Buy at the Family and receive the utmost in Style, Comfort & Value Shoes that are a pleasure to wear at a modest price oooooooooooooooa Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in $5.01 Paid In advance, per week - - .11 Paid In advance, per month .ssi'.: By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire-and United States, vearly period, paid in advance 3,(X By mail to all other countries, per year - 9.0C ADVERTISING . RATES . - Classified advertising, per word, per insertion r !. Mi Local readers, per line, per insertion 2t Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98: Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations : DAILY EDITION TH EPREMIEK Wednesday. March 1. 1939. . The visit of Premier Pattullo this week impressed pome local people more than ever in the past as being thi visit of a man who is thoroughly master of the situation. The Premiershin does not worrv him or wear him down He takes it as a matter of coursegets-up early, works steadily during the day and sometimes into the night and has little time for recreation, i et he tries to .get m round of golf each day, if possible. He has to step just outside his door to be on the Oak pay course and a round in the morning puts him in first class physical condition. Mr. Pattullo is not a rich man but he has just enough money to place him in the happy position of not having to worry over his job. He can get along very well without the premiership and it 13 only love of the work and the feeling that he can best serve British Columbia in that position that makes him continue. Without active employment he would probably die. Politics has been his work for the past twenty-two years and it is the only job he if likelv to do from this time on. The Premier of British Columbia is a force not onlv in this province but throughout Canada. His name i? well known everywhere and especially at Ottawa. ' Wash Ineton looks on him as one of Canada's big raGn. And yet in Victoria, where he lives, he is too busy to meet many people. It is only here in his own constituency when h jtrets a few days off occasionally that he is able to mix wit Y liis fellows as an ordinary citizen, relax and enjoy himsei in his own old home town. Mr. Pattullo is not naturally a good mixer. He is not the type that is usually a politician. He is naturally rather reserved in disposition and during the early day? of his rjolitical life he received many lectures from his political friends on how to make a good fellow of himself.. As he has become accustomed to the life he seems to have' trained himself to get in touch with men in every walk of life and to eret their point of view on affairs. That is! what makes him so human. He has always had to work hard and he likes people who work, no matter whether ' i is vorkinp- with the brain or the hands. He is familiar with the problems of the men who dig ditches just as with the nrnn who manage large businesses or factories. The writer remembers the time when the first returns from one of the general elections seemed to intimate that Mr. Pattullo was defeated and that his party was probably in a minority. He took it very philospophi-cally, saying that when a man went into political life he must expect defeat. Yet he has not yet been defeated personally in a provincial election and doesnot seem to look for it. He expects to win again, should he decide to carry on through another election, for he feels that he has served the province well. - There was a time a few years ago when he had a dangerous time in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. He had seen other men similarly afflicted pass on but such a thought never seemed to have occurred to him. He-is very Annette' Lose To Ranters But Stay in First Place Three Way Second Place Deadlock Broken Merchantettes 1 Stone 105 Ciccone . . 123 Vandersluys 113 Halliday 109 Houlden 109 Handicap . . 16 I Total ..5:8 Big Sisters 1 B. Dickens 139 E. Dickens . 174 Roth well 105 Bond .. 190 Alexander . .209 Handicap 67 Total Sit Rangers I Berg 222 Petersen -.116 .Yager 144 lllallberg 156 Moss ... . Ballinger 184 Handicap 69 Total 891 Annette's 1 Basso-Bert 174 Blaln 143 Skattebol 112 Owens - 98 Dickens 156 Handicap 15 Total 698 Knox 1 Scharff SchaXfer Fritz .McKeown . Brasell Handicap Total Rex Ethel Bury L. Morrison N. Morrison Total 189 147 141 .138 135 . 