AH h ATHENIA recorded. Members of the Senate 'and House were told that they had ( been called so that the eovemment Government May': A A I et rower or cuon OTTAWA, September 7: (CP) Proposals for fur- .fHAitsi nnltAti riv fnnfirin nn1 nctimfif fa fro nvnnn Tti caused by a state of war which now exists were.' launch I might seek authority for measures) necessary for the defence of Can-' ada and for co-operation In a de- itermlned effort which was . . . . . . . ! miR t f racist ftirf har i(in rclrn With pMslbillty of Further i The Oovernor Oeneral. in the Slight Redaction 8peech from the Throne, said: "My I ministers are con ri need that Can-t 'ada La nrenarnl to unit in a na- Erotember 7: CP . 7 . ... ' - i rvwaJH iinurr snn inamui unsi A -i. Ult II HiU Mi lift. Ul .u . I is . Ht' Islands on Monday.. BBftliril Jill H STI RHIIMHI I IP! L JS H- I . - ..... . . j. ini mm m ni AawimaTAa t r ru. nr.. ' . . . I y i ramiunr nomor itn - wit vhii luciciru w i j, . r thal th death finance but It was believed that I J- r was announced that '" eaJW n t"C special war iwslon cr -i f the Athenta had fcrj a OaJway. Ireland. The emergency scaokm of Par- VI t Orrenock. Seotland (lament merely opened and ad-, tk Southern Cross had Journed until tomorrow without . . I . . ... ... cr. . n aooara ana omer learning the precise details of the " -.'v mi rvisviivy "viv pmni.ipaMi'ii til t4 siiiu uvl amberlain Reports d Parliament Upon P v rogress war Mak es i nninin nnn rnnrn r i ir ii i i n tr 11 i i ii m ii ii i r. Is Torpedoed And Shelled I torpedoed without warning by 4- a submarine which came to ! the surface and shelled the chin at Mftvvati voro Kln been sunk and the Corlnthea attacked but undamaged. SWAS BASE I ficiency and SmoothnessPoland ResiRtinp IPANAIVl A Stubbornly Protectintr Shioninir I nllAlflfl , I a r, LONDON, September 7: (CP) Great Britain's war ft 13 rapidly gaining momentum, Prime Minister Nev- L hamluiylnlM tnlH tYin Mmua nf rnmninna trtifH' in Vim -ivviiiiiu iuiii i.111; iiuuci; ui utttii tuito iumh.i in mi? SL rPnnrf In Ihh nnhnn cinnei tMn einnl n in t tnn nf tn r " n e:?.. Franpp. Itlco nursolvrs. snid thf Prpmlor "has ":it,'t r ri":: i 11 surcea wiin cumpieiu emciency ami Miiuuiiiiit - . . . . and they are now contacting the . . 1 - U.I. I ' hinC RnHnmfnrl w XKW.iar hi come 4 Local Water ,snetJ Without a nermlt 'v dULllUrilllu I enemy on the common frontier. The ! I outbreak of war found the same j spirit of determination and solldar-! Hy nmong the French people m Is (evident here." On the utrni front, thp Prime :lal to crush all opposition. Polish soldiers are contesting every yard of the German advance. , In addition to the sinking of the iAthcnla, Mr. Chamberlain said ; there had been attacks on other v y-i J British merchantmen by German IS liliarnPfi submarines and three or four ships Hiroet hits on one German raid were from tne dominions. (The Canadian Pros learwd they 'were mostly Canadians). Wuim Forty-one members FOR SUBS .Mexican Gorernment Seals Up Radios of Interned German Ships Tor Violating Neutrality .MEXICO CITY. September 7: The Mexican government today ordered sealed the radios of six German ships now interned In Mexican ports for alleged violation of Mexican neutrality by being In constant communication with the Reich. One of the six vessels, the Jiner Columbus.', which took refuge at Vera Crux, is alleged to have been operating as a base for four German submarines In the Caribbean Sea. Another of the German ships Is the Orinoco at Tampico. FISHERMEN SEE Sl.'B CAMPECIII, Mexico. September 1: Mexican fishermen report having sighted a German submarine in the Caribbean Sea. It Is said to have arisen to the surface near the boats while fishing. The appearance of a German submarine off Key West, Florida, is also reported. CONTROL Will Re Under Military Than Civil Jurisdiction Duration ot War Rather For WASHINGTON. September 7:-Prcsldent Franklin