VISITING HIGHWAY 10 LAND ONTARIO IN CUBA I Their Majtdie weeing- various unmin iriugres jo lie l.lrj Imporunt cuita ueiore t.nier- i temporary naven on lle int United States J Of Pines IRISHMAN HELD HAVANA. Cuba. June Presl- DETI101T. June 6: (CP) Sean dent Federlco Bru yesterday agreed Bntxll, reputed leader of the lift his ban and permit thtl If . .. 1. 1 1 t . I lam lAHJIH. . I tatUed Irish Kepubllcan Army U held a federal prUoner. Offl-ttn sar he will remain In cm-tody while the King and Queen irt in the vicinity. Their Majes-litf will reach Windsor, acrwsi the Detroit River, tonlcht, T ir 'NTO, June 8: The KInj the Isle of Pines pending their re- t: 1 1 Queen are spending today moral to some other country. An r. irrow paying brief visit iron clad agreement has been re-j important cltle of cen quired that they will not become y. arlo This afternoon they public charges. -.tig Guelph, Kitchener 1 -i and Windsor. Tomorrow .... t ir.3 ' r - -i x. i T : : .r M ! V i: ' ' temporary landing; on the Isle of Pmea ol 907 German refugees who have been cruising around the Carrlbbean Bea for the past few days aboard the liner St. Louis i with no place to go. They will be www wiivvDMakiuu woiii um at be tn London. Ingeraoll HntTTlPr iCancnC 1 Oniier lYdllSdS k Drantford. Hamilton City Political rin a visit tomorrow eve- PaU. Their Ms- Niagara n f. 1 enter the United States tf0SS fctriCKen tprnd two days at Wash , i gueaU of President artflj -- y ,kua D. RooveU at th?4 LEAVENWORTH, Kansas. Jun I- a and will leave Friday 6. Xom PrcndfrRaiti Iormcr Kn-r New York to see the Hl Clty poiltlca dicUtor. who was Fair. On Sunday there ttttnUy nltnctd to fifteen fhe hot dog ptenlc " months' Imprisonment in penlten-r I -k Vtty home of the Pre-tiary herc Ior mcome Ux CTajloUi is in prison hospital here, his con ' - Monday the King and dltkm Mn- rf ported wri0Us M- H V Or- ll re-enter Canada to towinf a heart attack. Members ir days to southern Que- of hu famlly haTe becn j, the Maritime Provinces :ne for home on the .IT" """" Ickes In Favor Co Drep Down Mine f - King and Queen reached extreme to their gamut Of Third Term an experiences msi mini v, 0lhfr Candtdmt1 FW Tm F'l rt donned miners garo Shuef wf RaoTeit, ie Sa,.g 'Tided nearly half a ml!e -a level Into the Frood m -.e rc.vv xuniv, vune o. rtrei ui the cabinet members to make such a decisive statement In favor i of a third term for President .Franklin D. Roosevelt. Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes AGlA"1" maKajlne article appearing TOk Cm ALAjlVA definitely supports the movement to draft the chief ex- ecutive for re-election. "No other iij.i. t.. h. oKIIOif nr the Ckimber of Commerre To Hate chn" Kepresentstlte Meet Com- " " ' j IlllUlOn III U 43 v m Capitol Hill in Washington that r-.i Prince Rupert Chamber of Secretary of Agriculture Wallace -or tat nleht. on motion is minx to become an avowed 1 W 1 r I H Tobey. decided to send candidate for the Democratic pre- ntative to meet Uie Al- sidentlal nomination. K zhwav OommUston and to endorse a resoiuuoi 1 n;. UA-0 li' .3 the western route sent Stewart Board of Trade be i r wm communicate wmi v. ...... rr, men who know the country Over Nltht ' and ask them to give cvl- er These are to include Oeorge rflntain a. O German Sailors Being Deported Told Los AngeJen Judee They Fear ed Imprisonment or Death 11 Returned L03 ANOELES, June 0. Two Oerman sailors, who deserted from Nazi ship here recently, were or-i fed In Bupcrlor Court yesterday to be deported. They said that they e nntl-Nazls and expressed it-ar at if they returned to Germany, they would have to face Incarceration or possibly death. The judge said he would clve them an oppor tunity to leave the country and go wncrcver they could but, if they e Btm here after a certain date, "ley would be shipped back to the ""en. . . inU Islands during tncir inp. the same one which brought Hon. Ian Mackenzie, minister of national defence, here last week. Halibut Sales American The Canadian National follows the nlcturesaue valley of the; Skeena many miles through Bri tish Columbia's coast range to M Bt -nes. R. 8. Bargcnt. Barney nf the nnval r..i t.,t,f " JUilUSUJl, wuuui""" 1 11111.1. nun". . . M' and ank Dockrl. rnnnrnnn Alr Force In Western Next week the Skeena will carry i.:" bicwan mewari tioara tioara " ui -jw- - - -c w VUtlHwn inspection air visit, on