PAGE FOUR Beautiful DINNERWARE M different patterns to choose from. 32-plece QO I7C ' O Dtnnersets at, and up TINE CRYSTAL AMI CUT GLASS Cheaper Glass Tumblers 0p From, per dozen up tlUVf GLASSWARE and NOVELTIES Visit Our Wonderful Basement Store! Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Kitselas Visited By Church Heads NOW. it's to rtlieve head cold discomfort Just put a few drops of Vlckj Va-tro-nol up each nostril and feel the tingle as Va-tro-nol's jtlmu-UUng medication reduces the swollen membranes, clears away the clogging mucus, helps to keep the sinuses from being blocked by the cold-let you breathe again. NEXT TIME, don't wait until your head is all stuffed up. At the first warning sneeze or sniffle, use 6x9 THIRD AVENUE ciation to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfiiin nnrf fn Mr Jrw Wiirtcnn far It rrt Virkt Adrertuif.g ku len poAti jxm If Board rkyttnw. CLEARS STUFFY HEAD Helps Prevent the Development of Colds, too Va-tro-nol at onceit helps to pre-tent many colds from developing. Va-tro-nol is rpecialized medication -expressly designed for the nose and upper throat where most colds start Used In time, it stimulates Nature's own defenses to fight 03 many a com. head colds in VlCKS their early . 3, , stages. VA-TRO-NOL Congoleum Rugs IS OFF TO WET START Precipitation For January And February in Prince Rupert lias Been Exceptionally Low i For volume of precipitation.! Prince Rupert is getting off to a j good start this year. During the; .month of February 11.03 Inches' was recorded, bringing the total for the first two months of the year to 2134 inches or more than twice as much as in the same period a year ago. The precipitation this February compared with but 1.8 inches In February 19Mj while for the opening two months of last year the aggregate was 10.4 inches. With the greater precipitation,; there has been less sunshine soj far this year. A total of 47.1 hours, 1 of sunshine was recorded this , against 77.1 hours in, meet the churchmen and do Jus-'ruary as h, f th iFebruary 1938, the total stinshlnej " Dr. Osterhout expressed appre-'i" -J no Deri , , . . ,. . . nours in uie iirst iwu uiuuuu vi i and her helpers for the successful Interior Village Turns Out En arrangements. After a period of .Masse at Various Gatherings 'church business the Doxology was At End of Week sung followed by the National An- I them. KITSELAS. March 1: A very; successful gathering was held at f Kitselas on Saturday afternoon! when the village people enjoyed an official visit from Rev. Dr. S.! S. Osterhout, superintendent of Missions for the United Church, and Rev. Peter Kelly, chairman of Prince Rupert .Presbytery. Rev. Adam Crisp presided over the meetings. Whifflets From The Waterfront C.N.R. steamer Prince George, Capt. II. E. Nedden. arrived In port Public worship was held in the on time at 10 o'clock this morning! United Church during the after- udth - tir-sA7.Mi 1Lct nf mwnn noon and inspiring addresses were elven bv Dr. Osterhout and Mr. and will sail at 4 o'clock this after- Kelly. A solo was rendered by noon toT Anyox and Stewart whence Ben Seymour. she is due back here tomorrow ev- Immediatly following the service ening southbound. tea was served in the school house and the seating capacity was taxed The Daily i &ti A. B. C to accomodate all who wished to oauer. The temperature ranse was con siderably lower this February than last The February weather summary, as announced today by S. J. Mel-lor. Digby Island. Dominion meteorologist, is as follows: Y Highest barometer reading at sea level. 30.49 on February 15. Lowest barometer reading at sea level. 29.11 on February 11. Maximum temperature, 47 February 16. Minimum temperature, 10 February 8. Mean temperature. 34.6. Total precipitation. 11.03 inches. Hours of sunshine. 47.1. Maximum wind velocity. 