HCt TWO SUMMER SHOES In All Their Latest Colours And Styles Wedge Heels, Dutch Boy, Box Heete 4 and Flange Heels is combination caters in brown and white, wine and white and trreea and white and multi colors. The Snappiest Shoes on the Martoet Up From $1.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KCPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pnb&shed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday by Prince Rapert Daily News. Limited. Third Arenae H. F. PULLEN Manarjat-Edtter SUBSCBimoN RATES City delirery. by carrier, yearly perk!, paid in advance Paid in adr&nre, per week Paid in advance, per month By ir.tB to aU parts of British Cenisibia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By ma& ts all other countries, per year ADVERT1SLNG KATES Ca wined advertising, per wurd. per insertion , Loral readers, per hne. per insertion News Department Telephone U Adrertisint and CtrraUOon Telephone M Member at Awdit Barraa af Cimtiatwm DAILT EDITION Wednesday. I ELIO'S FURNITURE Third ATcntie S5JD0 12 3J0 S.f JB2' -2S 21.1tS9. FIGHT OR STARVE Germany is being rationed Jest as badly as if the coun try were at war. Even the necessities or hie are scarce. Many people are hnnfry aH tbe time asd with fettle hepe f iaMarovemenL One view of the present European situation is that , sorae 5&ddes ceup wiD he made am the MediterraneaB rather th&R at Dwaztg and tkat the berwas people anil tfcea be told it is a question of "fifrkt r starve." It is tfeoeght thev will decide to folow the orders of Hitler and fighL Evidendy, tbe Gernsaii people are doing a lot of thinking these dark They are very tired of the present skaatiefi and something must be done soon w there wffl be revofe. The views of soaae mfliiary observers are that the pten of campaign is for Japan to try to draw vessels -of the British navy away fran Europe to handle the situation in Coins and then wiU be tbe time for action in Enrone. Tbe present time is evidently chosen for the move in Cbtsa is order to try to prevent Greet Britain eompi&t-ir.r an arranfeiDent with Kossia. THE .MIKADO It is not only ia Prince Rupert that "The Mikado," the G9bert and Sdfivan opera, is popular. The New York ( Time savs: The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company-that is tbe ontiit which res tbe non-swin? -Mikido took ia about 19000 during its nine-and-a-half week Slav at tte Martin Beck. At the last performance it was Tbe Mikado." of course ihere were 94 standees, the record for 1 tbe visit and at the conclusion tbe eompanv sang Tbe "Tbe Star-Spanckd Banner." Apparently tbe record Savoyard was a yosng lady in her middle 20' s who attended every nerformanee except Wednesday matinees, afi through tbe run. Just had other business in the middle of the week. Dr. Oliver L. Austin of Tuckaboe was running nn. going at lea four times each week. Most popular of the operas was "The Mikado." TAKE A LOOK . . . that's all we ask. Isn't This the Ideal Way to Select Your Furniture? Isn't it Better to Get the Fact First Hand to See the Evidence Whh Your Own Eyes and then Decide? That's Exactly what we want. Come, Look Around and See for Yourself the Real Bargains at Elio's 5th Anniversary Sale NOTE ' During the Sale Ste Open Till 6 p.m. Saturday Niht 9 psa. Pbone Green Sit Baseball Scores National League Brooklyn 2. Cincinnati 4. Boston 1. Oileago 3. American Leaae Chicago 3. New York tX St Loeis 1. Boston a Ctereland 4. Washington 3. Detroit 5 PrcSadelphta BASEBALL Internationa Series KETCHIKAN vs. PRINCE Rl'PERT Friday and Saturday C iS pjn. Sacday Afternoon Admis&ion Sac Acropolis Hill Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies , . Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 MtYEUCUS CCCKlRn so Fin m CLEAN. THE DAILY XK7T3 . ):.! r enthusiasts plan lo VIKINGS KGCALLKO MO Jfnoui com pennon HOnvwu tv,-.. Oapoain J R Elfert presided and Stamps of Iceland otnesh areaent were- W L. 8awUoa the New Tork w,-A. 1 Croxford 8 Htngstor. J Mr- in attention Rae H Oawthorn J Olbson. M M Ko were the fir: V.t Lamb and J S WUson ca tn toog A I An: Frankie Parker WIN FOR Tennis Winner beaten by a jsargiri of two goal t nil The Ladry prf wd and was Imeky whan Qmsinon gat away ismd Saatth ran out to I The shot waa aaruaity 'hH the fane af the aanght aad want behind. Waatawuth had a sf aaad trie and then V; left with an apen toai and he : the Laandry one us n oast on ' roc slow frosn Huwe grand paas In the goahaovth X nc misaed a "od chan?e ftw BuusVch Dae- e who was pUv.ne a -T, defence, made a narrowty misled Vifrtan jwrrd from Vance and Ooaaex. San berg VMiwed no wi: Saattfe enate ewt , to meet Christtsoo who was thinagh and was Ineky keen hi5 eoal m-act The Laundrr conUnaed to area?. Vtr tfimJ Hma m mI Vlw, well to stop a oenadty taken by Houston Vance missad a good op-enina and llha i in oort oaln. r. the comer, after centred wefi daneeroos JLCJJLVJL- jSzxutn Pioneer Seherk. tsanich. torn. Ti