E DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist NEXT MAILS For South Prince Rupert....... Friday 8 a.m. VOL. Ill, NO. 42 Oe EW REPUBL. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, FresruAR . Y 19, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS OF CHINA LIKELY TO HAV E WAR HINA STILL hold Manchu Dynasty. spec al to Daily News. Pekin, Feb. 19. The Viceroy * Manchuria has refused to rec- 3 ze the republic and declares hat his army will uphold the ynasty. Premier Yuan has tele- ra / deal with the new gover! la Nanking, Feb, 19.—Sun Yé 4s Se an earnest Shi Lai appeal to come here and, HAS TROUBLE FOR MILLIONS ese io iceroy of Manchura Refuses to|In Specially Constructed Vault at. Discord Reall "Recognize Republic and Claims| to Have Sufficient Force to Up- yhed him that unless he agrees|ond iment rmy will be sent against him. al Sen to MORGAN'S CACHE Top of Forty-three Storey | | Building—tntending Bank Rob-| bers [vist Use Aeroplanes. This picture shows the top| Bank of Com- New York. storeys of the new | merce building in J.| his new offices the forty-sec-| for | | beneath} floor, immediately the odd looking pyramid on top.| ‘Peace, drones” the | peace,” The pyramid will be used by Mor-| ‘Trombone, nent 1 TES BOI entities A United party,” rendered Sunday morning, FS was a solo in every sense, Right and left, and all around disgusted | on but there is no peace.| y Reigns Between Rival Conservative Camps---Pro- gressives Repudiate Reconciliation With Old Association TORIES NOT “‘A UNITED PARTY” Pierpont Morgan has picked out) Bitter Denunciation by Leading Progressives of Raw Deal Forced on Friday Night’s Meeting by ‘‘Peace-Maker Wadham” Through President J. F. Ritchie —Nominations for Propcsed United Executive Challenged |thrust on the meeting and erron- advertised by the Trom- jbone as practically unanimously will mean simply the over of the Progressive Association into the hands of the eously accepted, passing highly indignant at the action of the president and a small coterie of the members of the associa- tion in arbitrarily naming an ex- ecutive without first going through the form of a vote by the THE TROMBONE AND THE TRUTH SUCCEEDS TO HIGH POSITION Not Prince Rupert but Dr. Rupert Biue—tIs to Succeed Dr. Wyman as Surgeon General of United States Army. Washington, D. C., Feb. 15.-— sr. Robert Blue has just arrived here from Honolulu, where his work in the improvement of hy- gienic conditions of the Hawaiian Islands and the adoption of a sanitary system has been highly spoken of in scientific and army circles. It is believed that he will succeed Dr. Walter Wymar of VENISON COMES RATHER HIGH Sons of Russia Who Were Cele- brating with a Venison Banquet Their Prowess with the Rifle Are Placed Under Arrest. Right men were up in the po- lice court this morning charged with killing deer out of season. This entirely spoiled their cele- bration feast, at which they had haunches of venison cooked in hunter style with lots of good drinks to help it along. Their names are: Pete Barovich, John Millivich, H. Hilrich, Nick Geso- vich, Eli Menich, Mike Gesovich and Jim Muskovich, They were all released on bail and the hear- ing adjourned, 1p the sen ae rth tha & j members of the Progressive Con-j|old regime, thereby nullifying en-| members. Many of them say that Unles oe Sete * #4 oe eg 5 EE ara servative party are denying ab-|tirely the beneficial work already|in joining the Progressives it now Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. ey ped “Sta eee af Lig solutely that the farce of Friday| achieved by the Progressives. The] seems to have been merely jump- Phone 4. oe Coty) WERT eee jnight has in any way helped to/superseding of the two commis-|ing from the frying pan into