g o PAGE FOUR YUKON HAS Trades And Labor WAR SLANG 'CHIEFS OF COME-BACK congress Hedges S STYLISH ALLIES IN Gold of Klondjke Again Attracts Miners Support In War LONDON Oni Sept 26 CP e ades an OTTAWA. September 26: .CP,- LiC"l ,n w!o The Canadian Totam. once the c.anada mecca of gold seekers on this caivff L TZtZ: Great Britain and Canada to tlnent. is ajem earning into prom- September 26: Parliament has the Klondvke "rush- wa mart, m 1891 n--n 1898 and 1906 up- votd nMmeJ' necessary for wards of $100,000000 In gold was Ulwui uu UIuanun lorees taken f-- he gravels of Bon- OTerea Part 01 this money is be-anza. BWrdo, Hunker Dominion teken trom general reenu? I and Surnhur Creeks and their butarles. and the remainder will be e borrow ed. Income taxes are USE FOR HEAD COLDS NASAL INFECTIONS 15c Ormes Ltd. ZTJi Pioneer Drtuzg fats The UewM rftore Phones: 81 It tZ Opi. Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pjn. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. DOfKIOOOOOfOOKOOOOOOOODOOaOOOOOOOOOU0MOOOOOOOO r. . Smoked "Rupert Brand" f Mild Cured Salmon t 15c pkg. For Lunrh jii Toasted Sandwiches or Ilors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People K.eps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia Words And Term Of Last Conflict fighters. Much of their salty lexicon Is or win be back in the day-to-day news. Do yoa remember: Dog-ftght Aerial battle between fighting plane. Archies Anti-aircraft guns. Blighty Home. Ladies from Hell Kitted Scots. PotTa French sokher. Anzacs Aastranan-New Zealand Army Corps. Tommy Atkins British soldier. Cone West Killed. Asheans Depth charges dropped on undersea craft from sab-chasers. Camel Corps Infantry, because they were piled so hien wtth equipment Fire Works Night bombardment Red Cap or Brass Hat British Staff Officers. OW Man Company or Regimen tal head. Ammo Ammunition. Cootie A flea. borrow-i 1 . T being tn-iAustnan Legion creased and there are also tax increases on inheritance, wine,! I n AlH AlllPQ It's the cumulative effect of ad- spirits, tobacco, beer and manv, 1 u "o : vertlslnc that counts. other commodities. 0OOOOOOOOOOOODODDOOODOOU&aaOOtwaOOOOOOOCJOCHOOOOOOOOO P g MENTHOLATED FACE-ELLE AIDS DISPOSABLE HYGIENIC Former Vice - Chancellor Heads Fighting Force Aeainst Hitlerism PARIS, September 28:: The former vice-chancellor of Austria onnminiMrl Ka Ka vimiM wwn tain. In an interview here he said I that the terrible menace of Hltler- ism must be destroyed. Prince George Boy Is Killed Inquest Being Conducted Into Death of Boy Shot By 22-Calibre Rifle 1 PRINCE GEORGE September 26: (CP) An Inquest Is being conducted here Into the death of ten year old Robert Wenchell who was killed by a bullet from a twenty-two calibre rifle at a lake near here. T LAN If Ml Notice K Intention To Apply To I .raw I .and In AUln Land Iteeordtng Dtatrlot of Ouur Uad DlTUton aikI attuate on Pin Crfek about a mile below th Pltw Creek Falls. Take notlr h Waiter W. Jotamm of San rranctaco. Caltf.. ooeueaUon Mine Operator Inteodii to apply for a v.": iviivhji amcruwo imlio Gonimeocins; at a port ptafitea atnut 200" ft tuathduterlr from the old ponrfer houe three southerly 600 tt : thewe wwiUTly 500 ft thence northerly 400 ft.: thence easterly 600 ft. and containing 10 acre, more or ton Being a relocation of the old' power noun tt once owned Jjy the Brttten-Amertaan Dm˚ Co. Ltd. WALTER W JOHNSON By Waiter RanmuMeii. Agent. Dated fteptember . 