PACE FOUR THE DAILY XEWS Utmost In Quality SALADA TEA John Gun-a-Noot. member of the James N. Klllas is sailing tonight well known Ilazelton native family. 0n the Prince George for Vancou- after a sojourn in the south, ar-, ver to purchase new equipment for In eLttle rived in the city from Vancouver : the Commodore Cafe to which ex- bcauie- yesterday and proceeded to the in- tensive improvements are now be terlor by the evening train. Thone 62 rhone 63 if? YrZti UK Butter First Grade 3(J LeLbLan,1...30c Pork But ts 25C RoIIed Rst. VcalgQ 0Wlst!lJccf jg Eggs Grade 'A' n Large 2doz. Pork, Hocks, Sausage Meat, Swift's Lard, Bakeasy Offo 2 lbs Ayrcshire Ua OQ con-Lb Small Balogna Blood Kings Lb. Garlic Kings 2)C Heed's White OCn Pudding Lb. Burks' o-Point Cottage Rolls Avqr- Qfif age 5 lbs. Lb. We Have a Large Assortment of Fish for Friday Remember! You Can Get It at The Sterling ling made. Barbara White, for being the Inmate of a disorderly house, was fined $50, with option of thirty days' imprisonment, by Magistrate!,., h , morning. on. Mrs. E. D6nahue, Massett; Mr and Mrs. Ed Leask and Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Benson, Ketchikan; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith, Metlakatla. Central Whifflets From The Waterfront . Making her first call here since fwfore the masters' and mates' Seattle to Alaska points some three1 or four weeks ago, Northland Transportation Co.'s motorshlp liner Northland, Capt. Len Williams, arrived in port at 11:15 this morning from Ketchikan with fish for ! transshipment East over Canadian National Railways and, after discharging, will sail this aftearnoon c6ntlnuatlon of her voyage to CUM. steamer Frlnce John, Capt. Neil McLean, arrived In port at 10:40 last night from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and Is leaving at 5 o'clock this afternoon on a special trip to Stewart a shipment of heavy freight McClymont In city police court thlsfor the snbpremier mine Rev. W. J. Selder, United Church Tia the Islands, missionary at Queen Charlotte City,' arrived on the Prince John last night to attend sessions of Presby tery here. Mr. Mr. aid Royal Atkinson, Ted Blandow, Mrs Evelyn Williams, Dan Reece It. i Steve Faber, Mr. and Mrs. J. Man den, Jack C. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayward, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haldane, Everett Hudson and Howard Hudson, Metlakatla Alaska; Arthur N. Fawcett, Ketchi kan. ' Prince Rupert Mrs. D. R. McCall and Rev. W. J. Selder. Queen Charlotte City; A. W. McPherson, Robert F. Wray FOR and F. Waldon, Vancouver: Dr. C. A. Armstrong and W. McMillan, Port Simpson; Mr and Mrs. J. J. Morgan, Edmonton; W. M. Camer- Nanaimo; Mrs. H. R. Frost and i vessel is due back here tomorrow (evening to sail on her return south CPJt. steamer FOK SALE SALE Old newspapers, two. large bundles for 25c. Dally News. FOUR cylinder Universal marine engine complete with reduction gear, shaft and propellor. Phone Green 821. (45) FOR RENT CLEAN, Well I apartments. WALLACE'S FEBRUARY - furnished modern Phone Red 444. tf. W G. Olover. Billmor: E. Mel-, FOR RENT Nice flat In Louise linger arid L. R. Blackburn, city. ' . Apartments, Fifth Avenue West Knox Newly renovated throughout and A. L. Jacobs, Anyox; Rev. Alfred In first class condition. Phone Abraham, Massett. 756. (49) Clearing Sale LAST FEW DAYS Rayon Silk Hose In all latest shades. J QQ Scotch Fingerinir. Yarn Ftur-ply. in plain or heather mixtures. An ex client sock or sweater yarn. -f ffA Sale price, lb. ?.DU Satin Slips While or peach lace or tailored Q-f A A ttyle. Each ?1.UU Kiddies' Printed Dresses Creie de chene. Sizes 1. 