the be eh ees | | bring the active Progressives in|sioners, Merryfield and Stephens,| fire. They now threaten whole- KNIGHTS’ CHURCH PARADE Sch dul | jjine with the intrigue riddled/is instanced in this connection by|sele secession to the Liberal - mer soneduie. Ss | ‘ { vic ) ore ‘ 0 ores yar Trid¢ y 's arce . rn, ae i ast Steamship | ; | body of the Conservative Associa-| Progressives, who express great|party. Friday night's fare e is Prince Rupert Lodge, K. of P., At- roe ee fee t }tion. Rather the reverse they say|indignation that the effort of}|held to be a worse confidence} tends Service Sunday. has announoea oe wey lemphatically, and so bitter is the game than the election held last} 3 Senttls se el |feeling aroused that wholesale | s***errrrrrrrrrrereoororoorooses | November by the Liberal Con-| : laced in the Prince Ru-| 4 "0 by a ae eras - | servative Association, where, at Sunday afternoon, before the Skagway service. The City| Me SO ee oe zh PROM TERS TOOTS. all ninth thacueinblanhe. ahs rain came on, saw the imposing H Seattle has been tied up dur-| iii Abie rey jalready threatened. } —— gate sna taken tint aud ihe parade of the members of the wint The Spokane has| ie WOR GE GE 25 2 | Another Raw Deal. “The Progressive Con- . . a : Knights o1 Pythias lodge in Prince g winter rhe Spokane h periitt 83 £4 tt % | It ; k ledge now |meeting was plugged. ; refitted and over- HUGH Gttmin® | eae CORO) a Le ;$ servative Association has 3] x Rupert. There was a large turn- she went on the] ; hii i ib it {PAB} A strong Roker Ot ee Pro-)% decided to disband.” “A Frame Up. out of the lodge members wear- ir Narrows la | BAAS BUTE ALE gressives left Friday night’s fo We | “On Friday night a frame up ing their insignia, and after the Seymour Né s las ¥ Il is expeoted Chal ake wil Wy EEtTE BEE i ii th jmeeting when without even the $35 #7 Gees Botiain was made and manipulated by a| Pall yin the K of P, tiaal be ee in June he the Siniel Ie Hiiletege gp aa bh int j}semblance of a vote eight names that there will be a general $'couple of discredited politicians | | street they marched to the Pres- Ca , when the Spokane| [P/U Hig, gp ge ds?! it were nominated’ to De S0dbd tit ‘soproval ot tar amon jand to which all the eight nom-| DR. RUPERT BLUE. |byterian church, where the serv- the tourist route to the g 4 ‘ 4 ER MES the old association’s éxecutive. : j inated were party tacitly or other-| ice was conducted by Rev. F. W. ska glaciers It is evidently not realized by “* * * this move does 3/wise. Some of those who er : Kerr, who preached an appropri- : | those who framed up the measure away with any friction be- g/loundest in denunciation of the}the United States army. Before|ate sermon most effectively. i i Qose Sou and the list of names how many tween different wings of the dark methods employed by the old| going to Honolulu he was for sev- bite oe ik? tre eenal} indignant Progressives refrained same party. Fike lexecutive of the regular associa-| eral years in charge of the public GAMBLING CHARGE ae ee The Saahengtt from immediately declaring cit ltion did not hesitate, when the|health and marine work in San a : f hee F. Hu Du Vernet, | themselves, hardly believing that “In no small degree the opportunity offered, to adopt even! Francisco. Playing Cards with a “Kitty” in co Mat D McMillan Pp oe Ve ee re — |their chosen president, J. F. credit for bringing about more despicable methods for the} sie ides ane the Cetinje Hotel. Aa Seo, ae’ a chie, had fully realized what a Pn ay gs ae a aTiAATie ; sir-own selfish | q S. F. Grandell, J. M.