Wednesday base developments on the coast, . . a twin -motored transport type amphibian plane of the Air Force rninfv ( VUUI Olirt I landed here at 5:30 last cvenlnc AUUIUJ 'and left at 9:30 this morning on jits return to Vancouver. The officers Inspected the Seat Cove air base site here as well as the All- Jford Bay base on the Queen Char- Damage Action Lee Larsen is Suing Daron Gomex in Sum of S306 Following Flight Lieutenant L. E. Wray waij Alleged Assault the pilot of the plane wnicn was Lee Larsen Is seeking $306 dam to an alleged assault in a case which has been started in County Court before Judge W. E. Fisher. It Tomorrow's Tides Weather Forecast Che j ?JL J8.2 ft. Prince Rupert and Queen Char- r vvlk17-8 ft. loUe Islands Fresh southwest to L 10. Xs It west' winds, partly cloudy with 23:1. lZ1 ft. scattered showers. NORTHERN ANP CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER v XXVIII No 131 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1939. P1MCE: CENTS Attempt To Shoot Duchess Of Kent; Australian With Sawed Off Shotgun Is Under Arrest LONDON, June 6: (CP) An attempt was made lagt night to shoot the Duchess of Kent as she left her fahionahlc Belgrave Square home to attend a theatre. A middle-aged Englishman from Australia, carrying a sawed off shotgun, was arrested in connection with the incident. The Duchess was unhurt She was not aware of the incident unttf informed of it later. The shot, was f'Ved as th1 Duchess stepped into a est accompanied by a friend Police were there at the time in answer to reports that a strangely acting man had been 6een loitering in the vicinity. In some quarters the incident (was construed as a reflection of dissatisfaction at the appointment of the Given to Namesake Warship HaHHKHHsl DUCHESS OF KENT Duke of Kent as Governor General. He and .he Duchess have been active in the gay society circles in which the Duke of Windsor circulated before his abdication. A foot long firearm with a polished wooden butt was exhibited in police court when Lawredge Lav lor was arraigned today on a charge of firing the weapon near the Duchess. Lawlor, who is a forty-five , year old welder's assistant, appeared in court after night long questioning about the shooting. He was not asked to plead and was remanded for a teek. Constable Robert Tice told the magistral Clyde - WilgohVThat he sotied Lawlor after a shof FcTfase m a commandeered automobile. Accused was himself on a bicycle. The Duchess was entering her limousine to go to a theatre when the incident occurred. Neither she or her companion were injured. GETS GIFT "INVASION" OF PICTURE PROTESTED MONTREAL, June C: H. M. C.J S. Skeena. named after northern lt)KYO. June 8: (CP) In a British Columbia's famed salmon proto-t to Rusfia aftCr a month river, now carries In Its wardroom of mtermittcnt border hostilities a photograph of that mighty tur- Japanese protected Manchouku bulent stream. Canadian National naj demanded an "Immediate dis- Railways has presented me snip contlnuance f this challenging at- with a framed picture of the titude." The protest . alleged In- Skeena River as it flows past New vasion of Manchoukuo territory Zf ZZJZ ThSSSrZ Oroup Crtain G. O. Johnson And ton Commander E. R. Brock had prccipitated losse, v .. .. . -". i.k ..r- ...k.. affirm In Pr nee Rupert RcciiJiru mic TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert- Overcast, misty rain, northerly wind, two miles per KourJSBrrometer. AtSKKm9 29.92 (falling); v n-naA. Mninr Q. R. Chetwyi. thi Klnir and Oueen from Cane . .10. M mnnth nhambcr . . .T . " '""'- - - . c 1 i iiiuv vm'v - 11M.. rrmn nnnar j 11 nn TVirrnnni np Kdor. the principle of the re- --n t, .-' ,n it submitted but not the JJJ oan ,M New Brunswick, to; ishnrl Showerv. south- Leader S. R. prince Edward Island' for a day's cast Tlnr2 sixteen miles per hour; light chop. Langara Island Misty, southwest wind, six miles per hour; barometer, 29.87; temperature, 47; light swell. Dead Tree Point Light rain, southerly wind, five miles per hour; barometer, 29.90; temperature, 50"; light swell. Bull Harbor Overcast, southeast wind, three miles per hour; barom cter. 30.03: temperature. 