Tomorrows Tides High Low XXVIII "2 1:34 a.m. 22.1 It. 14:25 p.m. 19.6 ft. 8:15 ajn. 1.7 ft.-20:14 pjn. 6.4 ft. 117. HOLY LAND , DISORDERS Troohlr Continue in Palestine Fnl- lowlnt Iiunee nf Government White Taper JERUSALEM. May 19: CP- Paleitlne continue in a state of i -order and unrest following the uanre nf the British govern-! meitt i white paper concerning the ' future ttate of -the Holy Land There were more than 100 casu-, sl'le yesterday at British police buttled lor three hours In putting d un a demonstration by Jewish -luttw Finally, the police got the I i,;per hand and dispersed the dem- rators F iV persons were Injured In dcTnn'ratlons at Tel Aviv RAILWAYMEN WANT F.D.R. Reere It Akel to f"TK Third Term At Pretldent nf United States CLEVELAND. Ohio Mny 19 CP ; T Brotherhood of Rallwsv r lumen yiwWday urged Presi l Franklin D. Roovelt to run . ihfd term Return of the Guard' to power at hn time, r . b fatal, the Un on feels It Tut that there would be. ;r. unrfinitipjuonai in me Saskatchewan Is Tightening Up On Highway Driving ItEOINA. May 19: CP A new 4" rr.i .i voeed limit on the highways of Saskatchewan Is announ-bv the government It is also Sweetheart Prays For Missing Flier She Liberal Government Wins New Mandate Of Electors In Prince Edward Island CHARLOTTETOWN. Prince Edward Island, May 19: (CP) Prince Edward Island voters went to the polls yesterday and swept the Liberal administration of 44-year-old Premier Thane Alexander Campbell back into power by a commanding majority of seats over those wjan by the Conservative forces headed by Former Premier Dr. William J. P. Mac-Millan. The Liberal representation is only slightly diminished from the last four years during which ,ii governed without a single opposition member. Whereas the Liberals had all the thirty scats in the Legislature at dissolution, they won twenty-six yesterday while the Conservatives w ere conceded four. This is the first occasion since 1917 that a government has been re-elected in Prince Edward Island, the administrations having been alternately Liberal and Conservative, changing with each election. Liberals and Conservatives each had thirty candidates in the field yesterday with no third party. Arrel f Key I'iture In Pbllsdfl phis Mat Murdrn b Announced KEWTTOWt "Miy 19' "CPi-Th Federal Bureau of Investigation re-Iportr the arrest or Rose Carina, "Kiss of Death Woman." In connection with the Philadelphia ln-vesUgatlon of Eastern United State mass murders for the purpose of .collecting Insurance claims. Battle Is On In Kentucky Hills sorted that. In future, motorists ' s e r g who commit Infractions of th.' ffic regulations shall have their w' lte licences changed to blue With red tlckeU after second Fire Upon National Guardsmen As Efforts Are Made To Reopen Strike-Tied Mines HARLAN, Kentucky. May 19 CP Snipers from the hills open ed fire on national guardsmen yesterday as endeavours weie 1 made to resume operations al I strike-tied coal mines by the use of non-union miners. Threats were made by the authorities. If sniping continued, to rake Fiancee of Charles flarknian Stillin.llg wltn machine Clings To Hope That He May Be Safe gun lire. .Service Uniform the the nUIOAOO, May 10: (CPI-Al- p Wnnf though brothers of Charles Back- f Or Iving S fl Cdl man. missing on a projected. transAtlantlc hop from North Am- M.,,r ,.k.iv T seen ln erica to Sweden, havp given up, Outdoor hope of his being alive, the youn t aviator's fiancee still clings tO( hope that he may be afloat at s-aj or in some way saic. one pruycu his safety. Weather Forecast frurnlhi thruut th courusy of the DTmlnlon Meieorolotct Burtiu t Vkrtori Mid Vxinor Uupert. ThU rore-cart cmnpllert from o1jervtlonii to-kw iwt 8 m. twtajf nvd cotera the 30 hour period anrtlng S cm. tommruw, General Synopsis Pressure Is relatively low on the northern coast and unsettled weather hus been general over British Columbia with showers 'over the interior. Prince Rupert and Queen Char lotte Islands Moderate to fresh northeast to east winds, part cloudy and cool, becoming unset tied at night. i crease Tdnnrl can easily Functions OTTAWA, May 19: (CP)- For 1-... fnnrtlnns nn the in church yesterday f r a Chicago wear lour