ouT OF WORK TODAY? HE DAILY NEWs5 Formerly The Prince ic Optimist fry The News’ Want Ad. Way. LA LLL tive Library x!) VOL. Ill, NO. 13 PRINCE RuPERT, B. C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY D 1912, NEXT MAILS For South ce Rupert....... Fricay 8 a.m. PRICE FIvE CENTS CONSERVATIVES NOW WORSE. SPL T THAN EVER HEY THEY GOT AFTER oo. eiccnccom cco. WHITE SCORES 7 “YETI: CITY CONT RACTS fe iv wae eh Lae : T Date Fixed for 26th—City Fathers 7 NOT ANSWERED YET Two New Arrests for Complicity for Fire Hall. a in Dynamite Plot. THE CI iii suc lie ~—G.T. PL FINANCE} covronest sozsrao. #1 WERE AWARDED ies The City Engineer has recom-| Feb. 12th, 1912. Special to Daily News. mendec lat 1e@ City hall staff —e oes ~ Los Angeles, Feh. 19.—Tveit- But Ald. Morrlasey ‘Resented Theirjand Council remove to the new! Declares Manner of Construction Pope neal mM. A., Tenders for ‘Painting Fire Hall) moe and Clancy, prominent coast Action, and the Watchful Pube-|fire ha'i, as the new city hall can- of Transcontinental Costliest "lets ‘a ae ¥ and for Electric Wiring of City| labor leaders, were arrested to- lic Vigorously Applauded—City/not be ready until April. Gol, Blunder Since Confederation— een eae Hall Opened and Dealt With| day on Indianapolis indictments Cierk Was Sick and Stayed Off./ Davis : inends that the moy-| Only One Commissioner Now. Property owners’ meeting ——_ | charging them with being con- iene ing take place on and after the| ils assembled urge you make Contract for painting the new|cerned in the dynamite con- Gity Clerk Woods was absent}26th inst., as the building will be Canadian Press Despatch. emphatic request for early fire hall was awarded last night! spiracy. f yesterday, owing to}painted by then, | Ottawa, Feb. 20.—After nearly completion Government to lk. Cole as lowest bidder for the patient dc, jndisposition. Alderman Bulloek- ws lan alleday dalitts Deemlen, Hani wharf. When here Deputy work, Mr. Cole’s bid was $379.| Vebster enquired at the council pr : zs ; a Commissioner expected com- Other bidders were White & con- HOT SUBJECT Doard whether he had explained CITY PLUMBING poss s pit 40 reduce the national | pletion last December. ant, $483; A. W. Edge Co.. $425; | his reasons for absence, Acting transcontinental commissioners Signed: David H. Hays, C. Hl. Cutting, $416,. and Silver-| BMavor Douglas replied that so to one was carried. W. 'T. White, Gibson, Gamble, _ Baker, sides Bros., $534 IS UP AGAIN far Mr. Woods had not explained REGULATIONS. finance minister, during the de- Brown, Thompson, Kincade, | For the electric wiring of the snd mentioned incidentally that saa the manner : which pein baa wih Kis- new city hall the contract goes to i ee SE: r, Woods’ absence had been an construction was carried on in- sick, Edge, Parkin, Flexman, D. Brown, whose bid is $240, : nvenience, He left it to the|Master Plumbers Gals Amend-|VO!ving enormous cost was the | Eroderick, Naden, commit- Other tenderers were W. R, Love, atte ora oe fac Tout y Clerk to explain. Mr: Woods ment of Bylaw—Building By-|@reatest blunder since confedera- tee. $270, and the Parkin-Ward Go., heoliat Up a anal A ace xplained to the effeet stated, Al-; law at Present Under Recon-| !i0!. $287. Waits Solicitor’s eta a Morrissey very firmly sideration Covers Matter. | d that it was most dis- tee oie re so ae a Once more the question of the s to Mr. Woods thus A petition from the master alleged tapping of the city elec- ) a to reprimand him be-|plumbers of Prince Rupert re- jtric current by M. M. Stephens ore the publie in open council.|questing that the bylaw relating |has come up in council, Alder- had Mr. Woods been ill,{to city plumbing be looked into man Montgomery last night de- his wife was only now re- with a view to amendment to suit manded the clearing up of the from serious illness, It}/local* conditions was read at last jmatter at an early date and in unfair to catch up Mr.jnight’s council meeting. The PROGRESSIVES }open council. He did not desire hus over a single ap-|matter is held over pending the }to see any whitewashing of the p The public present] full discussion of the Building matter by the Council, neither did iall applauded vigorously.