1999. IN THE MATTHTl OP THE ESTATE OP THE LATE EU OREEN. DECEASED, Indian cl the Pont Ewtngton band tntea-taie Take Notice that by virtue of auth-orlty of the Superintendent Oeneral of Indian Affair. Ottawa. J wa appointed admintolrator of the Mrtat of Ell urm. deoowt) IndUn of Port &wltM-on band In the Prortnee of British Columbia. All peraens harlng etalm agalnct the estate are hereby required to fur-Wah aame prcperly yertflnl to me on or before the thu-tteth day of September, nd all partlea Indebted to the eatate re required to MtuUe their Indebted-ne to me forUwrlth. J. OILLETT. Indian Agent. ' TENDERS INVITED Anglican Synod of Caledonia Tenders are Invited for the nf f hp Mntn rn,n,.u Hope' also for a suitable marine' engine (Installed). These two tenders to be submitted separately. Spe- -.di.iuiis, uians ana iun parucu-i lars can be had at the Ward Elec- . trie" & Marine Supply Company,! Chief TEX DAILT KX7S Tuesday September :j WAR ARMS Alain In Use j Commander la The IIix.h Pests Of F1(htinr Forrn U, Words and ra HW snisswea-i war led ter mere than 38 yean are dc-i LONDON, September 2fi: (CP effort. "w M !oX arms te Ewepe. ' L "D. quaier-eetry vt,r Utile lode fold has ber pro- n 1 1 TT due'dtn tSTuSSU. SrT. Cranbrook Having rlSSE hpwrrr. the Dominion Department i"! 1, r .1 of Mine, and Resources announc- WpstVr F.YfrPTTIPQ f7 ! ITZTIZ. ed an important production of " waww c . - ... j.. Imie. mie. sarrouBdaws and feuew- vv t. pa,avs ituiti a HMifcwg mw trlct of the territory Aroand the turn of the century production of gold from the Yukon touched a mil Hon ounces. A decline set in Cld at Sight and Warm In Day Is Order Now In Crow's Nest Tass Country soon afterward for many years. , but in the last decade there has CRANBROOK, Sept. 26: (CP) ben considerable recovery. Seasonal weather vagarie are be-Durlng 1938 a brick of crude ins experienced here with tem- gold welshing 84 ounces was pro- peratures ranging from sharp frosts dueed at the Laforraa mine in the at night the first of the fall, to Freehold Mountain area in the warm days of eighty above Carmecks district. This was the . first nrodoetkm of the area and the first cold produced in the Nnvir palonn . Yukon from a lode gold property A1C" jCCUOIIU j for many years. During the first IJ T? 4h-ee months of 1939 aprolmfttely Vf ar rlllcinCeS 250 'nncfi of fine gold, including pulll"n and concentrates, have been Produced from the mill In 3Ioney Voted For Overseas Force the area, and expectations are that Taxes Being Increased - the nt-i will average from 300 .t0 n rvn of gold per month. Th iiscovery which led to WELLINGTON. New Zealand. U reawakened today by the clash BrtUsh and French commanders the varWus high posts of the navies, armies and air forces fellow: British Navy First Sea Lord -Admiral of the Fleet Stc Dudley Pound. Cosoatander-tn - Chief. Home Fleet Aamtrat Sir Charles Forbes. r-te -Chief. Mediter ranean Fleet Wee-Admiral Sih Andrew Cunningham Commander-In -ChWj America and West Indie--tce-Adinlral Sir 8ldney Meyrfck. Commander-tn -Chief. China SU- Uon Admiral Sir Percy 'oble. In Charge at Malta Vice- Admiral W. T. R. Ford. British Army Conusandef-Bi-Chlef of British Field Forces General Viscount Gort. Chief ef the Imperial General 8taff-General Sir Edmund Iron side. Cnmmander-tn-Chlef of the Met Commander - in - Chief in the