the Klng may a service uniform knaki jacKe-shirt and tie. riding breephes or slacks. Colonel-ln-chlef of no lesj thnn ?n nrltlsh regiments, he has a varletv of service uniforms. When in Scotland on military or, scml-mllltary ceremonies he is seen generally In the unuorm 01. . . . , . ...Uti triu4 . a lugniana regiment ..v- (tartan trousers). Lately, In London, the King has worn the Air Force uniform on mnnv Imnortant occasions, not the least of which was one of the courts held early this season wlien the Hie Canadian UanaaiUU UIK"'" debutantes w i. i a rrnwrteri street. There are many TlL-aiJ KUUI.II lO WUUltail "'"""I I " Air VnrM . .. -I Air Force partly cloudy, much the same tem-1 Canadian! In the Royal peraturc with showers at night. ,ol which, too, the King Is chief. eight to one To Win. Peter HER KISSES ; WINNERS IN WERE FATAL: SVtLfSlAKE DUBLIN, May 19: CP One Canadian drew a ticket in the Irish Hospitals Sweepstake today on Falrstone. one of the favorites for Wednesday's Derby at Epsom Downs. Three Canadian ticket adders drew Blue feter. a to, 20 favorite. Canadian ticket holders are: i Janes. A. F. Males And Another Horse His Highness. 'Non-runner. Nom de plume Now. Horse Ramboda. Non - runner Nom de plume Bradford. Horse Hastings. mgs. Odds, oaas, twenty Horse Dilbbarah. Odds, to one. Nom de plume Mathe- son. Horse Bold Devil. Non-runner Nom de plume Clormer. Horse Vesperlan. Odds, thlrty- Honored By. University EDMONTON. May 19: (CP) At the annual congregation of the Un iverslty of Alberta here honorary of the colonies New Terms Are twenty- . 1 1 T" Nom de piume-Got Anticipated 1 0 Bring Russia In LONDON, May 19 Kathleen Mary Shelton of Rosedale and 5c. of modifications which It was expected yesterday would result in three to one. Nom de plume One Russia entering the anti-aggression To Ten. front with Great Britain and Horse Ideal. Non-runner. Nom France were not known but it was de plume Three Crumpets. , reported they had been drafted to Horse Military. Non - runner. meet the Russian complaint that Nom de plume Edna May. the original British suggestion was Horse The Judgemodds. Non-inot sufficiently reciprocal, runner. Nom de plume Smoke, i Horse Again. Non-runner. Nom de plume Only Chance. j Horse Point Blank. Non-runner. Nom de plume Up and Up. Horse Mauna Kca. Odds, fifty, (Continued on Page Five) Halibut Sales Summary American 61,500 pounds, and 5.5c to 7.8c and 53c. Canadian 66500 pounds, and 5c to 7.1c and 5c. American Rainier, 35,000, Booth, 7.5c 5c. 7.4c 6.5 Edgecumbe, 14500, Cold Storage, 7.8c and 5.5c. was awarded the Governor Gener- J. D. A., 2,000, Cold Storage. fi.Oc al's medal for general proficiency, and 5c. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1939. OUTPUT TO !0NE YEAR BE HEAVY OF YOUTH New Plan in !rltih Columbia Announced by Minister of Labor VICTORIA. Mav 20: CPi Hon. IN PRISON! Record Year's Production is Ex- Such is Sentence Upon James An-j pecieu on ifuccn i,uariuiic I acrson ot Aiun, VViitkicu ui Island' I Manslaughter in Fistic J Attack Three large logging camps on Moresby Island of the Queen Char-1 James Sangster Anderson, who lottes are expected to .turn .out a was convicted last week at the Su-record production of timber this preme Court Assizes here on a yea., according to advice received .charge of manslaughter in connec-In Prince Rupert from the Islands. I tlon with the death of Knute 01- Operatlons at the three camps are en at SDruce Creek, near Atlin. on now in full swing, Good Friday last, was sentenced to , one year's imprisonment at Oak all a bv Mr. Justice A. I. Fisher this TD A IIMIIMP 1 morning. Accofdlng to the evl- IXVrVlll lMVJ "dence. Anderson had attacked 01- sen wun rus ims on me aay in question when he returned home to find him in his cabin. He then put 01en out in the snow where he was . fhortlv after found dead from con-' cusslon of the brafn. The jury add- j 'ed a strong recommentatlon for. leniency to its verdict. M? CtWm rl.fanAS AniinCftl I diet. Accused, he submitted, was I but technically or legally guilty of manslaughter. He had done noth- llni, mnra than anr Tirtrmnl mnn a AtJ feu aauu vh ww. 1 death had been freakish. It would stancer. The court might even