Carrie cleared Danes a i mwt umi owiui i loiii ml .In i Un. - - - wsa " smart to save a header that skha- med off Ronald head, lie seamed to have a mag ahet tram Vance st aat away from hta the Laandry were twa ap asaith aad Bryant tried the end bat there was ao mare Dfrkeaa referred tbe game nie J feodera DaK got throat a tre- t of eaiaaaie wk I toaasfeaf itiamrwhat nfaaorabie back Sam Carrie was Uy raid- r i TTimnxr m Maraotr ammu ana ry- I A i IN I JK T ant were hard and saeeeasf ul wort - ..... Kl IM Defeats Gene MiU Of Lo AnCe4es I)f,M Xa u Nothing in To win invitational Tournament i rootball Last Night Iro 8mtlh hag a At St. Louis Sebett pl.yedafaat ST. LCKHS. Jane Frank tmtJior hn m Bar Cub nal nd his eiuerteiKT was a Parker of Pasadena. California, dc- Fcethall fuctare beraren the PMn- neu tec Brown. Buamiuch and Tea led Gene Mako of Los Anglr eer Lnundry and the Rwal Can ad- Snnbert wiwr always keen ueklefi -. 6-3. 6-4 to win tbe Triple A ian Naral Yalmueer Reserve was and ae Oieir forward many on-inritatiooal tennis rhamptnnahtp played bat nil and innli In .. run The forwards were not bis fcfctrd straight nwiiniiiimi Tie- the Laandry reairrnf UmbY Hrst er eflecUve around goal afthoagn torr ia remit weeks. booaOng hia tin of the awsacc and the Sary the) ho wed oocadena: naabaa of a a oarts Cap contender and the race for the Tip Top tro-y It is aiawnid U have three dab Points wiB be point for each entry and one point hsatctt. Tmf wtener hold the traahy tor the vear Varkoas ma tins of detail connect an with hsmdsejtppau. n af boats and saM sma dhraasad n ss have a book af "Wk L s.'n - I . -w - ww aac mma jm zsa V'Si 1 t t . V -Til pawttettlars of the aanaoa boats wiO be entered to arevide a permanetit rceord. The ynimtiiiiia h beea voay a reaaJt these v4U he seetaal new Tod Swath boats to rtaapeCtmri A I Croa-Biwww. Baa- ford has the Tyae. VL XL Lasab Wearaaaoth. Boos- the leaahoe.' H. Gwwthorn the Bow. W. Games. -lnrader" and a Htngatna the Aa- s suffering Iffcr Ant defeat. The rrmbinauon WewmaMdh gave a Nary played with seren men all su-prbinf!y (rood show Houston J tfcMma aj4 ntthoh they pat ap and W Gomez were rood and Howe $ a grwat Fight they were deaarvwdty tod Vr tned hard 9 C 0 o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ft to O e e o o o o and the "Mary Ana " Jack S satisfactorily HJU has ate hewn making can- o Thoagh faced with only seven siderabie tmnroeesoessta la hit boat o mea the Laandry had aO Ma work Indications are that there will be g rat oat to score. Masaaa was food an increased Interest in the waort s in eoal and Bay aad Ronalds were A new member from Dsaby Island o Can. You Guess How Little SJLMEICEAU IUCTMCU6HT. fUP A SWITCH -rmtUT ,-ae.v wa Don't hesitate any longer! Start now to enjoy the economy and ease of Electric Cooking. It cuts down time in the kitchen, eliminates smoke, soot nfw A.vn rltteu 3 COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Sairoon Flerti fttllowlnir ih( tuvestirattucs of the Flahert Rerur K i .......... . - ..... . ..i.. . mwli mi tre .tturaicp and e delivery methods Ire fr the boat will all be old Ice, tiioronchly cored r aicd at new law leropemlarev It will be dcllTered InU the hM. rmi in the bstteit weather, a cold a. the locate room, ndhenneu are tr-ited bo tnapeet the new ayatem orticr jit uiiii -vr: uriurr ii no utrrease lil coat me to tbe hunt ai.e Impri-rd jual:iy in fish delivery Protect Your Eyes 15c to $1 BATHING CAPS New Styles And Shades 10c to 50c Ormes Ltd. ue Jhonecr Druggists The Retail Store rhones: II A C Opra DaQy fram t a.m. till 11 pm. boadars and Holidays from 12 aoon till 2 always s&f- and strong de- is expected to make an entry and eooooooeHe 3 ML till I ELECTRIC COOKING STEAK MUIS IK KTMOtTTH.I no icv- ruuEuss MMllt'I KE1T CC3KIKb.EULS lhLY-SEALJ JCICIS1H WHAT? Ck'lY HALF WHAT leUESSED? miuw-cosT ISTHEWOW mtuewe C00W6 I ELECTRIC COOKING Costs MUCH LESS than most people th Wc People who tse Electric Cooking know that it costs ess than V$c per meal per persoa, Tbe averace fsraily rays less thaa $20 a month for tbe electricity' they esc to cock with. and dirt and makes foods taste so delicious that youU wonder why you ever did without it! Many makes and models are available on easy terms. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED ay, MODEL SHIP Canadian Fish & Cold Storage CI.IIR MF.F.TSI "- mnr Kooen in Co. Ltd. I. in Various r.rcnti For Thh Season nanned at Gsthrrint Lat and ander Use Othcr Night n Prettartnary psaits for the seaswi , q were dtsrasaed at the first meeting g of the year af the Pttaer Rapert c Model Tacht Cast mat rreateg o n was detkded that tbe race for g the Pribee Orerte Trawhy shoHid be o held on land ay. lajy t. at three o o esaek This st an apen ewat and g wffl be bum an tta se conditions as this year will tnclade nn " - U. AkA ,or 1 TOdd tTOOh) a 0 0 Briikii r ooooooooooooooooooooowooocr o o 19 troooooooooooooooooooooei Sun Goggles