Music 'tilth Vclson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. I'HONE OUr.F.N 300 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal llank'Bldg. DAY and NIOHT 13 Phone Taxi PAT MAZZIE ? Opp. Tost Office, 4th St. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE, 657 Dr A. -L. Prttchard and W. M Cameron of Nanalmo Biological station, after having been on the Jueen 'Charlotte Islands and up thr Ikeena River In connection with ntmnri ..on rVi urirlr or i HI n n f his afternoon by the Catala on hr-lr return fiouth. Rita Barnhart and Bernard Pet. rson were each fined $25. with op- Ion of seven days' imprisonment ( r Magistrate Mcslymont In aty ollce court yesterday afternoon or drunkennw. Their arrest fol- owed a disturbance In a downtown estaurant Sunday nlRht. Miss II. Atkinson, .school teacher 'rom London. England, arrived In he city on Saturday nlht'a trair 'rom the east In the course of a nadlan tour and sailed yester- lay afternoon on the Prince Rob- it to make the round trip to Al- ska and thence south. In the presence of relatives and lends, baptism rites for Teresa j nn, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fltzpatrick, were conducted in the chapel of the An nunciation Church Sunday after noon by ratner w . ianjagnc Oodparerits were e! J. Fltzpatrlcic 'nd Miss Jean Stalker. Hotel Arrivals Itnyal Walter II. Woo, R. Moore, II lostad and John Robertson, Vancouver; A. Anderson, Seattle: D. ?arnan, city. Prince Ilunert H. O. Lincoln, Group Captain i Q. O. Johnson, Major u. R. Chet- M trlrti Pnmmnnnflr A T lell-lrvlns and Squadron Leader 3. R. Stlmon, Vancouver: Flight Lieutenant L. E. Wray, W. G. Pate and II. F Shaw, Ottawa. Central Mrs. C. Leask, city. Knox Peter Egge and Henry Schmld. Seattle. EARLY ICE-CHASERS MEAFORD, Ont., June 6: (CP) -Georgian Bay swimming season wns opened here earlier than for the nast five years this sprln when Poddy Barr took three quick! dips In the still chilly waters. connection with the King visit, is now on holiday leave at Kamloops. Mrs. Gammon Is also in the south. ; F. M. Burns, Inspector of cus toms, and G. E. Norris. assistant In spector, were passengers aboard the ; Princess Louise yesterday going north to the Telegraph Creek district on official duties. ! Mrs. J. Connery returned to Uie city on the Catala Sunday night ' from Vancouver where she attended the recent marriage of her daugh-. ter. Miss Edith Connery, to Wilfrid1 Hicks of Kamloops. Sir George and Lady Hamilton of London, England, were here aboard the Princess Louise yesterday going through on a trip to Dawson. Sir, oeorge is a director of the while Pass and Yukon Railway. A letter from Brigadier Hornby was read to thi Prince Rupert Chamber of Cora- HSTJL'hT To A 11' in Million! suffer needlessly because they eat only the kind of food that is consumed in the body meat, potatoes, bread and so does' not form the soft "bulk" the bowels need for regular movements. Such people afflicted with constipation due to diet deficiency of "bulk", should eat Ktllo.g's All-Bran every day and drink plenty of water. All-Bran contributes to the needed "bulk" and is a rich source of Nature's intestinal tonuvyjJjnv Bi. Try the All-Bran way and Know the freedom that comes with being "regular". lT .T Zi . 22 Mill 1 Killitt ll linlii, Cuuii. AI T rKMi Building Loans The Zoning By-Law now having been ratified, applications for loans under the Dominion 'Housing Act will be received by the Town Planning Commission. Application Forms will be sent upon request to the Secretary. C. V. EVITT, Secy, of Commission. . .... TOT D AttT ' fAtiK iHn Orange Pekoe Blend "SALADA TEA THEY WERE j Young Metlakatla DELIGHTFUL'Man Passes Away fipt, lUrrr Nedden (Jives Hi Im- prrvifont of King and (Jueen of England tr'f. and i t; If E Neddcn. master of the t Prince Itobert, which was . csterday on 1U Initial toy-tin- reason to Alaska, had : J- tdequate to describe the fui personalities of King una Queen Elizabeth. The William Marrl Louth Dies at Ace of 23 and llodjr U Taken Home lor Ilurlal Wlllh Harris Louth, agtd 23. Met lakatla native, died Sunday night In the Prince Rupert General Hospital. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Louth of Metlakatla. The remains were forwarded yesterday arternoon to Metlakatla where the funeral will take place. : Steamships coastal fleet! " - ..- opportunity to form lm- The Prlnce p.upcrt Chamber of a iwH-Mnnu ior. M Commerce, at Its meeting Uut v r.