49; sea smooth. Alert Bay Foggy, calm; barom- ages from Daron Gomez as a sequel eter. 30.15; temperature, 48; sea smooth. Is the only case on the court list' 30.28. for the month of June and was set for hearing pn June 15 when court In racrilVnr mnnthlv KAoclrtn vac. Chelan, 12.500, Cold Storage. ' . ' ns and 5 .5c. . Eureka, 11,000, Royal, aim 5.5c. ' Canadian Kalen, 11.500, Cold Storage, C.7c and 5c counsel for the plaintiff and J. T. Harvey for defendant. A naturalization application of Estevan Cloudy, westerly wind, four miles per hour; barometer Victoria Cloudy, southwest wind sixteen miles per hour; barometer, 30.04. Vancouver Cloudy, easterly wind, twelve miles per hour; bar ompf pr. 30 04. CONSIDER !; RED NOTE ; Statement By Prime Minister Chamberlain In Uegard to Negotiations With Kussia Reserved born. Their Maiesties Enjoyed Jasper Express Appreciation in Wire to President of Canadian National Railways MONTREAL. June 6. "The King 8nd Queen left Jasper with great regret and much appreciate all that was done for their comfort and amusement during their enjoyable stay there." This telegram, signed by Alan F. Lascelles, acting private secretary to His Majesty, was wired to S. J. Hunaerford, Chairman and President, Canadian National Railways, from the royal train, after it left Jasper National Park. When King George and Queen Elizabeth spent a brief rest period at Jasper Park Lodge they had a little home all their own. Except for two personal servants, they had to themselves Outlook Cottage, a beautifully appointed log cabin on the shore of Lac Beauvert. They expressed great pleasure at the opportunity to enjoy complete rest in the mountain resort. Formality was laid aside for a day before they be gan their eastward Journey. Weather Forecast Oeneral Synopsis Pressure re showery in the southern Interior, Roosevelt Invited To I Pr. Rupert I 'wrt 'Braternip: l!v75. - PARIS. June 6: 1 CP Cardinal Rodriguez Vllleneuve of Quebec, as legate of Pope Pius, conducted Pontifical High Mass at the dedication of a new church in tht Meanwhile reports spread on ,Undsome VjfW ot skeena River .Manchoukuo Sends Note To KussU village in which Joan of Arc was ,e case for the westen. . " '? ak decided A- HeauS T ie Chamber hnrfP Hlf 1 UICC HCaUO ! tr emendation of a commit In Regard to Recent Border Trouble Cariboo Hudson. 2.25. Dentonia. .027. Fairview, .034. Gold Belt, 26. Hedley Mascot. .90. MlntoJQ2. Noble Five. .01. Pacific Nickel. .16. Pend OrelHe. 1.45. Pioneer, 2.45 Premier, 1.94. Privateer. 1.35. Reeves McDonald, .24. Reno, .53, Relief Arlington. JOSVt. Reward, .01. Salmon Gold, J)9. Sheep Creek. 1.19. Cariboo Hudson. .15. Hedley Amalgamated, .03 ask. Oils A. P. Con.. .14. Calmont, .36. C. & EL 2.15. Freehold. .03. .11 Home Oil 2.45. Paealta, .06. Royal Can, .20 Vj. Okalta. 1.15. Mercury. .06. Prairie Royalties. .21. Tronoto Aldermac. .37. Beattle. 157. Central Patricia, 2.60. Con. Smelters, 43.50. East Malartlc, 2.68. Fernland, .04. Francoeur. 22. Gods Lake, .34. Hardrock. 1.13. Int. Nickel 49.T8. Kerr Addison. 1.90. Little Long Lac. 3.00. MacLeod Cockshutt, 2.17. Madsen Red Lake. .42. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.30. Moneta Porcupine, 1.17. Noranda, 80.00. Pickle Crow. 4.90. Preston E. Dome, 1.62. San Antonio, 1.63. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.08. Stadacona, .56. Uchl Gold. 1.30. Bouscadillac, .06. Mosher, .18. Oklend. .08. Smelters Oold, .04V. Dominion Bridge. 29.00. . him are Constable Attree who is to be stationed at Rivers Inlet for the Prince Georae Clear, southeast West Coast of Vancouver Island ' summer and Constable Downey who Nils R. Lundberg of Terrace was wind, four miles per hour; barom- Moderate fresh west winds, part-j will be located at Namu for the sea-approved. Jeter, 29.84. ly cloudy and moderately warm. son. HIGHWAY JS DISCUSSED AT DINNER Proposal To Aik For More Rapid The Prince Runcrt Chamber LONDON. June 6: (CP)-Prime . ct commerct. at it meeting 1 t r minister Neville Chamberlain told . mght, decided to Invite j ine House of Commons yesterday president Franklin D. Roose- that the latest note from Soviet 4. Teu yjgjt prince Rupert at ! Th Prince Rupert Chamber of Russia required consideration be- 4. ne time of his expected visit J Commerce, at Its monthly dinner lore he could make a statement 4. to Alaska. It was suggested by i meeting last night, decided to re- on Anglo-French efforts to bring 4. Pcter iit that it would be a to a committee a resolution Russia within the mutual assist- courteous return for the court- UaTOrln8 the