|/bylaw, which includes this mat- as wish to see any ill founded gt with you, Alderman|ter. City Engineer Davis made | charge left in an unsatisfactory said Acting Mayor|the statement that the bylaw, latéde to any party. It was shown gla which is now ead eet Raw Deal Put up by Pests Apeah vith am and the Old Guard by Mr. Matthews that the matter - —_——--—— tion, will be ready probably by | still rests in the hands of the next council meeting. Strenuously Denounced at Meeting Held Last Night | City Solicitor, who is absent at FWTON NOT - er seduce |present in Victoria. On his re- Pantcrium Pioneer Cleaners. jturn it will be further’ investi- OMNIPOTENT": ALLEGED TAIL NOW WAGGING THE DOG": _ | IMPROVE SIXTH AVENUE a | REDUCED BY ONE founcil Refused to Stand for His|Money to Be Devoted to Scheme In the Repudiated Agreement Care Was Taken to Select Such Men to be Added to Engineer's Department Not Over- Verbal Annulment of the Man- Whenever Possible. the Executive Committee as Were Certain to be Out of Town When the Staffed, Says to Committee. son Procedure Bylaw—Olayton were Forthcoming Campaign for the Return of the ‘“‘Two-Man”’ | ae Emphatic Last Night. City Engineer Davis has recom- Only one member of the City ; a mended in favor of the grading Government Was Under Way | Engineer's staff is likely to find Last night Alderman Montgom-|of Sixth avenue, as aubiongd for Mr. H, E, Wadhams, the special) The sop offered in this agree-|the discussions were pretty hot ihis services surplus under the ") deavored without notice to|by William Angle and others dur-| whipper-in and personal heeler| ment’ was that the Progressives,}at ‘times, as Mr. Wadhams can|new regime. Last night the City a a motion, ing fully a year or more. The pe loft Premier McBride, was roaring il they held up their hands in| ti stify if he wants to, there was| Engineer reported that there is ) do that,” said the/titioners desired to have the work! and tearing around in great ex-| face of the McBride weapon in the|the utmost unity and harmony of, Work for all but one, and the per- g May firmly. “It’s against] done by local improvement) citement this morning, and until/hands of Wadh; im—or threw! sentiment. The Trombone ‘can sonell of the staff remains prac- Procedure bylaw,’ scheme, and last night Mr. Angle) ihe time we got to press was|down their arms or whatever the|say, and truthfully, that the|tically the same as it was. The 1, but Mayor Newton quashed !suggested that part of Fultor ') making excellent time but win-|proper political phrase may be—|Conservyative party is united—as| duties of the building inspector { igo,’ put in Alderman|street also might come in on it, |ning no good results to report to}were to have eight members on|far as the Progressives are con-|and superintendent of public making a valuable improvement.| jj, employer, McBride. For the} the executive of the old body.|/cerned. It was moved by Mr.| Works, who were dispensed with, Ni Mayor Newton nor any|Decision was come to in council Progressive Conservatives stand/'This would not have given them| Prudhomme and seconded by Mr. | How fall upon the Engineer's de- but the Council can|to. adopt the Engineer's Yeport| auneh and true to the repudia-}a majority in the ruling of the}Cuthbert, recent, government] Partment, making extra work thing of that kind,” }and grant the necessary money|ijion meeting of last evening. The party, This was pointed out last}/assessor, that the Progressive| Which keeps two men busy. \ an Clayton, ““While}when available for this local im-| situation will take on a humor-|night with a number of acrimon-| Conservative Association indig-| 7 Spite: he oo ig vith Mayor Newton on} provement. lous aspect if the Trombone comes|ious features. It was also shown!/ nantly repudiate the advertise -} ! | consider all the rest airmen? lout tomorrow morning with the|that the choosing of these mem-|inent that it had disbanded; isc MANY DOGS AR bylaw good, and this or jsame heading it had this morn-| bers to add to the old executive|steps be taken to dereynee thos? | part of it can only be annunted CITY CLERK T jin, ‘| vate Party Is Ready for|was a put-up job. Fred Ritchie, responsible for such . advertise-| the Council,” | their president, was to do the,;ment; that the association be} DISAP By vote of the Council Alder- | i. id Conservative party is/Choosing. And what did he do?/continued as heretofore with the} en eomery wae allowed wm GET R Saedaabtodly beaten out of” its|He chose himself first. He will|confidenee that it would be able| P notion, iboots. The Progressives at their|be away at Stewart most of the} to score further victories. | Suspicion Aroused Among Owners . | repudiation meeting last night}/Summer, He chose another con- This was carried unanimously | That an Expert Dog Thief fs MISSING MAYOR Modern Oonvenienos Will Be had from fifty to sixty represen-|scientious Conservative who willl as was every resolution proposed.