satiated een ee
prince Rupert Land District—District of | MS
} t ‘
The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B.C. | rake notice that ot Lemuel Freer, |of LOW CUT GOWNS St
| Vancouver, . + Occupation broker, in 5
. * . tit | tend to apply fo Sic op bi
Te ee ee ene Company, Limited j t i i owing desctt ed lands: es oc] is
commencit t planted the ~
a. DAILY AND WEEKLY . shor r nm tor therly idirection «from P ort it es an + Order Which He >?
: 2 > — . “ ) Cannery, m a) orne oe
ay TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates) We aré showing a wonderful Sy EE henna 4 cas | eee 8 ar Aneiich ‘Ceesl-|
an on application. | selection f thi irel new thence 20 chains south to shore line, Believes ose
ee ay | se ° this entirely thence east along the shore to point of lette Styles in Roman Catholic) 5
Rote SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Datzy, 50c|Bed. Stronger, better and cheap- commencement, containing 40 acres, More) Qs Gi ei eg. |
y / per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All|er than brass. . oe LEMUEL FREER i pie ‘
: H Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly | eeehicinhiinn Pabedan to ta | Rome, Feb. 14 For a long} ae 0 S
i in advance. i . ’ Pte . ,
| ltime as been k 7 at Pope}
' | HEAD OFFICE BIG ae STORE Skeena Land District—District of Coast, ; me it ha ad oh aaa : ad , 4 Ne ———————
| j ° . 2 ange 5. ius was itensel) opposet O| Se
| i Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. Paene es si 2nd Ave. & 6th St veto ria, B. ao, ie ow some of the tendencies of curr t 42
Pe | Entrance on 2nd Ave mission to purchase the following de-| fashions, his special aversion be-| 2
fi BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES scribed lands: | fe ‘| os
fi = Commencing at a post planted at the|ing the extremely decollette cut) ¢&
Hl New YorkK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City southeast corner of Lot 1799, thence south in evening gowns, and from the fos
SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. north 80 chains, thence east 40 chains to} peginning of the present ponti-| 9M
point of commencement, containing 320) . Vatic¢ he igred Cath-
LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar pcan 9
nt . ‘ > AAP ; ake ) 3 > B ‘ B: | wn
prosperity of the world outside during the past ten years, with The Bank of of Vancouver, B. G., ‘occupation engineer: Until he has passed away. s scriber from England. 3
the exception of a few months of financial panic in the United EON Papel lite oollowiee described lands: | —Cincinnati Enquirer. : #
States has been unbounded, and accrued earnings are still seek- B iti h North America east Of Ness fiver‘end 45 ebsins south ef | ste fp
ing investment in all corners of the world. British Columbia Prius Prien berth; thehes $6 conlas : Coaranaee aoe Fp 2 ae oes —POST PAID TO ANY ADDRESS IN #
. t 1 er ce ida canits ne 40 chains south, following the Naas Kiver; ntil he has passed away, 4 A
could not and was not overlooked. Outside capital opened up ve i ‘rusne 784 CenAlCeEnts IpuDoua Cort Sark | a Rate HAN Es 4
, , ‘ , g : ; A Strong British Bank, with se 6 ;And we are almost dyin 45
her mines in this northern part, and is creating a fishing industry : [ANSRCSIDED SS OROPRIBIDE SOO 1 BPC /AAOES | nid ina abi hive : United States or Eng. anad hs
7 ' ¢ Connections Throughout the ;or less, To corral our next week’s pay. 35 Ay
that will shortly rank second to none. Where does McBride World. eae Stewart, Agent —Milwaukee Sentinel 5 5
come in for any particular credit? ee |: ROBE PED ORR UDeR Alerter et ad er @ar 3}
: Pub. Dec. 13 Pe hah o %
Of the whole of this northern half of the province Prince a ys oral. almost ne “: }
’ ; s ‘o corra ur next week’s pay, *
Rupert is the hub. It is the newest and most desperately Foreign Drafts pSkens Ubany Oe Rung oe DS i cae sea aac ii te ay
; ‘itv " Sa:mvallias hei Brad ber dat | ake notice that John Scott Young, of oyare there “ yee Be Sah men non penn