Near BBev-Ueat-Oeneral Archi bald Wave. CommajKttag m Palestine and Tranterdaa--Iiut-G9neral M. O. R. Barker. BriUsh Air Forre Chief of the Air SUff Air Chief Marshal Sfcr Dridley NewaO. Chief of Fighter Command Air Chief Marshal sir Hugh T. Dowd-ing. Chief of Bomber Command Air Chief Marshal Sir Edgar R. Luetow-Hewitt. Chief of Coastal Command Air Chief Marshal Sir Fred. W. Bowhill of the French Oeneral Staff for Air Owurj virtnt- v..n wvut w Mas iemin. cmer of the French General SUff for Navy Admiral of the Fleet Jean Darlan. French Commander-in-Chief In the Near East -General Weygand. Vatican Called Upon Hitler To Ease On Warsaw ROME. September 2: Obser-vatore Romano, official newspaper or the Vatican, yesterday called upon Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Oermany to cease the ruthless campaign of aerial attack upon Warsaw. TRAVELLKI) PLENTY SYDNEY. Australia. Scot. 26 CP Frank, Lamaro has made the Australian -London sea. voyage 32 times as interpreter on a liner, so be has decided to stop travelling ana settle In Sydney. He is an Italian by birth. GOES FOR TAXES DARWIN. Australia, Sept. 26: ui'i Notined they owed small ums as taxe on land holdings nere, tne Earl of Rwbery and the Duke of Manchester replied they had forgotten the holdings and were wining to relmguuh them. ITALY TO FINISH IT PRETORIA. Sept, 26: (CP) A 13-foot statue, to the national monument to the Voortrekkers, South African pioneers, has been cast here. First work of It size to be cast In the Union, t will be finished In Italy. Whifflets From The Waterfront - - All tenders to be submitted to C C P' R stcamer Princess Louise, V. Kvitt, Synod Office. Prince Ru-f00"1- s K- ray Is due In port pert. B.C., marked "Mission Bontlat 3:45 this aftm nnn f mm Rkan- Tender." not later than Saturday, way and other northern noints ucwoer 7tn, i39, the lowest or any tinrt h ' tender will not necessarily be ac- n at 5 :,im-' for ceoted. Isouth, j Methodists Urge Peace Conference American Church T.odT Urtes! Nation To Kefuse War SuppUes Or Financial Help To Belhrr rents EVANSTON. IlunoU. September 26: The Methodist Church, at a national conference here, nrged an international peace conference in the hone of ending the present European conflict Prosecuting Profiteers Attorney General Invites Thme Having Evidence Te Submit It To Department to ..ti vt.uA n.-A s a.. a. Chief of R. A F. Middle East-1 . . . " HOW- i . ,..,,14 . .uramww wma oarometer, J0.O7 g.ize an Austrian Legion to fight on Air Marahall William MttcheU.I';v7 u!" 77' S the side of Franc and Oreat Bri- French Forces inteadyi. temperature. SI, u.h light s , . . . .! M . . ... swelL sweiL vei oi me French Oeneral Staff of .the Army. Navy and Air wee General Maurice GameHn. Chief of the French Oeneral Staff of Army Oeneral Charles Cotsen. Alert Bay Overcast, ealm: barometer. 30.00; tempera tare. 59; sea smooth. Estevan Clear, northwest wind seven miles per hour; barometer. 2S.85. Victoria Clear, northeast wind twelve miles per hour; barometer. 29.W. Vancouver Clear, northwest, wind, five miles per hour barometer. 29.85. Prince George Clear, calm: barometer. 2959. I Timely Recipes EGGS OREGON STYLE Add V cup cooked Canadian fish such as cod. halibut or crab, to 1 cup thick white sauce. Spread mixture on 4 slices of toast. Beat 4 e'gg whites with teaspoon salt Pile part of whites on each du Canada, Otter Crtixk. This notk was coated on the srouait on the 77 day nf April. 