1 i DAILY EDITION "GREB" -rt. Vprking Boots-Are Unbeatable Men's oiled calf. Panco or leather sole, plain toes QQ (IE '"'or toe caps. Up from VO.JV Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PItlNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor readers, per une, per uiwjuuu CIA.MBER OF COMilEKCE ANNETTE'S . ; ; r jHaliberg SUBSCRIPTION BATES Mtff - City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 ' Han(jjcan Paid In advance, per week '. ". -12 ToUl Paid In advance, per month - 30 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the Brtttoh Empire and . B United States, yearly period, paid In advance .-' 3.00 Mor By mall to all other countries, per year 8.00 , Classified advertising, per word, per insertipn . ADwrrilalXlS aiiu viituiauuii iicjiuuiic e News Department Telephone ' 8C Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Almncf evorv upar fnllnuMncr thp annual meetintr. this To'tal TAKE LEAD Ladies' Wear Team Is Going Strong in Howling league iin ivo Clean Sweeps Annette" continued their win- nine ways In the Ladies Bowling League last night, scoring a second to one. High average scorer was Mrs. R. J. Keron of Blue Birds with 181. last nieht's Individual scores: Bluebird's 12 3 .Pierce - - 1"0 193 Turgeon ..- 113 158 Boulter 132 169 Croxford -.- H9 "0 Keron 156 206 Handicap 1 1 j Total "27 90S I Raneers 1 2 iBerg - - 515 147 .Petersen 153 128 Yaeer J87 182 lMrs.Mftrrisoh -02 "aV Burv 5 -west I Handicap T5tirJ.: ! Annette's Basso-Bert u .189 ... 31 501 1 ...171 195 ... 96 .145 174 31 7C2 1 .. 179 Wtainesday, January 11, 1939. Johnson - 177 Skattebol 147 Owen 161 P' Dickens 145 J Handicap 12 8!1 paper discusses the position of the Prince Rupert Cham-ij" ,,oteI the of the business and 'gbof Commerce as representative .h9rtt n nrnfoccinnb't lnipypsta fif tVlP Oltv It. flOPS not reiiresent tvtv. lift 137 181 81 775 2 159 134 128 151 9 31 743 2 189 166 138 170 128 12 803 2 181 89 134 " jif-yVr"'l'tml f 0J' w vfiw -"J - I 4. 1 . - labor or the churches or the youth of the pity. It repre- McKeown 156 104 sent business. Its duty is to advance the business of the Blaine ... no 186 -l'. n-si sj j.'i. t ?.! Handicap 50 50 city, it is inuepenuem. ui puiiui aitnuugu juu&i, ui iuoj Totaj . members take a great Interest in politics. i Bir sisters mi.- i..t i i ,1.. ,.t u.,nit.c P. Dickens liie seryiee CJlius are inaup up wviy uj. uuancpo m: e Sickens profeksional peonle'filif their members are banded to?eih- jottl jfrprtiVjilariv to fa thines which may aid the underprivihjg- iiz-. Qfsp, eH; "It is unselfish work. Th vvork of the Chamber of JupmmerCP lg more JjejiiSO aim yet Jiuue uic cas iiiijiuiuhju Maple Leafs We have before this urged every business and profes- -gnaj inan' in the city fp become a member of the Cham- jgm ler of Commerce, nay the annual fee and attend the meet- M'. oif ings. A live chamber is a great asset to the city. iP.ii Tolal'r- that thev insist that their young men keep fit. They have Pwryieb to sep'p'a term in the army' in order to be ready tp'e- JfJJJ fend their country. Germany and Italy and a riumbpr of Uap(lgp other European cpuntnes jnsist on tneir young men Keen- Total f r-i n il. a? rpv i J. , tl,n V nf,:f - " JiJU ing lit A-ttr CI an 1 1 kill. ine tune, kJ4-. mat x& uuc duvdiiuigc . -'" - mc ' " i - .-.'1, ' ' - 723 7 44 1 2 J90 193 I" 117 110 194 ..... 154 i65 125 8.08 1 ... ... 