TAQE FOUR EXCITING OFFER OWN STOCK pita $74.75 IN COMMUNITY Dl ATX I I H I ( IS Speaking in the House ol Com 59 PIECE CORRECT SERVICE SET $5975 StT CONTAlNSi 8 Ttaipoom, 8 Dtiurl Ifxxxn, B Forks BILH. Knlv.l, 8 Salad Forti, 6 5 O'clock Tcatpoons, 8 tuttw $fradn, I Butter Knife, 1 Sugar Spoon, I CeU M.ot Fork. CONVINIINT SUDOIT TItMS MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND SPECIALIST Model 94BT-1 HANSON ON CONTRACTS Advocates That Katunal Defence Department Do Work Hy Tender Rather Than On Cost rius Basis IL-.nnc nf ftrauro a fa- riaiM atrn ' ItlUllil tt S-W V " MB "O : Kaiistm. M. P. for Skeena ,'.:-rd ihe suggestion that the Jrarlmrnt of National Defence, r. rryjng out defence construe- r work should follow the prac-! . h" Department of Publl? K .'rk and other departments by .: -fr.tracts ay open tender, I minafing the cost plus system' , . : is absolutely necessary-Mr Hans in emphasized that he vta.s ub.MlutPly in favor of the de- "IM r I'l'fKldlll lltiu CAfll CJCU t.ic 1 h"!'"f that pxtnriltures were not "fftrirr.t H- ni onnowd to Ca-ari.-i denerdlnK on other nations - vi-r drfncc. Mr. Hanson is reported in Han- sard as follows: "I am absolutely in fayor of the d?fenr.e program and associate myself with merfiber: who have said that in view of world conditions today our expenditures are not sufficient. In my opinion what ve ar doing is a step in the right direction. "A couple of years a.io I stated In th.,Houp that Orientals -:ould 'and on the Pacific coast and take command df the railway, drv dock and elevator facilities. If they used only a row boat, two men and a machine gun. We could not have defended our coast at that time. The Minister of National Defe-ce Mr. Mackenzie) ha? realized the strategic position of the Pacific coast and has at least tried to develop defence facilities It is ridiculous to think that we should allow outsiders to defend our ports. It was our good for! tune to have the benefit during' the last war of defence by the ereatest fleet on the seas. But in times such as these, can we depend upon that defence? I am pleased to associate myself with " the Minister of National Defence A. H, Carnuchael and F. O. R. who nas m to show the worlj, Winter of Vancouver are here on that ln small a way we are tryln7 Inspectorial duty in connection with to help ourseives and not depena the Canadian Bank of Commerce, upon other natong for supp0rt. having arrived on the Cataia Sun- "One su-jgestion has been mads day night from the south. Mr. Car- to me. and I belipve to many michael was formerly accountant members, in connection with th on the local staff and is receiving WBrita8 f war eontracUJor th-' , . . , . Department of National Defenrc a welcome from many old friends - am not crJticlzlng depart. .nere- rrent for making contracts on a ' t eost-rtlti basis but it ha bn suerzested it would be ln the in- Five thousand Princt, Rupert terests of the Canadian people and jjeople read the Dally News It would stimulate greater co-ooera- pays to let them know what you n-n if the Department of National have to sell Defence were to follow the pro- Lowest battery drain RCA Victor quality performance entirely new circuits new type tubes - Looks different It different. Think of it, a revolutionary new and different kind of battery set built and backed by the most famous name in radio, RCA Victor ... at the amazingly low price of only $29.95 complete uitb all batteries. No need to wait longer ... Now ovory homo can afford this quality RCA Victor radio. Just look at those Amazing Features. "i'1 .urcuil' d?:Pl T RCA Victor, lor maximum .iUdancy ol th. new Toll "A" batt.rr and nsw U vo?t tubts cost much lu to operaUl Psnnanent magnst dynamic p,oJcsr for supsrb ton qualltv. 'Easy-rading, full-Tision dock-type diaL Modym. nsw styU cabinst of fin, walnut vsnotn. BuUt la th lamous RCA Victor factory by Harry should not be allowed to dc the work. The suggestion is. however, that wherever possible tlu Department of National Defence should follow the practice of the Department of Public Works and other departments of tKe govern ment of letting contracts by open tender. If It were indicated that the Department of National D- Steamship Sailings Vnt Vllfonl Tuesday Cataia 1:30 p ro Thursday Ss. Prince Oeorge 11:15 p.m. Friday Ss Prln. Adelaide 10 p.m. .VPraj THB CATXT NFWS Tuesdsv BRITAIN'S WAR-BIRDS LAY THEIR EGGS 7' ' "V B Gardening - A ilttae known but ht0hi.' imixji aut branch of British coastal defence Is the arm