37 miles per hour, southeast, Fezruary 16. VISITOR AT TERRACE C.N.R. Trains on on TERRACE. March 1: Mrs. Peter Kelly, wife of Rev. Peter Kelly of Ocean Falls, arrived In Terrace on Friday evening to sDend a short visit at the United i Church Manse as a guest of Mrs. Adam Crisp. For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl- Idays 6 p.m (From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays .and (Saturdays 11 pju I (Continued From Page One) I aBBaMBI,HBI,ll,lllM' Special Values In FLOOR COVERING A cheerful floor covering that is a favorite among homemakers. The modern and floral patterns are not only attractive but are built on heavy enamel surface to endure long wear. Sizes 7Jx9 9x9 9xlOJ 4-Piece Bedroom Suite Modern design, made of solid piece b'rrh, walnut finish. These suites include Vanity, Dresser with large round mirror, Bench QfiQ AA and full size Bed ... . rUJv V Odd PHONE OKEEN 916 9x12 S5.75 S6.95 $8.50 S9.25 510-75 Seamless Axminster Rug Here is a carpet well worth your attention. The price marked COO rt presents real value giving. Size 9xl(H V & MORE VALUES IN FURNITURE Bungalow Bed Limited number at this low price. Walnut finish steel bed size 3x6 feet, cable spring and roll up Q-i ff A A edge mattress complete le,,UU Pieces Vanity, Dresser, Chiffonier, Buf fet. Wardrobe Trunk, especially priced to clear Elio's Furniture Exchange Prince Rupert s THE DAILY NElVg Whatever Soup you make or buy ALWAYS ADD a little BOVRIL It will greatly improve the richness, the flavor and goodness and mate them as nearly perfect as they can be. ALICE ARM The monthly bridge party of the Alice Arm branch of the British Columbia Chamber of Mines was held in the community club house on Saturday. Ladies' first prize was won by Mrs. J. Larsen and the ladies' consolation prize by Mrs. C. Everstan. Mon's first prize was won by W. Bowers and the consolation prize by H. Lund. Refreshments were served by Mrs. V. dimming and Mrs. C. I. Fiva has returned to Alice Arm with the 34-foot fishing boat J. N. H. which he recently purchased at Prince Rupert Mr. Fiva intends to engage In commercial fishing In the near future. Mrs. Fee of Anyox Is a few days holiday with Larsen. spending Mrs. NEW PLANE TO ALASKA Elgger Clipper Ship In Carry Mails and Pasengers Northward From Seattle Thh Year SEATLE, March 1: iCP A four motored flying boat of nineteen or twenty tons weight, somewhat of the same type as the China Clipper but smaller, will go Into mall and passenger carrying service this spring between Seattle. Ketchikan! and other southeastern Alaska points, it is announced. The ship will be larger than the Baby Clipper which made experimental flights last year. Distress Galls Of British Ship Steamer Cumberland Ashore Off Cape Hatieras and lrf Need of Assistance NEW YORK. March 1: (CP) The Itadlo Marine Corporation reported today that the steamship Cumberland had sent out distress calls saying that she was ashore off Cape Hatteras and needed Immediate Will Discuss Cattle Quota i President Koosevelt At rees to Open Subject With Canada OTTAWA. March 1: (CP) The House of Commons was told yesterday that President Frenklln D. Roosevelt had agreed to discuss the cattle quota" with Canada which exhausted its quota during the first month of the year. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Thursday Ss. Prince George 11:15 p.m. Friday Ss Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn. ss. Cardena 10:30 psn. March 6, l'O and 27 ss. Princess Norah '. 5 p.m. rrom Vancouver-Sunday ss Catala p.m. Wed. Ss. Pr. George 10:30 a.m, i PR RIOTER PLEASED Appreciation of Reception Here-Met Younc People City Looks Good Before leaving on hu return to Victoria yesterday Premier Pat tullo expressed pleasure at the cordial manner in which he had been received everywhere in the city and particularly at the spten did turnout at the meeting Mon day night. He said it was dlf fkfult for him to visit Prince Ru pert often but he was in close touch with affairs here all the time and only wished he had suf-1 A . Head Of Grain Growers Feels Very Optimistic WINNIPEG-. March 1 CP Saeakine here Q. O McKenzle vice-president of the United Oratn drawers, credited that new Indus trial uses being found for wheat would absorb the whole crop in the near future He predicts a normal ;roo this year on the prairies and i itnerallv ODlimlstlr about the future for wheat raising Would Pe? Wheat flcient leisure to enable him to Prirn hunn mnva spend a week or two occasionally 1 In the city. I Mr. Pattulk) said he was par- Social Credit Member. However ticularly enthused over the man- Withdraws Proposal at Requnt ner in which the younger men of 0f Minister the city, were taking hold and (making themselves felt He hoM OTTAWA. March 1: CP Dur this would continue for the future in dfeeuaston of Western Canada's progress and prosperity of the agricultural problems