TAQE FOUR THB DAILT NITTS "f tl I'Mft Vil "4rfrriiii la ke puM J r l BaU tf FkfieUmt. ESCAPE "'MISERY OF COLDS Um specialized medication "for note and upper throat where most cold start Htlpt Prevent Colds Developint-Dont wait until a miserable cold develops. At the very first warning sneeze, tnlflle. or nasal lrritatlon-put a few drops ot Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril Immediately. Used In time. Va-tro-nol helps to prevent the development ot many colds. Clears Stuff Head, Too -Even when your head Is all clogged up from a neglected cold, Va-tro-nol brings comforting relief. It quickly clears awcy the clogging mucus, reduces swollen membranes, helps to keep the sinuses from being blocked by the cold-lets you breaths again. (Tit its bntlint mtdicatiM go to xk Va-tro-nol Fine Warm Water Bennett Is In North Of Russia '.Calgary Again Soviet Experts Convinced Shipping In Arctic is Feasible VlCKS To Speak in Prairie City Tonight Farewell Address in Saint John . f MOSCOW, Jan. 11: (CP-Reutersi j CALoarY, Jan. 11: (CP) For? -pinion inaiBuppinginu p ta Mlnistcr r. B. Bennett P-k again here tonight. the two Ice-breakers Joseph Stalin .having arrived during the day and Yermak In northern latitudes i from Vancouver, from here wfie're no ship had previously sail-, Bennett proceeds East and will ed. : The scientists are completing make his farewell address at 8alnt jfhelr study of observations made on John, In his native province of bejard. iNew Brunswick, before leaving for I'The Ice-breakers were able to es-' England to make his home In re, labllsh that ice In the area is not tirement. s dangerous for ships as the coast-1 al ice. This means that to the jbrth of Novaya Zemlya, Severn-1 DOGGY CHRISTMAS ziemiya ana me ovosiDirsK is- SARNia, Ont Jan. 11: (CP) lnds shipping should be quite pos- chrlstmas went to the dogs here 5pie. this year, says the post office; ,Three deep soundings made dur- "Fluffy." "Poodles- and "Sklppy lhg voyages of the two Soviet Ice- were tne addresses on cards per breakers north of the Kotelny Is- plexlng posties. land brought to light the existence of a powerful stream of warm Atlantic' water at a depth of about If you wish to swap something- '600 feet. Try a Classified. ttmmmriWzmtMiMz urranrviai limirRmaKsi n n mtu vm ta JANUARY SALE Money Savers Every Dar for the Next 18 Days Look for Them In the Newspaper or in F.Iio's Window in the Store They Save You Cash FLOOR COVERINGS ' Axminsters, Linoleums, Congoleums Beds, Springs, Mattress, Pillows Chesterfield Suite, Pull-up Chairs, Tables, End Tables, Coffee Tables, Bridge Tables, Etc. ELIO'S FURNITURE . f THIRD AVENUE spmsaiaxa zu&u rra :;n c wzmsm Prince Rupert :; tmzm im rmxmMxmsMxmvm m m tm - - -" -- - Nanaimo-Wellington Alberta Foothills and Hulkley Valley Coal Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Telephone 651 or 652 Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert British Columbia Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNE S7 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg- ISTEAMSHIP I m A T W A rv MAWUtAU CoL William Inkermah Gear Passes Away la Montreal MONTREAL, Jan. 11: (CPi Col. William Inkerman Oear, aged 81. prominent steamship man and president of the Crown Trust Co.; died Monday night at his home In nearby Westmount after a brief ill ness. Colonel Oear was an outstanding figure in the shipping life of East ern Canada over a long period through his connection with the Robert Reford Company. Canadian agents for the Cunard Company. Mr. Oear before his retirement from business hi 1929 was a director of the Cunard Company and Its affiliated shipping enterprise, the Anchor-Donaldson line. He also was Canadian representative on the board of the North German Lloyd In Montreal Colonel Gear held many positions in commercial or ganizations. He was president of the Corn Exchange In 1902 and later president of the Montreal Boad of trade. He represented Montreal transportation Interests on the St. Lawrence