| Working Prince Rupert—Blame Thrust Upon Mr. Woods so fativin men of the city, who unan-/be at Hazelton; another who will! phe assoonind decided to Bite a Demand for Sledgers Up River. ae Even Name of Newton Heard That City Fathers May Get Him) imously denounced ‘the machine|be for the next s months on bis temb ican next week, at which it is} rr aa Eelow—He Has Vanished. at His Own Fireside. | made ‘agreement of last week] pre-emption se it; and an |hoped the members of the old Seven dogs from the puppy Net Mayor Douglas “lasi : oo ss the Otis Council turning them over bodily, orjother who has ingAr ea calling | association will be prominent and| stage upward have mysteriously abl announaeaaee ate sere PONS UME BRO LHe Vly. ie es rather putting them entirely out| him awa) 1e city most O°) that “Unity,” to a very different) yanished in Prince Rupert since ro, ‘val ns nad if Sea passed a resolution doing awa} if political existence, without | the time, jtune to that played on the Trom-| saturday. The owners are white Phair the Vee with the free phone system for) giving them a chance to vote] So the Progressives had good| bone, will prevail, lsearching the city and asking he departed for the ear city officials, Mr, Woods, form-]on it. land ample reas for the vigor-| ae around in yain for them, Three the City Solieitor, While}erly on the free phone list, heaved | The said agreement came in}ous kiek they ide last night.} New Fire Chief. }of them are advertised ee ve ih Clayton was suggest-|p sigh of relief and hung up the} for some hot shots. There were Further, il was stated that the| ; ir. | latest being: saoNs en ns that a tracer be sent STEAL te Aw ¢ phone was|}some hot speeches that the old| meeting at which they were thus| Acting Fire Chief Dan Mc-| black collie Toodles, we nown reeeiver for good, His ph : | a Es. : .a}around the Empress Hotel and D) mayor, Aldanman Mant. Conservative body was responsible|jobhed wa il or irregular;|Donald = i now appointed fire; arounc I : ae { > after a time removed. I don't} : : | : , : » bred fro mthe steady old sledger oted the fact that judg- for the split and the formation/that no due tice of it was/chief for the city by vote of d ‘3 > een 7 ., : ne Im newspaper lications| Want a phone; it's a nuisance,’ |40r new; that the new body had} given; th the purpose of the) @ouneil following a ree nda- “Nellie of Nem Office fame, a paper indica e | in ng a recommenda-| ip, jqjes disappeared, chain and ] le south) Prince Rupert’s|said Mr, Woods, But the other} i} shown its energy and influence in| meeting is not stated; that the|{jon to this effeet from the Fire eal the suspicion of Mayo! s traveling incognito | night the City Couneil knocked #/ winning the battle for the first|selectio1 the members to be| committee, all, leading to 1e ~suspic er a Seotch name generally|hole in their former re ee appointments to be made in the I added to the executive should] ee ks” other collie pups have dis- ‘ed with royalty, and presented a free phone to th le ity since its formation; that the! have bes ft to the full body | | ; ae he Drexel Rooms - Salvation Army, Then Mr, Woods}, { party should have come tolof the association to vote upon Indoor Baseball. appeared from ft e: pone Heat City Hall. was ill and nobody could get atl/ihem and asked to be admitted|and not to Fred Ritehie to choose. Quill Drivers vs. Crescents, at} !" ne ay B DR Din wae hunts I are to be called at}him to know where he was OP} oi 4g jot impudently seek to gobble | Although the Progressives at!Audilorium, Feb, 20th, Game yorternea rig ee re hand- fee Tor the low pressure steam|why he wasn’t on duty, The re-|them up while in the first flush|/this meeting had no hesitation! called at 8:15 sharp. Admission) !"8 big . a ae . wee anata bea of the new city hall. An|sult is that last night the Coun- of their political victory, [in calling a spade a spade, and/25c. Skating after the game, } some reddish dogs, ri xs Mater . na Bo ¢ : another free | good condition, which had also ' cost of about $2,300}cil handed out anot ih de cd yp Bae ait ; id | vanished, Others are reportec ’ duoted by the architect, Mr.|/phone to Mr, Woods. Alderman : r, and amongst owners the for the work, Bullock - Webster doesn’t see | missing and ame 18 re e ; there it’s going to end, but all |news that there is to be a lot o Ky eee where it’s going to 1) have to dog teaming into the Groundhog i appurieenaemae fountain and/the fame Mr. nee it las eo nantes caus i ances, C,H, Orme, tf' accept the civic fi ‘ | significant. ce art’s og popula- Negotiations in Progress Between Atlantic Steamship Owners and), 1. Supers dos popula. ffYense of dog stealing, if proved PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO Ottawa Government for Subsidized Line of Ocean Flyers joffense of dow stealing. 1 mages il no word from our in ynito mayor, Canadian Press Despa.ch,) | ne ated cost is about ath ae $008 aden Riearapre pu ie plo coe ae te wowed ; 7 ! awa, Feb, 20.