i: Pi. - Im Solon Low. , -urer. presented to m ature. foreatt a r XW for the coming J400.000 lew than ?i .A i,. irit (or the current ' i tional revenue of i -i ux is budgeted! 10DY NOT RECOVERED f.tft ftr'.icuUrs of Ft 1 u j life of Reynold Mum uccm In bo4y of Rey- 49... . was drowned '" JZSttSl Alberta Feeder v. the Eddy Paw n rp i ; wand owing! Service io Air : and strong cur-1 . r.. Lines btarted ' i fjaw mv; a. with his twin wo-1 caixjakt. waren i. ivn-int d Allan Hale were t new feeder service to TratwOanada nnn the mootteaslAlr Unes providing for twtoe daily, a rowboat started round trip flights between Edmon Hale was put :wu brothers stay- wboat which cap-brUi in the water .: man went down !i time The 'i:v reacued as he .ni in his grip. Wll-t .thers thereupon 'ulr efforts to re- TERROR OF WORLD '"fee Intends to Keep it So M.kh i: ,cpt vice II -tridn Ooering. who Is irr fir Germany, de iiat the Air Force of 'in- ' terror of our en- Ormany Is determined ''flu-ted that aviation 'J "intlnue to play an tn world politics, the : which continues full irrrd by International ermans Called P Fatherland N Canadian Lejlon Command raw Atlenllon to This ,rriv-... ' tuN March ! (ppi " ai command of the i'.lOn In AlKpn Ar-n: the fact that German K of Alberta are being fatherland. ton. Calgary and Lethbrtdae u now under way It connects witn iftej transcontinental service I Would Impeach Head Of Union Howard U Martin, However. ays( He Will Defy Order of CI.O. CLEVELAND. March 1 -Howard L. Martin of the Automobile Workers' Union of America has been or dered to appear March 11 for Impeachment by the Committee on Industrial Organisation. Martin says he will not appear. I CHOOSING , NEW POPE; Orrmonlai Proceedints Start At Vatican Today With Actual Balloting Tomorrow Vatican CITY. March 15. Ceremonial proceedings of the Sacred College of Cardinals In connec tion with the election of a new pope to succeed Plus XI commenced to day and actual balloting will start tomorrow. There will be two bal lots each morning and two ballots PrwrBir; Prttateer. U2. Reeves McDonald. X. Reno. Si. Relief Arkncton. .134. Reaard, .0i. SoUmosi Q aid. JO. Stoeep Creek, lfl. Cariboo Htidsou, X. Oils A. P. Con., .it. Calmont, JB. c. & e, ta. FreehoM. M. Home, 2.49. Pacalta, jQ7. Royal Canadian, .19. Toronto AWermaC, J9. Beattie,"U7. Central Pat Zi6. Oon. Smelters, 56.00. Bast Malartlc, 2.35. Ftrnland, .12. Francoeur, .21. Gods Lake. 22. Hardrock. 1.45. Int. Nkkel. 52.75. Kerr Addison, 1.86. LltUe Long Lac. 320. McLeod Cockshutt, 255. Madsen Red Lake. .46 4. McKentle Red Lake. 1.19. Moneta Porcupine, 152. Noranda, 8050. ; Pkkle Crow, 5.35. ! Preston E. Dome, 153. San Antonio, 153. Sherrltt Oordon, 1.18. Stadacona. .82. Uchi Gold. 156. Bouscadtllac, .08. Masher, .22. Oklend, .18. Smelters Oold, .02 IJ. Dominion Bridge, 34.00. : TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Ruper. Raining, south east wind, 14 miles pJ hour; ba rarh afternoon until a Uo-thlrds, meter, 30.22. Tomorrows Tides 141 W. 10:33 am. 20.6 It 33:95 pjn. 10.1 ft. 4:10 tin. 8J ft 17:00 pin. 3.9 ft. Macey's Coffee House NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER nl.'TII No. 50. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1939. PRICE: 5 CENTS rBritain Is Boosting Army LLED IN HOLY LAND . . . . It I.J It - t? .-It 1. 1. Troops In CUh With Armed Hand In Palestine j KM March 1: CP acting yesterday to ive ol Arab-Jew -.ixwen men In battle Cool Million Xt-J It 1 $100,000 Less Than ist Vrsr Provincial Treaurer Announces f '. March 1: CP if IDABLE IGNITED STATES OPPONENT FOR ENEMY AIRCRAFT To meet the threat of heavtiy armed bombing aeroplanes which nations f the world are build -tag, the United States government has announced a new multi-seater lighter of the pusher type of aeroplane The machine shown above, equipped with six guns and carrying Dght bombs, has the propellors behind the wings, giving guns an unobstructed view of enemy machines. It is technically called the XPM-1.. and was designed by a Buffalo. N. Y., aircraft Corporation FISHERMEN i TO STRIKE General Tie-Up on March IS Unless Reduction In Fish Trap is An- : nounced by Then I KETCHIKAN. March la.-Fiafa-ermen's organisation have set r...U ft ... U . I... WLkt ",!! reduction In ftah trap operation In Alaska must be decided upon by ''thr operator -Otrtenrt r gtat leral strike of the salmon flshtnc , fleet will be called. , TODAY'S lCW-UT D STOCKS Vancouver Big Missouri. 3i. Bralorne. 1028. Cariboo Quartz. 2.23. Dentonia. At. Fatrvtew, M. Gold Beit 5f IMtey Mases. 1.40. Mhsio, JK. NoMe Five. Mxn. Pacific Nickel. 