struggling city on the map, as well as being the city with the ‘ | Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, intends Gruffly tells us, “On your way. + a SEA 3 ass : ss tas ass aa ysry ‘
' 7 : , : Agents in Canada for the Colo- apply for permission t t th soe ES ing
greatest future. What has McBride done for Prince Rupert) “8 oy Ute unne aederibed iandat ee —Seattle P. 1.| Meat
to lead any citizen to give his vote to continue him in power?| ial Bank, London and West | commencing at a post planted at the |
: ‘ oats? northeast corner of Lot 1550, thence south |
Indies. We have special facilities | to the north boundary of Lot 1551, thence} They ought to come to Rupet
east along the sald boundary to the sea- | Where
for handling business with Great | Spor poets have clear way; A t li G t C
i reek | ets, dtr “uamtectanhs “eating |No gruff cashier ever stopped ustralian Governmen uring
He has done this, and done it deliberately: He has kept one-
quarter of this townsite from paying taxes; he has defrauded the
city treasury by just that much. To make public improvements, Britain and foreign countries. freee hunared and sixty-one (364) acres,’ Our ‘Mac’ from drawing pay : “
. 2 2 * } > 5 ve
to develop the city and make it worthy of frent rank among the Drafts on France, Germany, OO Soret Ore. Neca Drink Habit Adopts Famous
leading seaports of the world takes money and the city has to} South Africa, Australia, New | pated Nov. 15, 1911. Dies a Poor Man.
‘ : ' | Zealand, India, China, Japan and | PU». Dec. 15, 1011.
borrow it. Its collateral for such borrowing is depreciated by| “¢#8R°, ° ’ » Jap Fred La Rose, the half breed NEAL CURE
twenty-five per cent. by McBride’s ‘“‘policy of wonderful expan- West Indies bought and sold. Skeena Land District—District of Coast,;prospector who discovered the
Pat ee | . é Range 5. | fe Cobalt mines, has died a
‘ ” awe + ere sha ras area swphe , > Take notice that I, Samuel Beiltees,|!@!N0uUS Gobail m §, has , ‘ ° . ‘
erpn. Even the credit of its de bentures Bre names hed by the) primee Rupert Branch— gardener, of Victoria, Intend to apply fof} poor man. La Rose made his|] Sending Sunshine and Happiness Into Hundreds of
dilly-dallying of his legislature in the ratification of our debenture ar | Permission: to.purchame::the' following:de: | a: ovary: in’ the fall of: 4003. Darkened Homes Instead of Inflicting Fines or
bylaws. Right in the heart of our business section are dirty, | Commencing at a post planted on the ja ak ae eas
; 1.| Serine Mack Canee Uke dacaek olen ane Prison Cells Upon Her Unfortunate Citizens
sfi . ACE Ss at , ave Ee ‘oOvere 7} and- = > — : - | chains back from the cree an. an ar . ate ¢ Q shes
disfiguring vacant lots that would have been covered with han 1 Coan cite vckoles ceaimeaet dear thers For row boats and launc hes
some business blocks from which the city weed be collecting) 4. | the Kitimat branch of the G. T. P. right-| telephone 320 green, Davis boat The government of South Australia | selves of the Neal tré
but McB ] ti t th tl 6 | a. 1 south dG epeine gi og llr 14 meres | house. has set an example worthy of timita- | sanitariums in Austral
Aye 2 . . 2 ay > Pe - sO - 5, =
revenues, bu cBride is waiting to gather the ‘‘unearned in THERO al Hotel thence north 40 chains, thence west 46 | tion by the other nations of the world MiaaiifA > 2 » AMUEL BEILT awful consequences of the drin nd . ,
value by the investment of their own toil and money on adj acent | Cor. Third Avenue and Sixih St. / : lide. E. Cowell, yr ‘IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS they have for years past been investi that the drink habi
properties. When William Manson starts on his still hunt for} | r i Dated Oct. 31, 1011, gating its cause, effect, treatment and | caused by the poison
| pub. Dec. 9. yossible cure up in the system by
voters for McBride next April, he will need a search warrant to} { | The Finest Rooms |ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS|| | Grito: sane: ied bap eA o maar’: lait exbesaive:use of