Commission which had to do with the develop ment of the river as a commercial artery In 1911 and 1912. During the world war Colonel Oear was appointed a director of the steel shipbuilding on behalf of ihe Imperial Munitions board which represented the British government In Canada between isn ana iuzu his department superintending the building of 63 vessels at a time when they were urgently required owing to losses by submarine war fare. Colonel Gear gave his ser vices free and paid all his personal expenses during this time. In August, 1914, he was gazetted as honorary Colonel of the Canad lan Militia for his war service. He was also for a term officer cbm mandlng the First Regiment of the Canadian Grenadier Guards. Colonel Oears activities were , not confined to shipping. With the late Robert Reford and late Sir John Carson, be was Instrumental in founding the Crown Trust Com pany of Montreal,, of which he be came president. He was also a director of the Bank ot Toronto, Keewatln Flour Mills Company, Wabasso Cotton and Cassidy's Lim lted, He took a prominent part In a campaign waged in Montreal to keep the St. Lawrence Waterways and the power to be developed through Its rapids In Canadian hands. Bom in Toronto in 1853, the son of Mr: and Mrs. H- J. O. Gear, was educated. In a private school in Montreal, he Joined the firm of the Redford and Dilon in 1874. This concern afterwards became the thlpping enterprise of the Robert Reford Company. He married first In 1855 Frances Wllshlre Linton of Montreal who died In 1899. Their children were a son, W.W. Gear,' and Mrs. John Mclntyre and Miss Kathleen Oear. Colonel Oear married Florence Ida Bulmer, Montreal, In 1912. Old Country Soccer est 0. 1. English Cup, Third Round Leeds United 3, Bournemouth 1. York City 0, Mlllwall 5. Chesterfield 1, South End United Third Round Replays Boulton Wanders 0, Mlddlesbor- ough 0 (overtime). Ipswich Town 1, Aston Villa 2. Manchester United 1, West Brom- wich Albion 5. Stoke City 1, Leicester City 2. Scottish League, First Division Albion Rovers 2, St. Mirren 1. Hamilton .1, Falkirk 3. Hearts 2, Ayr 0. Queen of South 0, Partick Thistle Queens Park 0, Motherwell 0. Rangers 4, Arbroath 0. CHEERS FROM FARMERS GUFXPH, Ont., Jan. 11: (CP) It's an 111 wind . . . Snow-blocked highways have prevented Guelph police from serving traffic-violation summonses upon country GOSSIP DENOUNCED HAUOHLEY, Eng., Jan. 11: (CPi Too much garrulity In this Suf folk parish the-; pulpit Is This the Reason You Are Constipated? If you're wonderlm why your bowela don't work rlM . . . stop and think about what you eat Bread, meat, W and potato. All food nourUhinr foodt . . . but lacklnc In "bulk" afttr tha dlcettlrt process. And you need bulk!" rood that elree the boweli eomethlnr to work on . . to help them move. If lf this lack of "bulk" that' causing- your constipation. Ktllorc'a All-Bran la Juit what you needl After digestion a aofi mass remains which helps your bowela snote. In addition, All-Bran (ires you Nature's In-teMlnal tonic, rltamln Bi. Eat this tasteful ready-to-eat cereal erery day, drink plenty of water, and enjoy happier days. All-Bran Is mad by Kellof r In London, Can. Sold by erery grocer. Kitselas Church Is Now Reopened Rev. Adam Crisp Officiates Child is Baptized NEW KITSELAS, Jan, 11 The New Kitselas United Church, which has been undergoing repairs, was reopened with a service last Thurs day afternoon. Rev. Adam Crisp conducted the service and Mrs. Crisp presided at the organ. During the service the Infant Unity In Fruit Trade Essential Day of Self-Sufficiency and Individualism Gone, Declares Head Of Produce Body PRAISE FROM HIGH UP BRIEU, Ont., Jart. 11: (CP) Mrs. Mollie Vidler, who wrote "lloems of Remembrance," has Huddersfield Town 0, Notts For- trnm p. . ,,., u,,,,.. 