r .., .. vj Del - Debs and Julia Arthur Fail Ontario Mouse Ends Special War Session Cre in ations All Their Splendor JUST ARRI VED 'Family shoestore ltD The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE BLTERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Etery Altenvon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Paid In ad ran e, per week , Paid in advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mail to all other countries, per year Claarifled advertising, per word, per insertion . ., Local readers, per use, per Insertion Aiivertising and Circulation Telephone 98 w Department Telephone s6 Member of Audit Bureau at Circulations DAILY EDITION Saturday. September 23, 1939. I)IVH)LNT, THE SI'0II5 AT ilitler and .Lenin have divided up Poland. It is easv to imagine those two bending over the map of the form (MACS .... n now ON MARKET J ..--s- I CUliFlED ' ' JZS !. FOR SALE FOR SALE -Approximately foi. -THX DAILY KTW1 Ontags.b. fjOe to Bananas. :1b. Tokay Grapes.)!- ItaiianlPnmes, 4 Ka. Concord Grapes, basket f .i . ,- u..TniAA Plums. Ib. S-eetfPatatp, 3 Jbs. ruiij. . , i- r ' .. the interior are now available. A revision of the local retail prtee V1 .list shows senetaUncreases owing "TVZT, " , to war condition The e prtee i.1-die to taereasin et of feeTI, ClLT " c. "uuce. head ImcunUn. BnUer And ftoar ar eiery. head. 10c to Utah Celery, head, 10c to Green Peppers, lb. .47 Red Peppers, 2 lbs. -.... 1.2 Green Onions. 2 bunches 23 Green PeasB C- 3 lbs. 25 Leeks, bunch Sqmeh. lb. .. ffl Vegetable Marrow, lb. ,4 Cucumbers Honeydew Melons, each Hay. Bulkley VaUeyVIImothy 100 lbs. J .... Wheat Bran . Shorts , Oats t Fine Oat Chops : Barley ... . . Laying Mash 'Oyster Shetl ... Mrau room apartment. Suite 1, Steele ror,c- ID - Blk. Inquire 3-9 pjn. (223) Pork- dl7 alt. lb. iveai, UftAl win. Uw ! m. 3 5 .85 Bed apples aremeieai.re wmjw - , , . the kSTretaU market uxS are Eat?? g. P"- 4 " .meeting th the -sua. popular de- . mand. The British Columbia ex- . , , 5 port apple market has been hKby ' r.ki- B C. Oravetutetos. or. the war this year through , w. Job to . . . . . .. p M Wtflderaplexteat of Europe!, iEJtfSgLtS TetipawMUte. V"St lb. urketw! the muqnite tow price aMieme. nmnln? HrtrreenU .n betew Jart-year. The croorts nin- Z nin to the larger afces thk year ? Na 1 wih the remit that the box price of lower stees is considerably high-, p-y. 2 nX , Largely. due, to the fldvrse ex- 1 i? erly independent countrv and apportioning it, each try- J , . , , ing to get the lion's share'of the spoils. Like Judas, Stalin. I ntinls now a wd nn-EZ'tl H jj bv his treaeherv. earned his reward. Hitler won it bv. .' nd.tnd? n wm-! Jw g 55 W ' - mearw of frij?htfuJness, bv bombing women and children. Both belong in hell where it is probable they will go. AVAR LIFE INSURANCE h is a notable fact that, during the last war, every Canadian life insurance comnanv paid in full death claimp whether the insured was killed overseas or died in this country. In Canada there are four million policyholders and it ift Pmiounced that war conditions will not affect policies. Policies will be honored in accordance with the iiittffc'dual, contracts. That is really a