15. Pend Oreilk, US. ISTRIKE IN FOOTBALLS earr Lea rue Players Are Threatening (English Strike Involving 81 Clubs LONDON March 1: CPf-Eng-jlise League football players, said 'to represent elahtv-one ' eiub thran to strike unless granted i demands irtdudlng a weekly minl- IELEVAIED UL R..II kAJ Dl FATALITY r- , a Five Killed and Twenty Injured in I Bad Traffic Acident in Boston , Yesterday 1 BOSTON, March 15. Five personstwo men. tup women and a ha ber. sentenced to twenty imprisonment. GREETINGS .itw. ew Transcontinental imuH-TuiuJiciiMi Air in Service sen I M . m m At. . ... invea players, doubled cup tie bonuses and talent money payable MONTREAL. March 1 To mark to clubs finishing at the too of tonlahti lnauiural flisht of the the leagues French Chamber Is Told About Rule In Spain liars of France's recognition of in .suraent Soaln without oartleular Saskatchewan Deficit Down Is Lowest Since 1928, Premier Patterson Tells Legislature in Presenting Budget REGINA. March 1: rometer, 29.64; temperature, 38; j " fee. choppy. ; OMAHA, Nebraska, Vancouver Raining, easterly Spencer Tracy, noted wind, 12 miles per hour; baro malorltv has been reached which Victoria-Raining, will constitute the choice. meter, 30.20. calm; Cardinal William H. O'Connell of) Terrace-ciouay, cairn, icmpera Boston, Cardinal Lemc de Sllvclraiturc, 34. ' Clntra of Rio de Janeiro and Car- Alyansh-Cloudy, calm, 33. dlnal nhenmn Luol CaDCllO Ol I AUCC Arm-oiiuw'MK. Buenos Aires had not arrived In time for the opening today but are expected to have reached the Vatican by the time actual balloting commences Anyox Snowing, calm, 30. Stewart Snowing, calm, 31. Haielton Cloudy, calm, 30. Smlthers-Part clear, calm. 30. Burns Lake- Bright, calm, 22. Father Flanagan Given Statuette Spencer Tracey Turns Over Coveted Awards of Motion Picture Academy March 1. actor, has presented to Father Edward Flan agan of Boys Town the statuette baro- which he was awarded last week by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for outstanding performance of 1938 In the picture "Boys Town." The statuette has been placed In a prominent position In the major school building. In presenting the statuette to Father Flanagan, Tracy wrote: "Your inspiration shone through my humble efforts." overnight transcontinental service 'of the Trans Canada Air Lines. S. J. Hunger ford, chairman and president of the Canadian National Railways and President of 'the Trans Canada Air Lines, has f written letters of greeting to the1 j Lieutenants-Governor and the premiers of Ontario and the west- era provinces. Leaving Montreal 'Montreal and Winnipeg since De cember 1. Regular air mall sched ules have been In effect In the west since October I. ! During the past three months! it Is estimated that the T. C. Ai has carried about 60,000 pounds! of mail. , Weather Forecast i for Continental Army In Case War May Come school child were killed yesterday In Boston's worst traffic accident In , c ... r, .. . n , . T .. , years An elated car skwded off Land Fighting Estimates Reach Highest Peacetime Re- wet rails and crashed Into a tree. Radio Operator Gets 20 Years Court for Withholding Polar Flier's Weather Reports ' MOSCOW. March 1: CP For withholdinc weather reports from Levaneffsky. Soviet flyer ISiglsmund ace. who disaopeareri two years . ago while on a flight from Moscow to New York, a Siberian radio oper- EXCHANGE cord, Totalling 161,133,000 as Compared With 4 WINNIPEG. March 1 106,500,000 Last Year ! LONDON, March 1: (CP) Great Britain today boosted its army estimates by $250,000,000 to a new peace time record and made provision for increasing the per- . manent strength to 15,700 men. The government publish- Thu is Penalty Meted Out Bv sviet ed army estimates of 161,133,000 as compared with a Makes Cut In Gasoline oil companies in Manitoba announced a price cut of one The 4- cent a gallon on gasoline ef- 4- feetive today but the Provtn- j 4 clai Kovernment spokesman e utd the redaction was not suf- 4 Bulletins DOCTOR FEARED DROWNED VANt'Ot VEK Draegiuf operations have been started at Sec-end Narrows here for Dr. Neil Ldvtard MacDoagal, prominent Vancouver physician, who has been missing since yesterday It is feared that he has been drowned but a second search party is PARIS Mnrch V iCPi The at 9 P-111-. they will be delivered; engaged on a hunt in the near- Chamber of Deputies heard partteu- Iar wet 515 Victoria the fol- by area in the hope that he may wing aay. be wandering atoui aner a lapse Boards of Trade, Chambers of 'demonstraUon. The Chamber 1, Commerce, service clubs and