pushing forward ol ance framework. . ertndM! to the Kins and the highway connecting Prince .ne fiune aunuier siaiea inai . Qeen at Washington, neie appeared to be no use la his going to Moscow but that possibly Lord Halifax, Foreign ciTiary. or some other minister might be sent In the effort to .. aut deferences In the wa7 an agreement betas ft ached Tn well informed quarters It is -tated that the Soviet row demands an unqualified guarantee U-. -ur'tv of Ethonla. Finland and Latvia, small nations bordering upon Russia. Supreme Court Rules Against Eastern Mayor WASHINOTON. D. C. June 6 The United States Supreme "onrt. by 5 to 2 decMon ester-day just before summer adjournment, found that Mayor Frank Halg of Jersey City had suppress free speech and the free press in connection with his antl C. L O. activities. Canadian Cardinal Pontifical Legate Villrneuve of Quebec Officiates A Dedication of Church in Joan Of Arc's Village UNITY FOR LAB0RITES 4. Rupert with the outside world, letting the work by contract and with definite objectives and pre-jllminary iurveys. The resolution 'was moved by Theo Collart, seconded by C. O. Minns, j Mr. Collart explained that the present slow construe uon was no: at all satisfactory and, after a'l these years, he felt some more definite acUon should be taken This Is Urged By Tom Mooney In to have the work proceed on a New York Hails Roosevelt 1 businesslike basis. As Friend s- Parked did not agree with the resolution. He thought the NEW YORK. June 6: Pleadlp.3 Chamber should suppevt the com-for labor unity and for freedom Petition of the section east of for Warren K Billings. Tom Usk and then concentrate on thi Mooney. noted ex-convict and lab- .local section. He also mentioned or Wder. addressed a meeting in that the provincial government Madison Square Garden last night was this year concentrating its "D'vlsion in the ranks of labor effort on the completion of the Is the greatest danger to democ- Big Bend connection for thesouth-tacy." declared Mopney who hailed em transcontinental .highway. Pre-ident Franklin D. Rooserelt H. F. Pullen supported the reso as "the best friend labor has.r TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourusy B. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver lution. He saia 11 was au very wen (to support the Terrace movement I to complete the Usk section first but that was In a different con-.sUtutency and. once it was finished, the people there would forget Prince Rupert. He believed In get-.tlqtherjrX at ..this .jend -carried, I out as rapidly as possible. He iiad honed to be able to some day 'drive to Terrace but was now (fearing he would never be able to 1 do so. He believed Mr. Pattullo was dolne the best he could for the constituency but he should be wnDorted on this highway work. jThis was the time to discuss next year's program. ' The motion to rpfer to the hiehway committee was moved b Col. J. W. Nichnlls and was carried. MANAGER ! DESIRED Permanent Committee To Be ranted To Keep Plan Before b 1 tincial Government The Prince Rupert Chamber 0; Commerce, at its meeting last night, on motion of Theo Collart. seconded by G. W. Nlckerson, decided to arrange for a permanent kommlttee of members of the Chamber of Commerce, the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Trades and Labor Council and jthe Retail Merchants' Association to press for the implementing of the city manager plan ot local government to take charge as soon as the City Commissioner relinquishes his position. It planned to have the completion of the section east of ready so that it can meet Premier T. D. Pattullo when he comes here to open the new hospital At the meeting letters were read from the Premier and the Minister of Municipalities which wers non-committal and made the appointing of the committee jAged Woman Saved From Her Burning Home In Vancouver mains high over Vancouver Island' inspector C. O. Barber, provincial VANCOUVER, June 6: (CP) Two and low in northern British Col- j police, is leaving this afternoon on police constables managed to waken umbla. The weather has been , the Catala for Namu. Going with I Mrs. Sarah Skinner, aged 74, In time moderately warm on the coast and for her to flee from her burning home in night attire. Her son. Robert, employed by an ambulance service, raced home, his siren screaming, to find his mother safe.