D. Rooevelt issued an emergency decree todaj placing the Panama Canal undei military Instead of civic control fo: the duration of the European war. Control of the sone Is being trans "wuiu beptembcr 7: A url- Minister rcportea, "tne i-oie are f-rred from the civil governor 10 , "-rr ana a nrencn ngnting nara agamsi a strong ana General Davia u stone, in com-j " - ski, : irinir nimiMi nuiin. . phi n i aci anamv n'nn arm ruinnir nn ' j r ii it n sv rri rri itv v hi i nc ' ociore leavlne this noil'the welclu or numbers ana mater- ----. - - K . zone. SUGAR IS PLENTIFUL u.a u ...i, m, Hmiiiv hart Federal Government Issue? Warn. Itaken Immediate counter measures! ing Against Profi eerlng In This I lir Til InliA A a - .... a W . 1 viw HttUftVVa IHIIU U A LV. Ui Irtllft VWSSVWJ w J w t' aa nrpfonHA. 1 . . 4 1 tui. " e iiuperta water supply ns taklne time to bring Into full r, vui .oucraiiuu. n . . ' ucr 111 I A raia ay we ah rwtc "u uii rt.i ..... .... . . 1,. . -" "iinouncemcnt this helmshafcn had resulted in at least y id, nnini in ii ZTll uard;d Tnd no S. S Lall?wed I enter the Country OTTAWA, September 7: (CP) Representatives of sugar retinitis eomoanlcs were called Into confer ence by the government yesteraay after which apublic announcement , i... Knehin thd Prlmi Mln-1 was made that any attempt to re .m Rrveral of the airmen 'strict supply or raise prices unduly nittine in the Wilhelmshrifcn air, would be rigorously dealt with. Peoole are advised to Duy tneir normal stippJiM and go ahead with canning as there Is no shortage PARIS French general staff announced late tonitht that the Germans were ruining up reinforcements to meet increasing French attacks on the northern flank of the western front PARIS George ""'i" Bonnett, . night sunk by an explosion In French Foreign Minister, yester- mldAUantic Twenty-nine sur- T " conference with Sir vivort reported she had been .A t in thrt Srvpprh lrnm ihp I hrnnp whir'h wno mm! hv 4- nf th or. ,.,, mi. a (jcvcrnnr General, Lord Tweedsmuir, at the opening' tn and unaccounted for. Lat- prl session of Parliament today. It was one of T " announced mat me th. V-. .wh- atearaer Royal Sceptre had Richard Phlpps, British ambassa dor. DANZIG Danzig has now been completely isolated by German forces but a small garrison has not yet yielded up the Polish munitions plant here. NEW VORK Profit taking tempered the New York stock market yesterday, arresting the wild buying stampede of the day 4. previous for munitions and com- 'j. nWitiei Issues. "War babies" A- gained one to four points for the 4. day. . SAN FRANCISCO The German consul here has resigned from an exclusive dab, 161 members of which threatened to quit if he was permitted to- remain a member. WASHINGTON The government is concerned over the advancing prices of sugar anij Hour. To prevent profiteering in view of the war situation, the gorernment may itself' release Urge quantities of such commodities. Sugar and flour have gone up 1c a pound in Los Angeles and San FrancUcn and that is typical of Males cities. other. United EDMONTON More than fliers in Alberta have volunteered for military service. WASHINGTON President Roosevelt is expected to call a special session of Congress September IS to consider neutrality measures. WASHINGTON A proclamation issued by the United States in connection with its neutralitv laws fails to name Canada as a belligeren; nation to which the neutrality laws would apply! LONDON Parliament has unanimously approved new principles of the "Armed Forces, Munitions and Service Act." The territorial army is no longer a separate unit. WARSAW German planes have dropped leaflets giving assurance that the famous painting "The Black Virgin" will not be harmed. BERLIN Berlin was "black out" and quiet last night after reports of another Polish air raid had been denied. WARSAW Tolish authorities here deny the fall of Krakow, saying that, one German column had entered and was later driven out. Fifteen German planes are reported to have been shot down. LONDON It was explained last night that British antiaircraft puns on the east roast had mistakenly fired upon British planes in error for Germans after yesterday's German air raid had been driven off. coast to ensure neutrality. Coastguard vessels from the Pacific Coast are being transferred including the Spencer from Cor-dov. the Ingram from Port Angeles and the Hamilton and u a ID ne from Oakland. i - . I i I Tomorrow s i laes Weather Forecast 8:55 am ISO ft. 20.58 p.m. 162 ft. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte 2:14 tm. flJ ft. Islands Fresh to strong 14:12 pjn. 0.4 ft. southeast winds, shifting to south, unsettled and cool with rain. NORTH" EUN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUftlblA'S NEWSPAPER xxvin. 2Q9: PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBERS, 1939. PRICE: S CENTS ?i POWERS FOR OTTAWA surcs For Defence of Canada and Resistance of Ag Itrcssion Planned W ar midget is Anticipated ' arliament AssemblesI: Another Ship :1 Late War News l 41 j LONDON. Sept. 7: CP-The seven thousand ton British freighter ireignter Manaar Manaar was was last last Peace Talk Heard In Europe; Mussolini May Be Mediator; Will Hitler Bid For Truce? Ralston Is In Cabinet OTTAWA, Sept. 7: CP Col. J. L. RaUton, former mln- Ister of national defence, is Canada's new minister of fl- nance in succession to Hon. C. A. Dunnlnz. whose resignation has been accepted. It was an- nounced yeterday by Prime Minister WlllUm Lyon Mac- I- kenrle K'nz. Col. PaUton for- ' merly sat for a Nova Scotia seat but has been out of oub- lie life for some time, oractis- i ing as a lawyer in Montreal. 4 Mr. Dunnin? recently an- ;4- nouncM OTln? to 4 Mackenzie King admlnlstra- tlon. TO CARRY Quick Conquest of Poland May Motivate Feuhrer to Call It Quits Before He Has To Fight on Western Front or His Own Restless People Revolt LONDON, September 7: (CP) Some international Once More ar war c0Uls Europe. In Rome it was predicted utile luuic that speedy German conquest of Poland would be followed by peace overtures in which Premier Mussolini, entrenched in a position of apparent neutrality, would take the Initiative by renewing peace proposals and suggesting an armistice. Some Italians expected that Mussolini would make the first more toward: a pacification program by renewing proposals for a conference of the powers on a general settlement of political and economic Ills of Europe. The abstention of Italian officialdom and press from any criticism or expression of avor for any nation since the war began, it imi rfii o -Jnounces ;s that that Ja; Japan has informed 111 health ST,,,.n n, t.;,, iOreat Britain Britain de definitely that she his retirement as minister of . D . . ,ui.u does not ot Intend intend t to become involved flnnT vhvh nnrtfola he . . . . In the European European war. held since 1915 and in orevious . . ... ' . Uidu uucca uicuiauuu uiuic acceptable to those countries. It may be a few weeks, however, before -.eice plan takes definite form al-i hough some consider that nego- tlatlons may start at any time. , Adolf Hitler of Germany, it U. suggested, may .sue for peace on thej Former King of England and His Oasis o( partition oi raana. aie vwie Are Leaving rrance D L LI I LL w - xay jisue a diplomatic expression. JTV JTP'J JlLl-ilJ " regret at being at war wilh Great JAPAN TO KEEP OUT Great Britain Officially Advised Of Nippon's Strict Neutrality LONDON, September 7: (CP) The Ministry of Information an- WINDSOR RETURNS Tomorrow Fot.Home,.