1919, A copy or thWi notice and an apnlw oatlon pursuant thereto and to the I "Wwter Act" will be tUrd In the office of the Water KeeordeT al AtUn. Oblecttona itt the application may be' filed with U)e aald Water Ilecorder of I with the Comptroller of Water ItleHU,! Parliament IluJldlnga. VWxrla,' M. 0,! wUhin thirty day after the first P- pearifice oi n notios vn a looai news, paper. WALTER W. JOHNSON, Applicant, nr Walter IUmiuun, Ajttnt. The dAt of the first DublloaUon of this notice la Kepi ember 19, 1939. ;film list FOR MONTH Good Lntertalnment Being Offered At Capitol Theatre During Next Few Weeks Good entertainment value appears to ke offered in the rkt of pictures beaked for showing at the Capitol Thentre here between now and eacty November. The list is Unqualified and unanimous op-1 announced by Manager D Comes.'' Q Bor- position was expressed to the saw j land as follows: by the United States of war mat-, September M and 37 Bette Da- erials or the making of loans to YU and Miriam Hopkins in The belligerent. It was suggested. -low Maid." stead, that United States endea-j Septemher and 29 PrUellU vour to bolster up its trade with Lane and Jeff try Lynn In "Yea. nations of South and Cenrat Am-; My Darling Daughter" and J. Car-erica. ! rol Naiah and Anna Mar Wone in Island of Lost Men " Septenseer 3 Dtek Powell and Olivia deHavlUand m "Hard to Gf and Kay PraneU In "Women in the Wind." October . J and 4Errol Flynn In "Dodge City " October ft and 6 Oeorse Raft nnd CJahe Treeer In "I Stole a Million" and Lape Veiec and Leon ntroi in TThe Oni from Mexico.'' VICTORIA. Semmbrr 2 CP "csoow ' l 'M Brothers Attorner Oeneral Oorden Wls-I"1 Kelly in The Gorilla" mer is inviting any persons in ihe'and Jongs Pamlly bi "Every- ' nmvtrw" u-ho have fcnnwlorig at te umerai sir ir ' . " Walter Kirke. Iproftteenng to submit the evidence Commandertn -Chief nt th pr,to hto 1tfl meUtnttng Kasx Major -General A. E. Gra- prosecution. TODAY'S WEATHER Prince RupctV-Jlalntag. westerly wind, five miles per hour; barometer. 38.01 frtfng; temperature. 56: sea choppy. Triple Island Overcast, south- southeast wind, eighteen mUes per hour: moderate chop. Langara Island Drtsbie. south west wind. 24 miles per hour ba rometer. 29.76; temperature. W. sea moderately rough. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy. calm: barometer 29.W : tempera ture. 58 hght swell. oooy s uaoy. October Donne in 1 and 11 Irene "When Tomorrow October 11 end IS Iling Crosby and Joan Bamdefl In "East Side of Heaven." October 14 Warner Baxter and Lynn Ban to "Return of the Cisco Kid" and Robert Young and Anna-bella tn "Bridal Butte " (Vfmiiar IS 11 bmI 1 -v. Oaaney and Georae Raft tn Dawn I Die October M and 37- Claudrtte Ouibert and Herbert Marshall In "Zase" and Ralph Ittehardxm and Bdna Beet in "South Rldlnc" October X Mlnn rvvi.i.. in TONIGHT and Wl.It:;Ei7 - "-, . ana BI3TE DAVIS In "The Old Maid" With Miriam Hopkins. Grortt Brtm (At 7:31 and 9 tl EXTUA Buddy RoItn in -SWING VACATION ies .11 y tuning DinihUf GODLESS TORKYS SCOIT TIKIlBir Coming Than. . iti. rrUcllU Lane. Jeffre- Lyn fa, THEORIES Dr. Klcmund Freud, tathtr rscho-Analrsis, td 7, Being Hnmrd At ... had but scanty October 19 and Jo-Irene Dunne u". fn! to -Love Affair and John Howard '"T "J L SUr ,Iltter and Heather Angel in "llulldoc 1 DnmsMuTi s - wermany. was October