Now is the Time to Buy Your While F wear Our Variety in Styles and Values Are Unbeatable Nev Shipment of k RUNNERS Just Arrived Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FlUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prinee Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance .. $5.00 'Paid in advance, per week .12 Tald In advance, per month .50 J By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and I United States, yearly period, paid In Tidvance . 3.00 j 'By mall to all other countries, per year - 9.00 , News Department Telephone 86 j Advertising and . Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations i DAILY EDITION HIGHLIGHTS OF TOUR Twenty -Five Years Ago June G, 1914 Practically the entire buslnes section ol the northern mining town or Atlln has been wiped out by a disastrous fire. The buildings destroyed include PlUman's store, Jules Eggertl? jewelry store, Kershaw's hardware store, Mcintosh bakery drug store, ,Kootenay Hotel, Vancouver Hotel, Presbyterian Church, federal .building, Leland Hotel and many residences. There was prac tically no Insurance on any of the buildings. I 1 Tuesday. June 6, 1939.' Rink Play In Mayor McUavm ot Victoria says he was iniormed by 1 -D 1 no greater authorities than His Majesty King George VI. LclWn JDOWlinP Kenousiy xne worus 01 guesis trying 10 piease. 11 was me tne Canadian National RecreaUon natural thin to say. It is probable that there were sev- Association Lawn Bowling xeagu i eral 'hundred highlights in the tour. SESSION PETERED OUT Evidently when Dr. Manion, speaking for the opposition in the House of Commons, advised the Prime Minister that hie jiarty was willing to co-operate so that the Kine mieht dissolve Parliament and when a small section of the opposition refused to complv, he decided that sola' as he was concerned the work of the House closed with the coming of the King. While the Prime Minister accompanied the Royal Party, the leader of the opposition also left for a holiday. The result was that the business of were played over the with results as follows: Angus Macdonald, 21; low, 12. Louis 12 and, finding themselves out of luck from a publicity stand- Borland point, the few remaining members shut up shop and quit, f011 What was the wod of talking if the country would not MacPhee listen? It would have been in much better taste if the McMeekii members of the C.C F. had acquiesced in the general wish of the members and helped to expedite business so that Tlnker the House miht adjourn. It was evidently to show his contempt for their action that Dr. Manion left at the same time that the Premier came west. Singles Bowling Contest Starts The singles, lawn bowling championship .of the Canadian 'National THE DAILY NEWS 'S PO RT' YANKS LOSE Scottish Team TO DETROIT ?ea1bNanaimo World Champions Shut-Out Three T Nil Yesterday liy Tigers And Vancouver Score of 4 to 2 In Fotball (ame Giants at the Polo Orounds while goals In the first half and Na the second place St. Louis Car- nalmo got Its two In the second dlnals dropped a ten to four ver- The game at Nanalmo was play diet to the Boston Bees at Boston, ed Saturday and yesterday The lead of the Reds Is now four- Scots played In Vancouver, defeat and-a-half games. ing all stars of this city by ft In the American League the score of 4 to 1 before a crowd at New York Yankees were shut-out four thousand Ian. It was Uie three to nothing by the Detrolc sixth win in seven games for ths wnH .425 helped them a lot to victory. 321) In the second game of the evening Three Two, with a strong htt-.805 ting attack, scored a nine run shut-.605 out over Llpsetfs. In the fmal ln-537 nlng Three Two got five runs on 525 the strength or three three-basgers. .415 Frank Parlett hurled well for the .429 winners. Joe Scott was on the J60 mound for the losers. -333 Andre Lctourheau or Three Two : and John Schroeder of Moose vied jfor the evening's heavy hitting and the Prime Minister of Canada that the reception giv- en in Victoria was one of the highlights of the tour. Evi- several Matches Are .itun off overrotto dently, that was the impression the visitors tried to leave Fast Week-end Lett's0 evex-.y piac wicjr visiieu. vviirn; uaju. lutwv u na.-, ReinjIarlv scheduled . Moose - -ell n vt(,uiaujr atticuuicu us well US week-end Jack Preece. 15. D. O. Borland, 18; R. M. Wins-low, 10. D. Q. Borland, 18; R. M. Wins- Arroll, 23; O. P. Tinker, George Hill, 24; Jack Frew, 8. D. A. MacPhee won by default from Jack Preece: The rlnk standings to date: w L. Pis. .2 0 2 ...2 0 2 ...2 0 2 ...1 0 1 ...1 0 1' 0 1 0 ...o ,1 0 .a0 2 0i J 2 0 .0 2 0 The standing to date is m lows: W 3 J2 2 to . 1 be of c his l I he must j. not take i. too y . .. every reason proud City . some . postponed rlnk matches in Acropolis 0 1 11. 