2 and 3 04 AS years. Values to $255. To clear OM-ttO Comforters In assorted colorings, figured sateen covers with contrasting inserts of rose, blue or green. Well filled. QO ryr Sale price ?0IO Taffeta Blouses In stripe or check. Values to $1.75. CAtf To clear UUl Pebble Crepe In rose, malse, white, brown, etc. Sale price, yd. 65c New Season's Prints All new patterns, fast colors. QCT 5 yards for Thc-.e Are But a Tew of the Excellent Values We Are Offering. Visit Our Store. See Our Windows SALE FINISHES FEBRUARY 28 1 The Letter Box Ps' ?ooseYf1.t oppose fish tkaps Editor. Dally News: A fishermen's meeting was held strive uhirh tiPrf nn shinning fromihcre to give support to a province wme campaign Dy iisnermcn m are asking that the fish traps at Sooke be taken out and that no more licences be issued. Should the people in this part of the ptovince remain indifferent to thw issue, there ts a likelihood that those who are seeking traps wil' win out. The American Interests in thei of course, would be put In around Point Roberts to trap the Fraser River sockeye and other salmon. The fishermen pn both sides of the line are very busy to see The that this will not happen. Fish- ermen In this vicinity have adopt ed and endorsed the resolution made by the S. P. S. U. of the Pacific. They are sending this . resolution to Ottawa and to woran cra, members lnciudmg our 0WT1 He will return to the Is- ?pt m ?alT,er- southbound member Olof Hanson, also to the lands on the John tomorrow night ,13a3 .hZ r7a, of Trade and the rnAn regular voyage, is due In port a an ubor at R 3:45 this afternoon and will sail at .iu..k..iJL id l ert. A Petition Is also to be clrcul Mrs. H. . Krost arrived in me 5:30 for the uth. city on the Prince John last night E. Donohue, also of Massett, who is to enter the Prince Rupert Gen eral Hospital. Mrs. Frost will return to the Islands on the Prince John tomorrow night. Hotel Arrivals Miami Fight Is Postponed Bad Weather Cause (ialento-Feldman Battle To Be Deferred ' J Until Tonight MIAMI, Feb. 23: (CP Owing! tn linfavnrahlp TL-pnthr th hnnt Jacob Gjorlngbo and S. Arakawa, Tony 0alento and Abe city; Mr. and Mrs. James Evans, V(l,rtman -h-H,,! for i..t niht and Mrs Charles Bucheit. wa3 pned unt flight Oal-and Mrs James White. Ron- ento promi5ed to 'Uck the bum Leask, Kenneth Booth, Tom ,n th. rminrt :ated In this vicinity to have everybody endorse their resolution. It is also planned that a delegation of fishermen from different points In' the province be sent to Ottawa to press our claims. Fundi ,will have to be collected for such The fishermen throughout this province beg of you to lend your support to bring this Issue to a successful conclusion. THE rtSHERMEN-S COMMITTEE Per Chas. Vallry. Queen Charlotte City inn AW.V.VAV.'ftW.'AV.W. I Opening of New Number for c C t - -i . - I.Ltlll- - ociiicc aim if cpcnuaDiiuy Phone 13 Taxi PAT MAZZIE Opp. Post Office, 1th St. al;alCalalia!B2BlBiBfBiBiaa ELITE Beauty Parlor Mrs. Sutherland Introducing the New Zotos Permanent By an amazing color change the guardian eye signals the Instant this exquisite permanent is complete. This precision timing assures longer life, greater depth and far lovelier curls. lYlay Upen rair Wife or United States President Asked To Official at Vancouver H pi a a M: u m a a a Phnn J OO t nnAlM . mm T g . v..w v ivi sfiirsisiiiciii9 mm q uzm iii kj b-3 utuumi uzuz.m:r. kuu. SPECIAL SALE ON ALL Box Chocolates 10 Discount for On Week Only. Freshness Guaranteed Mussallem's Confectionery HEX Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim Waist Line Bowl For Reservations Phone 658 Exhibition nectlon with the Fair this year Members Of Parliament Like To Fly OTTAWA. Feb. 23: CP Making, of flights In Royal Canadian Air Force planes la becoming ini rea-s VANCOUVER. Feb. 23: (CP) 'lngly popular with Memoers oi The board of directors of