|/gan and his banking house as a ee ae oH ree Sg this penonelis! lay 2 n a ene ment of their own selfi Seen the Progressives? Tes wien Auchan gan, ET. ee gee cae ey. tor me ee. pct he forced the nomination ee ; he lee Fi a i sisal “ h.”” | While the cares of the CGon- and Redich -were fined $15 and Valentine D. Nicholson, J./ millions in cold cash, stocks and ct et ein icra stoke of the .C, lonserva- Harmony a Myth. | servative party beset J. F. Ritchie|costs this motning for wanihivae Hy oe me £2 bang BB pole aed coda aaa : The Forced Move. YS ASN Iea | ‘* ‘Harmony’ between the bodies; Master Bob Ritchie's gravest care/in the Cetinje Hotel. It was proved fl, Roy White, A. For-!wealth high in the air becomes Under the arrangements by Hitech t of th is a myth, It does not exist; and! today is the quest of two red dogs. by a man named Jack Daw that ‘ | gene . aos wa me , : Aa 3 6 Nas Spent most oO © They Mus > “OFrTess OW re was a rak . . oe eer a, I 7“ ~ * which the alleged union was week here eg up the sit- junless the members of the Pro-| They must be Progressive ca-|there was a rake-off on the games y haceeataah ial jnew type of daring bank robber Ranehe aiaat cn aettae. ated eek : + ul ia LOTR Ass Sa RG opportun-| 2ines. played and stakes played for. Warm, clean rooms at Savoy.|operating by aeroplane. #POUS ‘ me - . if ae lation and has succeeded in gressives are an the following from the Yqr uns bringing about harmony. ity to nominate names for the ex-| = —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_ —— - — sive Association were to be given ; el ve a general sts yede fror TY places. of. Mia exadulive | OF (409 “Mr. Wadman says that naa is o ie ted er THIR -SIX LABOR LEADERS ' old-aasonistion; J, Fred ane loyally to the Conservative “The Czar of Russia could not yr. Claytor H. H. Clarke, ca wa) party was the thing> that [have acted more arbitrarily than| Macdonald, R. R. MeKinnon, arry| made the reconciliation pos- | did Predident “Ritolie" deniars Love, Alderman Douglas and A.| sible.” | saainthute Deeeonctwas bul hee) yy ween A Wis ae the oe oe) ij ne th “y Pt Rwaohbe > instiga-| a Raat: ete oe meas mee: “i ecutive, it was proposed, shouid “He has hopes that there ling ha tall fan at. |CHARGED WITH COMPLICITY IN THE COUNTRY-WIDE DYNA- ROMANTIC PROPOSAL MADE BY WIRE FROM SEATTLE constitute the enlarged executive will never be split again 3 Mnaanarnicant’ ‘Madham (tae MITING PLOT TO WHICH THE M’NAMARA BROTHERS ON eae Ree REL ics eoeten ea «ot: the ideal united COnsereRUBRIE fo totinced Gonsorva-, 4] iancnieeminne tolue foo nemoit | CONFESSED AT LOS ANGELES. AND MRS, JAMES J. CALKINS WED WEDNESDAY. association, The old executive|$ {ism here. ting sush aotion to take place, and] —~— 1p | © t0EUe g such action to take place, ¢é : t ! . } i consists of George D, Tite, presi-| - for not seeing to it that the elec. indianapolis, Feb, 44,--Indicte1 M Sa ce ey got do to the court houss y Stnnhang ie : : : ae : Oo Ti g Li fe De daa Le Wiis Se ] pe ee Cake es ttle ait an Sons before | cent! reeds. a y - Ae pi mpine - dilfercheg: Clap in~ was carried out in a regular} ed by a federal ue oe IND OR ae - _ slit ia “f ned mn Wednesday As pe eellags Saas ios 8 Iditeh” nam: eae ac the meeting, and honest manner. Also a great|0M accusations of complicity in ed James J. Calkins,|it was opened <¢ i * *|George W. Kerr, J. H. Hilditch, tinnas hains n expressed many of the Progressives are sur-|@ country-wide dynamiting plot Prince Rupert, to|soon as they could get the Ifee ape J. E. Merryfield, Dr. Quinlan, J.} desire’ on. th art of some ‘rised that their chosen president| Which culminated in the destruc-| ; ( I y 332 Ele } | ‘ried to early mass, after y . i J \\ Me ss pri I re at King, 1332 Elati|they hurrie« ar , ir Wynne, T. Maitland, J. » Mc-| to remai pendent, should have allowed himself to/| tion of the Los Angeles Times by| Venver, last Sunday. Miss|which they were married TS.’ Gutcheon and O. H. Nelson. | F 30d i dle Rena atin They | John J. and James B. McNamara, | ccepted, and lef ‘ owart arshall, a Denver girl, wenrree jbe usec 7 mi : ’ 8 ai ini footer sit sts ek i pted, and left that Howard Marsha ; wees auc Rally for Reform, thought better of him. thirty-six labor leaders, thirty : = eimai * WERENT 2088) The/ daughter of J. + ars ‘ Between Friday night and to-| their body real benetit 40) Sa) an four of them members of the In- | Kaien slan u etting pa i g was performed early|city, was matron of honor fol a pees ce ee heen althe city in st ne contrast to| af al ae ae |ternational Association of Bridge; Strong Team—Also Arranging mh \ i rning by the Rev.!| Catherine.” erin _ tt Pitienastr ante aie indieni mathods ‘of the Best meal in town a PBVOYs | ond Structural Iron Workers, for Basket Ball and Hope to Dunn of the St. James| Miss King has lived for seven ae ots andthe vane Hichtoitiold Conser\ Association TY lwere arrested today in sixteen Have a Ladies Team. 1 Seattle, l'vears yenver, where she is]; _ A eet Ade pw EE: as|should be allowed to suffer any New Steamer Schedule. eastern cities, as follows: eeoecmentoent yeal in Dei ’ is said, pecial meeting ha 4 : eo ucas ’ hier and Joe have) well known For several years|peen hurriedly called by ‘‘Peace-| Stay. | Agent Rogers this afternoon re- Indianapolis — Frank Ryan lhe Kaien Island ne ) has its KNOWN, f il q 3 | 4 : oes ‘ . . 7 é id Ps ac *'s 2 ich other. for seven] ha ha been the head of the!maker’ Wadman and his assist- Czar Ritchie. ceived from the Union Steamship | president), Herbert Hocken, |bpod tirred by this br i ae ee 5 d Mrs King “Two 8 M 1as reste r. Lewis| ant doves in order that a frantie Under heading “Czar}Compat vy word that the new boat} John P. Butler, Fred Sherman, | Shine and frosty air and is Sees Joe we a dp va | Pibbon department at A. me effort may be made to realize in| Ritchie he opinion of a number|of the company, the Chelohsin, Spurgeon Meadows (of Carpen-|0US of at once starting the ba ek | oe l& Son's dry goods store He fact the terms of the Trombone’s|of Progressive Conservatives has] will leave Vancouver on her first| ters’ Union rolling in an athletic direction, + nto e real estate al ‘ 0 ‘ ms © ‘ on . . The ave cide ave é x He wanted to take|father, Henry P. King, is deputy peace solo of Sunday, ‘They will/been ex ssed in writing as a/trip Monday, February 26th, and) wow york—Frank Webb, Pat-| 2 oe aa nee y 4 aa a i hi Fe ; fa ; } ; rj av » | 4 , . oor basebe oF: orthwith, ¢ with him then, but I]eoal mine inspector of the state.|no{ succeed,” say leading mem-|counterb he peace paean | that the Camosun will leave the rick Farrell, Daniel Brophy. I bo ee es ‘use IT wanted them to Calkins is a nephew of John /pops of the Progressives. of the frombope, At runs) next day and the Venture Ameo Milwaukee—W. E, Peddin, Her- I ie ha ved that the ladies will be their own minds, Then|Calkins, manager of the Denver! jy js held by powerful influences| thus: |days after her, Mr. Rogers thinks | man Seifert. lea dt ra the latter in large I got a letter AG Tra) Tnion tock yards He Was 11)amongst the Progressives that Phe } ‘ of the members of|this is only for the trial trip of : SP Re pleased to join E é yh ane aye ree ern 2 : yuis—Pe¢ Morrin, ¢ ors hat ha : a : th his uncle before he|ine effect of amalgamation with|the Progressive Conservative As-| the Chelohsin, and that the new; % oul Au ; numbers. 