05. J OiU A. P. Con.. .15. Calmont, .37. C. A E.. 2.00. Freehold, .02. Home. 2.30. Royal Canadian, Okalta, .95. Mercury, .06. Prairie Royalties, .13. .24. Toronto Aldermac. .50. Beattle. 1.00. Centtal Pat.. 250. Con. Smelters. 54(75 East Malartic. 2.15. Francoeur, .31. Gods Lake. .42. 61 4 Hardrock. .90. Int. Nickel. 56.50. Kerr Addison, "1:70. Little Long Lac. 250. McLeod Cockshutt. 1.64, Madsen Red Lake. .26; McKenzle Bed Lake. 1.00. Moneta. .77. Noranda, 77.00. Pickle Crow. 4J0. Preston E. Dome, 130. San Antonio, 156. .Sherritt Gordon. 1.65. Stadacona, 33. Uchl. .85. Bouscadillac, .03. Mosher Oklend, .07. Oklend. .06 Vt. Smelters Gold, .02. Dominion Bridge, 34.75. FRENCH AND BRITISH CONTINUING INVASION (Continued from Page One) have been advancing rapidly Into; German territory. The same French sources declare that there has been heavy hand to hand fighting between the infantry forces, the; French -advance being supported! by withering artillery and aerial fire. " The line of French penetra-' tlon Js said to be along a distance' tee DAurr nxw of 125 miles betwetn the Rhine .and ,ond Moselle .Rivers with the general ob- JecUve along the Moselle and off to, Saarbrukken, Important industrial centre of the Saar Valley. Here there is a gap in the Siegfried Line! and the area is not as heavily fortified as along the .Rhine. Saatbruk-.' ken Is fifty miles away from the frontier and Jour hundred miles from Berlin. The Prench troops are also said to be pressing towards Frankfurt. French Fight Forward The French army reported tonight that It had fought its way into the German forest of Bien-wald, lust north of Lauterbourg, French key to the western Jront. Meantime British reinforcements were moving uo to Join forces. French nnd British general staffs were In .consultation. This .morning's Communique No. 7 from the French War Minister Indicated that the Germans were offering stiff resistance but the French were pursuing action on the western front to relieve Poland from German presure. With Great Britain now pouring in Jand and .air expeditions to join the Invasion, pressure on Ihe great German Industrial areas is becoming intense. There have :been violent .air bombardments .with, it is said, as many ab three hundred British .and French planes partici pating in ihe bombing of important! centres. General Gamelln, the French commander-in-chief personally directing operations of the mlehtv! r rencn :army, it is said. I An official communique says that ; France is safe irom counter invas- Ion. I French wounded are beginning! to arrive In Paris from the lines. I The Oerman high command in (Berlin persists in denying that there has been any extensive fight-' lng on the western lront and has tdubbed as "nonsense" French re-' ports that the French have advanced Into Qermany. Dally advertising in th Callj News 'is sure lb 'bring dally re- Walter Thompson Is Chief Censor Director of rulllcity of CN.lt. Given Important Pol l OTTAWA. September 7. CP) 4 1 u It is understood that waiter Thompson, director of publicity for dine Canadian. National -Railways mm been flnnolnted chief" censor 'for tJtuiada. '-" V Weather Forecast ' Oeneral Synopsis Pressure ap-lears low northwest of the Queen ..Iharfctle Islands and U jebttlvely ;h'h over Vancouver Island. Heavy Irsln has occurred on the north coast while It is fair and cool else-' where Weat Coast of Vancouver Island Freth southeast to south 'winds clctiUy and cool with showers. TODAY'S WEATHER Pjdnce .Rupert .Raining, south-wei wind, five miles per hour.; barometer 30.00 i rlsingi. temperature 52: light swell. Triple Island- Cloudy, southerly wind. Jour .miles per hour: moderate swell. Langara Iland Cloudjr. gouth-ivp wind, flht milts ner hour; barometer, 29 96: tempersture 54: moderate swell. Dead Tree Point Cloady. calm: barometer, 30.05: temperature, 52: light swell. Bull Harbor Raining, easterly wind, fourteen miles ner hour: barometer, 30.14 'falling); temperature 52; light swell. Alert Bay Showery, southeast! wind, fifteen miles per hour; bar-i cmeter, 3058: temperature. 