1 i Ti 11 fol- Pet. .750 .750 500 500 .000 It's the cumulative effect of ad vertlslng that counts. FOOTBALL TONIGHT, 6:i5 Pioneer r Laundry vs. Navy CLASSIHED FOR SALE 12 h.p. VIVIAN engine, Atwater' Kent Ignition and propellor. Ap- ply imperial Machine Works,. Cow. Bay. (133) Plans for a. fine fall building on Arroll, Macdonald, McMefkln, 1r-)23 foot troller, Ford engine. ;wlth rn,iupuii3 11m nave Deen preparea by Architect J. E. Ollmore for the " Northern British :ColumbLa Agricultural and Industrial Association md it Is planned to start construction almost Immediately In readiness lor this year's exhibition. vine, Paul and Bulger Win Games Recreation Association Lawn Bowl-1 WANTED Girl for soda fountain ing Club got under way under the, and lunch. Dave's Confectionery,' Ideal weather conditions of 'the One hundred and twenty-five week-end with results as follows; merrymakers made an excursion Louis -Arrol,. 21; TI. W. Birch, 16. ' trip to Port Simpson. Weather was Angus Macdonald, 21 ;J . A. Frew ulendld end a highly enjoyable -day. 18'. was spent by mil. Prize-winners In Thomas TrfcMeeklri, 21; O. V.W11-' '.he field sports Included S. McClure, klnson, 18. C. Martin, Dan McKlnnon, J. IL J. B. Irvlne.S 1 ; R. M. Wlnslow, 16' Kelly, M. M. Lamb, Lionel Holtby, Jac4cPaUl,'21; C. 'H. Elklns, 12. A. Brighton and W. A. Matheson. ( John Bulger, 21; F. S. Walton, 10. 10 ft. 0 passenger outboard with 8 h.p. Johnson, $75. Phone Red 557 before 5, (1311 reduction gear. In igood shape, 150 cash, Phone Red 444. WANTED (133) WANTED Baby's buggy. Phone Ridley Jlome. 1133) TOR'RK.VT FOR RENT- Furnished Spanish Bungalow July and August, -$35 per month. Apply Box 13 Dally News. (135) Umericans WIN FIRST POLO GAME WESTBURY. Long Island, Jul Tigers at Detroit but are still visiting team in ine course 01 in Ever since Britons have planned elght-an-a-hair games in the lead. American tour, there having ibeen and hoped for the day when th3 the second place Boston Red Sox one tie game at New York. would break the power of Ameil- having lost to the Cleveland In- can polo. For three years, slnaj dians. The victory of the Tigers ' over the Yankees put Ihem Int the leadership of the second dlvl slon ahead of the Philadelphia Athletics who were routed 12 to 1 by the Chicago White Sox. I Yesterday's Big League scores: National league Pittsburg 2, Brooklyn 6. Cincinnati 8, New York 2. Chicago 7, Philadelphia 8. St. Louis 4, Boston 10. American League New York 0, Detroit 3. Philadelphia 1, Chicago 12. Boston 5. Cleveland 7. Only games. The league standings to date: National League W. Cincinnati 29 St. .Louis 23 POSSIBLE ELECTION Pittsburg 22 xr ;-p.v,r.4-;v. na fn ,iVmVm. f Vmvo Chicago 22 lie iiuvc iiu uiiicuu iiiiuiiimuuii iu uiui n. is to be an election this year or not .but, as a guess, we New York 19 we should say it seems rather likely that an election will Boston n be .held this summer or autumn. The present Parliament Philadelphia 13 has just completed its fourth session and one more is all American League that is allowed by the constitution. It is not generally bo," 23 looked upon as good policy for a government to hold on Chicago "ZZZ''ZZ122 to office until the end of its possible term, lhe present Cleveland ..... government could hold a session of Parliament next Philadelphia spring and call an election for the summer or fall of 1940 hiLton but it is more likely it will soon give notice that the elec- st n tion will Tse held this year. 2 n 18 15 14 L. 14 17 20 20 20 24 23 27 8 15 19 19 24 24 20 28 UPSET IN SOFTBALL cock, the United States defenders : ExacUy 25 years ago. on this same turf, as war clouds gathered the over Urope in June. 1914. Britain won the cup. In June. 1921. whon the jerles was resumed after the war. the Americans recaptured th did trophy at Hurllngham. Eng- ting their best men. superhjy No mounted, on the field for this series. The Empire has been combed Moose Win Over Oratlo There Two for the hardest hitters and fastest -Shut Out Lirnett's horses. Players came from Autt- ralla, as well as from the Argen- 1 Qrotto suffered Its first .defeat of tine and Texas. Whether or not the feison In the Senior Softball the British Invaders are strong League last night when Moose scor- enough to defeat the American cd tin upset five to three victory, stars, experts freely predict thai Everything was going along nicely this Is the most potent challenge in a nip and tuck game and It wa Ing force Britain has sent after the seventh inning with the score h trophy since her 1914 squad tied three all. Then Jack Yager. wnt to work. 1 Orotto pitcher, who had been nlar- The wonkv Meadow Brook Club Ing a good steady game both on the th Its series of polo fields ae. Pet. mound