-norteo. tney spent a night, decided to hold no rrgulan oft he time of their cross- meetings In July and. August but 1 Wednesday morning from that any matters requiring atten-xo Vahroqvrt with him on tlon come before the council of ' t the Prince Robert. the chamber and that special K uk and Queen were de- meeting be called if found reces-natural ami Informal. ary Last night's dinner meetlni Nedden Tliey were was presided over by the presl-iterated in the scenery dent. J. T. Harvey, in' to be observed as the ' i ; 1 between the two southern TV ;ire charming people." the crew of the Prince Robert but n Nedden whose word the Queen moved around freely. Qjecri was a simple "sweet ' nodding and smiling to all a she K was not seen much by passed. Protect Your Home! Good Paint I! the only lnuranre that jou can fat um air Iiomw that ulll protect It from the weather element. If tour home i not protected against d:.-.:pne-; and heat, dry rot i the result, hlrh take a heavy toll in property each year. Drop in and let u tell you about B II f;nIUh Paint". 11 carrle the manufacturer's written guarantee. For tho e who wish to mis their own paint and still have the Mih (lUaUtv.ot MI "Inilisli" you cannot buy anything finer or ionter laiting tlian 0-S0 l'alr White, lour p.-i.ntlnt problem. Let u help you with GORDON'S HARDWARE Mcimim: street rhone 311 SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Su-amer leaven Prince Rupert every THURSDAY,' 11.15 p.m. Trains leave IMnce Rupert or the Eat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc, call rt write City Ticket Office, 61B 3rd Avt. v-n-:p LOCAL NEWS NOTES j Tonight's train, due from the taxi ai' 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. A charge of vagrancy against O. P. Matheson was dismissed in city iioilce court this morning. Fred Nah, who has been engag-1 in survey work hereabouts, left en last evening's train for his home in Terrace. Roy Rapp, for creating a dlstur jane, was fined 5, with option of hree days' Imprisonment In- city police court this morning. Educational Entertainment Fa -her Anthony will give a display of novlng pictures of the King', .visit o the coast at Annunciation School it 7:30 this evening. Admission 15c or three for $1. 131 Definite and satisfactory lm-irovement continues to be made low In the condition of John Good, n of City Engineer and Mrs. F. f. Oood, who has been seriously 111. Ronald Minion of the local Dank Montreal staff left on last ev-hlng's train for a vacation trip to ?rlnce George and Edmonton. His home Is In Prince Oeoree and in tdmonton he will attend the marriage of his sister. Sergeant C. C. Jacklln. chief of tlty police, will be returning to the sltyon the Prince George tomorrow morning from Victoria where he was called for special duty with the orovinclal police lost week in con-aection with the King' visit. Among seventy round trip pass engers to Alaska who were here yesterday aboard the steamer Princess Louise were Mr. and Mrs. George Marland of Perth, Australia, and Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Flanagan and W. R. J North of Johannesburg. South Africa. J. O. Blanchard. passenger agent for the White Pass and Yukon Route at Skagway. and Mrs. Blan shard were passengers aboardJ,he Prlnress Ltralse ' yesterday going through from Seattle to spend the season at Skagway. Mrs. Nellie Beverldge is sailing today on the Catala for a visit in Vancouver. Mrs. W. Cummlngs is nailing this afternoon on the Oatala for a trip to Vancouver. j Annie Norris. charged -with in-; decency, was remanded until to night on appearing In city police. court this morning. For failing to stop his car at a stop sign, Jack Adams was fined $3 In dty police court this morning. Joseph Jorgensen. for creatine a disturbance, was fined $5. with op-' tlqn of two days' Imprisonment, In city police court yesterday after noon. Staff Sergeant Ernest Gammon. provincial police, who was at Vic toria last week for special duty In ' B.C. FURNITURE CO. Low Pricesin New and Used Furniture. Consisting of Bedroom Suites Dinettes, Kitchen Ranges, Chesterfields, Carpets, Etc. 3 Only Single Xicds and Springs At EIRE FACES CRISIS NOW Irish Leader Declares Ravages Past Mint Be Repaired USED FURNITURE 1 Only (odd) Cliotiterfield Brown velour, in excellent QO! condition of DUBLIN. June 6: CP The next merce at Its dinner meeting last nve OT ten years tne mil night. The fetter complained aVcrlticaHn tne history of Eire In the' allowing foreign refugees to come to Canada and at the same time, taking no interest p a proposal to bring British settlers to th Industry and -commerce. The minister told those attending, men and women was the highest in Freia VaEeenrer the official opening of a Dublin I " world, mat emigfatlon nad re-; Sunday 4 pa country. The letter was referred choeolate factory: iv a $5.00 1 Solid Leather Couch At 1 Solid Walnut liedroom Suite Consisting of Bed, Spring, Chiffonier, Stool nd Vanity with 3 mirrors. Special . . 