'tii j w a viiuiiiuvi ta ilk and the Duke of Windsor. A Hot Time Is Whit You Want This Winter You can get It by nslng our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley or Nanaimo-Welllngton coaL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 IN Till; HITKKMr: ( Ot KT OK MUTISM . roi.t.MM in I'ltonATi: In the Mailer of Ihe "AdmliiMratlon Art" Anil In the 'Matter of the IMale f Harold Hlftald liiru Jacobin, Deceawd TAKE NOTICE that .by order of Ills Honor, w. E ' Plrfmr, lUve 28th diy of Vnocmbrr, A. D. 1038. I aa ap. pointed AAminUtlttlor of (Uie cMAte of Harold Slzvald Donuti Jacobtxn, d I POSSIBILITY OF GETTING FEDERAL MONEY (Continued liom Page Que) and his committee lor the work of j decorating I Terrace Ump standards at V - Christmas. A letter from the Senior Chamber I of Commerce congratulated the junior Chamber on the success of these two projects. Correspondence at the meeting Included letters from Arthur Camp- more Interest In civic elections, in national affairs and in extension work. A. J. Wlshart, president of the Dominion chamber, also wrote, extending season's greetings to members of all Junior Chambers betterment of their fellowmen." There was a communication from the extension department of the University of British Columbia stating that moving pictures were now available under this service. This will be referred to the Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers' Association. A letter from Miss Anne M, Walker R.N.. taking up nursing postgraduate work in Montreal, expressed appreciation for Information supplied to assist her in a paper. Guests at last night's dinner were Don Burnett and Ben Dodds. United tir, Church Guild by the minister. To Be Active TERRACE. Jan. 11 -The Ladies' Oulld of Knox United Church held Its first meeting of the new year at! the Manse on Friday afternoon with Mrs. Ivan Frank In the chair During the devotional period Mrs. Adam Crisp gave a message entitled "Making a Happy New Year" and wiNNiPm Jan ii inPi-tini.i Crocker gave a reading wholesale,0' a Pem b Edna JatUM' "ytr. ty must prevail In the fruit industry of Canada If It L for the N.ew ear . . to enjoy prosperity, A, McCallum, president, told the annual convention of the Canadian Wholesale Association here yesterday. The old system of self-sufficiency and Individualism was no longer practicable and must be replaced. McCallum "asserted. Steamship Sailings For Vancouvei Tuesday Cardena 1:30 pjn. Thursday Ss. Prince George 11:15 pjn. Friday Ss Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn. ss. Venture 10:30 p.m. January 16 and 30 ss. Princess Norah 5 pjn. From Vancouver- Sunday ss. Cardena 4 p.m. Wed. Ss. Pr. Oeorge . . 10:30 a.m, Friday ss. Pr. Adelaide .4 p.m. ss. Venture p.m Januarv 12 and 26 ss. Princess Norah a.m. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Cardena 8 pjn. Wednesday Ss. Prince Oeorge 4 p.m. The Scripture lesson was by Mrs. Vernon Glass. A good attendance of members was present and many plans were made for the coming year. PIGF.ON VISITOR LONDON. Jan. 11: CPl Patients In the Oreat Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children were delighted to see a pigeon which flew Un through a window after light? jwere out It had a meal of blsculli ' and departed In the morning. FOR KKNT CLEAN, Well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Bed 444. tf FOR RENT House, Ambrose Ave. Apply 953 Ambroce Ave. 13 1 VANTKIj LOAN $300-WllI pay 8. best security, for six months or 13 months. (9) PERSONAL WE HAVE HELl'flO HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks. Customs Examiner. Clerks, and Stenographers, etc, and can help you. Write us for proof and free information. M.CC. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. tf. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE rhone 31 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK IN TIIK 11' I'll CM K t(H III Of IIHITIXIt COLIMUIA In the Matter of the "Arimlnlatralcii Ait" And In the Matter or the I'.ttate of llrnr; l Madrid, DetriUM-d, OthrrMloe Known a Harry V. Maclod TAKE NOTICE tht by Order of It Honour Judge W. K. Other, Local' Judja of the Buprwne Court of DrltUh Col umbla, made the 21t day of Dooombtr, 1938. I wan appolivled Admlnlatra,tor ot the ertate of llairy r ..Uclieod, other- wine known aa Harry T MacLeod, dr (mum, and all partlni having iltlvM enwed, and all partlra having clalma agdlnnt the mid eHtate are hereby r- j aRalwn the aald etAte are hereby required to furnlah Mime, properly verl. quired to furnklr nunc, pruirly vert- fled to me on or before the 2nd day 1 fled, to me on or before the lt day of of February. A. D. 1930, and all pextlea February, 1939, and all parties indebted was denounced from Indebted to the rmrt are required to to the estate are requUed to pay the hv Ttjv W Oranof: P1 amotuH of tneur inoeoieonee Bmaunt of their indebtcanena to me o - j . to A , White 'who said "for malicious scandalmongerlng Haughley Is the worst r place I have ever come across." . me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Official Admlnljttrator, Pruvie Rupert, n.C( ruled the-30UT flay of December, 'A forthwith NORMAN A WATT. Official Administrator, Pruve Rupert, O.O. Dinted the 3 lit day Of December, AD. 1938. Whifflets From The Waterfront C. N. R, steamer Prince George. Capt H. E. Ncdden, arrived In port before 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver. Powell Ulver and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock thU afternoon for Anyot J CI At.i rt whence she win rc- bell, secretary of the Junior cnam-, tomorrow evening i - , PAtiAHi urn nit . ber of Commerce of Canada, urging southbound. C.N.R. steamer Prince John, Capt. Nell McLean, is not expected before tomorrow night from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. the'she did not get away fro , Vancou whose work was to "strive for ver this voyage until Noon Saturday, more than twelve hours late, has been encountering rough wea ther and is to call at Port 81mpson with coal cargo before arriving here. She left Skldegate at midnight last night for Massctt Inlet PIIONKS 18 and 81 Wednesday, January 11 ijjj LAST TIMES TONIGHT Two Show. 7:00 anil 9:05 EltnOL FLYNN HETTK DAVIS TIIK In SISTERS" Wllh Anita Loulte, Ian Hunter (At 7:21 and 9 29k Also CARTOON & NOVI.LTV COMINO TllltKS. - FRIDAY JOHN IIOI.F.S In SHK MARRIKD AN ARTIST rlus JACKIK COOI'FH In -nOY OF TIIK STUKKTS " r. o. iiox i'A Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" PASTRY FLOUR lb. sack 10- 39c BLACK LABEL PINEAPPLE Choice quality Slices OQp or cubes. 2 tins tof CLUSTER RAISINS stock. To clear. Pkg EMPRESS PEANUT BUTTER- 13 -oz tin Fresh 21c 15c ROSEDALE ASPARAOU8 CUTT1N08 2 a O0 viuat 2 Una FRESH 8PINACH-2 lbs 25c McCORMICK'8 SODAS Per nke SPANISH ONIONS 4 lb. SWEET POTATOES 3 Ibf 23c 25c 25c TERRACE CABBAOE Zz lent quality. (rn HOTHOUSE RHU-BABB - Ptr lb. 10c FRY'S BAKINO CHX If hTZ premium No. 1 inn -lb. pkz. XtV MtablUhrd 1510 Independently Owned and Operated QUALITY RERMCE PRICt Flti:: DKI.IVKKY ON 11.01 ononis Two Telephone For Toui Contenlence float and Mall Orders Receive frompl and Carefal Attentleo BALLOONS Dance and Kntrrtalnment Commltte on latex (milk of rubber) Balloon, ber Company (Canada). Nollre our new low pvlsn Made by the Btrtlini Rat- No. 40 round uU-lnchi Per grow ..... No 50 round nine-Inch) Per groat j, No 60 round ten -inch i Per groat .,.. No. M alrhlp M8-lnch Per grow No. 65 alrahtp (25-lnchi Per aroaa l!l IUJ !!. IIM Sold in grow lot only at above prteca. AH arted r ' apectal Imprinting add 75c per grow. Let us have your requirements for the teaton. We can thr t f ante frch stock of the highest quality. All price FOB r Rupert. Assorted colors, rolls) Serpentine 20 rolls in a package. 1 dozen packrgti Paper Hats From 12.00 gros and. up We shall be glad to make quotation ot lneret to you on all ia? Carnival Requirements REDUCED WINTER FARES to VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River $36.00 ,(ct"rn Meals and Berth Included Prln!ritupert THURSDAYS Boutl'lo-"4 Rale Effective No. 1st Until Feb. 18. Return Limit, March 31. Canadian National Clteamshj II you loso anytliinir, a4ycrtjso lor IU