71 821 1 148 .157 .141 B. Cameron 109 Ammie Bury 587 Handicap 47 Total 889 Maple Leafs 1 Nelson . .155 McLeod 182 H. n, Olass vjiu&s 90 u Blue Birds 1 Pierce 126 Turgeon 128 Boulter .207 Croxford 154 Hartwlg Keron . 170 Handicap 5 Total 790 (Ramblers -26410 tenacious of life, lives ft to the full, enjoys his work as cnji-a. well as his p!ay, loves to wrestle with knotty problems B- K just as do some men with crossword puzzles. V Sons sons of of This may not be a complete word picture of theTrem- 1., 81590 73480 Norway 70230 .68900 . v t i 161 162 115 250 138 16 81 5 140 101 120 174 171 67 "3 163 183 236 124 223 229 173 207 .190 171 ' 15 985 237 79 158 116 95 71 756 2 213 116 205 147 124 47 852 2 201 170 85 DO 147 127 5 690 Canadian Legion Wins In Bridge 75640 80850 53920 79550 86640 94670 84880 70500 ler, it may not ue quite correct in an ueiaus dui it, is me. impression the writer gets from fro'quent observation! " covering a period of twenty years. ; I Try a Daily New want-ad. Tin: DAILY NEWS LADIES' BOWLING SPORT CHAT Bohumil Vana of Czechoslovakia, sport in two years as he says hei will then be "too old for real1 Annette's lost to Rangers two tt"u games to one In the Ladies' Bowl Switzerland won the world's bobsleigh championship from Great Britain at St MoriU although the I High average scorer for the eve- British set a new course record In nlng was Rose LaBelle with 223. last 01 uir ieur runs. 1 Individual scores: 2 $3 Walter Donaldson. Scottish cham-143 plon, 21-10. 163 220 First step of the South African 67 Ice Hockey Association to ellmlp-98$ ate overly robust body-checking 3 .and other "foul play" from the 230 sport was suspension of four play-25yers for one to two months. 204 247 Former Welsh schoolboy Inter national ouUkle-half, OvJe Jones has signed profeaolonal ferms for 26 26iw,6Jlft Rugby team. 960 1152:3. 2 5 . : . '. 1751 uarts nave been banned In the 2sj'canten or on the premises of the 182 Nottingham gun factory. 176' 171J Asftj 1938 member of the Aust- 15iraltan Davis Cup tennis team wiM 94g i not be allowed to compete ta the 3 'Wimbledon championships. . ' 114 99 Dan McCorktndale. South Afrl-153 can heavyweight boxer now fight-174lng In England, became the father 146 71 -r- ai 3 115 141 103 82 170 47 663 3 174 1, 158 1lpf,11 T ! - is !2iotiII Leadms uueue Hi at) Handicap 25 25 817 826 2 118 172 121 172 25 94 5 :ct Musketeers Relefated to Cellar in League Standing as Result of Postponed Play Last NIsht Canadian Legion and Musketeers last night played a postponed fixture In the Prince Rupert Bridge League last night, the veterans winning by a score of 14.690 to 12.910. This puts the Legion in seventh place in the standing with the Musketeers going to the cellar. The league standing to date: P. R. Dairy 90600 Grotto 87100 90600 87100 86410 81590 73480 70230 09810 ' 68900' receiving $2.- af a boy recently Mrs. MeCorkln-dale is the daughter of Ted Br&ad-ribb. flfht manager. Ernie Roderick, contender for the British welterweight boxing title, won his 24th consecutive victory when he forced Oaspard De-rldder of Belgium to retire at the end of the elsht round of a 10 round bout in Liverpool. 801 MONTREAL. March 1 : 3 .Blake of the Montreal 237 I "i Badminton In ,:i i i CPi Toe Canadlens still leading the point getters of 125 the National Hockey League with 146 1 a total oi 38 points so tar this sea-158 1 son. Next comes Sweeney Schrin- er of the New York Americans with 35. Trv a Dollv crMfled ad RHEUMATIC PAINS Backache, Lumbago sad Rheumatic paint are often due to congested kidneys. 8 medicinal ingredients in Gin Kills stimulate kidney action, eliminate exrra arids and tone-up the blood-stream. If toxic waste nutter in your system is nuking you tired, achey, depressed, take Gin 1'UU. Two Sizes Regular. 50c and hew Economy Size (doable the Quantity) 75c 35 Taxi Orfera You a 1939 Heated 7-l'atsenger Car at Your Service Phone 35 TAXI Semi-Finals mw vim - - J . , champion, plans ta retire from the url"" Reuilts Lat Mbt Prince Rupert Club's Competition 11. 11-3. Uumv toot P MMntmh 10 218 UI a umruHK uoumi tciuiu mn jj J5-J2, 15-3 we net unui tne 139 stmnc players MorKan mnceI j 44 uiiitru. 205 18 Claude Falktaer. 