507 129. - m 169 153 .84 150 153 jn .154 111 j'6 C7 96 125 910 2 153 156 120 164 143 84 830 2 136 151 185 188 28 16 888 'states have over the democracies. We have so m'jch Jn- pgr DTTDDFDT erty " in this country that Ave do not know what to doVith LUL. KUrrlllv 1 it Manv of our vounp- men take little nride in themselves " 154 1S3 122 172 181 7 82! 3 144 142 144 72 774 3 118 i-.i. res- J. . 727 3 173 187 174 147 169 mm 12 1 861 3 132 75 74 195 103 50 C29 2 137 124 176 114 12 125 80! 3 161 137 If Tii SI! 3 146 112 175 180 123 IP 757 une aavamage tpe yuun xnexx viy juui uie uaiurijr fears Enieriaineo fr fvywij:. "f brl(Jges brldgeshlre linvii Jc fViaf tViov o-of nrpfprpnP in mntVprs nf pmnTnv- r.nit Baseball Matnate Babe i . i tfjn ... . monf AnntVor !i rl M t n o-p ic tHnf ttiPV tcppn nhvsiVflllv fit Kuth hso in Hospital anu increase uieir uwii &eu-i cspctu ic) ic uie men VUUI1U IIICI1 1.1 dllllllj: ill Hie af j uie iic y. f iiiip 4'. nf in? like war we all feel that the outlook is that we may Ua Anvn Jnin 5t at nv fimp AVVipn that timp rnmps. i SPORT CHAT All classes of become infected w: acquiring a knowledge of Englibht and German in preparation for the 1940 Olypmlc Games. In Hetsinci ers. waitresses dnema atteridanU. ftt katiani Hockev Leaeue HM Vf"1." rT7 . rjJ T'i WW WS? iMUccmenHran ahf bui pme ai ine ejpen s ,r attnujig Sisters also had a clean sweep win ra,?CTr-I have craze for xasi nigni over o-uu .ui.c auu. i - . y.. the early standing of the second "Wl f ' .SL IS half, is now in second place. Maple to be .ne 5 rnV of S e most t difTi-1 dUft. Leafs and Blue Birds won over jd themselves being among the best linguists ln the world Twelve-vear old Patty AsplnaU if Indianapolis. Just at the age vher. mort girl? still are playing with dolls or beginning to have hfts" on bovs. is Uncle Sam's voungest swimming record-holder And while most of her friends are out playing or are slipping down o a neighborhood nMrle. Patty pan b found oraetising at the In- 164 dianaooHs Athletic Hub swimmlnf For most twelve-year oios girls the Olympic Oamei ar lust sosnetnm? mev near oiorx oeonle talking about But not for Patty. A trip to Finland in ip as a member of the Unitefl btaie? Olympic swimming team will be -okav" in the words of the youth ful Hoosier swimmer. It was Nov-; ... fmher 2 that Patty swam the 130j2OO-yard breast stroke event in the .. 145 (clipping six-tenths of a second off (the previous American record that had stood since 1932 Her new I . A mark was recognizee Dy uie Amateur Athletic Union. featlng a Vienna team 10 to 1 j Sport Briefs 1MLKNA110NAL SOCCUl HAMBUKU, permany, Jan. 11; .fk.Hunearv. alter xosing 3-1 to cotianu in an association xootoan oaint. beat Hamburg 2-0 nere notner inteniiiUonii leature. (WINNER IN xnl HENLEY ritOFIT LONDON, Jan.' II: NCP A profit on the years wrung ox u ($120) was reported at the annual meeting the stewards of' wemey Royal Regatta here. ' O'CLE RLCflKp SYDNEW, Australia. Jan. 11: CP Hubert Qpperman, cycling from Adelaide to Sydney, established a world record of 63 hours. 37 jf minutes for lOQ mUes. He bea the record of 70 hours. 40 rnlnu? held by S. C. Ferris, an English man. and are not physically tit tor wprK or pj?.y. inese young (jKAYtL'I ILL big winner solp men are not much use to their country or to themselves. H.rf w NEW market, EngTand'. Jan. 11; j. ..-. i t.- . . rr:,. .... CPi-AxtM' PrlnceriMt'-punr wlnp.er.' was bought for .)n.f iR0rhv V W. Tal hot at horse sales here, lotal reallz- 'ed in the fivif-day sales' was 245,142; rik. .t?i' ... .1iir tt, .V e,l onnon nft 4t,Se KPW ff"5-.' ?aD' j ' it. guineas IU01.195). . Coast- Thpv are the men who WOUld then know What to y0rk Yankees American League .1. -1 1 '. -. . 