1 Sewing Machine Q7 CA 1 Electric Iron At tJM.tfV (Hotpoint) 1936 census showed long years of failure to cope with pressing social problems, failure he attributed to the external government which ruled the country before creation of the Free State. Children Less During the last 10 years, he de clared, the number of children In ) $19.09 1 Only Baby Buggy (cream wicker) f $10.00 BEDROOM SUITE $69.00 $1.75 1 Jlee-Vac Vacuum Cleaner In excellent SI 2 50 Jiuy Your Furniture at the B.C. Furniture On Easy Terms TJIIW) AVENUE Phone BLACK 321 ext Door to U. C. Clothiers Mail Schedule For me East-Monday, Wednesday, and Friday , From the East Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Eire under 15 years of age had de- For Vancouver-dined by 13 per cent, that 64 per Tuesday cent of the women under 30 years Thursday view of Sean Lemass, minister ofli age were unmarried, that the I Friday J .pjn. . 11:00 pjn. 12:30 noon 10-pjn. 9:30 pxc. 'percentage of unmarried younger' June 10, 17 and 24 5 pm. In those years aucea tne proportion or people of( Wednesday 10:30 un. we will repair the ravages of the productive ages and left the coun ultimate disappearance of our na tion. We must not fail and we cannot fail." Mr. Lemass said that, while Eire was predominantly an agricultural country, consideration must be taken of growing importance of its Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25v a word. Eagle's Dance June 7. Anglican Tea Mrs. C. V. Evltfs, June 8. Friday 4 p.m. past and build a firm foundation 1 "T an exceptionally large t June 5, 12, 19 and 30 for future prosperity or we will j number of old people In proportion j For Anyox and Stewart fall and our failure will mean the oun. 10 uie general population. 1 Sunday 7 pjn. Despite the economl; war wlthj Wednesday 3 pm. the United Kingdom -ended last: From Anyox and Stewart year with a trade agreement con-j Tuesday 11:30 aja. ditlons had been bettered consld- J Thursday $ p m. erably In the last Six years, the : For Naas River and Port Simpson minister said. j Sunday 7 nm During that time Industrial em-' from Xaas River and Port Simpson Industrial development so that asjployment had risen 46 per cent. Tuesday - 11:30 aja. great a variety of employment gross value of Industrial produc-. Tor Queen Charlotte Islands-might be provided to check eml-jtlon was up 61 per cent, net value' June 2, 16 and 30 9:30 pjn. gratlon and to bring the greatest, 36 per cent Employment In pro-! From Queen Charlotte Islands- possible measure of prosperity to the people. He held a report attached to the '"wwji iiWiU tail CC A 4 V Co 4UU Alb" iw r r, . 'Jacfc of clubs. The five of clubs U?"!r?. P'an. Rec,ta''. turned up to srace "his nibs- Most neonle rea the classified jJune 14, First United Church. Presbyterian Tea Mrs. J. R. Mitchell's June 15. Parent Teachers Tea, Oddfellows'! Hall, June 16. j United Tea Mrs. Armour's June Sons of Norway Mld-Summcr Dance June 23 Oddfellows' nail. C.N.R.A. July 1. Excursion td Terrace CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladies' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phone GREEN 880 727 FRASER ST. ductlon of transportable goods only Increased 60 per cent, gross output 69 per cent and net output 40 per cent. The minister said he saw hope In a revival among the Irish people! of confidence In the possibility of ai profitable Industrial revival. ' PHONE 10 June 14 and 28 For Alaska-June 5, 12, 19 and 30 From Alaska-June 10, 17 and 24 C.N.R. Trains for a total of 29. ads. Do you? :"a.m. pjn. .a.m. RARE CRIBBAGE HAND j.r . , ' ( For the East Mondays' Wednesdays and .Fri- (CP)', KINGSTON, Ont. June 6: -A perfect cribbage hand-as l?m PJn' rare as a perfect bridge hand- VtlJ: was held by Deacon Dunlop here, e,::0' 's " Saturdays II r.,minn ,m , .u. pjn. For rresh Milk, Cream, Buttermilk, Butter, Cottage Cheese and Local Eggs VELVET ICE CREAM Is delicious. Take some home In pint bricks at 36c per brick. Flavors Maple Walnut, Butterscotch, Pineapple. Tutti-Fruitti. Strawberry, Vanilla. Don't forget the 'Famous Princess Package at 35c Dominion Dairy Fifth Avenue East and McBride UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leavi c-rlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From : FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 56f