and on the bases, having down among the vast estates of .674 scored all the runs, made a prize Wand, has brought the In-.575 faux pas by overthrowing to first twnatlonal Md uo to perfect 524 which let In the two winning goals condlUon. None of the te 524 for the Antlered Herd. John Schroe- matches were plaved on Its smooth 500 der turned In a good pitching per- "P1" o turf Its short-clipped .442 fcrmance for the Moose and this ra" was disturbed by horses hoofs for the first time this yeat g NEW VISIBLE COOKING An Exceptionally Durable 4J-Coat Enamelware White with Red Trim Every Piece Has a Pyrex Glass Cover Come in and Sec Them on Display 'NYLON' Fishing Leaders Stronger Than Gilt-Uniform Elastic No SJi c en Will straighten When Dry Will NotSplit or Fray Will Not ISccomc Sleazy We Have All Sizes ! KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Vc Deliver oh Sunday. The other games "of I the terles will be contested on successive Sundays, June 11 and June 18. Even though the series be decided in the first two matches, the third will be staged Expert Itli date Close to 40.000 expected to crowd the ne NEW YORK, June 6: (CP) - At At Vancouver Vancouver Island Island City City ineia on Long island S the his- their national flan Cincinnati .Reds gained another torlc battleground for this thi! full game for their margin of sup- VANCOUVER. June 5: (CP) The greatest International cup polo' remacy In the National League touring Scottish football team de- serles since 1914 with Captain Ow- rrtxrt uti yesterday by scoring an easy 8 to feated Nanalmo by a score of A alci Balding leading the British III 1 A I I fJ f 2 victory over the New York to 2. The tourists made all thel' team nnd caDtaln Tommv Hitch- 1V VT LiUlvJ SCHEDULE June 7-tRlnk No 2 vs, Rlnk No 10; nink No 3 vs Rlnk No. 5 June 0'Rlnk No 4 vs. Kink Na ; Rlnk Ne. 7 vs Rlnk No. . June 12 Rlnk No. 8 vs. Rlnk No 10: Rlnk No. 1 vs. Rlnk No. 4. June 14-Rlnk No. 2 vs. Rlnk No 3; Rlnk No. 3 vs Rlnk No. 0. June 10 Rlnk No. 7 vs Rlnk their last defeat In 1936. thy No 10: Rink No Jw have focussed every effort on nut- June 10- Rink Nn Rlnk No 9. 1 v Rlrk 5; Rlnk No 2 v Rlnk No. C SPORT CHAT Hunting tn South Afrki spectator. arc !L"'! t oig room s-.: - of , n.. . .i.- the !for ,9r old 0,a tYDe mum. mualf ,.., ""i tm blue stands for matches 'i '.e Prices have been set at the low ial Cap D"mllh.s- ,J5 r, (CP) -United States defeated est In history In line with areat Britain by a score of 11 to -polo for the public" policy 7 on sogsy ground Sunday in the lowed In recent years. first of a two-in-tnree series in jixe trodlUonal .pony tl. fol- Bobby Locke, ouwundin. w African golfer, believe Z lift aid nf .lf .L tinrarl " C nun, k determine for the next three years opcned lhe colorful of 'In JlHJL M? "rry trw resting place of the Interna- ,ernaUonal sports pageanU. Tin ut 1st; . h. he ' " tta tlonal Polo cnanenge cup. rnounU. CO In each string, paraded Meadow Brook's lnternatlonsl' ik Wder nf the fieirt hehinii say. Am - a new gmund. built by toluntvjW was .opened at Rustenbm tl v- name and u. UiUrnament were started. " rrui ne trainer fa & Africa tried to insure hu iwrformers but the BntferwJ! asked a premium of in t M70 worth of fleas At the 4nvlUUon cf tht t). men's A male a r RowlnjAuKUaa of Oreat .BrtUin. Aoitrtlu r eenn a women t v ur-oaml to compete tn EnTln -.d In IMj t will be the first wwneni en ever sent overseas from Abr V fifty cent ejLSilfW n n ouen mane you many dossa MacKenzie's Furniture Baggage For Going Away Are you geiiig to travel? If you are we have the iUggage for in. TRUNKS, AIJtOPACKS, THIN RETS, SUIT CASES, V.VMn CASI Mclirlne IlanacXravr T tiled Phone 775 JJ7 TIIIHII AVtMI uuuuuuuouooOOOOOOOOOOCraOOOO WUOOOOOCOOOO&COOOOSOOtM SHICK INJECTOR RAZOR COMPLETE WITH 12 BLADES $1.00 Ormes ltd. 7Ji Pioneer DruQ?sts The Itexall Store Phones: 81 It K Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and llolldayi frm 12 non till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till p.m. 000000000000000000000 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooW r Ninv and nirrn-R . COLD CURED ICE for the, Halibut and Saimon Fleet Following the Investigations of the Fisheries Research Station, the Company has Just completed extensive changes and Improvements In ice storage Tind Ice delivery methods. Ice for the boats will all be old Ire, thoroughly cured off aged at new low temperatures. :ll will be delivered into the hold, even In the hottest weather, as cold as the atoragt room. Fishermen are Invited to inspect the new system. Better ice than ever before, at no increase In cost, means economy to the boat and Improved quality In fish delivery, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert British ColnnibU