1 . .... .....lJ -11 tnnl. tnt, AVtw Anfavynn I k.ll 4,,Vi c iravplv 111. SO Ser- UM allU i-M IiUU K VIUUIJJ ail iuua iui uui utiniLt. w.uh " o;--. . r- .... JIOUE FAN SEATING ious cm was hLt his condition condition last last z night pcJlbaii Association Council has fnct nf fhp men in ihp hnftprv wnnld soon bpf nmp nf- rii.t rtf th church. 'were 1 i . .k.i'rnr fnr.rain I ficers iflhe country were at war while the slouchers who adalnistered to the seventy-one of WemBley' Stadium bjr would -have to be trained afterwards wquld have to serye pojtsn- Js fl0 At nejt $np final there ; Tm'rfpi thpm '' ' ' morning, howeyrr. be was fUnj5 wUl be room for 100517 people- . 77. " jntich more easily ana c4 4592 seated and 54.925 standing. ta ;.. t P.nAvf f V,o,. c monu fohfirfMce himself that be would ; "iS. , I"' '"" , U 1 a XJJC41 UIMJg 1U1 1 I) tc ikMWin.u iip.t oy m y Rrrnn ' KLNMNG RECORD - : no, , XtTUiU recovtr. Ruppert. who is a multlmllljon-, JOHANNES BUBO! Jan. 11: CP i.. Koon fiahtinir an attack ntfnit rViotp Olvninlc runner. d ij c, , . ... w -- . . f -r .ki.vuif t Vit hnm. for the ,.t tin a ttr nn'th African record l ..... 1 - . 1 .. 1 . . . . .'.1 .An ... ..ft V. . . . 1 it comps. we shall tane great nnae in me young men wno past nine monms. 101 47 seconos xor e w FffH'JW Sfl14 vv? SfF ?JJ,cMm ijiijciw-iij. himself to hospital suffering .CAM3RIDOE, pnf.. n. if. r. '? : from a slight heart aitack. -Cambridge University Bugby It's interesting to know when reading the Daily New- rfion ZlllX nat fhp rwonlp nf thp whnlo Hitrin arr Hmni' tHp vamp , tn KnKQi'i , future will include matches with. nf V.onrmivPr nnd wpst of Edmonton hoidintT membership Midland clubs The biennial trip al,jr New Wftnl ad' Edlnburgh cencellt!d in these organizations. JLlTm,,,r.lM, & OVERTIME Veteran NeW Stewart Pfves Aroerks Victory Over Rangers In New York b t far Mt nm jmpHal 5'now on her way p the British Columbia coast and will vis-' MODERN. EXPERIENCED BANKING SEXVICE . . . Th Oiffcom of 121 Yon' Satxrttlul Operation . . . r t . m . r ca, sssssa . fS What I like about bank is the friendlr, mm - . ' J iui way they do tl for you. (hit BANK OF MONTREAL ' " " SfTIUlit It'll Prince Rupert Branch F. A. MacCALLUM, Janaer Stewjrj Brandw H. V. LITTLER. Manaorr 'XllVICtt Or THE SANK Of UONTtaf.4il UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD.. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; " ' T.SJ3. CATALA EVERY IfJES- T.S.S. fAKUENA FRIDAY, j DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:34 p.m. "" " Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday jum. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets rrom A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Pbone 561 ffemday. January 11 ;g PAGE TWO. TJjn DAILY NEWS FINE NEW ! AFTER 40 . . kidney tend tu tlcw vp if tttM uCod Chen brromc inflame u SHIP FOR tut tnd tay in tl eyateaa, Kn For Real Comfort and Wear ftotdaod.TyiUllwlgt I) ,ir.'1: 1 JfEiStf irtltog up irnwUin Shd :ra- B.C. 'RUN iJaty an pMtnpt --itf - - r ' Tanker Imperial On Way U gt And Will Be In Rupert Soju 3 PILLS Two Site Regular. 50c and new and in the overurae pertod theve rfWrvorfc vrhitwth th p,cltj- of AM 000 Imper.a t eran NcU Stewart cay lff "JJned blue rtrlpe of her cargo can be dwhv. witn tne wuuun . lWirs the black fun- i-- than seven hour inro Amerks. . c, her an attractive as well testf?! own moU driven- -rr-; ine - mbOanUi appearing vessel. AH auxUhiry maenmerr k.uc.;.j home, acorec a mree www j ... flr. trr- nrktnnr. is also cio -ni ever the world Bll enndered 700 h.p. Jalrbanks tlx per tpTjro' " -: Moe diesel engine n;j uwepepocni. pw ari-4.. their hetd on the kcue taMlefsitip ""f . 