o! liir. Hoyai Ak: Force, equipped with aeroplane that fire torpedoc rom ihe air a.s the one at the right is doing. At the left ii a group of mechanics at the air force station at Oospore Eng.. attaching an aerial torpedo to one of the specially constructed 'planes. The torpedoes weigh about 1.500 pounds and are capable of inflicting enormous damage upon the largest ships. cedure of other departments and where possible let contracts by open tender. The department might well take the suggestion in to consideration. Of course there might be contracts of such n nature that every Tom, Dick and We were greatly excited a few evenings ago. Last year we planted a number of sets of that brilliant climber. Tropeolum Speclosum, a species of nasturtium. The plants grew but did not bloom. As this plant is rather temperamental and grows only Jn certain locations, we wondered If it would come up this spring. While everything around was still crowing there was still fence were favorably disposed In no slgn of the lropeoium The,, that regard, it would assure th? thp othcr eTen,n)? wc dUcoverpd a Canadian people that there It few jhoote comlng lhT0Uh the nothing wrong. I am convinced ground and now tnere are a dozcn there is nothing wrong ln the de- or more and growtnrj tlnc It re partment but. when a department maln, 8een whether or not finds it necessary to let a con- tney wlIj reany thrlve ln our lr. tract on a cost-plus basis It is rar Dr and Mrs Mandy sometimes difficult to convince have tne Ilnc4t tropcoium in the ;nme pennle that It has btcn pro- cjty ' nerly let." It lc a greet help to a gardener to have a little greenhouse or even a cold frame. Many plants can he helped In spring by a month or two ln a greenhouse rven If there is no artificial heat It Is a great plce for a wet day Olads and dnhllas can b brought forward Indrs and they bloom werks early by spring Ss Cnrdena 10:30 om. forcinE Tuberous beeonlas. to eet Tunr in Ss Prlnce Louise ojn. bst resnlu. should be several In-Junr 17- Ss. Prln. Charlotte p.m. rnw! h)(?n inn they are planted June 24 -Ss. Princess Louise p.m. oUtslde. It Is time' to put them I rnm Vann.uver out now II.F.P. Sunday ss Cataia p.m.1 Monday -Ss. Prince Robert 0 ajn. TORONTO. June : (CP) Clad Wed Ss. Pr. George p.m. 'n nlsht attire. a'48year old male Friday ss Pr. Adelaide ...A p.m. patient escaped from Toronto Ocn as Cardena pjn.jfral Hospital, being found bleed- June 5 Ss Princess Louise ajn. lng from a stomach gash, ap-June 12 Ss Prln. Charlotte a.m.jparently made by a broken bottle ' June 19 Ss. Princes? Louise a.m. nearby. June 30 Ss. Princen Louise " 1 Por Anyox and Stewart Sunday ss. Cataia 8 p.m Wednesday Ss. Prince George 4 p.m. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday as. Cataia .11:30 a.m. Thursday Ss. Prince t .Oeorge 8 p.m.. For Naas Kiver and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Cataia - 8 p.m. Prom Naas Kiver anf. Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Cataia ... 11:30 a.m. For Ocean Falls-Tuesday ss. Cataia 1:30 p.m. Thursday Ss. Prince George 11:15 p.m. Friday ss. Pr. Adelaide .... 10 p.m. From Ocean Falls-Wed. Ss. Pr. George .10:30 a.m. Friday ss. Pr. Adelaide .... 4 p.m, ss. Cardena p.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands-June 16 and 30 Ss. Prince Charles 10:30 p.m.! From Queen Charlotte Islands 1 June 14 and 28 Ss. Prince Charlct, a.m. For Alaska-Monday--Ss. Prince Robert 11a.m. June 5 Ss. Princess Louise a.m. June 12 Ss. Prln. Charlotte ajn. j June 19 Ss. Princess Louise a.m. ' June 30 Ss. Princess Louise ajn. from Alaska-June 10- Rs. Princess Louise p.m. June 17 Ss. Prln. Charlotte p.m. June 24- -Ss. Princess Louise p.m From Skeena Itlver Fridays, Cardena p.m J BESUUS (roirt WANT ADS. IVALUABLE Dr. FISH WORK GOING ON Neal Carter Tells Commerre Chamber of I.perlmf ntal Station ArtlvltlM lam Gordons Gin TUMIUUUGRUTIRnftEN(TI lyxrtrr jwm fendon, inland Thl.s advertLvrnnf U) not pub-llshed oi displayed by the Li-uuor Iotilrol Uuirr! or by the Government of Drttuh Columbia HOLIDAYS Try SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP This Year Situated on the Finest Hea- Ileach In Canada Apply to .MUS. DUNN, Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands, fur Full Particulars Do You Know? SUNDAY FULL COUKSK CIIICKDN DINNKIt At The Knox Hotel 50c All While Help Flume 71 leans or by wraptng the meat ln parchment. Problems In connection with froaen shell fish were solved and In connection with this Dr H L A Tarr was collaborating In a num ber of problems a panel of tasters collaborated. While there had been some criticism of the panel system It had ln many eases worked out well. Thy were now Investigating the possibilities of smoked grey cod. Smoked fish waa expected to be kept for a few month while Iroz- i i. i U...111Im -va1-I m A particularly tnWrestlrw sum- kept lora year The orma t on mary of what Is rtn don at the ...... n . nri RvraH- f ice crystals In the flesh had 'mental SUtton wu fiver, th Prince f"?" """.'