; : : g | The best equipped ; ; ; yes ee ’ )
find one in this city outside of those holding provincial jobs or ! Fan oy prestige bal gale Skeena Land | District Sspiemes of ame: | H. R. Love, Prop., Prince Rupert|} commissioned by that government, and that then un
who hope to hold one. 1} Bene eer j Wash., occupation chainman, intends 1to|Up-to-Date Equipment. Work and|f Visited the United States, and after @ | pay. nedical help a |
¢ sstaurant apply for permission to purchase the fol- sie 7 Tork thorough investigation of drink habit typhoid fever o th
ao { | iowine CCEA ADORE Ee ce | Prlogs (BRL BRS Resi Ors treatmefits, returned to his government | Dr. Nea! has solved t |
Commencing at a post planted about six f General Repairing. : a ; are aa , . has pot only 1 |
WE SHALL GET THAT ALASKA TRADE EVENTUALLY. | i miles east of the Naas River and about and sOnopa ep ” last September and gave a detailed and but he has fot t }
| } — seven miles north of Aiyansh, thence north Shop, Hays Cove. lengthy report recommending the adop- | dotes this | n, at \
5 elghty chains, east elghty chains, south) gents for Imperial Gasoline Motors. tion of the NEAL THREE-DAY DRINK | with other well koov
‘ > . : sighty chains, wes j ins int ' * i 2 f ge drugs, ! f
During the federal election it was several times pointed out | Corley & Burgess, Props (| of commencement ee Phone Blue 259 - P. O. Box 957|| HABIT CURE. The government of | SNINNE Inout, wh I
aan ae id gaint | FRANK FUREY | South Australia adopted his report, and aé " ted
in these columns that if reciprocity carried this port would gain if { eae H. P. Hutter, Agent. | : 2 established the cure in a large govern- | factory 8
i es ee eat han ht: wiehese age g e 0, ; , , 18 ee ton yo ret Tane Jated Oct, 31, 19114, —_—_——— , ’ ment sanitarium, where those addicted | time of only thre
a very distinct advantage in at once becoming the supply point} Pub. Dec. 14, | Sn Se ET NEY (tees © earn) Sania The Vancouver N
for the whoie of the country to the north of us, including Alaska. | - | SONS OF NORWAY creme Someone, aes OF being fined | Ped ere
There are indications that although reciprocity was defeated we | Skeena Land Districts of Coast}Meets 2nd and 4th Sundays at 7 During oe pra’ ninety days iss pers) gay attes| to the ef!
langeod. ’ ’ 4 sons 80 anhectec were perfectly cured | reatinen
may get that trade. Only two or three weeks ago some of the ‘UNION SS. COMPANY OF B. [ Ltd Take notice that I, CAROLINE JOHNSON,|p. m., in Carpenters’ Hall. All/f py tne Neal treatment at government | If in need of !
"y of Vancouver, B. C., oeeupation married Norwegians are welcome expense and restored to citizenship, In| have a friend wh |
largest concerns of Ketchikan and Cordova decided to deal with | | woman, intend to apply for permission to | * sad inal , addition to this, reports show that more | write for booklet givil
| a purchase the following described lands: | than double that number availed them tion
Vancouver in preference to Seattle, being tired of the way Seattle | The new ital Passenger Steamer Commencing at a post planted at the|
southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence south | >=
has made a political football of Alaska and Alaskans. When the | 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence
, d : : : . norun 60 chains to tue southeast corner of
railway is through you may read this Prince Rupert instead of : For 3062, thence west 40 chains along
7 2 * }south line of Lot 3062, thence north 20 om eR aR naa
Vancouver. Leper ab oe west line of Lot 3062, thence
| wes 0 air along ut ine oO 0 . >
But there is another point worthy of consideration in regard 8065, to point of commencement, contain: PRINCE RUPERT INN 1250 Broadway W., Vancouver, B. C. Phone Bayview
Me 56 U acres more c eas | /
to this trade coming here. In an interview to be found in an- leaves | CAROLINE JOHNSON, nee |
0 ; ’ ars, a well k , ining man from Dated Dec. 23 By tart: ARN, a |