SI Robert Young and Ptorehee Race In -fiacress for Sale" and Lynn Overman in "Permns In Hiding LONDON. Sept j Blgmund Freud U-, anerjrssa. dead in his works had ofir; Jects of sneers Thnugh the ye;,: eamlderable pub:: both sdes of tn t aeoffed at Freud : Uwiortes essentia . net of the nazu Or the United fiUte.t w stnvnahold It a-as Freud wh October 21. K and 3-Jarnea "Tjl 1 'Bach of humanity coui' "Tell Mo Tak" atut tw, tr They lived in asifpvr eUlU Martha Rare m "Never Say Die " October 10 It arvH Mnrtu, t Apple Growers Will Be Aided eetty to etvlKzatim on sexual impuUc FYeud married ; came the father ..' three dauthtem F his Vienna home rr nMne uri. . i ,!.. ... . Ille One of th ww neKir nunc t j, . . . , te "Five Came Back" -handled most of ? ..IneM affairs and Mnvamh and i J a Jeanette Mac Dona id and Lew "Broadway Serenade " Ayree In years and she a aeed husband Int. breame his chief a I regarded by him s ttJiea9eaisMe 1st t ra f Bs..rj Sll Mil- analysis. c r iti f - 4! MOTHER SATISritI) MELBOURNE A . CP A 16-year docking here rer- Domlnion (-.vernment Will Par- ,5!, mohcT ln."tT' . ri, i I"brlng back a ku! SninJ yT trallan"tof bearv , Canning If i v .eeeMary portfd. thc ,ad ha, OTTAWA. Sept 28: CP-To as-' dUmmy 1st Canadian apple growers, through the loss of European mar-l next year will be f kets owing to the war. the Canad- extent of hOQflOO b ox an " government ment vnatprriav yesterday an- .n. slice toast maklntr a hollow m. a half million ban- middle. Place unbroked egg yolk"H Uwt' ,f nnr. It would Province apple ; :n hollow. Bake In 0ven or under wme of the cron n''h If necessary Thrni broiler until eggs are set. Garnish I Columb,a "PP"-" unsold by March apples for rannln with parsley. BETWIXT AND BETWEEN CAPE TOWN. Sept. 26: (CP -"A most unhappy stage for primitive people" Is the transition period trom primitive life to civilization, said Prof Clarence Norton of South Carolina, commenting on the state of African natives. Steamer Catala is due southbound at 5 and will leave at 1. v.m:i( Nonet: ltlrrlii And t mi TAKE NOTICE THAT Walter W. Johnnon wnrwe add rem l Balfour Bldg., 391 California StrerA. Stwi Pranclaco, Cal . will apply for a Uornvce to tak ; snd uw ten houwnd miners Inches of watts' out of Plive CreeJc. whlen nowa Weaterly and draliM Into AUln lAke about Four Ulea. The water wU) be diverted at a tlnt about one half mile above ttif Phwi Creek Palls and will be "Used lot Power purpone, upon the Ulno deaerrb-ed aa the txmhol 1U ted Irawm of the CanDHKnle Pranoaine fief Mlnea d'Or br n t i vu t- - A3' SPECIAL SALE of BLANKETS TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Mnolcot Blankets- Part wool, sateen bound 66x80 Ea s , H (irey Blankets- Size 52x72 Pair 1,J All Wool Grey Blankets- Size 60x80. Weight 7 lbs Tai;1 J,,S While Blankets- Super quality white wool. Pastel bor - 72x84 Weight 7 lbs . pair ' M ElitVs Furniture MOOSE BUIMHNG TU) AVENt'E SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! filing at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Stcnmcr leave Prince Rupert ovcry THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trnins leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Frldny, 6 p.m. J Steamer for Ketchiknn nnd v ftrlw Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. rS?2i For fares, etc.. call or terlte City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave vin'