52, attempted a 910 comeback in professional snooker 3 play' at London after nine years igi retirement but was defeated bt SMITHERS IS WINNER IN HOCKEY IleMed Prince George Two Games Out of Three And Has Long-Lead On Season's Play SMITH ERS. March 1 -The Sral- 'thers senior hockey tram left town on Saturday's train to travel ". prf nr OMrce to olay three re- . . . . . . ' . , . at -i-.i p iv tt-i Muviiruien Bui mini m n&&r nn n a arorr u j ui in Leaeue last ninht hut still re- WJVeniry cy looiuau cjuu BBar; " - - . Blue Birds to uxe exclusive pos- "-, . - . uu mgnvs resuiu: ,. to score tan two session of runner-up position. foi Davis Cup tennis team, has, pnc,., Thompson and Bessie breaking a three-way Ue lor sec- betn mad a CrieraHer of Thompson boat Creddle Morgan ond place. Rex stays in third place Lesion dllonneur. and Frences Cross 11-15. 15-10, 18- with" a two game to one victory over Knox HoteL In the fourth .?ame last night Big Sisters de feated Merchantettes two to one. IS. B. To bey beat L. 8. Hope 15-5. 15- 3. J. Murray and W. Cross beat W. Murray and P. Mcintosh li-5. a "c " lc"f"a ' uy . . twice 11-3. 0 eombinatlon play toaU in the last few minutes of he name and thus tied It up. In the ten minutes overtime "layed Johnny Dunlop scored the winning goal for Smlthers to mak the final count 5 to 4. Monday evening on very fast ice SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Stcumer leaven I'rinrr Iltipert vwry THI HSDAY, 11.13 p.m. Train leave Prince lliipcrt for tlie Kat Muridav, Weli.ehiy, FnMav, 6 p.m. jV AIH-CONDITIONKI) .... ..... M.l.KI'IMf (.Alt For fares, etc., rail or write City Ticket Office. 616 3rd Are. V-17-29 t C 1 l n . n i omoKea ruipert Brand j Toe Blake is Mild Cured Salmon j 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refritterator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert British Columbia 5 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. fiteaaiera Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TJUJ. CATALA EVERY TlJES- T.S.S. CARDE.NA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.ra. 10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 661 Fresh Local Raw And t li DTTrprn J OUA-K Pasteurized Milk Valentin dairy Optometrist PIIONR-7 Royal Bank Bldg. rd bet wren ? r mm Ik. 0 . ... Jturn -me. with the Prince Oeorge - team on men nunn - The first tame was played on Saturday niaht when Prince which Is a very s,-The Smithes ; given a Rood t ... both at home ;,c and have an x, ershlp ta the league standing n Ir"m wf1P" " Club's championship tournament HVe itUnutes of Joungsters to M w Maple Leafs took a clean sweep 10 SU3.097. and will be continued Friday ntxht h may orcur In the e games to nil victory over ftf .' "".W?.0' "-Ilnai- DunloD h through on some goM w . the 8ralthers boys again proved onto at Montrfn) thir cuneiioritv bv winnlm OVfT tmlt- rrhlr... Mui ' t Hockey Scores National Learnt Oanadlem 2. I Toronto 1, An -t-rj. Umel. Tomorrow mrh' Bessie Thompson beat Neme Law- h? Qton, Uam wlth a nsnm ' 1 score of 4 to 2. In each game Smlthers was slow In getting luto the scoring col- Urt,lrA,, VJ,J? umn and the Prince Oeorgc boys mompson 14-13. ii-s. aiwavs cot the iumn on them by B. Tobey beat C. FlUaerald 15-2. gpttlnf first Koak to make It Boston 15-5. an uoiUH mht for the visitors Ranters but iw' managed to come rjearw Semi-finals Frfclay evening wW be as foMows: from behind and win out In the JJJJJJJ 7:30 Bessie Thompson vs. EWe end except for the first game when nijtni Davis. they couldn't pass their rtvak. chleato 8:00 Frances Cross and w. Cross The games were ail cleanly con-vs. Creddle Morgan and B. Tobey. tested and very few penalties were." 8:30 Neme Lawrence and P. Me- inflicted on either team. i Intosh vs. Bessie Thompson and H. J. L. MeEwen and Clllf Warner Ward. accompanied the team on the 9:00 Bob Tobey vs Walter Cross trip and all arrived home on the 9:30 H Ward and B. Tobey vs. Tuesday train W. L. Stamford and F Davis. In the :x uiter-city game play- V lllrllllllll ' - KUiiuiII Natiooil Lea;at 30 23 16 V 16 P 13 r, ii ll " ! f i: r - ii : SIC icuth NoNon A TXJ Teacher c f Finn Theory and Ham phone r.Rix w Soda Fountain Tea and r(fre IUI Sfji Candles. Tobacrr rrriJU and (trsa Mussallem's Confectionery '. . ... .. - la A Service and Phone 13 Taxi PAT MAMIE 5 i OPP. Pcwt Office. 1th St ' ' ELITE Beauty Parlor Mrs. Sutherland Introducing the N 74 DivmnnOnl LUlUd I Clliianv" By an amailnT ". the guardian eye Instant thU eXQU'. anent U compld? cUlon Umlng a:: ' K : life, greater depfs tr.i lovelier curls. Phone 499 for WoMmtti .Liisii:l--' A Hot Time I. What You Want 1 Winter You can get It by f t famous Edson. Buikley y or Nsnaimo-iciii" PRINC1C KlTI'ERT FEED CO. KhnilM SK Or i'