other column Mr. John Rogers, a well known mining man P Prince Rupert every Sunday | Dated Dé 25) htt. pine | {| |
Cordova, says that the agitation throughout Alaska in favor of at 6 p.m. for Vancouver, | a sanrtaria kawinan
political union with Canada is no idle talk, and he adduces strong arriy ing’ Tuesday morning. | Skoens end ‘Dieteie( amdiiiak aa nei (NOTARY PUBLIC)
logical argument. If that should ever take place we should have peas notice ene eee ao ibesken: ANNEX
or We 7 | 1
the Alaska trade; it would naturally belong to us F Stewart City on arrival of Prince Rupert, B.'C,, oceupation miner,
: ° from Vancouver EF intend to apply for permission to purchase | (
Prince Rupert has always welcomed Alaskans, Among our) night. riday | ii mmmencing ch a maateaiel ativan pee I TET TD amueé aryison wJUe
leading property holders are several mining men from the north, southwest corner of a small island about
twenty-five (25) chains north and two (2)
te eh Wad, tRdat hana tania nathManni ana a name and| Northbound, leaves Vancou- | chains east Of the northwest corner of Lot ° SE ah teh
some of whom were here as soon as the place had a name Owned and operated by the Real Estate and Stock Brokers
eee | 1823, Range 6, Coast District, Porcher | o4 :
have grown up with it. They are always welcome, and they can| Ve! Wednesdays at 9 P.M, | Island, thence fouiowing the shore line In|] Grand ‘Trunk Pacific Railway on
; a northeasterly direction about front | th ek ‘ iE 2
find no other place on the outside where they can leave their|Steerage Fare $6.00 | (29) chains to the north end of the tslanc e American and European plan.
thence 1 @ southwesterly direction along | Excellently furnished witl : t
cas wi > of . “ety ; T9e “oO fi ha 66 ' the shore tine about twenty (20) chains | , 4 e Stewar
dust pokes with the same surety of large profit. The ene, as the only steame | to the point of Commencement, being an steam heat, electric light, and all Prince Rupert - and . —eegeeennne
ce RES on the run having water- tight bulk- | island containing about forty (40) acres, modern conveniences, being abso
heads and double bottom, thus en | #ore or less,
suring safety of passengers in case | Dated Dec, ot, ttt fe SAR roles Santyslans in Oty EDO ANAS SS A SRST 7
of collision or wreck, Pub. Dec. 13. | i
The appointments and service
Convention of Liberals
are equal to any hotel on the
nn tine mes pnes otc Se ‘tT KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY
Take notice tb t * Mi bi Beganis, cook,
nia, B.C. intend 10 THIRD ANENUE P.O, DRAWER 10524
J. H. Rogers, Ticket Agent. |
A convention of British Columbia Liberals will be held at Na anes i thho fain ar ee
‘Brian’ 43 ee kee 4 KS Pa be ok , scribed lands ‘ : ste Git
O'Brien's Hall, Hastings street, Vancouver, on February 29th, no gmmencing at s post planted on the Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day Builders’ Supplies Sheet and ei or
41912. Upon purchasing a first-class ticket to Vancouver via F. M. DAVIS AT DAVIS’ | Kitimat branch Vous ee! ne crosses ° Plumbers’ supplies rate a
. - ptove .
Cc, P. R. and obtaining at the time of purchase from the 1M eplinres Pom tite nee ond about hee (8 Juin ae an HARDWARE Tinwa:
rie t an a erate General Machine Shop and Ship’s | chains, thence east 40 ¢hains, thence nortb | a anitew
ticket agent a standard certificate, and upon the signing of Carpentering. aa fos Baise | 0 site suenge cae id cas chains, to point | Varnishes Grani
this certificate by the Secretary of the Convention, the holder banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline | 0), Commencement, containing mre G. A. §S
Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac- vanissngineene MICHAS BEGANIS f r Sweet, Manager \
‘ ; 7 e The ‘st
will be entitled to a return ticket at one-third the usual fare. > raat 1, Agel tans
cessories carried in stock, Dated Oct. 81, fees E, Cowell, Agent. MONARCH MALLEABLE Ra
Launches and Boats for Hire N.E.endof Wharf! Pub. Dec, 9, |