gift to the nation. AN UNHOLY PACT Right Hon. Winston Churchill, First -Lord. of the Admiralty in the Britifh cabinet, looks unon the Soviet-Nazi nact as an advantage to the democracies. It has stripped Rtwcir Communism and Nazi anti-Communism of their whole theme.. of their credentials, of their means of appealing to the mind and soirit of man. He savs that, instead of two Benarateprilosophies, the world sees two rival "flnfvsterspjnjnp; forces, pooling their luck and trying tn shoot their ivav oiit with any loot they can carry through the H-men of civilization. ,,Dinising the remblances and the differences. be tween Nazism and Bolshevism, Churchill compares them with the North and South Poles. "If you woke up in the , moming-at either you would not know which it was." N0I)ANf5ER HERE There ir.no reason for Prince Rupert people to feel iirv nwtha pS.ib!e presence of a German submarine in thn neMihorhood. The work of a submarine is to try to sink enemy ships. It does not attack land bases. Also it v-ouM,not waste a torpedo on anything as small as the I nnce John. It might possibly be looking for one of the J-mnresP Jiners or ope of our naval destroyers but fishinir r7f.f like.wopld be beneath its notice. The cost of sinking them would be too great. TORONTO. September. 23: fpP) The special session of the On 'Back To Standard Time Jn Dominion Chanue From Daylight Saving To .BeJIade Effective By JMott Of Canadian Cities Tomorrqw tario Legislature prorogued yes'ter- TORONTO, September 23 : ICP day alter passing eleven Wartime Most cities of Canada wlll re measures. One of the most. Import- turn to -Standard Time tomorrow .ant was the Increased BUTcessionafter having been on daylight sav-duty- jlng. during the summer. FOR SALE Mc Clary range, grey enamel finish, almost new. Complete with oil burner. $75. Stam-fprd,. Prince Rupert Hotel. tf. HELP WANTED CHEAP - Chesterfield only. Iror!Veal' chopsMb Bed, coil spring and mat-!Veal. shoulder, lb. tress- Phone Red 980. .223 . Beef, pot roast. 15c and FOR SALE sale Boat Boat Erfv Edye Pass pm with ntK w Steak, lb. ' 30c 3W and ana ing to Indian Office. Prince Ru Pert. B.C. (2201 Lamb Shoulder Halibut, lb. Frsti ing confectionery business or Curranu- : rent store next C. P. Apply P. O. Box 553. R Office. APricots, 10. (226) Apples, dried AGENTS Wan TE n" PERSONAL Extracted Honey, per ar,22c to Comb Honey . . Ch-sete Ontario solids, nvn,.b. Edam. lb. Ontario, mature,, lb. Stilton, Ib ., Hoquefort, lb. ...... SELLER WIN at Boctan 23 Yesterday"! secret were A ft- .15 Kws: M . is 05 M 45 -? Cincinnati 115 -St. Louis 2.20 j Chicago 2.10 Brooklyn 2.15 New York 2D0 Pittsburg 2.10 Boston 2.00 Philadelphia 170 1.70 New York , Boston acres including cottage and con-1 . wirMl , ,. j. Va Vo- 0 1 Chicago nf'1- tenu belonelne to th ft Erik Eneroth, Oona mver-ms'f'f J fb Cach. Official Administrator. Jg Norman -A. Watt. Prince Rnpert,;" g? tf . tw u. FOR SALE Furniture etc, of four- Pork Mn- JD- J Cleveland Zi Detroit -0 Washington Philadelphia 3i St. LouU JO' VNitlonal Leatne Pittsburg-0-9. Cincinnati 6-10. Chicago 2. S' Louis 3. 