other I 1 A 1 J 1 At I week had authorized Daladler to oranizauor are signaaang uiej formaUy recogntee the new regime I new by exchange oil of r,n4.ral Franri Pran greeungs. " - --O-. - xtoas -TJ uiarsson. vhuww... r. present of memory. CP Prem-inaugurating, as early as possible, to ,-ho uu Is also uu over-night over-nigni schedules scneuuies In m each cacu uu-; dlr- , ln Jun June nis Duagei io me Lgisiaiure, re-icouver. ported a deficit of $195,000 for thej Travelling by day. the planes past year this being the lowest have been carrying malls between since 1928. SHIPPING NEEDS AID LONDON The annual report VI 0UlJJtU 3 3 SUb SSI. ,4J 1r of the Montreal Board of Trade,, inr difficulty for British freight- has written to C. LyaQ Fraser.i m competing with foreign ships president or. the Vancouver uoara of Trade, and Mr. Fraser has reciprocated. Service clubs meeting today will have air mall boxes handy for the receipt of special letters. Mr. Hungerford points out that T. C. A. planes have been carrying malls experimentally for several months "with the goal in view of as a result of subsidies by other powers to their ships. It intimates that new measures for increasing government aid to British shipping will be presented to the government shortly. GALENTO AND LOUIS MAIMI rromotor Mike Ja cobs announces that Tony Galen- meet Joe Louis some time w. raiwnwi, in a orjd.s heavyweight minister oi iinance. in pre.Ncniuig eciiort Between Aionireai ana vaa-p championship bout. will probably be York. SPENDING The fight held in New I ON NAVYs The British Bill Considerably Heavier Than Last Year But Cost Reduced Owing to Borrowing LONDON. March 1: (CP) General Synopsis A moderate British naval spending for 1939 corresponding figure of 108,500,000 for the current year. Taking together the increasing strength and money votes. It is believed that the British government envisages need lor a wartime continental army and is preparing in advance for it. TRIAL IS ON TODAY fident and it would take steps r.,,1., WIW At enforce a further cut. tempted Murder in Police Court. This Afternoon The iwettminary trial sqmmencd ts"aftenkwi orfTl trr,al tempt to murder Jack Rotter of Nick Sulikoski in the etty poiiee court before Magistrate MeClymont. Sergeant Jacklin prosecuted and Reid McLennan was for the defence. Two witnesses were heard. City Engineer Good showed a pJan of the rooms where the altered crime was committed and Dr. H. C. Hankinson explained the nature of the injuries. The trial is still IRVINE IS NOMINATED Alberta Man Will Contest Cariboo Scat For C. C. F. In Federal Election PRINCE GEORGE, March 1;-William Irvine of Edmonton, national or.nizer of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, will be the candidate of that party in Cariboo riding at the next federal election, haying deflntely ac- 'cepted the nomination. He was formerly Member of Parliament .for Wetasklwan. Alberta, but lost his seat to a Social Credlter In the 1 1935 election. i Mr. Irvine will oppose J. O. Tur-geon, the present member, who will, duobtless, be renominated. J. A Fraser. former Member, will be tendered the Conservative nomination but ill health may prevent his acceptance In which case It Is considered likely there will a contest for the nomination. name of Dr. R. W. Alward is prominently mentioned. Is Appointed To ? Research Board depression Is centred northwest of totalling 153,666,681, will be an in-1 the Queen-Charlotte Islands. South-'crease of 23,281500 In comparison K. E. Walker Named To Fisheries west of Vancouver Island pressure with 1938 but the taxpayer will have continues high. Showers have oc- 26,718,500 less to find because 80,- curred on the coast where It re-.000,000 will be provided through mains mild. 'loans. Prince Rupert and Queen Char- Naval building for 1939 will In Body In Succession To Late Robert Payne John Dybhavn, local member of the Fisheries Research Board' of lotte Islands Strong southwest elude two battleships, one aircraft j Canada, has received announce winds or moderate gales, cloudy and i carrier, four . cruisers, sixteen des- ( ment of the appointment of R. E. mild with rain. troyers, four submarines, twenty Walker of the Vancouver and New West Coast of Vancouver Island fast escort vessels and twenty mis- Westminster fisheries concern of Fresh to strong south winds, shift-'cellaneous small vessels. i Edmunds & Walker to membership lng to southwest, part cloudy and' During the year 173 warships will on the board In succession to the mild with rain squalls 1 be in varied stages of construction late R. R. Payne.