1 7 !,fUn.' ri .l. f .1-. J ' i u""- r-' UK . . . . - over lOUT wwuru their margin . now betat e potau their thrtt ln ordrr to inure proper f.f- bver the Rante. u0 hnh reducTJfti gar d eTearo-1. leJa c)tel cherf The Montreal Cana4iens amak fhlai U peeper tnw e eeuar pUer thafu At 125 mo- pue IBiotheTing gu can be three to nU shat-mt to tile Detiolt .t3lf,,, fou.erew nuih- L . f... iWi (nn Red Wina TMnM4i fchrauvh the waier -1 thrruaH ivmietn of o: - The National standing to date: Boston Rangers ... Americans Chicago Toronto Detroit Canadiens 17 14 It 8 7 5 Gottselig Still I pari in cr LIVUU1IIL I It-' -- ' at twelve knf per new; Uioxaiea to any pan oi w 6 W 34 H 6 K 45 JO 8 64 64 28 It S3 M 21 4 11 4l 37 4 14 52 67 18 4 IS 43 TO 14 Scorers The vVei his'elecUle steering ifdpfecdp; ttorithroi;, " tuvAfmp head-high wheeU iel. Vu fcavTiatlnf e4fcl?!ment U of the The omrers moat im-toaaie avauacne. pe' Tne oMcefi OX UK ln.ir whMrfhouse is roomy and aeu-ugm- mnt La CoDinrwood to r ed Fine accomodation ts provided for cifl;er and crew which constats of matter and two mates, chief eiigtn-'eer and two enftneers. three ijtiT. tlx seamen and cook and steward The captain's qtrartext are bejow the whWlhooi 'nom his fflee I a small hatch opens into the wire n m room rvum vessel around to th ro Captain, a s wroaw Chief Offtcers C B S Second Mate. H suf? -Ctr tnclnecr. U -Second Engineer E 0!. but no wtrelpsa operator r , . Sweeney Shpner .Now Giving Black u nevded as the vessel it edjppped Jdmer uawks narp hnoourr Hard Kun win raoio leiepnene ana auo ranio COUJt jMn For Honors dtrccttonai tinder, each' capable of 1 w R aMdr, operation by officers of the ship new NEW YORK. Jinrw, Jan u- 11 n iCPi-John- ivri nu- eaptami npn . opena on ws v of th HMrn nik offlc nd on the other aide of the TDATI WTWC I Hawks, vp to yesterday, lad the T tL tW I KAIL WIINO nk, are the I ' ' pcint getter, of the M.tlonlLue nmtt !n Ulc m "ny room crr' iwith 24 poinU tor the seaaon He TUT 1 Tl TXIXI k . hMMrMMi h.Mi h. ammim Qrtesa and each bonk has its own in YlLmm'schrtoeTor ? ' . f i v n.asKeVMn 4tt Knl tnH cans a-no naa zz points Last week TV imoke Eaters Score Eleventh rc- Gottselig added no points to his wtw". . Privaic lockers are tory of European Tour season's total whoe Senrteer added pwt,W fn nni f" f . L roar to hia. quarters provided by a vertical VIENNA. Jan. 11: CP Tra.l schitatf has prevlowly topped oll',lrwl Dr- the only coal on Smoke Eaters won the eleventh the eagBe m mt board being that or the gaUej, victory without a defeat in tfcet .getting 8to Bating Quarter of the ship European tour last night by or -J are atso attracuye wiin ix Large t meas-ropna ine gaiier na Dally !Wa is an A. B. C friferator eqnipment Each tanker has a carrying pa TOE COST IIK.II ll EX Bowling Alley For HcalOx and a f - TRAPPERS Don't be fooli:; a -furs at the water your staff p to' bWom't and get the b gether to bid cn ' that wav vou w a It Line B s For Reservation rb W Per Cent .MOKE for Yearwlf Gpldbloom The Old Reliable NOTICE ! j:nil further tuitt lnnlni Monday. January 2nd, our CJNTIXTIONr.KY STUBP jir ( loeat3;00 p in. Sunday Hours 1:00 lo 5 00 p m. Mussallem? PQNFKCTION'Pl' THE Spf L ? QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only " canning company with an su the year round payrou Prtncs Rupert