'American Leatue Pblladelphia 5. Boston 7. Detroit -4, develaiKl S. The4eague standing t date: National Learue W. American Leatue L. Pet 90 54 06 87 57 .094 79 68 Ml 74 68 J19 70 71 AH 67 78 .482 M 81 .417 .45 94 J21 13 43 .7 84 80 i6 St tf 43 .8J 61 M 74 7 J14 . 8 .4M M 93 .363 41 102 .287 SfNo 'Wheat Moving l'Xo Pacific Now . -,25. 18 California Table Dates, lb. ........ ,30 ongar White. 100 lbs. " - - .6.50 PREMIER -Art Guild, the largest personal, Jm ' lb greeUng card company In Canada, with bMnrh fmifldtn Brown. 2 1 lbs, coast to timt. vnn tn a.. Honey pi for .an agency to sell prlnbd to order Christmas Cards,Sample book supplied without charge. Most complete Jlne of boxed as-sortmenta which pay our tales ataff up to 50 commission. .Experience unnecessary. Write Premier -Art Guild, 576 Seymour St.. Vancouver. , tf. 6.00 -- Mi More 'Money lEor IPW TO GET cA GOVERNMENT - JOp as Letter Carrier. Postal) Canada TaifmerS Clerk, Customs Examiner. Stemf - 5" Prairie Crop Is Being lluthed To Lakehead For Shipment Before JO YOU can run Home .Klndergar-! J: Pternber yipr)J Un with our help. Canadian 4 miwn -Bureau ox-uuua Kindergarten' InsUtute. Wlrail-i'i115 at the yalue of the peg. Manitoba. 'tf j1939 Canad'an wheat crop Is In-1 W0RKWANTED 'of lhe ?arP advance In prtcei 11 - during the nnf fur V Th GIRL wanU kitchen work. Apply crop is 'estimated .at 280.000.000' Box 21 Daily News. (225), bushels. J I Freere-up There is little expwtation af any ,18 wheat arriving at the total e4e mokeu Kippers, lb. ... 15c. and 20 Vltor rrn the prairies for some! . . " ...tiMA TV. A I Salmon, red . spring, . fresh, . . ib . White Spring. 2 lbs. . .nr Flour. 49'c. No. 1 hard wheat Second Patent .... 'Flour. 24's . ' n-a -va m ORDERLY Wanted. Apply Prlncef ' N. " Rupert General Hospital morn-Valnuts. broken shelled il ,Walnuts. shelled halves, lb. J Almonds, shelled,, lb 1 'FOR RENT (Peanuts 2 lbs "-"''W.u, r,n.,rF."'". Ph. ii "" .Cadota Flel. 16. .Dates, milk, lh tn - -iwm reaaon- 1 able. Apply 733 5th Ave. West. (Lenton and Orange fPeel Jiy (223) Citron peel ...J. r' Prunes, 30-40, lb .15 liiictnco n-..til 'Prunes, 40-50. 2 lbs. i 55 . M.wifusuiuus ;Pninp 60-70, Jb, .11 OOOD opportunity for Hie right R15111' Australian sefdJess, lb. .15 party to buy, lease or rent bo- Raisins, Cat seedless, 2. lbs. J5 95 umf Tbe wheat movement at is Present is almost entirely to the 'lakehead. endeavours being made 2.10 ruh the grain overseas, by that 2.00 roUte before the "firese-tip Noth-1.05 ,T8 wept local wheat Is at prea- 5 ent moving into Vancouver. .40' .45 Dally -advert;sli.H m tne Daii (65 News. U jure to bring dally 25 lts. .15 15 THE SEAL QUALITY jig GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon 'Tacked by the only salmon caning company with an all the year round payroll In ' Prlner, Ropf rt "JET STOVE POLISH Cleans Hot Stoves In Perfect Safety At AH C. Stores (CENTRAL HOTEL" ROOMS and CAFE rPbone.51 For (Best .Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK I the cause of -a demonstration by a l crowd at Harrincay stadium in FALL had three earti. l MJM . ... m J H IN 1 I i ! AGAIN a .T--lj-T YWtr lr "n-of Th- Ne Green Cabbage. Ib. .05 wasqxarien. ietre m ueTtaana wwwu. Mati are firm Knr h t of the 1 I I "r Red ' Cabbage, lb. j05 St Loets at CWeao. PMkideHU ;few r. line h that ' remains nnehanted. . - . BXJ. Fresh Extras., Grade A T-arse. cartoned, dor Local new laid. doz. PuUet eges. doz. . "C" grade, doz. Frait Grapefruit. California 5c to Lemons, doz 35c to ' CLXY5LAXD jj Bolt FWaer w Mi imeoty l" lie il Umtm Vm4 a rt iffliVrrtT amtw tfertr Margin WtiaweWumi bf ' & irtii hiiiir tnm thef ''hnMn miN tlf the second. pawe St. taws Caritaak ie k-j jSl Mt a ftiiiw rw-t vlraary oter ?4 t taxaaeir Ml r? NtMsait Iww-CMim at St. ! m Loate 'BretjJ at jfl header. Daaaan at Kav Ytk v dohie-fceadef j07 Aserteaa Lote New Vark at Wkot "3 I ptemit T d yon won?" S.WEET'CAPOPAL .QICARETTES T fril rw fn tmtiti; J SPORT CHAT .luiuirr nniun near-. . v,. (.ng champion to tia Sou:- a.'.v tea to meet Ban Foord Sce. -) Afj" ean fighter, has br.. b; ti 1 iTanstaai ariortinj? C.jb, mm a a r i W H W 1 ff Wia J van the 12-metre yacht race ovtrjin a,Rolf tournanu-.v i uh a 22fme course at Telgmuth. j EnUnd. or hav:: .' . t jt c England for the America's Cup hi bag when rule , chalenftr's aeasnd victory In two 14. .Later it wax f .,u daft tab had been pu- uv ,rj, -Relurnlnc In clouds of siory; take by anther ron.pf from Engiaed where he played J A Sauth Afrtcxi rafeaalonal football for Hudders-'for 100 miles ha bee Held Town. George Wen and. a KrUebker of the Ta. South African, U playing centre- covered the dla foiward for an : East Loudon ama-.4I mnjtef. and 42 :r (eur ieasL ' Injured fri a Jub... Death of a greyhound which 1'. S. Morr. touched the eieetrie track on football GtUb'a u whleh the decoy hare runs was 1 r- ill J London. Fans paraded the corpse cf p' 1 tJr a round the Uaek. w - t E)Uh Uur wj!' at i. 1 A referee who didn't believe In ?me won out of 33 'lall-measuH- ended a fdOthiB : " nkoo1. Rork niMi icAti tu ti4-r ucTiic-ii. nr tnmw c ta4 vujc. ivi I purr tu I m .. e A rym a rouna oi gtui near Afrt. RttJ4 L- erewa. -nfitna. eamund sKnowie. . . , , , i . .. . . leveral eells from r F ii was lnstanUy killed wnen a bolt of liRhtnlng txnuk hbn. Twv -of his com pan ions wen- struck , bat not Five thousand Rip- taJur- 'people read the CxT Si F. j pays to let them k 'M T An mviiaiton to Trrfnmy Farr. ' have to sell. -MacKenzie s Furniture TABLES Radio .TstlewCboterfleJd Table End Tables Tea Tbl-Coffee Tables - Occasional Tables Bedroom I'tlllty Tkle-S Pur ,3.Way Smvktr rilONE 775 BOOKS that YOU c&n tead lUrly September. Books Include the Following Now C.rfulitlnC i In Prince Rupert The Orapes of Wrath Adventures of a Young .'Man The Web and the. Rock Next. to Valour . The Devil We; Know ... ,. Mr. Emmanuel .... This Porcelain Clay Reaching for the Stars Ararat April Was When If Began The Explorer The Miracle, of Brean The Midas Touch This Nettle Danger . "V' liariequlm House ..-.r., Doctor Here's Your Hat Drums of Fu Marchu Paradise Trail . Outlaw Sheriff Destiny Island The Ownley Inn ........ The Far Down The Captain's Chair The Abbot's Heel You Can Read AH These and lanyOthertfo ror uniy 73c a Montll--J91N.Oi;i5,LIIUlAKY Sic M Do Pa 3 Jenr'-istf Frankaa Go. :: ! Jacobs 'An arose' e Beneflcld . Maujruro Ravwond Kennedy Oifcbs Sharp? Jergcn Rohmer Mowery Jenk.rJ Iialca Lincoln Corbelt Flaherty Ddl fpr, GOO" i"-""