infer that deceased's brain was not normal physically or such a blow would not have caused death. A suspended sentence. Mr. Fulton felt, would answer the purposes of Justice and mercy. Dr. Mandy j qualities and characteristics which entirely disassociated him from any a tendency or inclination towards crime or criminal intent. Dr. Mandy continued that he had slept, travelled, ate and played badminton III am, uoia biorage, rtc .,tu n.nnn n. v,nr on rr-iv. of Atlin ln regard to Anderson. (Continued on Page Four) Tetanus Serum Is Rushed Out CP-Extent nLnaVe ppent& e Jtae out of Wfiw HeiTV Un a mousana uuuer auuu tuiuui- Longshore Strike In Portland Has Now Been Ended and 5.5C t A V.le mlnUlnHnn, n-Ksn VlS Vinrf BrtPTI A MTi OrPITnn M.1V 19 141 Capitol TAXI Maccy's Coffee House PRICE: CENTS And Queen Visiting Capital Principal Functions Of Royal Tour Will Be Staged At Ottawa Gay Holiday Mood Prevails as Their 3Iajesties Arriv Warmth of Reception at Montreal Necessitated Extra Appearance HISTORY MADE TODAY OTTAWA, May 19: (CP) Hbtory was made at Parliament Hill this afternoon when, promptly at 2:56 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, the King and Queen arrived to give royal assent to bills. It was the first time a British sovereign had ever performed this act in any Parliament since 1854. A twenty-one gun salute boomed over the Ottawa River to greet the arrival of Their Majesties. Solid throngs of their subjects were held back by police and soldiers. OTTAWA, May 19: (CP) Ottawa was crowded this Gcorae Pearsqrl minister of labor elaborated on the recommentatlon munmig wiui uie greai-ebL pupuiauun in us nistory as announces the early inauguration before sentence was passed today lanaaa S capital receivea ineir lViajesiies, King Ueorge of a new and more compresensiv and Dr. j. t. Mandy. resident min-! VI. and Queen Elizabeth, in the course of their Canadian youth training plan by co-operation ng engineer ve character evt-tour cjty wag colorfuUy bedecked and trav holiday " r::: h" " rrr. mood prevailed. There was drizzling rain and crisp how MoJ.han one thousand Crown counsel. T. w Brown, ernments. voune men in the Drovtnce will be ever, did not concur taken care of. 1 mn slnl MnnoloYe -tnrned men's Canadians Drew Favorite While rehabilitation activities. Three Hae Tickets on Blue COLONIES r DISCUSSED with the recommendation of defence counsel iriin rtMt (.alnlnn wfll fnr a iiitnflnHpH cpntpnrp find the JViiltlAl IIIIU A V. tMl J HUUIU " - take eare of thf most of the young Judge ruled that, therefore, he was p There will also be camps for unable to par suspended sentence. VsUUdll 1UL1U11 In asking for extreme leniency under the circumstances of this lease. Mr. Fulton submitted that the Idewee of riou$pftsto!;UM crime. - : of manslaughter might range from LONDON, May 19: (CP) By the point of zero up to the border a vote of 337 to 130. the House of murder. In this case, he felt, the ot Commons yesterday gave circumstances were on the zero bor- Anal approval to the govern- der. Just a little less and would not have constituted man-German NewsnRners l)en.n-" wri- gjauzhter. There had been extreme ti.h Mandates and Anticipate (provocation. A Scotchman by Karly Action by Hitler i birth, having lived in Canada since 'a young age and having served RERL1N. Mav 13: 'CP'-- NnV I ,k-.-h., rfuUH hoH Horse-Fair Chance. Odds. sUty- newspaper8 came out ln an attack 'slandered the Klng, had sneered at ix to oneNom de p tame-York. iytcrdjir denouncing the mandates .accused-s patriotism and had called Horse-Smean. Son - runner by whJch Qrpat Brluln was govern. i & name eyerj. Jury Norn de Dlume Klondykc. Curljlng rorrne, German colonies. The'would have convicted under the Jim, Three Chums. .paperf anticipated that Chancel- clrcUmstances although he (Mr. Horse Alan Cameron. Non-run-1 ,w AdolI H1Uer m0Te a, m tlon thJs as ner. Nom de plume Calamity vlp. t. brtni.inB ab0ut the return I r,.,,. vr. rprtng air The reception which Their Majesties received as they ar- : rived at 11 aon. Eastern Daylight Saving Time was comparable with the great welcome they have been ft rnrHoH vv cfnwa Ion e!4riv In Km kk J ' Dominion. They win remain ln Ot-ApprOVeQ tewa nntH?6 o'closk Sunday night. 