HAGS TW DAILY EDITION Del - Debs and Julia Arthur Fall Creations in All Their Splendor JUST ARRIVED Family SHOE STORE LTD. The Home o Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. I'KINCE RUPERT - BIUT1S1I. COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue IL F. PULLEN Managtng-Edttor By mall to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations 98 HC 9.00 02 Tuesday, September 26, 1939. BRITISH LABOR British labor seems to be unanimous in regard, to the carrvinc on of the war. It evidently was a dramatic scene in the House of Commons when, on the eve of -war, Prime Minister Chamberlain, still clinging to the hope of peace, closed his speech without actually declaring war. Arthur Greenwood, leader of the Labor Party, rose to speak amid a hush, the only sound being a voice from the Conservative benches Speak for England, Greenwood. A chorus of fiftv Conservative voices followed: "Yes, speak for England." These old Tories realized that the war on which they were about to embark was no Tory war. It was a war of the common people and the common people, the labor people, are the people who really rule England. They are the people who know how to guard their liberty. In Canada we are a more cosmopolitan people. We have not that cohesion that is found in an old country like Britain but yet when Mackenzie King declared war for the defence of the liberties of the smaller nations he was speaking for Canada. Liberty that is not worth defending ig not worth having. GLORIOUS WARSAW The defence of Warsaw will do down in history lis orfe of the most gallant displays of heroism ever recounted. All it needs is the pen of a great poet to tell the story for future generations to remember. The Poles must be a great people to breed such men and women as those who are trying to defend their lives and liberties. All the machines of war have been pouring dealth-dealing bombs and other missiles into the city but without brininne: surrender, hven the hospitals ana churches have been destroyed. But the men and women fightton. LENGTH OF WAR People are bringing to speculate as to how long the war will last. One man yesterday suggested seven years. Others think it will take five years to complete the job. We do not think it will be that long, unless conditions change very greatly. Britain is going into the war this tim fully prenured and so is France. There is one airplane factory in England turning out one hundred planes a day. Where this factory stands there were only green fields two years ago. Today any visitor to the neighborhood will see one hundred planes at a time in the air being given their trials. But that is only one of many factories of a similar kind. Another reason why we think the struggle will not' time the country has been invaded since the Napoleonic wars. Wc doubt thfl morale of the tiennlp will Rrnnfl nn'l under the drive across the Siegfried line. Two or three years is their limit and it may be a good deal less, unless other countries get into the war and complicate matters.1, We must prepare for at least five years of war but pray fdrJcss and work to that. end, I ' CONN KEEPS HiS CROWN Won Fifteen-Round Decision From Melio Bettina in Lively Fifteen-Uoundex At EitUburg PITTSBURG, Sept 2: CP Billy Conn retained the world 3 , light heavyweight crown last night by winning a decision over Melio Bettlna In fifteen rounds. It was similar to the former fight when Oonn won the title from Bettina closing strong in the hitter part There were no knock-downs. BALL RACE NEARS END Will Cincinnati Red Clneh. National Pennant by Winning Double-Header Today? ; CINCINNATI. Stpt 26: CP i The National League pennant race may be settled here today or it may be forced into a hectic fin s! rinendlng unon the outcome of u ; double-header to be played be- tween the first plate Cincinnati Reds and the second place St. Lou- ir Cardinals. The Reds are now leading, the Cardinals by three-and-a-half, games. By winning both games today, the Reds would be in a position where it would be impossible for the Cardinals to overtake them. Only two games were played yes terday, one in each league. In the National the New York Giants won a close six to five verdict over Bost- 25 i on Bees. In the American the Chi cago White Sax had an equally close victory over St. Louis Browns. The teams line-up in the two leagues today as follows: National League Chicago at Pittsburg. Boston at Philadelphia, St. Louis at CincinnaU, Brooklyn at New York. American League New York at Boston, Cleveland at Chicago, Philadelphia at Washington, Detroit at St. Louis. The league standing to date: National League W. Cincinnati 93 St. Louis 89 Chicago 79 Brooklyn 78 New York 73 Pittsburg. 