. ltment I " for 'Rupert Chamber of Commerce at , It dinner last nlht by Dr Ns.1 f M "hi 1LY lli Iaim mm ttKAS haUAf 111 tan Carter, ctttectar ol the sUtkm. Dr. """r?7' IT" . cht. That was n-rur Mnl.lnd that a anmt deal w..t " . , k- ,!,. wt.Mh twcaiwe the breaking up prwe-j. often seemed unrelated to the gn- hademmene , v.... TftU were helnt made locally Ui- nnlni oyster. tually Ud up to tt. T 0l,'" w'rr f4rn ,fW,ltMj "nrt ' Dr Darter md that O. C. Yount pTrntrhlS; kftn- h-on Vr and we- ,i. Jn mctrmds n n.nnm sh.H H-h T:" m ' -.Thy had already solved some of fnt d""P"VT i tvA nmhtm n,.- ,i.h h herring token In the North Sea. T,,e rr,.tt..w,.!hat 11 had to 7 Icanntng of shrimps enabling the 'cannerr to retain the color and fla- treateooiirerenur , w,M , Mttui- Krrw Dr. Carter then went on to rils- ken down rrodiwt. In doing this they operated a small model ean- nery at the station They had two and- " different methods of keening a re- nrri nf UmivinlurM thrwiftxttti th UpVIHVfVll OTMV nt tlU- (Sf CKffIIIR a new method of their own. In canning of eraba thare was a difficulty cuss the wo'k betns; done on fhh! oils. This started ten years ago TONIG 2 alrntane oil were nv btn nwde " 10 renur in reutnlng the color. t" !?r ?lTl I possible to continue the work at present Dally advertising in the Dall News Is sure to bring dattjr cm' or rniscE uui-lkt Notice The Provincial Government has approved and will guarantee the repayment to the Dominion Government of a loan which tt has agreed to advance to the elty of forty thousand il0J0OO dollars at two per cent Interest for a period of thirty years for the purpose of replacing certain wooden water pipe mains with cast Iron and It Ls mv intention to take advantage of' tlm loan. Any property owner objecting please advise ln writing The Honorable Minister or Municipal Affair at the City Hall. Prince Ru-pc-t on or before the twelfth day of June next. Phones 18 L 19 W J ALDER. Commissioner 'if. i Mussall r.o. no 573 i em s Economy Store "Where Dollars Have .More Cents-Have ynit tried our CASH COUPON 8YSTK.M? Vou re-reive dishes, silverware and valuable premiums suitable for gifts. Why not start now at no extra cost to you Opposite Canadian Legion THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockcye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon cannlnr company wllh an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert vial', ih' Th'1 n cleaning pumoe and also for e Ulfm P an ;" In the recovery of prrdous meUU YT hr in floatatron reeoverv was lmi'-'he. It was epc -ant Vitamins and true fata were makp treqnt aUo some of the products 8nee Kupert when it rl i had been attained In the field of ,tn ,nrt lhf du vitamins but the Iom of Dr. L. I. Pnnl Ihk VMr milH rakf (1 Im. Union tcame- ' jams rinaiay i 4 this aflernoot. Anyox and othet ami will sU half ,i Vancotiver and wuv-- Keep up to daf A larlv a Show. Ni,hii, SJy Tyrone Power In the ,MMt Ktllini r-i,( --in v oue r.er Sfn "Jesse James" Un Te-hnlrolr., With NAM V KEILT And C'ati of T wrd, Ml 740 I .;, Addfd "winti:r rAsiimr. (lUtlilnc Bulf Cartoon "Chr f lura Whifflets From The Waterfrcnf louiiu lot mil wim ruiirenw- rnu heeti twued on this Iwm Ume to " j .u- time This oil eoutd be ud In I Hon. Ian Mart; rfil mnlnri aiul anmM af Ih ftn national deifnci there being a tendeney to btosken metlc were aly . takm from Uie jn W j nTfatt- alrohnf for H the a- - result of the combination of P wha' sulphur In the crab meat with Iron of the cans This was obviated by enameling the Interior of the f fc r . LOCKWOOIVS FUR STORE Sprinrj Jackets , and (tints I Trices Itrasonsble CH iW Look Them Om 1 i tfllhest Prices raid for Bim relit Office Supplies j Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Mock Phone 234 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAV FKOM IIOMB" Hates Jl.00 up 50 Rooms Hot&CoMWtr Prlnrn ftunprt U" m Ti l Phone 281 P.O. Itns -' 7 'i COAL Grain Feed Scedi and Fertilizer PRINCE UUPER FEED CO. rhones.58 and 1538