4, the meajiUme4heprJjjsjate TUnetlons of the tourVttmte place here The King and Queen are guests at Rldeau Hall with Their Excellencies, the Governor General na a xweeosmuir as tneir they menfs bill providing conscrip- tian of twentv-vear-old men for limited military service. So great was the reception at Montreal yesterday and the de- nanri r ma TY 01 nf lApf (a rhar , UiattU SfV SVWV SCM UUJW4tw4 WQ lr j certain changes had to be made in Jthe program there. The culmln- feature of the Montreal visit I'attng was the civic dinner last evening in the Windsor Hotel As the banquet '.proceeded, a roar of thousands of people outside demanding "We 'Want the King. We Want the Boy at Ellensburg, Washington, De- Queen." grew into a deafening velops Lockjaw from Cut Sus- ichant. Finally. Their Majesties ac-talned in Fall From Wagon ceded to the demand, left the ban- Iquet table and proceeded to the criTTiT m,- iiTptanc rJ balcony where the teeming masses o, . Dominion y. ii.. e .... ....1. L.m m... dnn. imrtpr thp. rir- m v,o. k n,t(, fmm hor t.n Square nearly went "d In the spontaneity of their cumstances. There had been no Ellensburg where a boy developed at of the criminal Intent or lethal weapon, irrkjaw trom a cut In the head sus-.thusiaj? aPPrance monarch. Throughout the day Only the old British weaoons of . rained in a fall from a wagon. and even the night before e,c. ,,rt h.n rt nWMW,iv many people had waited for the chance to I rvaf r T aaHv-i or itlimneA rvf tViA I and Queen. At the uie baseball Daseoau stadium suiaium I 1 uurnig K7W7KG7W La He lthe afternoon. 85,000 Montreal w school children were assert bled to (watch Their Majesties ride around Minister of Public Works And Mrs. e track. McFherson At Kelowna For j Late last night the royal train left Ceremonies Yesterday Montreal for Ottawa. KELOWNA, May 19: (CP) urj - - nil T Dr. Mandy swore that he had Launehlns of the new Okanaean .MlflWPrC I hwn , , , . . - - wmw 11 J M-r v i as iuiown uccuaeu jur icu jtaia mm LaKe terry took place nere yes- he came as a character witness on terday with Hon. F. M. McPher- hls behalf voluntarily and entirely son, minister of public works, and unsolicited. He Dr. Mandy) had Mrs. McPherson in attendance for had ample opportunity through as- the ceremonies. soclatlon with Anderson ln Various parts of the country and under Intimate circumstances to observe his Coast Relieve 1 Forest Fires VANCOUVER, May 19: (CP) Heavy showers have somewhat al leviated the forest fire situation !in Southern British Columbia. Oregon, Washington and Northern California and prospects are far j continued moisture, j There have been scattered rain? In Northern Alberta but, accord- lnS to word tnm Edmonton, they Canadian ,nllirpH n.h.H fmmri !nhnrPmpn have returned to Johan W. II, 39,000. Atlin, 7.1c.Anderson truthIu, stral2htforward . work at this port after a five- have.. notbeen 5?mcle.nt l? degrees of Doctors 6f Law were con-; and 5c. and dependable and had never seen and-a-half-day tie-up. It has been m"c" "cve serious ioresi iirej were ferrcd upon Hon. J. C. Bowen. Lieu-; Northland. 7500, Cold Storase, (n hl nnv rtI.nlnv tpmnPP Nor ni,pd that the emolovers violated w",cn Deen "B"1 in inat ..... . . l . 1- Knimfrv Wm Weather h onnMniin. continues n,,U nrrpntPrt The horizon blue of the I tenant Governor or Aioerta: u. w. ana oc. nad ne ever seen hlm under the ln. agreement in closing the port. Sir f ice Is a familiar sight now I Brocklngton K.C.. chairman of the Neptune II, 10.000, Pacific, 6.8c fluence of llquor He had alway5( ,n the British Isles and the In- j Canadian Bito-ttar Owa-nd te. . n thorough law abiding. in thp number ot air me' nun, mu m4. kuiukh ......... - He was unaDie me juage ruiea, ... . , in i ne nuiuwi , r,,, ctnn nnu einral,. r Re . . . . . ... this evening for her summer home he noticed m any oi me vjuciw ouicuir wuiu iu ".v, v to receive a telegram irom cmzens -j - - ; - - country. quite warm there. WINNIPE G WHEAT PRICES WINNIPEO, May 19: (CPJ The Crossways" at Terrace. Mr.iWinnlpeg wheat prices were Vie Mcintosh has been there several 'to c higher yesterday with Mav weeks getting the place ln order. closing at 64:ic.