—Negotiati lions, but most of the capital/the Canadian traffie, anc 1e)} dogs are valued consideréDly, a City ¢ Manatee a cen phobe. with . ae sprit aa Ramps ea ae would come from Great Britain,}amount of business from Canada) their owners are sparing no pains & yet, 6 ake M, d, MoNoill if he bas | : B : ? 1G agian 4 | ‘The Canadian Government's in-/to Britain in the way of holiday|to trace them, Twenty minutes ago Prine srt Conservatives were jernment and Canadian and ana | ip rest would be in the form of anj|tourists homing for a spell to the] ETD till split, 8 ago Prince Rupet ion i | lish steamship owners for the °S- annus al subsidy old land, s ; ca Lead of aneerenners- i ira 7 ; : ltablishment of a fast Atlantic| his fleet of swift steam- At present it is possible to in- je steamer Pee AMC nie antes McDonald modestly tries to hide his aplenitie service, It is proposed to Neal cast lp rapid trips to and/terest British capital more easily at 11:30 this morning, bound for Property ho Ider till patiently await William Manson’s the companies and the Govern-!from the Old ¢ ountry it is ex-/in Canadian enterprises than in the north. ‘She had @ full list of reply to the il ace 2 me Anener Swe! | me nt co- ranr rate in having a fleet! }peeled that the tide of immigra-|any other, and the promoters of DARSORGELS and ors hv Age Bb Peacemaker” ant a ; +t “Progressives, not of six 24-knot steamers armed} ition to Canada will be inereased|the present gigantic scheme have| Rogers had hookec 1ere, some adman has to repot ros land TEnUehtad. convertible into| in line with the demands of the/already in sight funds and to} for the Sixty Mile stampede, none Progress,” "y jcruisers in time of war, The esti-jland for population, Bach yeay| spare for the carrying out of it, could be accommodated, PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS Twenty-two Local Men Are Will- ing to Accept Onerous Position of Purchasing Agent at Reason- able Salaries. Applications’ for the vacant post of city purchasing agent were opened at the City Council meeting last night, a proposal by Alderman Morrissey that the matter await the return of the Mayor being passed over. The final dealing with the appoint- ment, however, will not take place until Thursday night, when the Council will sit in committee of the whole to go over the appli- cations in detail and examine the credentials of applicants. Fol- lowing is the list of applicants with the salaries they desire where mentioned: Arthur Brooksbank, $140; R. $150; E. Flexman, $150; A. J. Galland, $125; W. J. Allan, $150; A. Tattersfield, $80; A. J. McvLennan, $125; H. Ross, H. Clarke, $175; H. Titus, $150; EK. A. Mann, $150; J..E. Jack, E, Steven, A. Thatcher, $125; Walter Shaw, $125; H. E. Gampp, John O’Brien, $125; E. 8. MeKay, J. N. McLennan, M. C. Mus- $100, and J. F. Smith, —. ’ , ms tard, CITY GRANT 10 THE HOSPITAL Sum of Ten Thousand Doliars Guaranteed by Vote of Council Last Night—Proposal to Defer Vote Not Agreed To. Last night the City Council gave their reply to the recently received hospital deputation which sought a grant of $10,000 in aid of the erection of a new wing. The sum desired has been voted, it being felt by most of the Council that the caus eis abso- lutely a good one and that the city’s grant will strengthen Mr. William Manson's appeal to the Government for a similar grant. A motion by Alderman Bullock- Webster that the matter be de- ferred until the Mayor returns was not carried, and the idea ex- pressed by Mayor Newton of hay- ing a plebiscite on the question came in for scant support, it be- ing felt that the citizens are whole heartedly with the hos- pital cause. FORTY YEARS AGO Old Cariboo Pioneer Makes Long Delayed Tee to Outside. Special to Daily News.) Feb. 49. James Cariboo pioneer, Vancouver, Cummins, made his first trip to the coast in forty He came from Ontario in ‘62 via the Isthmus of Panama, and New Westminster, and has remained in this province ever Once in fifty years, in the eighties, he went to On- tario via the States for a visit, this being the only time he has left Cariboo distiret. THREE MEN KILLED years, since, early Fearful Explosion Destroys a Great Pittsburg Foundry. Special to Daily News. Pittsburg, Feb. 19.—Three men were killed and five injured when the new building of the Aetna Foundry Company collapsed, ow- ing to an explosion, Tons of steel work were crumpled up like eggshell, NOTICE. A genera! meeting of the Prince Rupert Libera# Association will be held in the K. of P. Hall on Thursday eve., Feb. 22nd, at 8 An invitation is extended p. m. to all Liberals to be present. P. W. ANDERSON, Secretary.