-. - ' Britain and France. Insistence of CANNES, France. Sept. 7: (CP) Special American Ships To Be Sent official Germany that "not a shot" A spokesman for the Duke and To England To Pick Up Citizens has been fired on the western front Duchess of Windsor announced Waiting To Return Home is taken by some as the forerunner day that they would leave tomor- of some sort of a truce move by row for London. They left England LONDON. September 7: CP - Hitler. after the abdication In December Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy There are few who believe that 1936 and have not been back since. announced today that American oreat Britain and France, now -- - - ships would be sent to England riots workers in such are at war wou,d cease flgnU among cen- ZZ? AnfpHns hl r nsid conference until tres as Cologne, Dusseldorf and Escorting h home Americans who ho ha s - , owm- to the sharD food ration. been caught in this country by the wer nas comply wimarawn; immi. of .ir and outbreak of the European Two ships will be here within a few days. The survivors of the Alhenla, Kennedy said, would be i the first to be afforded transportation. More than five thousand Americans are pressing the embassy for transportation borne. TO BATTLE TOFINISH Poles Ridicule German Reports Of Advances Warsaw To Be Vigorously Defended WARSAW. September 7: CP While Germans claim to have brouRht one-third of Poland a1- ready under subjugation, the Pol fierce struggle. Thirty miles north , of Warsaw lines are apparently be-1 Ing drawn for a fierce fight to the death. There will be prolonged as and ammunition are being captur ed are dubbed as false and rldlcul " " ,ous, being designed only for home WASHINGTON United States i consumption in Germany. Is increasing Us naval and coast- i Polish military authorities dc- 1 It Alt it ' . . M I-. l guard patrols on the Atlantic clare tnat tne uerman aavauce rapidly slowing up In face of fierce Polish resistance. More conservative Germans estl war. from Poland. Very likely Hitler's' .fM, it i. k I ca4 i s-ssv & j attavA niaj , i so eatu complete removal as the ruler of some, actuate Hitler In an early bid Germany would be demanded. At for peace on the best terms he can the outset Britain said "This Is a obtain. Some reports have It that fight to end HlUerlsm and we will j the Nazi authorities have even re-fight until it is accomplished." I sorted to machine gun fire to put Reports that are beginning to down some of the Internal strife, filter past the strict German cen-, Allied air raids are said In French sorship of increasing unrest and reports to have caused panic. On The Western Front FRENCH AND BRITISH CONTINUING INVASION OF SOUTHERN GERMANY ish authorities insist that Warsaw Nazi Retiring Hefore Advance Towards Main Defences win never be given up without e of Siegfried Line Violent Attack Upon Prices Soaring Gains azi Industrial Centres BASLE, Switzerland, September 7: (CP) German .-! .nn swP before Warsaw! advance guards on the western front are reported in bqr- isurrenders, it is believed by ob-ider advices to be withdrawing slowly into the main forts (servers. j of their Siegfried Line as the French push into German German reports that Polish re- territory. The 'French are reported as advancing as much IT1" 3S ;vervwhere:as flfteen kilometres in some places along the northern and that tens of thousands of so!- - - dlers and large quantities of Bunsill' Whoof -jiTiiuiipcg nilgai Over Four Sessions Exchange Total 35c VANCOUVER. Sept. 7: (CP) ot Imate It 'may be two weeks before Wheat prices were up another 5c Warsaw falls. j yesterday, gains for four sessions The capital of Poland has. beep ' UqJaUins 35c. October c)osed at transferred southward to Lublin. j 79c , '.. wing of the .line, seizing first line German pillboxes. Foreign observers believe it will be at least a week before the French can launch a drive against the main German line. It is said in some quarters that the Germans have been ordered in the meantime to I fight only defensively. This may account tor tne lamng back of the Germans with no great resistance According to French reports there has been strong German resistance In spite of which the French' forces (Continued on Page.Ttco)