50: sea choppy. Estevan Cloudy. northwest; wind, five miles per hour; barom-! eter. 30.23. j j Victoria Clear, calm: barometer' 3050. . Vancouver Foggy, barometer, 3051. Prince George Raining, wind, ten miles per hour; barometer. 30.04. Baseball Scores National League Philadelphia 1. Brooklyn 2. Cincinnati 4-4, Pittsburgh first game, eleven lnnlnss. ten. American League Detroit 2, Cleveland 0. Boston 1. New York 2. Chicago 7. 8t Louis 2. Washington 6. Philadelphia 3. 'JET' STOVE POLISH Cleans Hot .Stoves In J-erieci Safety At All JLC. Stores 5-3; sec- i Harold Davey Teacher of Piano Popular Music . 20 years experience In Vancouver Free Music with Lesson No Scales The only guaranteed .course that benefits you financially, playing for parties, etc. Enrol Now! At the News THE SEAL QUALITY J GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL .Finest Pink Salmon Tacked by tbe vnly aaltnon canning company with an all the year round payroll la .Prince Kajteri -THE SCOTCH THAT CIRCLtS THE GLOBE" Calgary Having Straight Fight Liberal and Conservative Ketklnt Seat Of R. B. Bennett CALGARY. September 7: CP -A straight fight between Liberal and Conservative candidates Is expected on September 25 In the Calgary Weat federal byeleeUon to till the vacancy caused by tr.. resignation of Rt Hon. R B. Ben-net. now residing in England MM FOR SALE LAND for Sale. Right near sefeeet. 10.03 acres. Apply to Joe Brffjvt, Cedarvale, B. C. (2091 OOOD -business connection fir sale, apply to Box 276 or William Galr. Florist, Nurseryman. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. '21 li PERSONAL HOW TO OET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Letter Carrier. Postal Clerk, Customs Examiner, Stenographer. Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Schools Ltd.. Wlnnlptc Oldest in Canada. No Agents, tf. AGENTS WANTED PREMIER Art Guild, the largest personal greeting card company In Canada, with branches from coast to coast. Invite you to apply for an agency to sell printed to order Christmas Cards. Sample .book supplied without charge , Most complete line of boxed assortments which pay our sales staff up to 50 commission. Experience unnecessary. Write Premier Art Guild, 576 Seymour St., Vancouver. tf. MIM UAI, ACT (Form TA 4'rrtirlratr of JniiiruvmirnU notici: Sulphide No. 12. Sulphide No. 13. 3. No. 3 J'rsoUciicU. nd S, No 3 Fre-tloixil Mineral Claims. MUMte In tbe Skeeita Mining DivUlun of tuagt Coast District Whre located: On the Kowtall itl-vtr on or nror Rei Oulcli -Ctf. JjbwTuI holdtr: Ncrtlum fyett Ud TuAue uullcc UML X, Ftteietitk Nat, aatlng m Aenit (or Nc rlti n Pynit lAi., Fn Miner' Ot-rUIIa.t No. 4X)0UE. IntaMl, at flhc tid of Uf dy from ithe idate hereaf, to ajaply to Uie Mining fteccnkr tor a (MrSfloate li Jovprovenietita ior the purpone of obUUiUng a Crown Orant of th auov claim. i And rurthrr ibak notVpe that action, vaatr wacttan 85, must oonwnanced for th ImuDCt li itMh Orrtlflc&te of lnnpTovimt. IUUd itbU 30th day of Augutt, 1039 7 iJ.t SCOTCH WHISKY Let Ihe McCallum's label be your guide lo real Scotch Whliky Quality. Every bottle has mea-surlng cup for your convenience: BOITiED IH SCOTLAND SME W Long Flight Is Completed S6Het. J3.23 $4.85 111 II JIBiltTildilM tMWUllf U BAN'S lll'M tl 111 iNliniinilUlinutniriP.llmAili California Clipr Back At 0k-land After Trip To Xnr Zealand OAKLAND September 7 Pan Ani'Tici. A California Clip; are laland t'i lowing her u. FOR This advertisement Is not pub .shed or dayed by the IjJjucr Ccr'rci Baui C" by L ? C T.m ment of British C uir.h'.a Ulp fllK! to Mew 7. .. Ttor last lap !n Moat neop r r" Tlr mU Do you' IX sJUl 1 LillAl ALL SCHOLARS Wc Have the Iarjiest and Most (Complete Stock Get All Your School Requirements From Us Government Prices on Text Rooks iowcst Prices on Supplies PLENTY OF JIOOKS - PLENTY OF ROOM and RETTER SERVICE Compare Our Prices -Ruy Here and Save Money Printed Price List on Request SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Sleamrr leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. TraiiiH leave Prince Rupert for the Eat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Strainer for Ketchikan d Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fnrr.n, etc., call or write City Tichel Office, 528 3rtl Ue