the- Ca-' Parliament, it Is indicated in a re nadlan Pacific Exposition yester- turn to Parliament. Binre 1836 six day decided to Invite Mrs. Frank- teen members have been up for llf-lin D. Roosevelt, wife of the'ty-four nighti. The moat flight's President of the United State, to, were made by Hugh Plaxton, Tor-open the annual Vancouver Ex-, onto Liberal member, who was up hlbitlon this summer. Mrs. Roose-1 twenty-eight times. Denton Maa-velt is expected tn be In Seattle. sey. a Toronto Conservative mem- 'ortth hr HnntthtiT ahnnt fair time hr marlf eleven DtohU 5UUC OI VYaMlinKWHl UC using u c i Sooke traps as their target to sup- une leaiures k wring ikair h. ih-1 endeavoured to state In con- traps back In that state which. C. C. Mills 11 1 on laat evening's Is Fleet Week. Canadian. British train for one of his periodical bus and United States war vessels art lneaa trips to Haielton and other being Invited to take part. interior points. QuakerOats SALE! 25 OFF W (For a limited lime only) Ntw at Uwttt frlc la HUUry I OcllcUttt Qukr Oats . . . Tfia Hat. VlUlliln j Brk- fast. Rich U -ThlamU- (YlUmla B). Right now tcii ihia amaiiag opportunity to get dtlkiout Quaker Oati at "SiNef Jubiirc" pfictl...Jj'J TtfUr fruit , . . calibrating li jtttt itrvicc by The Quaker Oati Companr, Saikatoon. Always famous for economy and health bene6ta, dtliciout Quaker Oati it now known to b the richett thrifty tource of Thiamin (Vitamin Ui ,. Thiamin ii needed for found nervct vital health normal child growth. Without it, perfect health it impotiible. You need Thiamin every day for it'l not itored up by the body tSL$Lm k Rtjubr Prfctj h laaHSHaaVVTS2aflBB DON'T DELAY I Slloe jjuluLe Sale IS FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY I GET SEVERAL PACKAGES OF QUAKER OATS FROM YOUR GROCER TODAY! J GUARANTEED QUALITY 10 lbs. Potatoes 10 lbs. Carrots 3 lbs. Beets THE LOT 95 10 lbs. Turnips 3 lbs. Parsnips 3 lbs. Onions EfiGS Kljht from the Farm, strictly freh. Dozen 25c Copeland's Fruit Market FREE DELIVERY Phone 872 oooooooooooooooooooroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo- MacKenzie's Furniture February Special Simmons Steel Bed, wal. finish. Simmon Cable Spring, Simmons felt Mattress, Beg, $27.50. 2 Feather I'illown. rer S3.00. hr- ary Cash Special, Bed Complete and CO1 rE? 0 Pillows OtaO O jg Phone 775 327 Tlllltl) AVENUE 5 oooooooooooooooooooooooaDOOQoooooooooeioootooooooooooe J3uy fop best fond US COd evermined. Old King Coal Is a clever old gink He works pure magic In a wink Hell Cheer your moping, drooping soul With a "ton of Phllpott Evltt Coal. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Tbc Uest Coal in Town Thursday, February 21 i;3J TONIGHT and l lllinv a Last Complete Show g rj The World's No. 1 Star llrmjj A Whole New World of Tun? -Shirley $ TEMPLE kswue miss iROMll george""murphy jimmy durante PHYLLIS BROOKS EDNA MAE OLIVER GEOtOE lAllltl E0WAI0 . . i & . ...... tUIS rf El ItENDII OONAIO MEEK 11 PATtlCIA WI10EI lUHt WUIUIUll. If. (At 7:16 and 9 11 PLUS -Their Funnleit . . Tlifir nrandest . . . Its Tops' THK JONES FAMILY In "DOWN on thcFUtM t.t I 23, Onte OnJr FOX NEWS HM and ? ' Hide With Servke and Cota-fort In a 7-l'aan;rr Heated tar Phone 35 TAXI A Hot Time Is What Yon Want TbU Winter You ran get It bj ulnr air fanwu Kdton, Bulktet ViOfj or Nanalmo-Welllngtou raaL PR1XCK UlTPEKT FKKI) CO. Phone SS or SSI Music Utith Nelson A.T.C..M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE (1KEEN 390 THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Tacked by the only iJm canning company with in D the year round payroll l Price Rupert Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Helntxman, Nordhelmer and Legate Pianos Piano Tuning with "Itesonoscope" Thone Blue 389 Zlt SL