67 Boston .59 Philadelphia 45 American League New York 105 Boston 87 Chicago 85 Cleveland 82 Detroit 77 Washington 63 Philadelphia ,53 St. Louis 41 43 60 65 66 70 87 95 107 ' ! Sport Briefs AUSS1ES' INDOOR SPORT ADELAIDE, Australia, ept. 26: 'CP Indoor cricket has swept Into popularity here during the Australian winter. Tennis balls are used, bowled underarm, and rate of scoring is about 500 runs an hour. EFEREE UITS MELBOURNE. Austra la Rent TMeday, Septembe- "THE OaULT rrrvve .709 392 367 354 324 .420 .358 .277 EAMOUS BRITISH! ECONOMIST BBBaastiiV AaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBstm aaBBBBflBBBaBBBBBBBBBBsflt Sir Josui E'jinr.?. noted Br c :r . 'W :f ... . iwy i ,12 arrived . Nct; Y x - ' Br'- u,i. ratma.v v. d.ref. New Ti 5 W.Md .v Fair SPORT CHAT Minnesota' Petty Bet ehmaxei . bum ot aub-par goif to wta th united State Wosnen aotf champ-onship at Chicago one year age yesterday. Patty won het first national title- by defeating Mrs. Es-telle Laweon Pate ef North Carolina to whom she Jest in the final he previous year. Franchises oi the Ottawa Sena tors and the Philadelphia Quakers of the National Hockey League were suspended following a meeting of the league executive eight years ago today, flayers irom me iwo teams were distributed to all other squads in the loop- -except the Montreal Ciiui'ien- "-" -- - - 1 I to 0,jSSErlc2 72 303 81 .453 " - 55 FORSALE FOR SALE Approximately fou. acres including cottage and contents belonging to the estate of Erik Eneroth. Oona River $22 Cach. Official Administrator, Norman A. Watt. Prince Rupeet, B.C. 20: (CP) A rugby referee walked 0RDERLY Wanted Apply from the field when his threat of RuPert General Hospital calling "no game" failed to deter I players here. Spectators had tol seperate quarelling participants In1 a last and furious game. LIKED THE PLACE WELLINGTON, N. Z.. Sept. 20: 'CP1 Karman 8lngh came here from. India on a wrestling tour, had his residence permit extended several times, and did not leave when warned. Now he is. being TWO-WAY PROFIT MARIBYRNONO, Australia. Sept !26: (CP) A coursing: meet Is nev-1 tjl 1 Al i. 1 1 1? i lV 1 i.1 !W JAUAlir,U sit,ium; ui lout, uuw lasi ion? is uecause mat Kinu ox aruiiciai entnusiasm en-ijoe Bull, sponsor of a meet here, gendered by force and by keeping the people at high ten- insured against ram anyway. Rain'j sion is bound to weaken quickly. Germany was, being ra-,fe11 tne meet wsu neld- and Dul,i tioned even before the war. Reports indicate that the C0ll:ted the insurance. . people dreaded war and supported the Fuehrer because. he kept them out of war. Now the French and British are' Da"y advertising m tne Daiij fighting on German soil German villages are being des-!Ne.ws 18 sure 10 br,ng daUy re" troyed by the invaders and by their own people, the firat'8U ' CENTRAL HOTEL' ROOMS and CAFE Phone Si For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK lngs. FOR RENT United States Is Showing Strong Business Upturn t,n tf.li fu bALfa Mctnary range, grey enamel finish, almost new. Com Prince FOR RENT November 1. Premises now occupied by Boston Cafe Phone 14. tf Business Opportunities GOOD opportunity for the right party to buy. lease or rent going confectionery business or rent store next C. P. R Office. Apply P O. Box 253. (226) BOARD AND ROOM FIRST Class board and room residences Reasonable rates, close In. Phone Oreen 865. (235) " AGENTS WANTED PREMIER Art Guild, the largest personal greeting card company ln Canada, with branches from coast to coast, invite you to ai- ply for an agency to sell printed ' to order Christmas Cards. Sample, book supplied without charge Most complete line of boxed assortments which pay our sales staff up to 50 commission. Experience unnecessary. Write Premier Art Guild, 676 Seymour St . I Vancouver. tf Country to South Will Benefit From War Conditions and is Already Showing Improvement er during the past few weeks. Moat now find themselves at a disadvantage oyr rVMnoetttora that kept their shelves fall Part of the demand has been ewf! bv people ho. nntteiTMtine. a rtw In privet, have ben stocking up heavily. CIIMCK ON POTATOES CAPE TOWN. Sept M: CP Potatoes dont need a pedigree, but all "apode!" entering the Union FOR SALE Boat Edye Pass wtthl See noTdlaeaS contents now lying at Ward Ec-, S.'" rown J dtowed trie float. Send tender. In wrlt-lhnot Ing to Indian Office, Prince Ru-' pert. B.C. (220M . NEW METHOD MF3.nOtinNR Australia Rrnt .20: CP BecaiKe 45 per cent