3 i rie ‘at ne surely knew his| business with h the effec amalgameé at eae andi rerular acheals: wilt maaek datas. | BOrry: There is also talk of aquatic | rc The young coupie Oo associe ) » terms! sociation arms, and/regular sche 3 > later. : : , ae Mi this time; that he] left Denvi r. a y i nee the old a ciation on the term ciation eg | Chicago Richard Houlihan,|/sports. Last year the endeavor " & well in his business, |will make their home 1 | — = ——= lames Coughlin, James Cooney,|to get up a rowing club failed for aa shee . racy for |B. C, | William Shupe. want of support; but ins rear ( le! 8 slegre | 2 ee ii snes: thse ee in a 4 acer], green Mamta, al CLEARING OFF FOR NEW RAILWAY DEPOT) css om [tenes nee . aug ae. canoes and le ches a 8 - 1 trescents, at : ‘s assey. ' stand it any longer, so Quill Drivers vs. Crest nts, , | nest Bassey oe . E. Phillips|/ieved that now a good meu ber- the same evening. They]Audiiorium, Feb, 20th, Game} Ne fees 3s. Syracuse, N. Y.—E. ¥. : "Can, | ship might be easily secured. the night letter which| called at 8:19 sharp. Admission : . P | (secretary-treasurer), Jon “Ar-\ The Scal Cove Athletic Club is tt . : oKn Tes ge after the game. | ® : ape jroll, ape in esate tei f alter their wedding that|25ce. Skating after th im ‘Council Meetings to be Held in Gymnasium of Fire Hall ais nton, Bate wees lakso talking ofa ROWIDE club ane pr scranton, meee * ‘lhbope to bave a commodious ciub 2 re es ce 7 jbope to Gave a —_— Office and Rupert Inn to be Moved to Centre Street | Philadelphia — Michael. Gyn-|)UP0 12 Dave. Somme ea. x jnane, : | stopage plant. PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO The City Engineer will report] The post is to be removed|required at once for yards and} Kansas City—M. J. Brown, W.| z. ' » old Ke Carruthers build-|the new depot, | McKain, reer TENT HT Renan to the Couneil tonight on the cons/to the old k ‘ : CE | ling wnt stree This does Hs aca’ Aine eae as » em-| Peoria, I!|.—James Ray, Edward NOTICE. dition of the new fire hall, with|!!8& 08 Gel nell This dogs ., hese changes mean the em-| th : r ‘ Progr tarmined to | ; } ore not happen to be in the line of ployment of quite a little labor in smy 1e, : ae : oe | ~Sessives refuse to be smothered—are determ suggestions as to We AROMA? | any grading 01 other necessary|themselves, but this will be| rf leveland T eter Smith, George A, ponene! mossina\at tha Buladl : p dations it affords for the tem-| work, and it is believed will serve nothing to the gangs of men that| Nipper Anderson, fa Risnart ‘Atbéndd Aaocaieahaa ie \nnouncement made that S. 8. Prince Rupert will lay © porary housing of the city hall|/the purpos: idmirably — until) will be employed on and about Denver—H, we vee ne eid in due ke! ch i aioe Vednesds : « | yp i ee ena aiack : , . 2 f shite aha Pia sister, n e ; X Wedn lay, staff. The probability is that the|detinite instructions are received|{the sites of the buildings la. mt Detroll— ee —— ; Feb. 22nd t 8 "8 Mayor Douglas invites you to the council meeting gymnasium will be used for the|from the federal government to| moved in the course of a few! Frank J. Murp ihe Buckley Thureday eve., Feb. mm & tonight meetings of the council, and that|start the co struction of a large! weeks, as foreshadowed in fhe pexennee’ eee ieee ey. p. m. An invitation is extended \nnounced that Prince Rupert beats five man bowling the engineering staff and clerks|permanent post office, detailed account we gave Satur | Springfield ee J Kavanaugh to all Liberals to be present. “ for whole ill be accommodated in the up ght near to it the Prince Ru-|day of the immediate intentions; Springtle A. de i Bh, Me, DOwinen ig 608 Ube, Se ae J i l (th | mpany in this|M, L, Pennell P. W. ANDERSON, Poy ibone ti V ver floors until the city hall is! pert Inn wi be placed, as the;o 1@ railway company) S|; ™M. 4. he ‘ ( »s r ¢ ‘r to or two, | 7 i 8) per n oe ; \ : satel nos Up for another. toot or (wo | completed, |site the Inn now occupies will be| regard, | Boston——Michael J. Young. Secretary '