whkh occu- cuy aepenaea upon the young pied the better part of a day. y a8 aj"irant' new wheat policy would wilderness. , create better conditions for the The appearance of Prince Ru- pralrte unaers at leas mat to the pert was being Improved by the country two fine new buildings in the Post Office and the HospitaL Mr.: Pattullo said he felt that the city nrwt MmUnM would benefit very considerable1 UlltariO lfleniDer from the defence activities in rr r i. Prince Rupert and neighborhood Jl Parliament and tor this It had to thank very largely the minuter of na- HlpJ T acf Fva tional defence. Hon. Ian McKenzle. UlcM lwdol LiYC who was resDonsible for the pollcv under which thene defences were! miAxiiAU nnt M.rrh i- trrv j. I oeing erected What was needed Dr James Rutherford, need 73 nOW was an industry UStnt Pait ? lhral Mmhr nl Pr1kmnt fur Jof the raw material which was so Kent, died Monday night. Seventeen men were laid off at abundant In this neighborhood. ; Anyox last week, several of whom With regard U the Mtabllshmen' re passed through on last week's of a puln or oaner Industry In this large amount of property now held Catala. vicinity. Mr. Pattulk) said the gov- by the city would become very emment would offer every eneour- valuable and would enable the jagement to It Once an indujtrv citv to pay Its way without dlf-iwas started here he felt that the faulty THIS WEEK ONLY McCutcheon's Home Kennedies, Toiletries, Rubber Goods, Stationery, Candy and Driijr Store Sundries AT HALF PKICE The Beaten Business Man "Business Is too quiet to advertise" the motto of the meaten business man. How often have we been told that when we call on the buvlnew folic about Prince Rupert to offer our facilities to help them Increase their business! - When times arc quiet Is the time to advertisenot when you are so rushed with business that you cannot handle It all. If you arc not satisfied with the business you are doing now. why not tell the people through the newspaper some of the things you have to "offer and have them come down and buy? Why hide your light behind a bushel and. by your silence, Intimate that you have nothing to offer or do not need business? Any time you are forced to admit that business Is too quiet to advertise, you are admitting that you do not want any business. If that Is the way things are with you today, why not close up altogether and make a real saving? . nut If you want to stay open and Increase your business, why not do something about It? Why not Increase your business by reach-. Ing the people through the, proven channel of the newspaper? LAST TIMES TONlcijT COMING TIILRS. Htl. Bobby Hrten, Charlie K:r- !r In -BREAKINf. HIE irr. Smithers Curling men. He had enjoyed meeting a chartoa E Johnston. Social CredltIf C,, ( 1 number of the sons and grandsons member for Bow River. Alberta, ad-! Y ClY OUCCCSSIUl w. v. ..iu nc wuciru vocated a minimum nxeo price oil mey naa in mem tne stuir tfta'.lMc . . per bushel for wheat but with- I - At I I naa maae ineir loroears -crave tne drew the proposal at request of rigors of We on the frontier and Hon. J. 0. Oardiner minister of mace nomea ior tnemselve ln.a.riMHm vha M that th 2 Shows. 7:00 and 8 ! The All Color Thrillinj cU. cade of Aviation "MEN WITH WINGS" IN TECHNICOLOR E With Ray Milland, Fred MsfMorraj l.ouUe Campbell, And Iievlnc Lynn Otermati (At 7:M and 9 ADDED Clyde Luras and III? rund la "LIGHTS, ACTION, LfCf Sportlixht "2 IIOYK AND A Dor, SMITHERS. VUrn rs 'Lucky Lager" tour:.. ' currently aoolosted b. eu tiers the rtnk sk.p;- : K Carry lt M in front t .,, v nine Uralsjht farw wi' recorded aaatnsi thru v. mly has two m.irr uu-in the atrlea ht look wler ( the beer it .. trtee thai aos to Ui t The tec remains : conditions and other be arranted to take all opportitnWw off- r n weather as long a it The season has be -most succtaaful sine Club was first eu? ' tome fourteen year Office Supplies Typewriters ani Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 Klde Willi SerTke and Com fort In a ;-raenjer Heated Car Phone 35 TAXI THE SEAL QUALITY Ill Sar-a'i SO-.? GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Tatked by the only 'wB canning company with so the year round pay'011 " Prlnc Rupert Walker's Music Store Lane Slock Music llelntiman, Nordhelmer Lesace rianos riano Tunlnr with "ItttonnlCODe" riione Illus 389 Zlt ttb SU