of plete with oil burner. $75. Stam-'hte income goes ford. Prince Rupert Hotel. tl. FOR SALE Boat Edye Pass with contents now lying at Ward Electric float Send tenders in writing to Indian Office, Prince Rupert, B. C (230) ITELP WANTED Five thousand people read the pays to let them hav to sell. aaw Cr- J to Uncle Sam's treasury. D. A. Hamburger, a millionaire vMting here aays he Invests only In stocks that do not pay dividend li..cr. Rupert bally News. It know what vu L THE SEAL " QUALITY wuim vav ji GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL' Finest Pink Salmon Packrd hy the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll Ui Prince Rupert 'JET' STOVE POLISH Cleans Hot Stoves In Perfect Safety At All B.C. Stores WOMEN IN WAR WORK Quietlv Leading tp To Major Ac tlvities at Home and Overseas I By MITRIAL ADAMS ..nudum Prease 8latf Writer I TORONTO. Sept M CP' Winic women In the United Kingdom and other eoun tries arc already In uniform in home service war duties. Canadian women are .it aeeded and do their bit Result- of this registration will be H--fu! in peace as well to tight epidemic and in other national emergencies Ark! me hove already taken ex to ao overseas when the neeea sHv arises. Bat whether fount or old. ar tistic or ma themaUeauy-minded. wealthy or poor. Canadian women want to do eomethlnc- They are manufacturing plant are busy and wmlUn A mxiam for Inatrne- there is a tendency for orieea in vmw ' neeaaa many lines to advance This is par- 10 mkr tne m0Bt complete eo-op-tlcularly true of utteJos tor which orfanttatton across the Intensive buying for war purposes eoontev has created somesbinf of a short- ln Vlctorta B.C . preparations age Canned goods have gone up ,om hd women have :md so have many other food pro- trmlnlnI several months du t s cotton goods are also on the lon r nos to the British UD(rraa units for "active service " But the Many merchant who had been ra",orttT ot Canadian "omen are runnlne alone with small stocks "untrained- and their Jobs for the oresent will be to sew and knit. make bandate. drirr transport and ambulances In their own Canadian women realise they sunt attack the situation with lev el neads. find their proper place tirsi rteo to ease the situation n.,. mm Illl I Tl ' . tijiaar ive in preliminary movements wnw tnfy pai o u home to take their share of war- fttek to rre mergency work hown lhelr ilu,.,..:. Tu. cuv of the khaki-clad wo- M,UUon of tne j,,.. mar. muy come In Canada' future Gol( xoum punn bat )ust now her womenfolk are do ijbro,, and , tf wimanly Job, knitting and sew- -nwhuu rrrparaiory 10 training iw rea-p..n - ible positions later on. T!r-oughout the nation women uro registering for voluntary ser-. c unxlous to fill In where they many of the mm . ties believe they eai. and energy to bettet a knitting bee Thlnu Needed "lntetttaeuce. r . courage and a Ml!' unexpected ittuuii among a worker Mitt Isabel C Uc amouiance arrver acre the seas Blankets and warm QTvi yar wtrnMj , clothing have been bundled to ana-, .l..... . , ' of the 'IT1 UyRffldf,,R Volunteer! ! units they should , leader Women Service In London to replenish meaitre wardrobes of evacuated chlldrw who fate winter months part of the army at d ttary control and : proeerh and elfin: Married women t v.... luntref lor aeuv- s Before the Doctor .lance ootumns. Youthful nurses and experienced "No wmun who " matrons stand in line dairy for their should fall to real; medical "OK" before actinlly "vetthut Into the army Those women and volunteer ambulance drtv- M as orobabhr be the first of the NEW YORK Sept Partly a result of the war and partly as result of generally expected upturn ln business, there has been a great Improvement of general conditions throughout the United Stat eomc second anc. o not exist unti "ened fti for rx;i Fmptu' was p..: asiaie ivn bv ttona la Red Cms. tolantanr effort-Orest War Or pttate. eon va lev refugee eatnos w.. women' work to- Ml '.Si I! .Mi:t.nA MIMOKIAL 8YDNBT. Au'- CP Lard Lurv 3 iourm AHini . r earnhMB of ht 3 memorial ln Dame Nellie M ii NO BLESSED HTM MELBOURNE 1 2o: CPt-Wher es didn't ha! i George the mal 'or ivo weeks i-nroduce So Of waltin for nrxt MacKpnzie's Furniture 30 Pairs FEATHER PILLOWS From price per pair 50 DOOK MATS From, each PHONE 775 81.90 60c R.C.A. VICTOR FOR 1940 Radio Values That Will Give You The Surprise Of Your Life Features that give you undreamed of Performance Prices have not 1 ad- vanced but are likely (o shortly. ifn n Buyers' Market, Take Advantage of It Be ItADHMVISE BUY RCA VICTOR Models in Every Price CU From SH.95 up i&fiM If A